Leadership: Group Dynamics
Leadership: Group Dynamics
Leadership: Group Dynamics
HOW TO BECOME A GOOD LEADER Look for patterns. From the reflections that you have done, are
there particular instances that kept emerging? These patterns will help
We often say that some people are good leaders, while others are not.
you diagnose issues of character.
But what is really our basis for judging one‟s capacity for being a good
Face the music. It is when you apologize and accept your mistakes
that character repairs begin.
From a follower‟s perspective, good leadership can be attributed on
several qualities that a person must have. These qualities make people
Rebuild. You have been brave enough to face your past actions but
comply and passionately follow a leader.
more courage is needed to face the future. Let your past actions serve
as your guide so as not to commit the same mistakes in the future.
John C. Maxwell‟s book entitled “21 Indispensable Qualities of a
Leader” defines essential traits of a leader. This book will help people Leader Qualities # 2: [CHARISMA]
recognize, develop, and refine the personal characteristics needed to The first impression can seal the deal.
be a truly effective leader, the kind of leader people want to follow.
The following qualities of a leader taken from his book are as follows: CHARISMA:
Special spiritual gift bestowed temporarily by the holy spirit
Leader Qualities # 1: [CHARACTER] on a group or an individual for the general good of the
CHARACTER: An extraordinary power in a person, group, cause, etc.
The quality of a person‟s behavior, as revealed in his habits of which takes hold of popular imagination, wins popular
thoughts and expressions, his attitudes and interests, his action support
and his personal philosophy in life.
To make yourself the kind of person who attracts others, you Commitment can be improved by doing the following:
need to personify these pointers:
Measure it. Commitments can be measured through the following:
Love Life; how much time you devote at work, family, in service, in health and
Put a “10” on every person‟s head; recreation activities, and how much you spend on living expenses,
Give people hope; entertainment, personal development, and giving. Compare how
Share yourself; much you devote and spend on these things. Is it justifiable?
Charisma can be improved by doing the following: Know what’s worth dying for. Answer the question. Write what‟s
in your thoughts. Match if your actions are parallel with your ideas.
Change your focus. Always check if your focus during conversation
is towards yourself. Learn how to balance. Recognize the persons who
made contributions on the success of a project. Leader Qualities # 4: [COMMUNICATION]
Without it you travel alone.
Play the first impressions game. When you meet a person for the
first time, focus on him. Remember his name and interests, and give COMMUNICATION:
positive comments. Try your best to give a very good impression. The act of communicating
Something communicated
Share yourself. Share your resources to others. Resources come in A means of sending a message, orders, etc.
different ways. Share what you have: talents, skills and valuable
services aside from material things. These are highly appreciated. You can be more effective as a communicator if you follow
four basic truths:
True nature of commitment: Refocus your attention. Different instances require different topics.
Don‟t make yourself arrogant. Know the needs and desires of your
Commitment starts in the heart; listener.
Commitment is tested by action;
Commitment opens the door to achievement; Live your message. Make sure that you had been understood. Ask
questions for clarity. Accept comments without defensiveness.
Find three ways to improve. There‟s always room for Discover the root issues;
improvement. Assess yourself and make necessary changes. Enhance your problem solving;
Evaluate your options for maximum impact;
Multiply your opportunities
Leader Qualities # 6: [COURAGE]
One person with courage is a majority. Discernment can be improved by doing the following:
COURAGE: Analyze past success. Remember the things you had done to
The quality of the mind that enables the person to face succeed on your goals. Problems arise on the process of achieving
difficulty, danger, etc. without fear. these goals. Solutions that made you succeed can be used again in
the future.
Truths about courage:
Learn how others think. We admire other personalities as leaders.
Courage begins with an inward battle; Putting ourselves to think like leaders who are wise will make us more
Courage is making things right, not just smoothing them discerning.
Courage in a leader inspires commitment from followers; Listen to your gut. Your intuition affects your decisions. There are
Your life expands in proportion to your courage many instances that your intuition is correct. Find a pattern of your
intuitive ability. This pattern will give you imminent recourse that will
affect your decision.
Leader Qualities # 8: [FOCUS] Don’t allow the desire for possessions to control you. Let your
The sharper it is, the sharper you are. heart be in charge within you, not the material things that you
possess. There would never be satisfaction if your material desires are
FOCUS endless.
