NERC-Protection Sistem Reliability - 1-14-09
NERC-Protection Sistem Reliability - 1-14-09
NERC-Protection Sistem Reliability - 1-14-09
November 2008
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 The Need for a Protection System Reliability (Redundancy) Standard........................................................5
Appendix B – Excerpts from the 1997 NERC Transmission Planning Standards System Performance
Requirements 54
NERC 1997 Planning Standards Table 1................................................................................................................55
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 4-3 — Example 1 – Study of Protection System Reliability for Non-Redundant Systems .............. 22
Table 4-4 — Example 2 – Study of Protection System Reliability Redundancy for Redundant Systems . 25
Table 4-5 — Example 3 – Determining Protection Systems Performance................................................. 26
Table 4.6 — Acceptable Clearing Times.................................................................................................... 28
This Technical Reference Paper was approved by the NERC Planning Committee on December 4, 2008.
“…the Protection This paper, developed by the NERC System Protection and
Systems must operate Control Task Force (SPCTF), proposes Protection System
and clear faults reliability requirements and discusses the reasoning behind
within the required the requirements, provides examples and explanations
clearance time to concerning each requirement, and describes how to
determine the level of Protection System reliability necessary
satisfy the proposed
to meet each requirement. This paper also describes a
collaborative and interactive process between the protection
and planning engineers to determine the required level of
Protection System performance. It should be noted that in parallel to this effort is an IEEE
PES/PSRC work group2 that is developing a special report addressing redundancy considerations
for relaying. SPCTF has a liaison relationship with that working group. The IEEE effort
concentrates on the Protection System elements while this paper concentrates on the BES
performance implications of Protection System redundancy.
NERC Planning Standard, Section III – System Protection and Control, September 1997
IEEE/PES/PSRC I19 Working Group
IEEE Standard C37.100-1992.
NERC Planning Standard, Section III – System Protection and Control, September 1997
• Dependability — “The facet of reliability that relates to the degree of certainty that a relay
or relay system will operate correctly.” For purposes of this paper, dependability is a
measure of the degree of certainty that a protective system will operate correctly when
required, and at the designed speed. Dependability is a concern when a fault occurs within
the protected zone.
• Security — “That facet of reliability that relates to the degree of certainty that a relay or
relay system will not operate incorrectly.” For purposes of this paper, security is a measure
of the degree of certainty that a Protection System will not operate incorrectly or faster than
designed. Security is a concern for external faults and normal (unfaulted) operating
Protection Systems must be fundamentally designed to be both dependable and secure because it
is presumed that components of the Protection System can sometimes fail. Overall design must
strike a balance between dependability and security.
To illustrate the concept of a dependability-based failure, refer to Figure 2–1. Dependability
based Protection System failures can result in longer fault clearing times and isolation of
additional elements of the electric system. The relay at Sub 2 on Line 1 has failed and cannot
Communication Fuse
Channel #1
Protective (to Remote
Relay #1 Substation) Fuse
DC Main 2 Protective
Breaker Relay #2
Auxillary Breaker
Relay #2 Trip Coil #2
• Multiple Protection Systems of similar functionality (tripping speeds) may be used to satisfy
the performance requirements. For example, when high-speed clearing is required, the use of
a current differential scheme with a Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) or
Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) scheme as a second scheme can provide the
necessary redundancy.
• Multiple Protection Systems with varying functionality may be used if one system has
functionality in excess of what is needed to satisfy the performance requirements. For
example, the Protection Systems may consist of one pilot Protection System (for high speed
clearing of the entire circuit), with a second system using stepped-distance non-pilot
protection, if the stepped-distance system itself meets the requirements to satisfy the
performance requirements.
• Separate Protection Systems of varying functionality can be used where one system is
enabled upon failure of the other system. For example, high-speed overcurrent relays that are
enabled upon loss of a pilot communication system may be used if the overcurrent relays
satisfy the performance requirements. However, this application method may introduce a
possibility of over tripping due to the failure of the pilot scheme. Both failure modes must be
checked to assure that they meet performance requirements.
