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International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2017

Vol. 2, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 33-37

Published Online January-February 2017 in IJEAST (


Pooja Kalia
Department of English
Khalsa College

Abstract - Teaching and learning English in India The needs to reform teaching methodology in
has always been a challenge, both for the teachers literature and to adopt appropriate teaching strategies
and the taught. Widely spoken throughout the world are also taken up to face the global demands.
English took over Indian languages with the coming Challenges before the teachers in present day
of the colonial rule. Gradually it became part of the scenario are also taken up.
curriculum in academic institutes and language of
communication of the elite. The English rule faced a Key words: Quality education, skill orientation,
stiff resistance in Punjab from the native ruling effective communication skills, teaching methodology
power and the language faced a challenge in and strategies.
becoming a medium of instruction and conversation
in the state. The result is that learning the language is I. INTRODUCTION
a phobia and a complex challenge for the majority.
Mushrooming of private and commercial institutes India is a developing country and the teaching of
have made it all the more important to sensitize the English has become a real challenge right from the
English teachers to focus and tackle the students at all beginning of the history of English language teaching
levels of growth and grooming. till date. Though language is the backbone of
The paper aims to focus on some of the key civilizations and cultures across the world but still
objectives by creating awareness on the current everybody in our country is lamenting on the
trends, issues and challenges that language teachers deteriorating condition of English in schools and
and learners have to face. Several obstacles such as a colleges. English as a language is insufficiently
big number of students in the classroom, rural developed in most of the students of schools
background, lack of motivation and confidence, especially government schools in region of Punjab.
illiteracy, inability to read and write, inappropriate The irony is even after spending 10-12 crucial years
and impractical curriculum, lack of participation and of their life learning English language from I to +2,
response and above all unavailability of trained and most of the students remain tongue-tied and the same
qualified teachers make the entire process of heritage of functionally illiterate learners in English
implementing quality education and skill orientation is passed on to the colleges and the most affected
futile. ones are the students of BA stream. Moreover, the
Various aspects of teaching & learning are higher authorities always expect good results and
highlighted in the paper. The importance of teaching teachers are caught in the mire as whether to
the language in order to fulfill the ever growing complete syllabus or improve the English language of
demands of career enhancing to compete in various the learners.
competitive exams are stressed. The focus is given It is astonishing to note that the English language has
that how students can put their learning into practice won ‘global status’ or ‘International Language’, and
through effective communication skills. The all the evidence suggests that the position of English
importance of teaching English in order to fulfill the as a global language is going to become stronger but
ever growing demands of English language is also we have to swallow this bitter pill that teaching
stressed. Moreover, the common prevalent problems spoken English to the Indian students has remained a
in the classroom are discussed and solution are major challenge to the language teachers for ages.
provided in order to tackle such situation. We need to This paper throws light about current trends, issues
bridge the gap between haves and have not or ‘urban’ and challenges that all language leaner’s and teachers
and the ‘rural’. are facing. Various obstacles regarding large number
of students stuffed in small classroom, rural
background, lack of confidence, lack of motivation,

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2017
Vol. 2, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 33-37
Published Online January-February 2017 in IJEAST (

