Expression of Interest

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Office of the Commissioner of Fisheries

(Gujarat State)
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Block No. 10, 3rd Floor, Gandhinagar 382 010
Commissioner of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar has Publish
Expression of Interest Concrete & Hybrid Poly – Ethylene Floating Jetties
with Allied Civil Work at Chorwad- Dist. Junagadh and Umarsadi – Dist. Valsad

1.Downloading start date and last date of online submission : From Dt.
8/10/2021 to Dt. 18/10/2021 up to 18.00 Hrs
2.Date and Time of technical bid opening: Dt. 20/10/2020 from 12.00 Hrs
3.Downloading of application document:-
4.Necessary correction or additions, if found will be brought to notice on
5.The Commissioner of Fisheries reserve the right to accept or reject any or all
tenders to be received without assignment any reasons thereof.

Commissioner of Fisheries
Expression of Interest
Concrete & Hybrid Poly – Ethylene Floating Jetties with Allied Civil


1. The Fishing Harbours (FHs) and Fish Landing Centres (FLCs) are the
initialcentres of fish handling. Department of Fisheries, Govt of Gujarat
(DoF/GoG) intends to enhance the berthing facilities at two of its FLCs along
with associated infrastructure,i.e at Chorwad and Umarsadi on progressive
basis by undertaking installation of Concrete & Hybrid HDPoly-Ethylene
Floating Jetties on pilot project basis. This Expression of Interest (EOI) is for
selection of perspective entities only and is not commercially binding on
DoF/GoG in anyways.

About theSite

2. Chorwad is a big village in Taluka MariyaHathina, district Junagadh, Gujarat

with a total fishermen population of 2318 (as per 18thSensex 2007) and 626
active fishermen in the area. Number of registered fishing vessels operating
from Chorwad are 487 and approx. registered 386 FRP boats and 30 trawlers
are operates from this Bandar. It is expected that the Chorwad FLC (Latitude
20°59'59.50"N and Longitude 70°13'46.28"E) shall handle 488 Mechanized
and 71 Non Mechanized vessels in the year 2035.


Satellite Imagery of Proposed Location-Chorwad

3. Umarsadi is situated Taluka Pardi, District Valsad. Umarsadi FLC ( Latitude
20°31'51.42"N and Longitude 72°53'23.37"E) has a total fisherman
population of was 6877(asper18thSensex2007) and 3931 are active fishermen
in area. The berthing is proposed to be planned and designed to
accommodate 400 boats.


Satellite Imagery of Proposed Location-Umarsadi

Purpose &Scope

4. Due to ever increasing trade and sea-borne traffic,new Fisheries Harbours

and Ports are required to be developed and expended the existing Port(s)
with deeper and wider approaching channel and enhancement of their
berthing capacities.

5. If a port is to be developed in the zone of high littoraldrift,it is of vital

importance to predict its effect on the adjacent shoreline and suggest
remedial measures to minimize the adverse effects due to construction of the
Port. There are various environmental forces like Tides,Currents,Wave sand
Sediment Transports and Pollutant Transport associated with the coastal
processes.DoF/GoG thus has been entrusted by the authorities to undertake
the feasibility and installation of Concrete & Hybrid HDPoly-Ethylene Floating
Jetties(ies) to ease out the berthin g issues at both Chorwad & Umarsadi FLCs with
assistance of their primary consultant WAPCOS Ltd with NO environmental effects.
6. The broad scope includes the following:-

(a) Identification of PROS & CONS of the proposed site.

(b) Undertaking the feasibility studies,if any.
(c) Identification of suitable site/location/orientation for installation of
Concrete & Hybrid Poly-Ethylene Floating Jetties Floating Jetty(ies).
(d) Interacting with the Department, primary consultant, other stake holderst
of inalize the requirements wrt berthing needs and optimum utilization of
the other existing/ upcoming facilities.
(e) Undertaking the functional planning.
(f) Identifying the actual required facility to be provided so as to ease out
the berthing issues being encountered at both the FLCs.
(g) Collecting primary and secondary survey data, including Bathymetric
&Geotechnical investigations at the proposed FLC site,for designing
purpose post award of work.
(h) Submission of detailed design & drawings of the Concrete& Hybrid Poly-
Ethylene Floating Jetty dully vetted by a 3rdparty alongwith cost
estimates and vetted drawings post award of work and prior to
(i) Allied Civil Work would include the following:-

