Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
No. , s. 2020
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. Pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 001, s. 2020 titled Guidelines for NEAP
Recognition of Professional Development Programs and Courses for Teachers
and School Leaders, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the National
Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), issues the DepEd Professional
Development (PD) Priorities for Teachers and School Leaders for SY 2020-2023.
4. The three-year PD Priorities shall adhere to the provisions defined in Item VI,
Nos. 16-18 of DO 001, s. 2020. Among others, the policy states that PD Priorities
shall allow flexibility for specific local needs, priorities, and emerging developments
in teacher and school leader professional development.
5. The PD Priorities reflect the needs assessment from the focus group
discussions conducted by NEAP with various units of the Department. They are
intended to provide DepEd units and Learning Service Providers guidance in the
development of proposals that are responsive to present DepEd needs. However,
NEAP may consider proposals not under the priority list, provided their importance
or urgency is established in the application.
6. The PD Priorities are situated within the NEAP PD Process Flow shown in
Figure 1.
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DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 8633-7208/8633-7228/8632-1361 8636-4876/8637-6209
Figure 1. NEAP Professional Development Process Flow
7. The list of PD Priorities for Teachers and School Leaders for SY 2020-2023 is
provided in the enclosure. In addition to the enclosure, professional development
programs or courses directly supporting the effective operationalization of DepEd's
Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) in light of COVID-19, shall also be given priority for
School Year 2020-2021.
8. For more information, please contact the National Educators Academy of the
Philippines, 2nd Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education Central Office,
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at [email protected]
or at telephone no. (02) 8633-7207.
Encl.: As stated
Reference: DepEd Order (No. 001, s. 2020)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:
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(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2020)
Table 1.1 Professional Development (PD) Priorities for Teachers for SY 2020 to 2023
Applying knowledge of content within Modelling effective applications of Modelling exemplary practices to
and across curriculum teaching areas content knowledge within and improve the applications of content
1.1 across curriculum teaching areas knowledge within and across curriculum
teaching areas
Using a range of teaching strategies Evaluating with colleagues the Modelling a comprehensive selection of
that enhance learner achievement in effectiveness of teaching strategies effective teaching strategies that
literacy and numeracy skills that promote learner achievement in promote learner achievement in literacy
literacy and numeracy and numeracy
Special Topic:
Financial Literacy Education
Domain 1
Content Applying a range of teaching Developing and applying effective Leading colleagues in reviewing,
Knowledge and strategies to develop critical and teaching strategies to promote modifying and expanding the range of
Pedagogy creative thinking, as well as other critical and creative thinking, as well teaching strategies that promote
higher order thinking skills as other higher order thinking skills critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills
Displaying proficient use of Mother Modelling and supporting Showing exemplary skills in and
Tongue, Filipino and English to colleagues in the proficient use of advocating the use of Mother Tongue,
facilitate teaching and learning Mother Tongue, Filipino and English Filipino and English in teaching and
to improve teaching and learning, learning to facilitate the learners’
as well as to develop the learners’ language, cognitive and academic
pride of their language, heritage development and to foster pride of
and culture their language, heritage and culture
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Establishing safe and secure learning Exhibiting effective strategies that Applying comprehensive knowledge of
environments to enhance learning ensure safe and secure learning and acting as a resource person for,
through the consistent environments to enhance learning policies, guidelines and procedures that
implementation of policies, through the consistent relate to the implementation of safe
guidelines and procedures implementation of policies, and secure learning environments for
2.1 guidelines and procedures learners
Special Topics:
Domain 2 ● Child Protection Policy (CPP)
Learning ● Anti-bullying Policy
Managing learner behavior Exhibiting effective and Providing leadership in applying a wide
constructively by applying positive constructive behavior management range of strategies in the
and non-violent discipline to ensure skills by applying positive and non- implementation of positive and non-
learning-focused environments violent discipline to ensure violent discipline policies/procedures to
learning-focused environments ensure learning-focused environments
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Planning and delivering teaching Evaluating with colleagues teaching Modeling a range of high level skills
strategies that are responsive to the strategies that are responsive to the responsive to the special educational
special educational needs of learners special educational needs of learners needs of learners in difficult
in difficult circumstances, including: in difficult circumstances, including: circumstances, including:
geographic isolation; chronic geographic isolation; chronic geographic isolation; chronic
illness; displacement due to illness; displacement due to illness; displacement due to
armed conflict, urban armed conflict, urban armed conflict, urban
3.4 resettlement or disasters; child resettlement or disasters; child resettlement or disasters; child
abuse and child labor practices abuse and child labor practices abuse and child labor practices
Special Topics:
● Children at-risks and children in conflict with the law
● Reproductive health and early pregnancy
● Increasing adversity quotient
● Mental health in the school setting
Adapting and using culturally Developing and applying teaching Showing comprehensive skills in
appropriate teaching strategies to strategies to address effectively the delivering culturally appropriate
address the needs of learners from needs of learners from indigenous teaching strategies to address the