barrier of hesitation, lack of reading habits, phobia in whole teaching learning process is
the minds of learners, inappropriate curriculum that examination centered and degree driven.
do not fulfill the requirements of English learners,
lack of feedback and lack of trained and qualified III. TEACHER AND METHOD
teachers are some important factors that makes the
entire process of implementing quality education The history of language teaching presents a
futile. fascinating variety of methods. Different methods
Moreover, the importance of teaching English in may be appropriate to different contents. If we start
order to fulfill the ever growing demands of English searching for the perfect method or the ideal single
language is also stressed. Current challenges before solution to the problems of language learning, we are
English tteachers in present day ELT would also be bound to fail. Teacher need to use their discretion in
taken up. They ways in which students can put their deciding on what method to use and when. (Richards
learning into practice in day-to-day use to fulfill their and Rodgers)
practical demands through effective communication So, a teacher should adopt eclectic and pragmatic
skills apart from gaining command over English approach because no single approach is useful in all
language would be also be highlighted. We need to situations. When the teacher becomes slave to the
bridge the gap between ‘haves’ and ‘have-not’ or method, the whole teaching work becomes a topsy-
‘urban’ and the ‘rural’. turvy. A good teacher should keep all the method in
This paper deals with the current or contemporary his/her armory and use any method depending upon
status of English teaching language at college level. the learner’s level, needs and classroom situation.
In the earlier days, English was just like a library Judicious use of any method can prove beneficial for
language but now that notion has been challenged the learners. Knowing the latest methods of language
today. At present the challenges before the English teaching is like taking a loan from a bank without
language teachers in India are diverse and it is knowing how, when and where to invest the loan to
necessary for them to shape up accordingly to meet maximum advantage.
the demands of the day. It is worthwhile for the teacher to keep in mind
various approaches rather than a specific method. It is
II. OBJECTIVES possible to be flexible and adaptable in the English
classroom if the teacher lets the class know from the
1. The objective of teaching English in India very first what his or her demands are pertaining
should not be ‘producing bookworms’ or class work, class discipline and homework and
‘linguistic robots’. What is important is to clearly states all goals and objectives. If we respect
motivate the students by creating awareness our students and plan our curriculum to suit the needs
around them regarding importance of of the class, there won’t be much difficulty. Most
English. teachers do not strictly stick to one teaching method
2. The other important objective is to focus on or strategy but rather combine different aspects of
the graduation stream especially B.A several strategies to create effective classroom
streams of mixed ability. Since most of the interaction. Every method needs to be tailored to the
students study English not as a subject to be local situations and the context of teaching. There is
‘learned’ but as a subject to be ‘passed; so no single fool proof method, as it were. It is left to
that the future seems a long dark tunnel for the sound practical common sense of the teacher to
such learners. discover in what circumstances for what purpose
3. The other foremost objective of teaching which method is most effective.
English in India should be to make the
students learn the English language (in play- IV. COMMON PROBLEM IN THE
way methods) in order to produce efficient CLASSROOM
4. The barrier of hesitation or the phobia in the As an ESL (English as second language) teacher, we
minds of leaners about English language must learn to constantly adapt to our students needs.
especially B.A students should be overcome Many times this means dealing with a variety of
so that real learning takes place. problems in the classroom. A good ESL teacher must
5. The current curriculum of English language be able to recognize these common problems and
of graduation stream do not meet the work to find solution for it.
demands and requirements of the learners as 1. Over Dependence in Teacher: If the teacher
obliges the student with correct answers every

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2017
Vol. 2, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 33-37
Published Online January-February 2017 in IJEAST (

time, it gives birth to the habit of spoon-feeding of L1 in the class creates a feeling of security and
and student automatically look towards the atmosphere of relaxation conductive to learning. On
teacher whenever in deadlock instead of trying the other hand it is also argued that the ability to
themselves. Thus we must focus on giving think in English cannot be acquired by a learner if
positive encouragement and should not make he/she hangs on to the apron strings of L1. As an ESL
them puppets in hands of a teacher. teacher, it is important to encourage students to use
2. Students are bored, inattentive or L2 as far as possible but there is no harm to use
unmotivated:- The secret of success in the mother tongue judiciously. That’s why 12 years of
classroom is to ensure that no one feels bored or school study does not make student gain mastery
left out. It is the duty of the teacher that he over English. While they are in schools, English is
should make the study of language as interesting not taught properly. As majority of the students hail
as possible. For this, try to relate the topic with from rural areas, bilingual method is adopted in
their everyday tasks and experience so that it language classes. This method helps only slow
becomes purposive and meaningful and they learners to same extent. Moreover, this act reduces
will enjoy eg. while giving oral or written the real learning process as a whole. If a student does
composition never give topics like ‘Polar Bear’ not understand anything in English, he/she asks for
or ‘Dinosaurs’ which they have never seen. explanation in L1.i.e. in his/her mother-tongue.
Instead give them topics like Diwali, your Consequently, the English teacher is forced to adopt
favourite teacher etc. A child does not take bilingual method. Application oriented advanced
interest in learning things which are altogether grammar is not taught in schools. Exposure too is far
unrelated to his life and environment. less to them. Emphasis is laid on learning and
3. Mum participants or introvert learners:- As acquiring rules, not on application of these rules.
an ESL teacher, you will encounter students of 6. Fear of feedback: We must allow children to
different learning capabilities and language learn the L2 and should correct their mistakes as a
skills. Never allow few extrovert and over parent corrects a child learning the mother tongue
confident students to steal away the show. (L1) eg. If a learner writes:-
Focus on calling introvert and weaker students ‘Catch-cateched- catched’ instead of
in the class to answer the questions so as to ‘catch-caught-caught’
boost their confidence. He/She should not be ridiculed in front of whole class
4. Lack of participation or the Barrier of because he has at least learnt the rule of grammar
hesitation:- We must encourage individual ‘ed’. There are certain developmental mistakes which
participation and concentrate on more shared are not abnormal rather they are inseparable and
learning experience. Teaching English as a integral part of learning process. Never criticize a
second language requires patience and careful child, no matter how slow his progress may be. We
planning. We must monitor the class room & must remember that a learner is like a tortoise and a
check for those who are not participating. A tortoise move forward only when it sticks its neck out
teacher is always the ‘catalyst; in the classroom and it will do so only when it feels secure.
and in order to ignite such quite mouse’s, try to 7. Lack of clear cut Aims:- There is a general lack
involve them in activities like things they like to of clarity about the aims and objectives of teaching of
do, introducing your friend or any family English in India. The teachers know that they have to
member or the weather outside etc. You can teach the subject since it is included in the syllabus.
also involve them for participating in interactive The students, study, English not as a subject to be
games or activities where the students need to ‘learned’ but as a subject to be ‘passed’. This makes
communicate in order to complete a task. Make them addicted to cheap bazaar guides thereby
teaching fun so that the students feel at ease infecting them with cram and forget virus and short
learning English. term superficial learning syndrome. For many such
5. The use of mother tongue:- In teaching a students, therefore, the future seems a long dark
foreign language, the proper and judicious use tunnel. It is this reason why teaching and learning of
of mother tongue proves of immense help. English in India’s school and colleges is in a muddle.
The English language which is assumed as a 8. Over- crowded classes: Teachers of English
foreign language is taught in an artificial experience a lot of problems in handling such a big
environment and the influence of the mother-tongue class. Sixty to seventy students are regarded as the
is more than the other language. They are taught normal class size and in certain cases the class size is
other subjects in their native language and English 100 to 120 students especially in degree colleges. It is
fall in their ears only in the class of English. The use difficult to pay due attention to individual students.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2017
Vol. 2, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 33-37
Published Online January-February 2017 in IJEAST (