(i) For Umarsadi

 Approach Road (approx.1.2Km) with turning provisions at the end

 Slope pitching
 Demolition of existing jetty
 02 Toilet Blocks (M&F)
 Boat Parking area
 Boat Repair Shed
 Net Mending Shed
 Area for fueling

(ii) For Chorwad

 Repair of Break Water

 Reclamation
 ApproachRoad
 Slope pitching
 Auction Hall Construction
 Landing Quay (wharf) of 100Mtrs length
 02Toilet Blocks (M&F)
 Boat Parking area
 Boat Repair Shed
 Net Mending Shed
 Area for fueling
Parameters of Importance

7. There are various parameters which are considered whilst undertaking this
kind of project as a part of developing a FLC.The major parameters,on not
limited to basis, which are required to be studied as a part of the work, are
listed below:-

(a) Waves.
(b) Tides.
(c) Currents.
(d) Ocean circulation.
(e) Tidal currents.
(f) Near shore currents.
(g) Wind and Storm Surge.
(h) Coastal Sediments,if any generated during the installation process
including their dumping/ disposal
(i) Beach Processes.
(j) Tidal Inlets.
(k) Physical Modelling,if required,for the purpose of Wave Model,Tidal
Model,Wave cum Tidal Model purpose.
(l) Mathematical Modelling.

Brief Description of Tendering Process

8. The Employer will adopt a two-part evaluation process for selection of the
Applicants. The first part (Evaluation of EOI) of the process involvesTechnical
Eligibility (the “Eligibility”) of interested bidders who make an Application
inaccordance with the provisions of this EOI (the“Applicant”).

9. For the Technical Evaluation Part, Applicants would be required to furnish all
the information specified in this EOI. Only those Applicants who will be pre-
qualified by the Employer will be eligible for taking part in the 2bid system at a
later date.

10. On evaluation of the EOI, the Employer expects to arrive at a list of all pre-
qualified Applicants who shall be invited to bid for the project against the firm
tender. Only those bidders who are qualified based on the EOI evaluation, will
be considered for the Second Part of the tendering process in 2Bid system.

11. For this EOI, the Applicants are called upon to submit their technical proposal
in accordance with the EOI guidelines and ot her documents provided by the
Employer (collectively the“EOI Documents”).

Conditions of Eligibility of Applicants against EOI

12. Applicants must carefully read the minimum conditions of eligibility (the
conditions of Eligibility) provided here in. Proposals of only those
Applicants who satisfy the Conditions of Eligibility will only be
considered for evaluation from the short-listed entities there after.

13. To be eligible for evaluation of its Proposal, the Applicant shall fulfil the

(a) Bidding is open to all eligible firms / manufacturer meeting the minimum
qualification eligibility criteria as specified below. JV/Consortiums of upto
three members is allowed. To qualify the award of the contract, the
bidder should have a minimum of 05 years’ experience in the field of
building /construction & installation of a Concrete & Hybrid HD Poly-
Ethylene Floating Jetties is mandatory.

Technical Capacity.

(b) The applicant must have successfully completed Building and

installation of Reinforced Concrete & Hybrid HD Poly-Ethylene Floating
Jetties Floating Pontoons (minimum ara of 400 SqM) in anyone year in
one or multiple projects. The applicant must submit evidence in the form
of work order / work completion certificate for Reinforced Concrete & HD
Poly-Ethylene Floating Jetties Floating Pontoons separately. Licensed
builders duly licensed by overseas technology partner for floating
reinforced concrete pontoon are also eligible.

Financial Capacity.

(c) Average annual financial turnover during the last three years ending
31stMarch 2021, should be at least Rs. 25 Crore). The Bidders shall
provide financial turnover of the firm for the last three years duly certified
by statutory auditors or Chartered accountant. In the case of consortium
the lead bidder shall meet minimum 70% of the financial criteria.

(d) Being relatively a new concept, while prequalifying the willing

Contractors, the experience of the Indian companies along with the
experience of their parent company/consortium firm for having
executed‘Similarworks’ in any other country shall be considered.

(e) Weightage would be given to the Indian firms who have the
capabilities to carry out a minimum of 85% of the work in terms of
total value of the project with local inputsto promote “Make in
Key Personnel

(f) The applicant shall offer and make available all the following Key
Personnel, post accord of work,meeting the requirements specified

Ser Key Personnel Responsibilities

(i) Team Leader He should have led the
(Min 7 yrs of experience in feasibility study teams for at
ports sector) least two Eligible assignments.
(ii) Design Engineer
(Minimum 5 yrs of He should have undertaken
experience in design of the design of least two
Floating Concrete &Hybrid Eligible assignments.
Poly-Ethylene Floating
Jetties Jetties)
(iii) Site Engineer He should have worked as
(Min 3 yrs of experience in sit e-in-Charge for two
ports sector) Eligible Assignments

14. Any entity which has been barred by the Central / State Government in
India,or any entity controlled by them, from participating in any project, and
the bar subsists as on the date of Proposal, would not be eligible to submit a
Proposal or have their bid for similar projects rejected.