• Local or remote backup protection may be used to satisfy redundancy, where the backup
protection itself satisfies the reliability performance requirements.
“Characteristics of a System with an Adequate Level of Reliability,” approved by the NERC Board of Trustees in
February 2008, and filed with the FERC.
To ensure that Protection Systems installed on the electric system meet those tenets, the
approach introduced in this paper requires Protection Systems to be designed such that no single
Protection System component failure would prevent the BES from meeting system performance
requirements in the NERC Reliability Standards.
• This Technical Paper is devoted to the methods for evaluating the application of Protection
System redundancy and its resultant impact on BES performance for faults occurring starting
from electric system normal conditions (planned peak load conditions with all lines in
service, typical generation dispatch, typical interchange, and typical switching
configuration). The need for redundancy is determined by examining Protection System
performance in light of Protection System element failures and whether or not the resultant
BES performance is acceptable to meet the proposed performance requirements (see Section
4.0 of this document).
This paper does not cover all aspects of Protection System reliability. For example, it does not
prescribe methods for setting the Protection System or the application of remote backup
protection, and does not address the potentially special protection needs of circuits that are part
of the “cranking path” for power system restoration.
Beyond the scope of this document.
See the Standards portion of the NERC website at:|247|290
sufficient redundancy and will NOTE: The proposed requirement is intended to mimic the
performance requirements of the TPL standards. The TPL
not need to be upgraded or
Standards should be the defining document for codifying the
changed. In some other performance testing.
situations, where the Protection
System is not redundant, backup or remote relaying may be sufficient with no upgrades or
changes needed because Protection System failures do not result in violation of the BES
performance requirements specified in the TPL standards.
The approach introduced in this paper may raise Protection System design requirements for some
by calling for the examination of system performance in conjunction with specific levels of
Protection System performance. It then requires mitigation for those conditions where
Protection System component failures result in violation of the BES performance requirements.
• The protection engineer’s role is to determine the performance of the Protection System
through analysis of its failure modes and determine the operating times of the relaying.
• The planning engineer’s role is to determine if the clearing times provided by the protection
engineer satisfy the system performance requirements through transmission planning studies.
From the general discussion in Section 4.1, the following testing methodology has been
developed for assessing compliance with the BES performance requirements of the TPL
standards The order of these tests can be varied.
• Determine Redundancy of the Protection Systems — Examine the Protection System for
redundancy of the following components - AC Current Source, AC Voltage Source,
Protective Relay, Communication Channel, DC Circuitry, Aux Trip Relay, Breaker Trip
Coil, and Station DC Source. If the owner has determined that the listed components are
redundant, no further action is needed except documentation.
• Ascertain the Performance of
Worst Case Fault Test
the Protection Systems —
The term ‘worst-case fault’ implies one of the four classical fault
Based on the determined types – line to ground, line to line to ground, line to line, and
three phase – with the location of the fault being placed where
redundancy of the Protection
it results in the worst electric system performance. This fault
System, determine the Protection may not be coincident with the location where a fault is hardest
to detect or creates the longest clearing time for the local or
System performance for a failure
remote backup protection system(s). The worst case fault
of each component listed above, typically must be identified through a collaborative effort
between the planning and protection engineers.
or determine the worst case
clearing time for Protection To minimize the effort, conservative assumptions regarding
fault clearing time may be made initially. When system
System failure. performance evaluated in the planning study meets the TPL
standards’ performance requirements no refinements to the
• Compare BES Performance initial assumptions are required. When system performance
with Required Performance — does not meet the TPL standards’ performance requirements,
the initial assumptions must be refined and the system
Determine if the clearing times performance re-evaluated. This iterative process continues
determined meet the BES until system performance meets the TPL standards’
performance requirements with conservative assumptions or
the worst fault location has been identified and evaluated using
actual clearing times.
