Agricultural Enterprise Development Management (At601)
Agricultural Enterprise Development Management (At601)
Agricultural Enterprise Development Management (At601)
Prepared by:
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
1. Crops and
2. Livestock
Basic questions:
1. What to Produce?
2. When to Produce?
3. How to Produce?
4. How much to Produce?
5. For whom to Produce?
Factors to be considered in decision – making:
Functions of Management:
Characteristics of Decision
1. Importance
2. Frequency – the number of occurrence.
3. Imminence
4. Revocability
5. Number of available alternatives.
Farm description:
What is a farm?
- A highly organized integrated set of operation which exist in a complex
of natural, social, political and economic environment.
- An area of land that is devoted primarily to agricultural processes with
primary objective of producing food and other crops.
Other definitions:
Classification of farms:
1. According to tenure
a. Owner-operated farms
b. Partly owned farms
c. Tenanted farms (share tenancy and leasehold)
2. With respect to Economic Orientation
a. Kitchen-oriented farm (farm produced is intended for consumption)
b. Market-oriented farm (farm produce is for market)
3. With respect to source of labor and management
a. Family farm (labor of the farm is supplied by family)
b. Plantation ( labor is hired and management is provided either by the
owner or through hired manager)
c. Estate (same as plantation plus the provision of housing, medical
and school facilities for the employees and their families)
4. With respect to extent of operation
a. Intensive farm (when capital investment is big relative to the area of
land cultivated)
b. Extensive farm (opposite of intensive farm)
5. With respect to the number of enterprises
a. Specialized farm (one product is the main source of farm income)
b. Diversified farm (two ore more products are the main sources of
farm income)
6. With respect to source of water for the farm
a. Irrigated farm
b. Non-irrigated farm
7. With respect to source of power for the farm
a. Mechanized farm (major operations are done by machines)
b. Non-mechanized farm (most of the major operations are done
manually or through animal labor)
Characteristics of farming:
1. Universal characteristics
A) The main process in farming is biological not mechanical. This
biological nature of farming is the following sub-characteristics:
a. Faming is subject to high risk and uncertainty
b. Farmers have low control over levels or rates of production
c. Farm products are difficult to standardize
Importance of Farming:
The Farmers:
The purpose of farm layout is to arrange the different units of the farm in
such a way as to:
Farmstead- the dwellings and their yards and lawns, well and water
system, barns and animal houses, corrals, stock pens, scales and
dipping vats, store houses and other buildings
2. Plan the roads, lanes and fences so as to make fields, orchard, pasture
and other units of the farm as accessible as possible;
5. Plan each field to fit soil types and fertility and rotation contemplated.
- is the schedule of various quantities of commodities which producers
are willing and able to produce and offer at a given price, place and time.
- shows the quantity of goods and services that a producer or seller is
willing to sell at a given price and time.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Determinants of supply:
1. Technology
2. Cost of production (inputs)
3. Number of sellers
4. Prices of other goods
5. Price expectations
6. Taxes and subsidies
7. Season
Determinants of supply
7. Season- in the Philippines, dry season planting yields more than wet
season planting. More products are sold in the market during dry season than
during the wet season.
Law of Supply:
As prices increases, quantity supplied also increases, and as price decreases, quantity
supplied also decreases. This direct relationship between price and quantity supplied
is the law of supply. Producers are willing and able to produce and offer more goods
at a higher price that at lower price
- Demand is the schedule of various quantities of commodities which
buyers are willing and able to purchase at a given price, time and place.
- Demand for a good or commodity is defined as the various quantities
of commodities that consumers/buyers are willing to take off/purchase from
the market at all possible alternative prices, holding other factors affecting
demand constant.
Showing the inverse relationship between price and quantity:
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
Determinants of Demand:
1. Income
2. Population
3. Taste and preferences
4. Price expectation
5. Prices of related goods
Determinants of Demand:
1. Income- people buy more goods and services when their incomes
increase. Poor people who become rich naturally purchase more basic goods
like food, clothing and shelter; and services like recreation, medicare, and
education. On the other side, if their incomes decrease, demand for such
goods and services also declines.
2. Population- more people means more demand for goods and services.
There are more consumers in an urban community than in rural community.
That is why we can observe that there are more buyer in city stores than in
barrio stores. Conversely, less population means less demand for goods and
3. Taste and preferences- demand for goods and services increases when
people like or prefer them. Such tastes or preferences are greatly influenced
by advertisement or fashion. On the other hand, if a certain product is out of
fashion, the demand for it falls.
Law of Demand:
The law of demand states: “as price increases, quantity demanded decrease,
and as price decreases, quantity demanded increases”.