9. Lack of competent teachers: Incompetent slackens. The poverty and insecure sociological
teachers are the main source of trouble as far as the conditions also force them to neglect the language.
teaching of English is concerned. Moreover, proper exposure and regular practice are
They are either trained in old methods and have never not available to achieve fluency in the use of the
cared to look for advanced and current techniques language. Teachers should find some way of helping
that can be employed in classrooms. Many teachers pupils to enjoy their language activities and of
are not even acquainted with the latest and far building confidence. The enthusiasm, the zeal and
reaching developments in the teaching of English. interest of the teacher can kindle the spark of learning
Even the materials and methodology used in the in the students.
training programmes are outdated. There is hardly
any scope to improve intuitive and spontaneous V. SAMPLE ANALYSIS
knowledge of the language. A good teacher needs to
renew ourselves to remain alive and innovative. A set of 10 students of first semester studying in a
10. Faulty methods of teaching:- Teaching of degree college of BCA stream was randomly selected
English in India suffers from faulty method of for testing. A questionnaire containing 10 questions
teaching. Most of the teachers are still struck in of English grammar was given, to them to answer.
Elizabethan’s era and they feel very happy to pick up The errors committed by them were analyzed and
the reader, translate the paragraph, write the classified to find out their sources.
meanings of difficult words and assign homework Course :- BCA
and they think their duty or work is done. Every Strength :- 60
method needs to be tailored to the local situations and Sample group size :- 10
context of teaching. It depends on the sound practical No. of fast learners :- 4
common sense of the teacher to discover in what No. of slow learners :- 6
circumstances for what purpose which method is
more effective. Students are not given exposure to the Total no of Very Good poor
use of language. Language is taught by the rules and questions Good
learnt by rote memory. As a result students are 10 01 03 06
compelled to cram the language and real learning is During the analysis many kinds of errors were found
not possible. in most of the sentences. The number of errors made
11. Inadequate provision of teaching aids:- lack of by students of 1sem of BCA stream indicates the
audio visual aids is one of the difficulties in teaching poor learning condition of the learners. It also poses a
English as a second language. With the help of these serious challenge to the existing academic system
aids teaching becomes interesting and lively. ultra that has failed to yield satisfactory results.
CD’s LCD projectors should be provided to the
students. It also creates the interest among students 1.SOME SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR TESTING
and make them active as well as enthusiastic. THE VARIOUS ASPECTS OF SKILLS ARE:-
12. Faulty Examination System:- The English 1. Testing the vocabulary
language learning syllabus is created wholly from the a) Write the synonyms for the following:
exam point of view. As a result the content does not False, Honest, Coward
focus on raising the level of communicative b) Write antonyms for the following:
competence of the students but is confined in the Short, Weak, Foolish
narrow confines of the exam paper. Even though c) Write plurals of the following:-
students are studying English, they are not able to Hair, Child, sheep
produce even a single sentence without any I. CORRECTION OF ERRORS:-
grammatical error in English. The most important 1. Singular and plural
reason is they study subjects from the examination  The tiger killed five cattles
point of view only. Our examination system is such 2. Comparison
that it makes students cramming robots rather than  I prefer coffee more than tea
testing their analytical and creative skills. Teacher 3. The article
also find it very difficult to motivate students in the  I read statesman everyday
class because the students always aim at memorizing 4. Tense
the notes from low standard guides and reproducing  I have come here yesterday
them in the examination. 5. Prepositions
13. Lack of motivation:- As students do not find any
 He lives in a small village at Mumbai.
immediate need for English, their interest naturally