These steps should be repeated whenever Protection Systems or electric systems are modified in
some manner which changes the BES performance; such cases must be reviewed to assure that
the BES still meets the performance requirements specified in the TPL standards.
Table 4–3 — Example 1 – Study of Protection System Reliability for Non‐Redundant Systems
Component Possible Impacts Solutions
1. Add redundant AC current input
Loss of AC current input to the protective and an additional relay or
relay usually disables the ability of the 2. Verify that time delayed remote
AC Current Source
Protection System to sense faults which clearing does not violate the BES
would result in delayed clearing times. performance requirements of the
TPL standards. standard)
Loss of AC voltage input to the protective
1. Add redundant AC voltage input
relay can disable the ability of the Protection
and an additional relay or
System from sensing some faults. A high
2. Verify that time delayed remote
AC Voltage Source speed current‐only relay will not be impacted
clearing does not violate the BES
by this failure and clearing times will depend
performance requirements of the
on application. Worst case scenarios require
TPL standards.
delayed clearing times to be considered.
1. Add redundant relay or
Loss of protective relay means that faults can 2. Verify that time‐delayed clearing
Protective Relay not be cleared locally which would result in does not violate the BES
delayed clearing times. performance requirements of the
TPL standards.
1. Add redundant communication
Loss of the communication channel of the channel and possibly additional
Protection System usually requires delayed relay and communication
Communication clearing times for some faults on the equipment or
channel transmission line (i.e. near the remote 2. Verify that time delayed clearing
terminal). Worst case scenarios may require does not violate the BES
delayed clearing times be considered. performance requirements of the
TPL standards.
Loss of DC circuitry will depend on what
1. Add additional DC circuits and
components are disabled. If multiple
separate critical components or
components are impacted by the loss of a
schemes or
single circuit the entire Protection could be
DC Circuitry 2. Verify that time delayed remote
disabled. It could be possible that impact to
clearing does not violate the BES
the Protection System could be minimal.
performance requirements of the
However, worst case scenarios may require
TPL standards.
remote delayed clearing times be considered.
Communication Fuse
Channel #1
Protective (to Remote
Relay #1 Substation) Fuse
DC Main 2 Protective
Breaker Relay #2
Auxillary Breaker
Relay #2 Trip Coil #2
Table 4–4 — Example 2 – Study of Protection System Reliability Redundancy
for Redundant Systems
Component Possible Impacts Solution
Fault clearing is not impacted by the loss of
No immediate action needed. Repair or
AC Current single AC current input. Redundant AC current
replacement must be made as soon as
Source sources provide functionally equivalent
Fault clearing is not impacted by the loss of
No immediate action needed. Repair or
AC Voltage single AC voltage input. Redundant AC voltage
replacement must be made as soon as
Source sources provide functionally equivalent
Fault clearing is not impacted by single relay No immediate action needed. Repair or
failure. Redundant relay provides functionally replacement must be made as soon as
equivalent protection. possible.
Fault clearing is not impacted by single
No immediate action needed. Repair or
Communication communication channel failure. Redundant
replacement must be made as soon as
channel communication channels provide functionally
equivalent protection.
Fault clearing is not impacted by loss of a single No immediate action needed. Repair or
DC Circuitry DC circuit. Redundant DC circuits provide replacement must be made as soon as
functionally equivalent protection. possible.
Fault clearing is not impacted by single
No immediate action needed. Repair or
Auxiliary auxiliary relay failure. Redundant auxiliary
replacement must be made as soon as
Tripping Relay relay provides functionally equivalent
Fault clearing is not impacted by loss of single No immediate action needed. Repair or
Breaker Trip
trip coil. Redundant trip coil relay provides replacement must be made as soon as
functionally equivalent protection. possible.
1. No immediate action needed. Repair
Failure of one of the redundant DC sources
or replacement must be made as
Station DC does not impact fault clearing times.
soon as possible.
Failure of the single, fully monitored DC source 2. Take appropriate operator action and
will impact fault clearing times. emergency repairs must be made.