1. Income effect
2. Substitution effect
Factors of Production:
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneur
1. Land- is an original gift of nature. It includes the soil, rivers, lakes, oceans,
mountains, forests, mineral resources, and climate.
2. Labor- is an exertion of physical and mental efforts of individuals. This
applies not only to workers, farmers, or laborers but also to professionals like
accountants, economists, or scientists.
3. Capital- is a finished product which is used to produce other goods.
Examples of capital goods are machines as far as economist is concerned. In
finance and to laymen, capital refers to money. However, money is a medium
of exchange. It can not produce goods. It can only buy goods. This is just an
exchange between money and the corresponding units of goods.
4. Entrepreneur- is the organizer and coordinator of land labor and capital.
The law of marginal productivity states that when the successive units of
variable inputs (like farmers) work in a fixed input (like one herctare of land),
beyond a certain point the additional product (output) produced by each
additional unit of variable input decreases.
Types of Costs:
1. Fixed cost – is a cost which can not be altered during the production
Example: depreciation, land rent, tax, insurance
2. Variable cost – a cost which can be altered during the production period.
Example: labor, fertilizer, chemical
3. Implicit cost – are value of the factors of production owned by the owner.
Example: family labor
- A series of services involved in moving the product from the point of
production to the point of consumption.
- The process of moving the product from the point of production to the
point of consumption.
- a place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and
- A group of buyers and sellers with the facilities for trading with each
- A large geographic area wherein a set of supply and demand forces
operate to set up prices.
- a function performed on a product that alters its form, time, place or
possession characteristics.
- services performed involved costs and add value to the product (value
added) and somebody has to pay for it.
Point of Production:
Point of production
- the point of first sale by the farmers.
- Services performed by the producer before the point of first sale are
production services and are not included in the definition.
ex. Shippers who bring hogs to Metro Manila from Mindanao, then
from wholesalers, retailers then to consumes.
Time utility – created when products are made available when they are most
ex. Meat wholesalers who freeze some pork products for later use.
Meat is made available from periods when they are plenty to periods
when they are scarce.
Possession utility – created when goods are placed under the control of those
who decide to use them.
Participants in the Agribusiness Marketing
Marketing strategies
(4 Ps of Marketing)
1. Product strategies
2. Pricing strategies
3. Place strategies
4. Promotion strategies
The Other P’s to consider
A. Product Strategies
Product Classifications:
1. CORE PRODUCT- the problem solving benefits that consumers are really
Ex. AMC cookware – better health
2. AUGMENTED PRODUCT- offering of additional services and benefits
Ex. AMC cookware - lifetime warranty, free cooking lessons, free delivery,
home demo service
- refers to the product parts, quality level, features, designs, brand
name, packaging and other attributes
a. Product Mix – refers to the number of products a firm is handling. It can
Branding functions:
Points in Branding
Easy identification of products
Assured that you get comparable quality when you buy again
Can be advertised
Recognized when displayed in a store
Measure of prestige
1. Differentiation
2. Vehicle for communication and promotion
3. Aids advertising
4. Aids recognition
5. Goodwill value
6. Facilitates customer recall and self selection
7. Allows higher price to be charged
8. Improves customer loyalty
1. Easy to remember
2. Suggest something about product benefit or use
3. Distinctive
4. Legally protected
B. Pricing Strategies:
- the amount of money which is needed to acquire in exchange some
combined assortment of a product & its accompanying services.
1. Competitive pricing
– set price to be near or equal to those in other stores for products
bought on a regular or irregular basis.
2. Psychological pricing
– odd-centavo pricing to give the appearance of having cut prices to
the base; Minimum/ even- centavo pricing to gain a quality image
3. Unit pricing
– pricing items in units of two or more.
4. Price Lining
– offering two or more classes of the same product at different prices.
5. Special prices
– offering items as specials for a given period of time.
1. Number of potential consumers
2. Complexity of the products
3. Distribution budget
4. Seller’s sales & distribution experience
5. Geography
Marketing Channels
1. Must consider
a. cost involved in using each channel
b. investment required
c. potential net profit from sales
2. Direct Selling
D. Promotion Strategies
– is the personal and/or impersonal process of assisting a prospective
customer to buy a commodity or to act favorably upon an idea that has
commercial significance to the seller.
Importance of Promotion:
makes the buyers aware of alternative goods & services
Shorten the distance between the market & the manufacturers
regulate the level & timing of demand
Methods of Promotion
1. Advertising – any paid form of non-personal presentation of promotion of
the products
2. Personal Selling – oral presentation of the product
3. Sales Promotion – are price off, bonuses, lotteries, etc.
4. Publicity – non-personal form of promotion which aims to attract buyers by
publishing commercially significant news about the product in different media.