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2017
Vol. 2, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 33-37
Published Online January-February 2017 in IJEAST (

II. PUNCTUATION Winners don’t do different things but they do things

Punctuate the following sentences and use differently.” We don’t need to teach a new concept
capital letters wherever necessary everyday but we can teach the same concept in an
a) It must have been the cook said mary. innovative way in the form of games and music
b) What have you seen him already which students will enjoy and learn.
III. TESTING SPELLING The teachers own energies and enthusiasm is of
a) Collage, colege, college utmost importance since neither methods nor
b) Balloon, ballon, balloon materials will make up for the deficiencies in
c) Vacum, vaccum, vacuum. personal qualities. Children’s have an uncanny and
IV. SYNTAX remarkable ability for learning languages, which
a). Supply the right form of word: decreases year by year until the child has reached his
(i) Radha ___________ to Punjab yesterday late teens. Unfortunately, that is when we usually
(went, go, gone) begin to teach them L2. The result of this is the secret
(ii) They _________ here since October (is, have of success behind fast growing culture of spoken
been, was) English institute charging huge amounts from their
b) Put into negative form: innocent predators. Perhaps we had spent too much
(i) The boys are playing time learning the rules and not enough on practicising
(ii) She ate an ice-cream its applicability in real life. There is now a need of
c) Change into indirect form: reform in the subject matter of language teaching and
(i) He said, “my mother is writing letter” to redesign the syllabus according to the present
(ii) Raja Said to Rahul, “ go away” requirements of the learner that should lay more
d) Change the voice: emphasis on practical everyday English and
(i) The movie fascinates me appropriate teaching strategies should be adopted at
(ii) They were cleaning the bedroom different levels.
e) Put the following groups of words in the
right order to make correct sentences:- VII. REFERENCES
(i) Last week visited our school a man
(ii) Never I have heard of such a thing 1. Allon B. Harold: Teaching English as a
f) Combine the following sentences using the second language, a book of readings, Tata
link word given against each: Mc grow Hill Publishing company Ltd.
(i) This is the place, he was murdered Bombay, New Delhi.
(When, where) 2. Ehrman, M. (1996). Understanding Second
(ii) I like the necklace, you showed it to me Language Learning difficulties London:
(which, where) Sage Publications.
g) Join the following sentences using conjuncts 3. Flink-Levy, Rachael (1989), The silent
(i) He is young, he is also intelligent voice: The Problem learner in the English
(ii) I liked it. My friend did not like classroom, English Teachers Journal No.38,
anything of it. January.
h) The right of use of common words. 4. Mackey Francis William: Language
Correct the Sentences:- Teaching Analysis, Longmans.
(i) He spoke a lie Electronic sources:
(ii) He is examining the matter. 5. Rodgers S. Theodore & Richards C. Jack:
Such practices will help them enjoying their play Approaches and Methods in Language
with language. To enjoy such exercises will help Teaching, Second edition, Cambridge
them to understand the importance of grammar and University Press.
will also strengthen their skills. Apart from such Electronic sources:
practices, we can make the teaching of language  www.
interesting and fun loving by using games and music. 

Teacher and learner are the two eyes to the teaching

and learning process. This umblysis between teacher
and learner should always remain intact for the
growth and progress. As Abdul Kalam says: “


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