Bus 1 Breaker Breaker Relay
21 22 F4 GEN
Breaker Breaker
23 24
Remote Breaker Line 1
Breaker 12
Bus 2
Remote Relay Relay
Relay 1a F1 1a
Sub 2
Sub 1
Breaker Breaker F5 Sub 3
25 26
Line 2 Breaker
Relay Relay
2a F2 2a
Operate Times Relay Relay
F3 2b 2b
Normal Relay Time = 2 cycles
Breaker Breaker
Breaker Time = 2 cycles 27 28
The following table is a non-exclusive list of possible clearing times of Protection Systems listed
in the examples above.
Table 4–5 — Example 3 – Determining Protection Systems Performance
(times are typical and will vary for each application)
Does the
Protection Worst Case Clearing Time
Fault Normal Clearing Breaker Failure
System have for Protection System
Loc. Time Clearing Time
single points of Failure
Sub 1
BKR 12 Remote Bus
BRK 12 = 14 cycles YES
RLY 1a = 4 cycles Remote Relay = 22 cycles
Table 4.6 — Acceptable Clearing Times
(times are typical and will vary for each application)
Actual Clearing Critical Clearing Violation of TPL‐
Line 1 – Fault F1
Time Time Standards
Normal Clearing Time 4 cycles 5 Cycles None
Breaker Failure Clearing Time 14 cycles 15 Cycles None,
Time Delayed Clearing Time‐ Protection
62 cycles 22 cycles Stability
System Failure
• Providing local redundancy can mitigate the Protection System component failures. This
effectively makes the Protection System meet its designed operating time even when
experiencing a single component failure. This could mean adding another AC Current
Planning engineers do not typically perform studies to identify delayed clearing times because
studies can be very extensive for the many different elements, clearing times, and fault locations.
However, the planning engineers do have the capability to study limiting conditions identified by
the protection engineer. With the method specified in this section, the planning engineer will not
have to run an infinite number of cases and can concentrate on the specific cases identified by
the protection engineer.
An iterative process can occur as the protection engineer determines possible delayed clearing
times and the electrical system components removed from service, and the planning engineer
assesses the resulting BES performance for comparison with performance requirements of the
TPL standards.
It will be necessary for the planning engineer and protection engineer to work collaboratively to
identify those clearing times that need to be restudied or where the Protection System needs to be
upgraded or modified to provide redundancy.
CT-3 CT-4
CT-1 CT-2
Sub 1
Line Line
CT-AUX Relay Relay AC Voltage
5/5 Phase GND
System 1
Line System 2
• Are there other local relays at the substation that will clear the fault and what is the operating
time of these relays?
• Are remote relays required to operate for this fault and what is the operating time of these
A planning study must check to see if any violation of the BES performance requirements of the
TPL standards occurs for the worst case fault on the line. If violations occur, the owner of this
Protection System would need to find a solution for this example that will eliminate the violation
caused by one CT circuit failure.
Possible solution for this example might be the addition of a new CT into the existing breaker,
bushing slipover CTs, stand alone CT columns, or the replacement of the breaker with a breaker
having additional CTs. Each of these solutions requires that a CT be provided with appropriate
ratio, class, and thermal factor for the transmission line application.
Protective relays at the remote terminals can be adjusted or replaced so that they provide
sufficient backup clearing times to meet the BES performance requirements of the TPL
standards. If the relay reach is increased, the protection engineer should examine the relaying at
the remote sites to make sure that they meet the loadability requirements of PRC-023-1. The last
solution was presented to demonstrate that there are possible solutions other than the
straightforward CT additions.
• Two power line carrier systems coupled to multiple phases of the line.
• Two microwave systems and paths with multiple antennas on a common tower.
• Two fiber paths between terminals (two fibers in the same cable are not acceptable)
• Two separate communication systems of different technologies and equipment (e.g., fiber
optic and digital microwave).