A central point of attraction, attention or activity.
Regard money as a resource. Man has been a slave of money. The
Guidelines to focus your time and energy: only way to win over money as J. C. Maxwell states is to hold it loosely
and be generous with it to accomplish things of value.
70% on strength;
25% on new things; Develop the habit of giving. There is a time when all things come
5% on areas of weakness in abundance, and it is also a time of redistributing it for those in need.
For those who don‟t have material things to share, let this saying be
Focus can be improved by doing the following: their guide: “Richness, I have nothing, but I can help through loving,
with my life worth giving.”
Shift to strengths. Identify your strengths and dedicate 70% of your
time on it. Generosity can be improved by doing the following:
Staff your weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses and try to Give something away. There are things that are important to you
improve on them. that can be replaced. Try giving this to people who will really benefit
from it. As they say, giving it anonymously would be better.
Create an edge. Since you had identified your strengths and
weaknesses, you can proceed to the next level. Think of the new tools Put your money to work. Use your money to improve other‟s lives.
that you need, to go to the next level. Money as resources can be put into work to outlive your expectations
for better people, community, and world.
Leader Qualities # 9: [GENEROSITY] Find someone to mentor. A time will come when you had reached
Your candle loses nothing when it lights another. the peak of your leadership. It would be good if you have someone
whom you would train to be a good leader like you.
The quality of being generous.
Giving freely. Leader Qualities # 10: [INITIATIVE]
You won‟t leave home without it.
The following will cultivate the quality of generosity in your
An introductory act or step, readiness and the ability in
Be grateful for whatever you have. Contentment seems to be very initiating action, one personal, responsible decision
ideal. A person cannot become generous if he is not contented with
what he has. There are things that we must be grateful for and be A leader possesses the following qualities to make things
contended with. Be generous in your own small ways. happen:
Put people first. Giving becomes easier when generosity comes in. They know what they want;
A leader is measured not in terms of the number of people who serve They push themselves to act;
him but rather, to the number of people he is serving. They take more risks;
They make more mistakes Listen between the lines. Factual and emotional content of
conversation must be given attention. Listen with your heart.
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”
– Sen. Robert Kennedy
Leader Qualities # 12: [PASSION]
Initiative can be improved by doing the following: Take this life and love it.
Don’t wait for opportunity to knock. Opportunity does not knock Truths about passion:
at your door. You know that you have the potential. Find
opportunities. Show and share to the world what you‟ve got. Passion is the first step to achievement;
Passion increases your willpower;
Take the next step. When opportunities come, select the best. Now Passion changes you;
that you have found the opportunity to share and show the world what Passion makes the impossible possible
you‟ve got, work it as far as you can.
Passion can be improved by doing the following:
Leader Qualities # 11: [LISTENING] To Take your temperature. Assess the level of desire towards your
connect with their hearts, use your ears. work and your life. Passion makes the difference on how you see life.
LISTENING-“LISTEN”: Return to your first love. You are more enthusiastic when doing
To give attention for the purpose of hearing. other things. These are the things that you had left behind because
you have to attend to other obligations. Take advantage and do these
Keep your ears open to the following: things again to relax and to energize your body.
Your mentors; Associate with people of passion. Your environment affects your
Your followers; being. Birds of the same feather flock together. Having passionate
Your customers; people around gives booster to bring you back on track.
Your competitors
Listening can be improved by doing the following: Leader Qualities # 13: [POSITIVE ATTITUDE]
If you believe you can, you can.
Change your schedule. Have time to listen to your mentors,
followers, customers, and competitors. To be more positive, think of the following:
Meet people on their turf. Seek common ground to build rapport Your attitude is a choice;
with the person you are talking. Learn something about him so you Your attitude determines your actions;
can talk things of common interests. Your people are a mirror of your attitude;
Maintaining a good attitude is easier than regaining one;
Positive attitude can be improved by doing the following: Surround yourself with problem solvers. Be with persons who
are good at problem-solving. They will complement your weaknesses
Feed yourself the right food. Books about positive attitude are and teach you on how to deal with them.
available on book stands. Give yourself time to read and reflect on it.
