Unit 1 The Generation Gap
Unit 1 The Generation Gap
Unit 1 The Generation Gap
the task 3. T
Ask them to exchange their 4. F
answers with a partner. 5. T
3. Complete the definitions by filling - Do as appointed
highlighted compound nouns in the 1. A nuclear family
gaps Ask Ss to work individually and 2. A generation gap
finish the task 3. A viewpoint
Ask them to exchange their 4. Childcare
answers with a partner. 5. Table manners
6. An extended family
4. Find other compound nouns in - Do as appointed
the conversation. Grandparents/ grandma/ grandpa
As Ss to work in groups and finish Grandmother/ hairstyles
the task Housework/ footsteps
5. Find verbs used to express duty, - Do as appointed
obligation, advice or lack of + Opinion and advice: should, shouldn't,
obligation Ask Ss to work in groups ought to, ought not to
and finish the task + Duty and obligation: must, have to
+ Lack of obligation: not have to, not need to
6. Ask and answer the questions - Do as appointed
Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish + Nuclear family:
the task have closer relationships with each
other less generation gaps
worry about childcare
+ Extended family:
- more help from family members
- not worry about childcare
- more conflicts and generation gaps
4. Consolidation (3 mins) - Compound nouns in the conversation
- Practice the conversation
5. Homework: (1 min) - Compound nouns in the conversation
- Practice the conversation
- Do the tasks again
- Read Unit 1 - Language at home
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2. Can you find other compound B: Yes, I do. It's also cleaner.
nouns with the word family? Do as appointed
Grammar 1. nuclear family/ 2. generation gap
1. Complete the following sentences 3. homestay/ 4. Conflicts/ 5.
with should or ought in their curfew Do as appointed
positive or negative form nuclear family/ extended family
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to finish one-parent family/ single-parent family
the task family name/ family tree
2. Complete the following sentences family doctor/ family rules
with must/mustn't or have to/ has to * Do as appointed
and don't have to/ doesn't have to 1. ought/ 2. shouldn't, ought
3. Read the text again and answer 3. shouldn't/ 4. oughtn't, should
the following questions * Do as appointed
1. have to, has to/ 2. mustn't
3. must/ 4. don't have to
PROJECT Do as appointed
The class is divided into groups of 6
to 8. Your group will interview 15
teenagers, aged 15-17, who live in
your area, and take notes of their
answers. Report your group's
findings to the whole class
4. Consolidation (3 minutes) - Words and phrases related to the
generation gaps and family rules, as well as some compound
- Strong and weak form of words in connected speech
- The use of some modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
5. Homework (1 minute) - Words and phrases related to the
generation gaps and family rules, as well as some compound
- Strong and weak form of words in connected speech
- The use of some modal verbs: should, ought to, must, have to
- Do the tasks again
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