Some Considerations on Promotions:
- Publicity Campaigns
- Customers Services
- Community Projects
- Employee Programs
- Personal Selling
- Electronic Shopping
Kerin S. Balista²
Farm Budget
The statement of the estimated costs and returns of the farm business plus the
anticipated results for some period of time.
is a process to allocate the scare resources of the farm to organize the farm
production in such a way as to increase the resource use efficiency and the income
of the farmer.
Is a process of deciding in the present what to do in the future about the best
combination of crops and livestock to be raised through rational use of resources .
is a method of analyzing plans for the use of agricultural resources at the command
of the decision maker. Farm plan is a programme of the total farm activity of a
farmer drawn up in advance. Farm plan serves as the basis of farm budgeting.
Therefore farm plan can be prepared without a budget but budgeting is not possible
without farm plan.
The budget evaluates alternative plans from which to choose the “best”.
Planning and budgeting have tended to become a combined process. Two or more
plans and budgets give the farmer the chance to choose the best action.
¹ A topical report presented and submitted to Professor Badu M. Panimbang, PhD. under Agricultural
Enterprise Development and Management (AT-601).
² Reporter of the topic Farm Planning and Budgeting, Financing the Farm, Farm Records and Accounts
& Farm Business Analysis
Objectives of Farm Plan and Budget
1. To estimate the possible changes in the costs and returns of the farm organization
so that the best alternative plan can be chosen.
2. To show the relative advantages of alternative farm plans for each enterprise.
3. To show the estimates for seasonal and total requirements for labour, capital and
other resources needed to carry out the plan, thus showing whether they are
feasible in view of the resources available.
Know how much information to gather before preparing the budget – costs involved
in gathering information must be considered.
Include only meaningful information – only to those that are pertinent and relevant
to the preparation of the budget.
Extension agents.
Land – includes the land use pattern, irrigation and drainage, etc.
Summarize the resource requirements and output expectation – putting all figures/
data, physical or monetary into one summary form.
time consuming.
time consuming.
is used to analyse the profitability of an enterprise (i.e. poultry, livestock, corn) by
estimating annual returns and costs for one unit of the enterprise. The is usually a
head for livestock or a hectare of crop. Enterprise budgeting is basically similar to
cost and returns approach, only that it is an ex-ante approach, whereas, the latter is
an ex-post approach and is used to analyze the whole farm operation involving a
number of enterprises.
only the expected changes in costs and returns associated with the alteration of
existing technology are considered.
– both fixed and variable cost may be reduced by a technology. Depreciation and
interest on investment may be reduced if the technology results in eliminating or reducing
the investment in machinery, building, breeding, livestock, land, etc. In addition, variable
cost may be reduced if the technology decreases the need for some variable inputs.
Reduced Income/ Returns
– may result when a technology causes a reduction in yield or output levels. This
could be particularly true with a technology designed primarily to reduce the cost of
production. While the technology may result in reduction of income, profit could still be
positive provided the reduction of cost is greater.
b) Personal Organization
c) Calendar of Operations
f) Summary Budget
An estimate is made of the cash that will be available for investment for debt
servicing and family living expenses, the amount that will be available for
investment elsewhere, and the amounts which will have to be borrowed.
The cash flow budget is simply a detailed projection of all funds flowing into and out
of the farm business or farm family household.
The objective of a cash flow budget is to determine if there will be enough cash to
cover the anticipated outflows.
Credit unions
Renting or leasing
Government loans
Mortgage fees
Several factors which practically all lenders consider and borrower should be aware:
Management –the primary focus is on the individual, the borrower. Very likely, the
character of the borrower comes first.
Repayment Capacity –the ability to use the desired funds profitably is difficult for a
lender to assess. The lender place some emphasis on the past business record: past
earnings are the business’ report card.
Loan Purpose
Loan security –the creditor’s first obligation is the success of his business or to the
people whose money he is lending.
Financial position and progress –a creditor wants his accounts receivable to be with
farm businesses that are solvent, profitable and growing.
Farm Accounts –deals only with financial of all farm operations. Deals majorly with
the farm expenditures and income and help the farmer to calculate how his
business is doing.
2. They are important for planning and budgeting. They provide a farmer with enough
information needed for planning and budgeting at every pointing time.
3. They help farmer know the progress and contributions of each aspects of the farm
to its overall success.
5. They can be very helpful when a farmer needs to access financial aids from banks or
other financial institutions.
