ABB Corporate Research, Germany: N. L. Fantana
ABB Corporate Research, Germany: N. L. Fantana
ABB Corporate Research, Germany: N. L. Fantana
N. L. Fantana
ABB Corporate Research, Germany
Nordic Insulation Symposium - Nord-IS 13 - Trondheim, Norway, June 9 - 12, 2013
considering a set of factors such as: actual network and taking into account specific degradation mechanisms
economic constraints, the equipment condition, the time and monitoring requirements.
constraints regarding replacement or spare provision,
the importance of the unit and the length of the time
from degradation inception to failure,
OLCM is a good mean supporting degradation detection
and failure avoidance, however at best it should be
integrated in a holistic context considering equipment
and network. Such a strategy for asset supervision and
management has to consider beside economic aspects
i.e. the importance of the equipment in the network, the
condition of the equipment. Such condition related
information can be derived based on few major
information pillars, such as: equipment history, e.g.
operation and maintenance, information from diagnosis
tests performed, information from OLCM systems,
expert knowledge and manufacturer’s expertise, Fig. 2.
Importance of OLCM is given by the value obtained by
applying it for the supervised equipment asset and for
the whole electrical network.
The aspect of “Obtaining value from OLCM” was
addressed in detail by the CIGRE working group B3-12
[4]. One important aspect which has been investigated
was to identify the main drivers to install condition
monitoring. The results found are shown in Fig. 3. Cost
saving as the major driver was expected, however
company image is noticeably the second highest
motivation, and it is linked to supply quality, reduced
outages and customer satisfaction.
Nordic Insulation Symposium - Nord-IS 13 - Trondheim, Norway, June 9 - 12, 2013
Another important aspect regarding OLCM systems is historical data is leading to another problem related to
related to the question where the value/benefit of such a access do data during operation, on the necessary rights
monitoring installation comes from. How this aspect is and mechanisms needed in the organization and the
perceived by utility experts, according to the mentioned information technology (IT) infrastructure. The access
survey, is shown in Fig. 4. The highest value is data and the access rights have become critical especial
perceived from medium-term activities. One such after year 2000. These are linked to the cyber security
situation could be for example change of maintenance and are intensively discussed and considered in utilities
practices, e.g. going away from the time based to a and on country level. Access and use of data from
condition based or risk based maintenance. monitoring, together with data from operation is
technically meaningful, however not easy to achieve.
Important is especially to have secure network
operation, secure operation of the protection and control
systems, without being disturbed in any way, even
accidentally by the OLCM users. All these are guided
by utility IT security policies and restrictions.
The OLCM system is perceived as bringing value but
still as an valuable “add on” in most cases. However the
trend is toward considering OLCM system as a sort of
basis system a s sort of “insurance”, giving an early
warning and helping to avoid unplanned outages and
major failures.
It is difficult to estimate a priori the value of and OLCM
installation. In [4] a set of methods are indicated , which
can help estimate this for an OLCM project.
Second highest value from OLCM was perceived in the The OLCM systems are evolving and evolution is
long term aspects related to replacement of units, long driven mainly by
term strategies and planning, as well as in accumulating - The evolution of the grids and requirements
internal knowledge related to equipment long term - Evolution of user expectations and constraints
behavior and failure. Also, value from OLCM has been - The evolution of microelectronics, information,
found in support for operation, especially by supporting communication technology (ICT), sensing and
immediately operational decisions and using better other enabling technologies.
actual equipment capabilities. Some utilities are - Evolution of the equipment and degradation
considering OLCM similar to having supervision by a knowledge and data analysis.
(virtual) person on site 7 days a week x 24 hours a day, Evolution related to the future grids with their increased
and see the benefit of OLCM systems in the fact that complexity, changed operating conditions e.g. in terms
they can detect and inform timely, do not need humans of unpredictable and strongly fluctuating power flows,
on site and get info from distributed locations across the more use of power electronics, are expected to require
electrical network. In most cases the data from more real time supervision. Additional processing,
monitoring system is used as an early warning. The storage and communication functionality and also
warning can then triggering diagnosis or more detailed sensing capabilities are expected to be required
assessment of the equipment condition based on all life terms of processing the collected information local on
data and knowledge and expertise available. The OLCM the monitoring device.
system is best positioned as an integrated part of the Expectations of the user are also continuously evolving.
utility strategy for life long asset management, In a recent CIGRE survey [3] user expect in few years a
maintenance and operation support. There are few significant move from the present situation where a
concerns related to OLCM too. One concern is related substation equipment expert is analyzing the data,
to the much shorter life of a monitoring system versus towards more automatically processing data and
the life of primary equipment such as transformer or involving a specialized condition monitoring expert
circuit breakers. This has to be considered in relation to more strongly in the process.
