DGS Circular No. 4 of 2023
DGS Circular No. 4 of 2023
DGS Circular No. 4 of 2023
Subject: Collection of data from all Indian Ships irrespective of size for Implementation of
EEXI, CII, Single Use of Plastics, and issuance of E-BDN by Bunker Suppliers.
Yours faithfully
(Senthil Kumar J)
2. New User can create an account by clicking on new user and adding Company
3. The electronic tool has options for creating SEEMP, Collecting Daily Fuel Data, Reporting Annual
Fuel Data and calculations of EEDI and EEXI.
6. After adding a vessel, user needs to create a new revision of SEEMP/ship data to enter the
engine particulars from the “Ship Data & SEEMP Part II” column
7. Once the revision is created and marked as final by the user and accepted by Admin, data
collection can commence using the fuel data icon.
8. The data collection can be done under following various operational modes (such as voyage, at
port, anchorage, bunkering etc). User has to select the appropriate mode from drop down
9. Daily data to be entered by the user under various modes (Examples for anchorage and
bunkering mode is shown below)
10. The user can see the consumption summary for a range of dates.
Bunker Delivery Information System
User Manual
Table of Contents
Supplier Registration ................................................................................................................. 2
Supplier Login ........................................................................................................................... 3
Post Login Alerts ....................................................................................................................... 4
Dashboard ............................................................................................................................... 5
Upload Certificate Action ....................................................................................................... 5
Navigate to BDN creation form ............................................................................................... 6
Regenerate BDN .................................................................................................................... 6
Navigate to Edit BDN Form ..................................................................................................... 7
BDN listing ............................................................................................................................ 7
Create / Update Bunker Delivery Note ........................................................................................ 8
User Profile .............................................................................................................................. 9
Supplier Registration
1. Select the register here option in the login screen.
2. User will be redirected to the registration form. The 2 sections of company details and
certificate details(mandatory) needs to be filled. These details will then be forwarded to
[email protected] post which user’s login credentials will be generated and sent shortly.
Supplier Login
Use the username and the password received in mail from [email protected] to login into the system.
Post Login Alerts
1. The system will always alert you to check/update your registered email address. This message
can be ignored if the email address is already updated.
2. If BSRC has expired or invalid, the system will alert you for the same. Ensure to update the BSRC
in order to generate new BDN or regenerate existing ones.
3. If the company logo has not been uploaded the user will be unable to generate BDN.
The dashboard is made of 3 sections:
1. Company & certificate details
2. Bunker Delivery Note listing
3. Action buttons to create BDN/upload certificate
Regenerate BDN
1. Clicking on the download icon besides each BDN record in the dashboard listing will send the
respective BDN again to the supplier’s registered mail address.
a. Note: If the certificate is expired, user will not be able to create a BDN.
Navigate to Edit BDN Form
1. Clicking the BDN number in the dashboard page listing redirects the user to the edit BDN form.
2. Once the appropriate fields are edited the user can choose to save or submit the data.
BDN listing
1. The dashboard shows the listing of the BDN generated by the supplier so far. The notes can be
searched by the name of the ship they were created for.
2. The results can also be filtered by the status of the BDN. A BDN can be in Partial Saved,
Submitted or Signed state.
Create / Update Bunker Delivery Note
1. The BDN form is made of 5 sections as highlighted below.
2. Clicking on any one of those menu items will scroll to the specific form section.
3. There are following action buttons:
a. Save: Supplier can partially fill the form and click on save button. Until the form is
submitted at least once, the BDN will be in saved state.
b. Submit: When the supplier chooses to submit all the details the form will be validated
and BDN moves to the submitted state. After this the supplier gets the option to upload
the signed BDN (as received from the chief engineer)
c. Preview: This action allows the supplier to view the BDN details as it will be visible in the
final PDF generated.
User Profile
1. Supplier can update their contact details or upload company logo.
2. Company logo is important in order to generate a BDN.
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
Single Use Plastics Application
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
Logging In ................................................................................................................................. 4
My Profile ................................................................................................................................. 5
Dashbxoard ............................................................................................................................... 6
This document is a User Manual for admin users of DG Shipping’s Single Use Plastics Application
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
Logging In
Forgot Password
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
1. Click on forgot password link in Login page it will send you the new password to registered email
id only if the email is correct you will get “Request sent. Kindly check you email” .
2. The password will be received in your email. Using that you can login the portal page.
3. The password is valid only for 5 minutes after receiving the email.
4. On success a notification message shall popup on the screen.
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
My Profile
1. On the right side section with the User can see an avatar with the user name and a dropdown
containing three options:
a. Profile: Can updated profile details like email, address, mobile number
b. Change Password: Allows Users to change their password
c. Logout – will take the user out of the application, to the Login Page
Change Password
Add Ship
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
1. This functionality allows the user to add ship information like Ship Name, Imo Number,
Ship type, Distinct number, Flag State
2. Add New SUP give option to add Single Use Plastic Details
3. You can add multiple single use plastic item to ship by clicking on ADD NEW SUP
4. SAVE DRAFT will save the ship information in draft mode. The user can edit and update
anytime when it is in Save Draft mode. Once submitted, the user cannot change the IMO
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
5. The user can also add/delete several Single Use Plastic items on this screen
User Management
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
User Manual | DGS Single Use Plastics Application CONFIDENTIAL
A new Single Use Plastic Category can be added via this screen.