Types of Farm Records and their Uses
1. Daily Farm Records
-these are the records of all important activities and events that happen on the
farm. These records help the farmer keep track of past farming activities and plan for future
2. Records of Farm implements and equipment
-this is used to keep an inventory of all equipment on the farm and their quantity. It
can also contain the date of purchase of the equipment and sometimes their description.
1. The year to year change of number in livestock and in the volume of crop on hand.
2. The change in the cash on hand for the year as a result of purchase of new
machineries or equipment.
Inventory includes:
1. Real Estate –includes land, building, fences, water system, electric system and
2. Livestock –includes the list of classes of animals like milking cow, bull, calves heifer
3. Machinery and Equipment –includes the list of classes of tools and farm machines.
4. Feeds and Supplies –it includes feeds, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, seeds, etc.
If no records exist, taking an inventory would be the first step in organizing a complete set
of farm records. To become useful in the record keeping system, the inventory must be in
monetary value and must consist of:
1. Physical Account –consist of describing and listing each piece of property.
2. Valuation –is a process which can be completed using one of several methods to
place a value to each type of property.
1. Valuation at Cost –entering in the inventory the amount actually invested in the
asset when it was acquired.
3. Valuation by net selling price –the price which could probably be obtained for the
asset if marketed, less the cost of marketing
4. Valuation based on production cost –value the asset at what it would cost to
reproduce it at present prices and under present methods of production.
is a term used to express a loss in the value of a property due to wear and tear and
obsolescence. It involves prorating the original cost of asset over its useful life.
Salvage value or Terminal value –this represents the item’s value at the end of its
assigned life. The shorter the useful life the higher the scrap value.
Straight Line Method –it is the most widely used and easiest to use.
Answer:Balance Method –fast or accelerating method which will be used to compute for
farm Method: 15,000
which depreciate more – 3,000
rapidly in their early lives e.g. trucks, tractors, vehicles
etc. Annual Depreciation = ---------------------- =1,200
Annual depreciation = Remaining balance x % rate selected for a given year to be
Second Method:
charged for (15,000 – 3,000) x .10 = 1,200
Remaining balance = Remaining balance – Depreciation
for a given year for a previous year in the previous year
Note: % rate to be charged is usually twice the rate used in the straight line method.
• Fixed Assets. These are long-term assets which are permanent and consist
primarily of real estate and fixed improvements.
Current Liabilities
- These liabilities are due or payable on demand or at stipulated maturities within the
operating year, normally a twelve-month period.
- These includes: notes and accounts payable, rents, taxes and interest, plus that
portion of principal or intermediate and long-term debt due within the next twelve
Intermediate-term Liabilities
- This includes normal estate debts and contracts written with the purpose of meeting
other seasonal needs. Term of loans are normally for a period greater than twelve
months but less than ten years. (e.g. notes for improvements to real estate,
equipment purchases, additional to breeding and dairy stocks and other major
adjustments in the farm operation.
Long-term Liabilities
- These are assets financed for periods in excess of ten years. (e.g. mortgages and
land contracts on real estate less the principal due within twelve months.
Net Worth
- is computed by subtracting total assets. It shows the owner’s equity in the business
and in other personal property, should the business be sold or liquidation.
- This is a summary of both the cash and non-cash financial transactions of the farm
- The Profit and loss statement is a useful analytical tool, particularly when
statements from a number of years are available for comparative purposes. It
reports the return (or loss) to resources used in production. The relationship
between expenses and income over time are also shown, indicating whether
increased efforts to control costs are warranted.
Financial Position
- There are several measures used in the analysis of the financial position of the
business which can be found in the balance sheet. Some of the data included in the
analysis are gross margin budget, current ratio and percentage return on
- The analysis of the income statement will also provide some measure used in
analyzing the financial position. The pro-rating of net income of the business is
concerned primarily with the general analysis of the management performance and
income measured in terms of return on capital, labor and management resources.
Percent Return on Investment is one measure of financial position of the farm business. It
measures the profitability of the enterprise. It shows the return per peso investment.
It is computed as:
Net Farm Income
% Return of Investment (ROI)= --------------------------------------- - x 100
Total Amount of Investment
- Current ratio is one measure of the short-term liquidity of the business-the extent to
which the farm business can pay its short-term debt with cash or other assets easily
converted to cash. It is computed as:
Current Assets
Current Ratio = -----------------------------------
Current Liabilities
- Rule of thumb. A farm business should have roughly twice as many current assets as
current liabilities. If it does not, it may be forced to sell its fixtures, equipment, or
other fixed assets to meet demands for payment from creditors.
Current Assets P 11,000
Example: ------------------------- = ---------------- = 1.1
Current Liabilities 10,000
a. Definition of Entrepreneurship
b. Factors Influencing Entrepreneurship
- Martin Luther
An entrepreneur is a person with a dream, originality and daring, who
acts as the boss, who decides as to how the commercial organization
shall run, who co-ordinates all activities or other factors of production,
who anticipates the future trend of demand and prices of products.
