Nursery Design: Exercise #1

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Exercise #1



Nursery design is very important in the success of any nursery operation. The
principle used in a nursery design is the success of high quality seedling production.
There are two main elements determining the successful seedling production, i.e. the
environmental factors and seedling production techniques in nursery operation. Physical
environmental factors, which give influence to the successful seedling production, are (i)
availability of water resources, (ii) topography, (iii) climate, (iv) accessibility, (v)
community’s housing, (vi) electricity, (vii) communication and (viii) the nursery layout.
Meanwhile, the seedling production techniques that have closely related to the successful
production are the size and species of seed that would be sowed, seed treatment, light
demanding seedlings, seedling maintenance (weeding, fertilizing, pest and disease
control, and watering in replacement beds) and the selection of ready to plant seedlings.

This exercise will allow you to make nursery design that would be very important
in establishing a nursery.


At the end of the exercise the student will be able to:

1. design nursery as an important consideration before starting any operations.


1. Draw a nursery plan showing the following consideration.

 Location; the nursery is established in the following location requirements: (i)
near with the planting location, (ii) near with the road to make easy the
transportation process and (iii) near with the community’s house to make easy in
obtaining the workers.
 The water resources; water has to be available every time. It can be obtained from
the river, lake, swam, or ground.
 Topography; the nursery should be established in flat area with the slope is less
than 5%. If it is more than 5%, the terrace should be made.
 Climate and elevation; it is based on the seedling would be produced.
 Electricity and communication facilities; it is required in seedling distribution and
office administration activity.
2. Show the following components in your nursery: (You can add any components which
you may think helpful in your nursery).

 Germination Shed
 Potting Shed
 Transplant Shed
 Hardening Bed

Exercise #1


Name:________________________________________________ Score_____________
Laboratory Schedule____________________ Group No.___________Date___________

A. Nursery Plan (use additional sheet if necessary)

Exercise #1

Questions to Answer

1. What is the importance of nursery plan?

2. You planted 300 seeds of Solanum melongena in your nursery area and only 286 seeds
germinated because some seeds are not viable. How will you compute the percent
germination? Show your solution.

3. The land area is undulating. What suggestions will you give if a farmer wanted to
establish nursery in this kind of slope?



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