Performance Criteria Checklist FFS

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Performance Criteria Checklist 2.1.

Criteria Yes No
Did you….
1. Clean & repair dikes & ditches?

2. Plow or rotavate field 21-30 days before planting?

3. Harrow field at least twice at 1 week interval?

4. Level the field with a wooden plank or tiller-attached leveller?

5. Construct small canals surrounding the field near the levee & at the
middle of the field for direct wet-seeded rice?
Performance Criteria Checklist 3.1.1

Criteria Yes No
Did you….

1. Allow the field to rest for at least 30 days after harvest?

2. Follow the local planting calendar to maximize the use of

irrigation within the community. Practice synchronous planting at
least within the applicable vicinity?
Performance Criteria Checklist 5.1.1

Criteria Yes No
Did you….
1. Manage the nutrient requirement of your crop based on visual
observation of deficiency symptoms, results of nutrient
assessment and decision support tools or in other available

2. Apply the right element, amount, & timing of fertilizer application.

3. Incorporate fertilizer into the soil for better absorption of nutrients

and to avoid nutrient leaching and N volatilization.

4. Apply only 30% of the total N requirement during the 1st


5. Apply topdress fertilizer at low water depth (2-5 cm) to reduce N

volatilization, and nutrient run-off.

6. Apply fertilizer during the cooler part of the day (particularly after
3:00 PM) to avoid N losses.

Performance Criteria Checklist 6.1.1

Criteria Yes No
Did you….
7. Attain 2-3cm water level at 3-14 DAT or 5-14 DAS.

8. Achieve 5cm water depth every irrigation time.

9. Maintain 5cm water depth during flowering.

10. Drain water or stop irrigation:

1 week before expected date of harvest for medium-textured soil

or during DS

• 2 weeks before expected date of harvest for fine-textured soil or

during WS

Performance Criteria Checklist 7.1.1

Criteria Yes No
Did you….
1. Use varieties resistant to pests prevalent in the locality?

2. Change or rotate varieties every 2 to 4 cropping’s?

3. Practice synchronous planting after a 30-day rest period?

4. Conduct regular field monitoring to identify potential pests?

5. Conserve beneficial organisms?

6. Apply Weed Management Options?

7. Apply Rat Management Options?

8. Apply GAS Management Options?

9. Apply Bird Management Options?

10.Apply Insect Pest and Disease Management Options?

Performance Criteria Checklist 8.1.1

Criteria Yes No
Did you….
1. Drain field 1 - 2 weeks before the expected date of harvesting?

2. Harvest at the right maturity?

3. Harvest at the right grain moisture content (MC)?

4. After harvesting, thresh palay not later than 1 day during WS, and
not later than 2 days during DS?

5. Avoid piling the harvested crop in the field for more than a day to
avoid grain discoloration and low-quality milled rice due to heat

6. Avoid threshing dripping wet palay using a mechanical thresher to

prevent losses from poor grain cleaning and separation?

7. Observe recommended threshing speed (800 rpm for most

engine-driven threshers) to prevent grain damage?

Performance Criteria Checklist 9.1.1

Criteria Yes No
Did you….
1. Dry the palay uniformly within 12-24 hours after harvest?

2. Place dried grains on top of palette to protect it from dampness

while awaiting grain cleaning?

3. Clean dried grains 2-3 days after harvest?

4. Keep rice in a storage area that is waterproof, with proper

aeration, and free from rats, birds, pests?

5. Carry the bags of rice or use sack barrows to prevent damages to

the packages?

6. Prepare the stack layout plan before the sacks arrive?

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