Innovation, i.e. doing something new or something different is a
necessary condition to be called a person as an entrepreneur. The
entrepreneurs are constantly on the look out to do something different
and unique to meet the requirements of the customers. They may or
may not be inventors of new products or new methods of production
but they possess the ability to foresee the possibility of making use of
the inventions for their enterprises. In order to satisfy the changing
preference of customers nowadays many enterprises have adopted the
technique of innovation. The customers taste and preferences always
keep on changing, hence the entrepreneur needs to apply invention on
a continuous basis to meet the customers changing demand for
Entrepreneurship is the propensity of mind to take calculated risks with
confidence to achieve a predetermined business or Industrial objective.
The capacity to take risk independently and individually with a view to
making profits and seizing the opportunity to make more earnings in
the market-oriented economy is the dominant characteristic of modern
entrepreneurship. In fact he needs to be a risk taker, not risk avoider.
His risk bearing ability enables him even if he fails in one succeed. The
Japanese proverb says “Fall seven times, stand up eight”. Though
the term entrepreneur is often used interchangeably with
entrepreneurship, yet they are conceptually different. The relationship
between the two is just like the two sides of the same coin. Thus,
entrepreneurship is concerned with the performance and co-ordination
of the entrepreneurial functions. This also means that entrepreneur
precedes entrepreneurship.
There are five major sectors making up the whole agribusiness System.
This is the first subsystem from which all other agribusiness subsystems
emanate. Here, all inputs (e.g. fertilizers, seeds, machineries, etc) are
manufactured, imported or distributed.
Risk - Managing
Taking Enterprise
• Types of business
• Use of professional skill
• Motivation
• Growth
• Stages of development
1. Refers to a person Refers to a process
2. Is a visualizer Is a vision
3. Is a creator Is a creation
4. Is an organizer Is an organization
5. Is an innovator Is an innovation
6. Is a technician Is a technology
7. Is an initiator Is an initiative
8. Is a decision- maker Involves decision making
9. Is a planner Involves planning
10. Is a leader Involves leadership
Entrepreneur is the fourth factor of enterprise
The entrepreneur and enterprise are Inter- linked. Enterprise is an
offshoot of an entrepreneur. Its success is dependent on the
Today the business has become very competitive and complex. This is mainly
due to changing taste and fashion of the consumers on the one hand, and
introduction of substitute and cheaper and better competitive goods, on the
other. The old dictum “produce and sells has changed overtime into “produce
only what customers want”. In fact, knowing what customers want in never
simple. Nevertheless, a farmer operator/farmer manager has to give proper
thought to this consideration in order to make his business a successful one.
The important requisites for success in a modern business are :
1. Clean objectives : Determination of objectives is one of the most
essential pre requisite for the success of business. The objectives set forth
should be realistic and clearly defined. Then,
all the business efforts should be geared to achieve the set objectives.
1. Lack of Knowledge:
This is, in fact, one of the major reasons many agribusinesses fail. A lot of
people think venturing into agribusinesses do not require much training.
Some crop farmers think agriculture is all about making ridges, planting
seeds and then wait until harvest to start raking millions into their bank.
Most livestock farmers, on the other hand, are not any different from the
crop farmers above. They think livestock farming is all about getting young
animals and feeding them until maturity so that they can sell them out to
start making money too. A lot of poultry farmers think this way yet they
don’t know the fundamentals of keeping poultry commercially.Their focus
is usually on the profit, instead of taking out time to learn about their
business before venturing into it. Never presume you know it all.
2. Bad Location:
Site selection is an important factor to consider before starting your
agribusiness. The things to consider while making the decision for
choosing an appropriate location include; proximity to water sources,
proximity to markets, access roads to the farm, soil fertility, pH levels, etc.
Location matters a lot to agribusinesses and failure to select a good site is
the first step to failing in agriculture.
3. Improper Planning
Before starting any agribusiness, you must sit down and calculate the
costs involved. Many agribusinesses fail at startup because the owners
did not plan properly before starting out. Planning is all about deciding in
advance what to do, how to do it and when to do it so that maximum
efficiency can be attained.
Items involved in the planning are; financial breakdown of inputs,
expansion plan, sources of fund, transportation, marketing strategy,
management board etc. In addition, supply chain and distribution channels
must also be planned.
Almost everything in agribusiness is planned. Farmers plan when to by
their inputs so that they can harvest at a favorable time of the year when
they can sell at high prices. They make a lot of profit from selling in peak
periods or festive periods because demand is high at those times.