Transfer Transfer
Trip Trip
RCV Transfer Trip (TT) RCV
Relay Relay
1 1
Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip (POTT)
Sub 1 Sub 2
CT-L Sub 1 Transmission Line Sub 2 CT-L
Breaker Breaker
Relay Relay
2 2
Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB)
Transfer Transfer
Trip Trip
Transfer Trip (TT)
No. 1 Fuse Fuse No. 2 No. 1 Fuse Fuse No. 2 No. 1 Fuse Fuse No. 2
No. 3 Fuse Fuse No. 4 No. 3 Fuse Fuse No. 4 No. 3 Fuse Fuse No. 4
No. 5 Fuse Fuse No. 6 No. 5 Fuse Fuse No. 6 No. 5 Fuse Fuse No. 6
No. 7 Fuse Fuse No. 8 No. 7 Fuse Fuse No. 8 No. 7 Fuse Fuse No. 8
No. 9 Fuse Fuse No. 10 No. 9 Fuse Fuse No. 10 No. 9 Fuse Fuse No. 10
No. 11 Fuse Fuse No. 12 No. 11 Fuse Fuse No. 12 No. 11 Fuse Fuse No. 12
5.8 DC Source
The station DC supply for tripping Proposed Requirement
has traditionally been and still is a The failure or removal of any single station battery, or single
charger, or other single DC source, where such losses are not
DC system consisting of a charger & centrally monitored for low voltage and battery open.
battery. In order for this reliability
proposed requirement to accommodate other new technologies the proposed requirement will
include the wording “other single DC source”. The Station DC Source will cover the charger,
Monitor AC Monitor DC
Source Source
DC Control
AC Battery DC
Souce Charger Supply
To other DC
Monitor Open Panels
Circuit in Battery
Line 1 BKR
Sub 1
200 amps Line 5 Rated = 800 amps
Line 2 BKR BKR
Line 3 BKR
Sub 3
200 amps
Line 4 BKR BKR
Sub 4 Sub 7
200 amps Sub 5 200 amps
Normal Opeation
Fault occurs on Line 5 at Sub 6
Relay at Sub 6 operates
Breaker at Sub 6 Opens Green shaded breakers opened by relay action.
Relay at Sub 5 operates
Breaker at Sub 5 Opens Yellow shaded relays operated for fault.
Line 2 BKR BKR
Line 3 BKR
Sub 3
200 amps
Line 4 BKR BKR
Sub 4 Sub 7
200 amps Sub 5 200 amps
LOSS of DC (operation)
Fault occurs on Line 5 at Sub 6
Relay at Sub 6 operates Green shaded breakers opened by relay action.
Breaker at Sub 6 Opens
Fault current from Sub 5 is above rating of line Yellow shaded relays operated for fault.
DC at Sub 5 is off and no tripping is available
Remote relaying must operate to protect line.
S2. Transmission Protection Systems shall provide redundancy such that no single
Protection System component failure would prevent the interconnected
transmission systems from meeting the system performance requirements of the I.A.
Standards on Transmission Systems and associated Table I.
M2. Where redundancy in the Protection Systems due to single Protection System
component failures is necessary to meet the system performance requirements of the
I.A. Standards on Transmission Systems and associated Table I, the transmission or
Protection System owners shall provide, as a minimum, separate ac current inputs
and separately fused dc control voltage with new or upgraded Protection System
installations. Breaker failure protections need not be duplicated.
Each Region shall also develop a plan for reviewing the need for redundancy in its
existing transmission Protection Systems and for implementing any required
redundancy. Documentation of the Protection System redundancy reviews shall be
provided to NERC, the Regions, and those entities responsible for the reliability of
the interconnected transmission systems on request.
A. Where assessments (Standard III.A. S1, M1) show the need for transmission Protection
System redundancy due to single Protection System component failures, the transmission
or Protection System owner shall provide the required component redundancy to meet the
system performance requirements of Standard I.A. and associated Table I. These
redundancy requirements should include:
1) Separate ac current inputs
2) Separately fused dc control voltage
3) Other redundant components