Achieve a goal every day. Setting an achievable goal every day Leader Qualities # 15: [RELATIONSHIPS] If
changes the attitude of a person. When a pattern of achievement has you get along, they‟ll go along.
been observed, a person has the tendency to think more positively.
Write it on your wall. It does not mean that you vandalize your The state or fact of being related.
wall. Make a corner where you can show all your awards and citations.
Have your plaques and trophies displayed on that corner. These will To cultivate good relationships, it requires the following:
serve as a reminder that you have been doing positive things in your
life and willing to do it over and over again. Have a leader‟s head – understand people;
Have a leader‟s heart – love people;
Extend a leader‟s hand – help people
Leader Qualities # 14: [PROBLEM SOLVING]
You can‟t let your problems be a problem. Relationships can be improved by doing the following:
Five (5) qualities demonstrated by a leader with good Improve your mind. Be mature enough and widen your
problem solving ability: understanding. Allot some time to observe and talk to people and try
your best to understand them.
They anticipate problems;
They accept the truth; Strengthen your heart. Show them that you care. Show your
They see the big picture; feelings and act your way out.
They handle one thing at a time;
They don‟t give up a major goal when they‟re down Repair a hurting relationship. Rebuild, reconcile and reconnect
relationships that had crumbled even though it has happened several
Problem solving can be improved by doing the following: years ago. Learn to forgive and apologize. Try to be more loving and
understanding to people whom you had disagreement before.
Look for trouble. Don‟t avoid problems. Encountering and solving a
problem is an experience that molds and strengthens us to deal with
different situations and difficult circumstances. Leader Qualities # 16: [RESPONSIBILITY]
If you won‟t carry the ball, you can‟t lead the team.
Develop a method. TEACH method for problem solving according to
The state or fact of being responsible
Time – spend time to discover the real issue. A person or thing for which one is
Exposure – find out what others have done. responsible Involves duties or obligations
Assistance – have your team study all angles. Accountable, as for something within one‟s power
Creativity – brainstorm multiple solutions.
Hit it – implement the best solution.
The one who embraces responsibility has the following Security can be improved by doing the following:
Know yourself. Gather information about yourself from people you
They get the job done; know. Let them assess you as a person. Don‟t be defensive and
They are willing to go the extra mile; reactive on their assessment. Reflect and make some necessary
They are driven by excellence; improvements.
They produce regardless of the situation
Give away the credit. Lift the morale of your team. Recognize their
Responsibility can be improved by doing the following: contributions. This will improve the organization.
Keep hanging in there. When everything seems to crumble, stop Get some help. Seek professional help if you cannot fight insecurities
for a while then think and find ways to succeed. Be creative in finding on your own. Be honest with yourself.
ways to keep you on the right track.
Admit what’s not good enough. Failing depends on standards that Leader Qualities # 18: [SELF – DISCIPLINE]
must be met. Reset your standards to a higher level. The standards The first person you lead is you.
that you have been following might not be as good as it may seem as
it was, compared to this time. Action points to follow:
Find better tools. It seems that things are not falling on their right Develop and follow your priorities;
places even though your standards are high, you have good attitude Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal;
and you had been working hard consistently. Consider the tools that Challenge your excuses;
you are using. It‟s time to update your materials and further develop Remove rewards until the job is done;
your skills. Read books. Stay focused on results
Common traits of insecure leaders: Get rid of excuses. Dismiss all excuses that arise in order for you to
achieve your goals. Always think of the benefits that you will harvest
They don‟t provide security to others; and the consequences you might encounter when having a lot of
They take more from people than they give; excuses.
They continually limit their best people;
They continually limit the organization
Leader Qualities # 19: [SERVANTHOOD] Try something new. Always open your world for challenges. Try
To get ahead, put others first. things that need mental, emotional and physical activities.
A true servant leader embodies the following: Learn in your area of strength. There is always room for
improvement. New things are being discovered every now and then.
Puts others ahead of his own agenda; Read books, update yourself and get a harder grip on your field.
Possesses the confidence to serve;
Initiates service to others;
Is not position-conscious; Leader Qualities # 21: [VISION]
Serves out of love You can seize only what you can see.
Learn to walk slowly through the crowd. Try to connect as much Vision starts within;
as many people in the crowd. Approach them and say hello. Be Vision draws in your history;
updated on what keeps them busy. Vision meets other‟s needs;
Vision helps you gather resources;
Move into action. Learn how to serve. You can start with your
family, your church and then with your community.