5. Premature Scaling
At the first taste of success, most agribusiness startups tend to scale up
their business operation immediately. While this is not bad at all, it is an
unwise idea to be followed immediately. Before scaling your business,
ensure you have increased your customer base to a point where your
current capacity cannot handle demand. Having a large customer base
will prevent you from incurring losses in form of post-harvest wastes. Post-
harvest wastes may accumulate when your production capacity is more
than demand for your product.
9. Selling on Credit
Another strong reason many agribusinesses fail is that of leniency of the
farm owner or management. Starting a business relationship with any
buyer who is not willing to pay promptly is a bad idea. You may run into
bankruptcy in a very short time if you are not careful.
Ensure that all buyers pay on delivery. If you have customers who prefer
to by on credit, ensure they pay within three days or before your next
delivery to them. Be sure that these debtors can be trusted to pay back.
Cash flow is essential for the survival of any business and credit sales is a
good way to tie money down, leading to more expenses than revenue and
The future challenges facing agriculture will require a paradigm shift from a
production orientation to a market-centric orientation. There should be a
mindset shifts from a traditional perspective of agriculture of production to a
market-centric agribusiness model. Philippine agribusiness and food
marketing systems are changing steadily in a positive way. Agriculture as a
whole is a dynamic sector, offering many opportunities for entrepreneurship
along the entire agribusiness value chain. But young people shun away from
agriculture because they have a misconception about what is agriculture or
agribusiness. In the Philippines, agriculture is often associated with poverty,
risks, and hard work. Recent studies proved otherwise. The 15% drop in
poverty are due to the entrepreneurial activities ranging from agriculture-
related trades among poor households in rural areas to lower-end services
among urban poor, along with businesses pursued by the non-poor.
Furthermore, innovation in technological applications, agri-products, and
business models have been attracting the Filipino youth to agriculture.
Harnessing and enabling the entrepreneurial spirit and skills of young people
to become successful agri-entrepreneurs will require a mindset shift, tailored
support, access to adequate and affordable financing, and the appropriate
enabling environment. This can only be achieved through the development of
localized, innovative models and initiatives in engaging and capacitating the
youth on agri-entrepreneurship. In the end, The transformation of the
Philippine Agriculture and the development of an inclusive agribusiness value
chain can only be realized by catalyzing an entrepreneurial and innovation
environment that starts on the farm.
The future challenges facing agriculture will require a paradigm shift from a
production orientation to a market-centric orientation. Sustainability of
agriculture cannot be treated separately and independently. Agricultural
sustainability involves the integration of the whole agri-value chain from the
acquisition of inputs to farming to marketing and up recycling of agricultural
wastes. It requires the integration of the whole value chain system from value
creation, delivery, and capture. Thus, there should be a mindset shifts from a
traditional perspective of agriculture of production to a market-centric
agribusiness model.
Even with rural to urban migration occurring in the Philippines brought about
by the surge of business process outsourcing companies (BPOs) and call
centers, there are still many young people living in the countryside.
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) report 1 in 2013,
youth are two times more likely than adults to be unemployed. This is brought
about by the mismatch between the labor supply and demand for skills. A
2017 study by India-based employment solutions firm Aspiring Minds showed
that only one out of three Filipino college graduates is “employable,” which
means about 65 percent of graduates in the country do not have the right
skills and training to qualify for the jobs they are applying for 2.
The high unemployment rate for the youth in rural areas presents both an
immense challenge and great opportunity. Generally, young people shun
away from agriculture because they have a misconception about what is
agriculture or agribusiness. In the Philippines, agriculture is often associated
with poverty, risks, and hard work. The condition of farmers in rural areas also
discourages the youth from pursuing a college education in agricultural
courses. What is more alarming is that even Filipino farmers would dissuades
their children to get into agriculture as a career.
The 2018 Philippine Economic Update (PEU), "Investing in the Future," by the
World Bank stated that the steady economic growth for more than three
decades have reduced poverty in the Philippines. But because it still is among
the highest in Asia, poverty continues to be a major challenge. But the 2018
PEU report also found a positive news regarding the reduction in poverty 4.
The 2018 PEU report further stated that the 15 percent drop in poverty are
due to the entrepreneurial activities ranging from agriculture-related trades
among poor households in rural areas to lower-end services among urban
poor, along with businesses pursued by the non-poor. Entrepreneurial income
from agriculture-related activities offers an opportunity to reduce rural poverty
if efforts are make to address productivity constraints, access to finance,
extension services, and climate change.