the life and maintenance of such a system and sensors to Evolution in OLCM will come also from technology
keep its required functionality for decades. advances like microelectronics and microsensing or
Secondly, there is the problem of the considerable communication and IT. Such advances will have a
amounts of data which can be accumulated over long considerable impact allowing new and more precise
periods of time. This problem is requiring ways of sensors, additional processing and storage capabilities,
systematical data storage, and methods for the analysis better communication and integration in the substation
of collected data of processing and extraction of environment, sharing data with the substation SCADA
relevant information. The access to on-line data or system or with the utility central system. The
Nordic Insulation Symposium - Nord-IS 13 - Trondheim, Norway, June 9 - 12, 2013
monitoring systems will allow continuous access to - CIGRE WG B3.12 “Obtaining value from
information from power devices and inform the network substation on-line condition monitoring”, finalized,
operator, maintenance team or other utility group [4], TB 462, 2011;
specified, as well as feeding central utility data stores - CIGRE WG B3.26, Guidelines for the Design and
with desired data. How a group of experts see the role Construction of AC offshore substations for Wind
and position of OLCM in future network is shown in Power Plants, finalized, TB 483, 2011, considers
Fig. 4, based on a survey [5]. monitoring aspect for this special situation;
- CIGRE WG A2.44, Transformer intelligent
condition monitoring, work ongoing, expected
technical brochure 2014;
- IEEE PC57.143, IEEE standard, Application of
Monitoring of Liquid-Immersed Transformers and
Components, finalized, published 2013
- CIGRE WG B2.36, Guide for Application of Direct
Real-Time Monitoring Systems, finalized, TB 498,
2012, considers real time monitoring of overhead
lines, mainly the “ampacity” aspects.
- CIGRE WG B5-05, Modern Techniques for
Protecting, controlling and monitoring power
transformers, finalized, TB 463, 2011
Interestingly the number of CIGRE working groups
dealing with monitoring grew from 2, before 2000, to
11 after year 2000, showing a considerable increase in
the interest towards monitoring of power equipment.
An essential evolution factor in OLCM will come from
the increasing knowledge on degradation phenomena
and materials. Also advanced data analysis algorithms
will contribute to make good use of collected data.
Other possible changes could stem from the integration On-line condition monitoring systems are an important
of some basic monitoring functionality in the protection element in present networks and will play an important
devices or on substation and network level. Such a so- role in future grids in avoiding failures, reducing costs
called network monitoring has been described in [4] and allowing a reliable operation. Monitoring and
allowing an integrated look at a network wide diagnosis are both essential parts utility asset
phenomena by using all available installed network management and life strategies. The value of OLCM is
supervision or recording devices, however it requires a in most cases seen as a support for decision making. In
considerable effort in collecting, storing and processing case of medium and long term strategies decision
of data from the whole network devices. support comes from combining for decision support
In the view of the WG B3-12 [4] OLCM is expected to information on the network and from operation and
play an important and central role in future grids. events, use OLCM information, performed diagnoses
However there is also a downside of growing condition and maintenance over time. The more experience will
monitoring and supervision, and there are some be accumulated by the world-wide engineering
challenges and aspects to be considered: community the and the more major failures will be
- lack of skilled personnel to deal immediately with a avoided, the more the question of importance and value
large number of such systems from on-line condition monitoring will get an positive
- organizations difficulties to deal with the huge answer.
amount of data which can easily be collected,
- security regarding accessing and using the
monitoring data, cyber-security aspects,
- dealing with lifetime aspects and integration. [1] S.Tenbohlen Trends of the Diagnosis of High
The evolution and status and best practices regarding Voltage Equipment, ETG 2012, Fulda, 15-16
on-line condition monitoring systems are subject of 11.2012, ISBN 978-3-8007-3465-8
investigations and work in various international [2] A. Wilson, personal communication
organizations. Such activities in committees or working [3] C. Sölver, M. Runde, “Final report on 2004-
groups are fully dedicated to on-line condition 2007 International Enquiry of High Voltage
monitoring or contain parts related to OLCM. Some Equipment”, CIGRE TB 509, 2012
activities in CIGRE and IEEE dealing with on-line [4] A.Mackrell, N.Fantana, , “Obtaining value
condition monitoring are mentioned below including from on-line substation condition monitoring”,
their status, as examples of activities related to OLCM CIGRE TB 462, 2011
and without claiming completeness: [5] N.Fantana, , Expert round table IEEE-CIGRE
on OLCM, IEEE PES Substation meeting,
Raleigh, 2012