15. An Applicant should have, during the last three years, neither failed to
perform on any agreement, as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an
arbitral or judicial or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against the
Applicant, nor been expelled from any project or agreement nor have had any
agreement terminated for breach by such Applicant.

16. If the Applicant is already executing a similar project for any client in India
either Government or Private, then such an Applicant has to submit a
certificate from the client that the project is progressing satisfactorily and as
per schedule agreed in the contract. In the case of a private client such a
certificate should be signed by the Head of the Project and in case of
Government Department not below the grade of Executive Engineer.

17. Detailed description of the objectives, scope of services, deliverables and o f

her requirements relating to this Consultancy should be specified in the EOI.
In case an applicant firm possesses the requisite experience and capabilities
required for undertaking this project, it may submit their EOI in response to
this invitation.The method in which EOI will be evaluated and accepted is
explained in succeeding paragraphs.
Proposal &Selection Process

18. TheApplicant shall submit their Expression of Interest consisting of the

following in detail:-

(a) The company profile & experience details

(b) Details listed under Conditions of Eligibility at Para13 above

19. DoF/GoG along with their primary consultant will undertake the evaluation
ofthe proposal by formulation of a team. The team, if required can seek any
additional information/ presentation from the perspective bidders to short list
the eligible firm(s) for the project.

20. The firm(s) short listed by this team may be asked to submit their
recommendations to the competent authority and there after the 2 bid system
will be used for further short listing and award of EPC contract.

21. The decision of the authorities will be binding to all the bidders. Applicants
shall be deemed to have understood and agreed such that no explanation or
justification for any aspect of the Selection Process will be given and that the
Department of Fisheries, Govt of Gujarat’s decisions are final without any
right of appeal whatsoever.

22. Upon selection,the Applicant shall be required to enter into an agreement with
the Department of Fisheries, Govt of Gujarat as per the prevailing laws of the
State/ Govt of India

23. After assessing the completed works, Gujarat Fisheries Department if it finds
necessary shall place an order on the successful bidder for Supply and
installation of extra units of floating pontoons at locations specified under this
contract or any of the FLCs as directed. The same will be sought within three
years of issue of work order.

Conflict of Interest

24. Applicants should be deemed to be in a conflict of interest situation if it can be

reasonably concluded that their position in a business or their personal
interest could improperly influence their judgment in the exercise of their
duties. The process for selection of consultants should avoid both actual and
perceived conflict of interest.

25. No consultant should have an ownership interest or a continuing business

interest or relationship with a potential concessionaire/contractor.
26. No consultant should be involved in owning or operating entities resulting
from the project.

27. No consultant should bid for works arising from the project

28. An Applicant shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection
Process or the Consultancy. Any Applicant found to have a Conflict of Interest
shall be disqualified.

Note:The technical proposal for EOI should highlight the following (not limited
to basis):-

For Reinforced Floating Concrete Pontoon

(a) Monolithic construction details of the similar work credentials being

(b) Connection to the adjoining pontoons should have strong flexible
connectors at each end. The connection to incorporate rubbers
that allow for the flexing in wave conditions.
(c) Have a core of closed cell, expanded polystyrene foam that would
make the pontoon unsinkable.
(d) All pipes and cables can be run safely below deck to avoid damages.
(e) The details of mooring system should be professionally designed and
incorporate suitable anchoring system of appropriate size, weight
and design to achieve the best anchoring result in the sea bed at the
installation site.
(f) Allied Civil Work as stated at Para 6 above

For HDPoly-Ethylene Floating JettiesFloating Pontoons

(g) Removable top cover fixed with SS fasteners

(h) Module below top cover should have duct for laying cables / pipes etc.
(i) All connecting accessories like pins, side nut and bolts should be of
same material as main module
(j) Anti-skid top surface
(k) Appropriate test certificate(s) for finished product
(l) Rigid MS safety railing
(m) Anchoring should be robust and such that it permits smooth up and
down movement during tidal variation
(n) Top surface should be solid, antiskid and smooth so that it permits
movement of hand cart for carrying fish loads

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