These agri-entrepreneurs may not have been trained formally, but they all
have an instinct for innovation and business opportunity – that unique mindset
that can spot and explore opportunities for socio-economic benefits. Turning
entrepreneurial spirit into a business primarily requires access to financing,
the provision of relevant education or vocational training together with
business management training, and better links to markets for individuals and
Awakening the ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT of the Filipino Youth
The Filipino youth is 19.4 million strong with a growth rate of 2.11% annually.
Comparing to the rest of the world, Filipinos are younger with a median age
of 23 years old. This median age of 23 years old is equivalent to the age of
a recently graduated from college and generally considered as the most
productive stage in a person’s life.
The Montpellier Panel Report (2014) described young people as, “dynamic,
inquisitive and challenging. Everywhere in the world they create a distinctive
culture, are innovative and often invent new forms of independent work.”
The report stated also that young entrepreneurs are also more likely to hire
fellow youths and pull even more young people out of unemployment and
poverty. They are particularly responsive to new economic opportunities
and trends and are active in high growth sectors. Further, entrepreneurship
offers unemployed or discouraged youth an opportunity to build sustainable
livelihoods and a chance to integrate into society 5.
Yet, there are many roadblocks to entrepreneurial success. Young
entrepreneurs are always challenged by the limited access to finance, low
levels or mismatch competencies. This is further complicated by the limited
access to markets and inapplicable institutional policy and support.
Although the Filipino youth literacy rate has been increasing since 2003 to
98.11% up from 95%, youths in the rural areas who are engaged in
agricultural production are generally poor mainly due to limited access to
quality secondary and college education which then places them at a severe
disadvantage when choosing a career. Therefore, targeted support (such as
tailored trainings, access to technology, and mentoring) and an enabling
environment that allows young people in the rural areas to develop
professionally could help them to reach their full potential. Adapting education
curricula and skills training in rural areas to particular needs would be an
important step in supporting the rural youth in becoming agri-entrepreneurs
along the agribusiness value chain.
Since 2012, the Campaign has been a collaboration between the Technical-
Vocational Unit of the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Department
of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute. In the last quarter of 2013, a
partnership agreement between PhilRice and the CGIAR Research Program
on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CGIAR-CCAFS) was
signed. Hence, since last quarter of 2013, the DepEd and CGIAR-CCAFS
have been the two major partners of the Campaign. The Campaign has 108
sites nationwide as of 2015. From this number, 81 are TecVoc high schools.
Most of these schools have already been integrating lessons on cost-reducing
and yield-enhancing rice production technologies. More recently, focus has
been given to climate smart rice agriculture in their school curriculum.
The Campaign heavily uses action research to its advantage. There are
plenty of reasons for doing this. First, the campaign is initiated by PhilRice, an
organization that is at the forefront of generating knowledge on rice farming.
Crucial to its function is conducting aggressive research. Second, the
implementers are also keen on influencing policies, not just implementing a
one-shot campaign. To make effective recommendations, a strong research
component is a must. Third, while knowledge generation and policy
recommendations are important, there are issues and problems that need
prompt actions from the government and private sector. Hence, the
Campaign is also bent on implementing solutions.
Mr. Jose Rene C. Gayo hatched the farm business school concept back in
the 1990s. Mr. Gayo is an agribusiness graduate of Siliman University and
the founding dean of the UA&P School of Management.
MFI-FBI was formed to address the need for a post-secondary family farm
school program. The family farm school, on which the new institute builds,
offers a high school curriculum on the basics of agriculture, adapted by the
Philippines from France and Spain in 1988. MFI has partnered with the
Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) and the University of Rizal
System to offer the ladderized BS Entrepreneurial Management major in
Farm Business. Its first batch of students was accepted into the program in
2009 at the MFI Farm Business Institute, a 60-hectare farm in Jala-jala, Rizal,
Philippines. At the MFI FBI, students live on-campus and are given intensive
on-farm training along with management-related courses. The students are
encouraged to start profit-making projects during the course of their study.
In the farm campus, students will dedicate 30% of their hours to classroom
instruction, leaving 70% for hands-on application of agri-entrepreneurship
practices. A first in the Philippines, the spacious MFI-FBI is situated in the
town of Jala-Jala, a lakeshore town along Laguna de Bay in the province of
Markets are the basis of rapidly developing agribusiness value chains that
provide opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment for the Filipino
youth and the growing unemployed populations. Although young people often
see agriculture as associated with poverty and risk, the sector is full of
opportunities waiting to be harnessed. Harnessing and enabling the
entrepreneurial spirit and skills of young people to become successful agri-
entrepreneurs will require a mindset shift, tailored support, access to
adequate and affordable financing, and the appropriate enabling environment.