Vision can be improved by doing the following:
Leader Qualities # 20: [TEACHABILITY] Measure yourself. Ask the opinions of people around you regarding
To keep leading, keep learning. your vision. If your vision is coherent then you‟re living your life with
your vision.
Guidelines to help cultivate and maintain teachable attitude:
Write it down. Writing clarifies thinking. Put your vision into writing
Cure your destination disease; and evaluate it every now and then. If your vision will make you
Overcome your success; achieve your best, then do everything possible to pursue it.
Swear off shortcuts;
Trade in your pride; Do a gut check. Check your gut level by answering the following
Never pay the same price for the same mistake; questions:
Teachability can be improved by doing the following: What makes you cry?
What makes you dream?
Observe how you react to mistakes. Everybody commit mistakes. What gives you energy?
How do we react to our own mistakes? Ask someone close to you on
how you react when you commit mistakes. Do we ask apology or are Your answer on the above questions has great impact on your gut
we defensive when we commit one? Accept your mistakes and learn level. Reflect and deal with it.
from it.
This form of leadership goes beyond traditional forms of transactional Articulate a compelling vision of the future;
leadership that emphasized corrective action, mutual exchanges and Use stories and symbols to communicate their vision and
rewards only when performance expectations were met. Transactional message;
leadership relied mainly on centralized control. Managers controlled Specify the importance of having a strong sense of purpose
most activities, telling each person what, when and how to do each and a collective mission;
task. Transformational leaders, on the other hand, trust their Talk optimistically and enthusiastically and express
subordinates and leave them space to breathe and grow. In that confidence that goals will be achieved;
respect, transformational is a more developmental and constructive Engender the trust and respect of their followers by doing
form of leadership for both individual employees and the organization the right thing rather that doing things right;
as a whole. Instill pride in employees for being associated with them;
Talk about their most important values and beliefs;
Consider the moral and ethical consequences of decisions;
Seek different perspectives when solving problems;
Get employees to challenge old assumptions and to think
about problems in new ways;
Spend time teaching and coaching;
Consider each individual employee‟s different needs,
abilities and aspirations;
Are compassionate, appreciative and responsive to each THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE
employee and recognize and celebrate each employee‟s
In Stephen Covey‟s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he wrote
about ways in which people can be productive. The seven habits of
highly effective people are as follows:
Four components of transformational leadership: (Bass, 1985, 1998,
Bass & Aviolo, 1993)
Habit # 1: [BE PROACTIVE]
Proactive means “the ability to choose the response.” We have the
1. Charisma - If the leadership is transformational, its charisma
ability to choose between right and wrong. But it must be taken into
or idealized influence is envisioning, confident, and sets high
account that we must be responsible enough for whatever
standards to be followed.
consequences our actions may lead to. Use your creativity and
initiatives. You are the one in charge.
2. Inspirational motivation - If the leadership is
transformational, its inspirational motivation provides
followers with challenges and meaning for engaging in shared
Where do we go from here? Know where you want to go. In making
goals and undertakings.
plans and decisions, see to it that the time and efforts that will be
spent and utilized conforms to what we want to achieve. Use your
3. Intellectual stimulation - If the leadership is
ability to envision. This is where I want to go and these are the things
transformational, its intellectual stimulation helps followers to
that must be done to lead me to that direction.
question assumptions and to generate more creative solutions
to problems.
Practice self-management. Know your priorities.
4. Individualized consideration - If the leadership is
transformational, its individualized consideration treats each
Habit # 4: [THINK WIN-WIN]
follower as an individual and provides coaching, mentoring
This concerns mutual benefit. Putting both parties on favorable
and growth opportunities
If such transformational leadership is authentic, it is characterized
by high moral and ethical standards in each of the above
As the saying goes, “The best way to understand is to listen.” The
practice of empathy governs this habit. It is about putting ourselves
on the shoes of the other person. Based on the person‟s explanation,
we ought to evaluate, probe, advise and interpret as a way of
responding to the person‟s feelings.
Habit # 6: [SYNERGIZE]
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More tasks will be done
if we utilize all the things that we have. Even though your contribution
is that small, if everybody will do their part, things will go on smoothly.