This can only be achieved through the development of localized, innovative
models and initiatives in engaging and capacitating the youth on agri-
entrepreneurship. In the end, the transformation of the Philippine Agriculture
and the development of an inclusive agribusiness value chain can only be
realized by catalyzing an entrepreneurial and innovation environment that
starts on the farm.
graduates-employable-study shows#x2IAFkjlxQe79263.99
˙7. http//
10. Habaradas, R. & Aquino, M. (2010). Gawad Kalinga: Innovation in the city
(and beyond) (Working Paper Series 2010-01C). Manila: De La Salle
University-Angelo King Institute. Retrieved from
Reporters: Michael Jhon L. Javier & Sunshine Jane B. Colcol
Point of production
Point of consumption
A group of buyers and sellers with the facilities for trading with
each other.
A large geographic area wherein a set of supply and demand
forces operate to set up prices.
Form utility
Place utility
Time utility
Possession utility
Place utility – created when products are made available where they
are most wanted.
Time utility – created when products are made available when they
are most wanted.
ex. Meat wholesalers who freeze some pork products for later
Possession utility – created when goods are placed under the control
of those who decide to use them.
Marketing function
Exchange function
Physical function
Facilitating function
Institutional Approach
Functional Approach
Structure-conduct-performance Approach
Commodity Approach
Institutional Approach
Structure-conduct-performance Approach
Elements of Market
1. Buyers
2. Sellers
3. Trading facilities
Characteristics of the Four Basic Market Model
CHARACTERISTI Pure Monopolisti Oligopoly Pure
CS Competitio c Monopol
n Competitio y
Number of Firms A very large Many Few One
Type of Product Standardize Differentiate Standardized Unique
d d or on close
differentiated substitute
Control over Price Very easy, Relatively Circumscribed Blocked
no obstacle easy by mutual
with collusion
Non-price None Considerabl Typically a Mostly
Competition e emphasis great deal, relations
on particularly advertisin
advertising, with product g
brand differentiation
Example Agriculture Real trade, Steel, AT & T
dresses, automobiles, local
shoes, farm utilities
detergents, implements,
soap, many
toothpaste household
• Seasonality
• Bulkiness
• Heterogeneity
I. Product Strategy
a.) … revolves around the choice of the right group of product
2. Determine demand
3. Determine costs
Marketing/Distribution Strategies
• Route through which a product & its title or ownership flow from
production to consumption.
Unit value
Seasonality of sales
Types of Middlemen
Merchant middlemen – take the title to and therefore own the
products they handle
Contract buyers
Grain millers
Agent middlemen – acts as representative of their clients.
Marketing Margin
• difference between prices at different levels of the
marketing system
Types of Margins
a. Absolute Margin= Selling price – Buying price
Where: Final Retail Price or Consumer Price = Farm Price + Mktg Margins of all
Given the fixed supply of cattle, the retailers must pay higher
prices for cattle.
Piadozo, M.E. Agricultural Marketing. University of the Philippines Los Bańos.
University of Southern Mindanao Compilation. 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
Graduate School
ACCESS. EJC Montilla, Tacurong City
Could producer get MORE Money for their products if they:
Grew products differently
Physically change their product before selling them
Coordinated with an agribusiness to change the way their
product was marketed?
Industrial Innovation
Capturing Value
Creating Value – occurs with actual or perceived value to a
customer for a superior product or services.
Direct Marketing
Vertical Integration
Producer Alliances
Cooperative Efforts
Direct Marketing
Selling products directly to the costumer
Selling beef animals on the hoof
Selling homemade soaps & lotions to the general public
Vertical Integration – One producer or business owned products from
beginning to end. This producers or business doesn’t sale the product until
the consumer purchase it.
Producer Alliances Individuals / companies from the same level of the
food chain consolidated in order to produce and market superior product.
Cooperative efforts Individuals or companies pool their products I order to
increase bargaining power.
Minimizing Cost
Before producers can explore value added processing and
marketing they must minimize production cost.
Only low cost and efficient producer will survive.
Adding value cannot take the place of good management.
Producers who add value will become more than commodity producers
They will be preparing food for end users.
Quality, variety and packaging are important.
Price is not as important as quality.
Free Shipping
Collateral Materials
Customers can find immense value in collateral materials
accompanying your products. This could include in-depth instructions on
how to use the products, tips and tricks for use, clean-up and prep, and
suggestions for other uses of your product that the customer might not have
thought of. You could also include pamphlets with customer testimonials,
photos of how to set up the product and even recipes, if applicable. The
printing would be of minimal cost to you and could be the added value
necessary to create loyal customers.
2. Limited Access to capital credit for trading and marketing especially for
fruits and vegetables.
Distribution Channel