indigenous groups groups needs of learners from indigenous
Planning, managing, and Developing and applying effective Modelling exemplary practice and
Domain 4 implementing developmentally strategies in the planning and leading colleagues in enhancing current
Curriculum and sequenced teaching and learning management of developmentally practices in the planning and
Planning 4.1 process for varied learning needs and sequenced teaching and learning management of developmentally
contexts processes in varied teaching sequenced teaching and learning
contexts processes
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Selecting, developing, organizing and Advising and guiding colleagues in Modelling exemplary skills and leading
using appropriate teaching and the selection, organization and colleagues in the development and
learning resources to address development of appropriate evaluation of teaching and learning
4.5 learning goals teaching and learning resources, resources, including ICT, for use within
including ICT, to address specific and beyond the school
learning goals
Designing, selecting, organizing and Working collaboratively with Leading initiatives in the evaluation of
using diagnostic, formative and colleagues to review the design, assessment policies and guidelines that
summative assessment strategies selection, organization and use of a relate to the design, selection,
5.1 consistent with curriculum range of effective diagnostic, organization and use of effective
requirements formative and summative diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent assessment consistent with curriculum
Domain 5
with curriculum requirements requirements
Assessment and
Monitoring and evaluating learner Interpreting collaboratively Providing advice on, and mentoring
progress and achievement using monitoring and evaluation colleagues in the effective analysis and
learner data strategies of attainment data to use of learner attainment data
support learner progress and
Maintaining learning environments Reflecting on and evaluating Modelling exemplary practice and
Domain 6 that are responsive to community learning environments that are empowering colleagues to establish
Community contexts responsive to community contexts and maintain effective learning
Linkages and environments that are responsive to
Professional community contexts
Building relationships with Guiding colleagues to strengthen Leading in consolidating networks that
parents/guardians and the wider relationship with parents/guardians strengthen relationships with
6.2 school community to facilitate and the wider school community to parents/guardians and the wider school
involvement in the educative process facilitate involvement in the community to maximize their
educative process involvement in the educative process
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Reviewing regularly personal Discussing with colleagues teaching Leading colleagues in the regular
teaching practice using existing laws and learning practices that apply review of existing codes, laws and
and regulations that apply to the existing codes, laws and regulations regulations that apply to the teaching
6.3 teaching profession and the that apply to the teaching profession, and the responsibilities as
responsibilities specified in the Code profession, and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for
of Ethics for Professional Teachers specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
Professional Teachers
Complying with and implementing
school policies and procedures
6.4 consistently to foster harmonious
relationships with learners, parents,
and other stakeholders.
Adopting practices that uphold the Identifying and utilizing personal Acting as a role model and advocate for
Domain 7 dignity of teaching as a profession by professional strengths to uphold upholding the dignity of teaching and
Personal Growth exhibiting qualities such as caring the dignity of teaching as a learning culture within and beyond the
and Professional attitude, respect and integrity profession to help build a positive school
Development 7.2 teaching and learning culture within
the school
Special Topic:
DepEd Core Behavioral Competencies
Participating in professional networks Contributing actively to Taking a leadership role in supporting
to share knowledge and to enhance professional networks within and colleagues’ engagement with
practice between schools to improve professional networks within and
7.3 knowledge and to enhance practice across schools to advance knowledge
and practice in identified areas of need
Special Topic:
Communities of Practice
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Table 2.1 Professional Development (PD) Priorities for School Heads for SY 2020 to 2023
Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
Demonstrating knowledge Communicating the DepEd Collaborating with school Serving as a role model in the
of the DepEd vision, mission vision, mission and core personnel in school and the wider school
and core values to foster values to the wider school communicating the DepEd community in embodying the
shared understanding community to ensure vision, mission and core DepEd vision, mission and core
and alignment of school shared understanding values to the wider school values to sustain shared
policies, programs, projects and alignment of school community to strengthen understanding
and activities policies, programs, projects shared understanding and alignment of school
and activities and alignment of school policies, programs, projects and
policies, programs, projects activities
and activities
Domain 1
Demonstrating knowledge Developing and Engaging the school Sharing with fellow school
and understanding of the implementing with the community in the heads best practice in the
phases of development and planning team school plans development and development and
1.2 implementation of school aligned with institutional implementation of school implementation of school plans
plans aligned with goals and policies plans aligned with aligned with institutional goals
institutional goals and institutional goals and policies and policies
Displaying knowledge and Utilizing available Designing supplemental Leading in the
understanding of monitoring monitoring and evaluation monitoring and evaluation institutionalization of effective
1.7 and evaluation processes processes and tools to tools following standard monitoring and evaluation
and tools to promote promote learner processes to promote learner processes and tools to promote
learner achievement achievement achievement learner achievement
Demonstrating skills in Managing school data and Capacitating school personnel Exhibiting best practice in
Domain 2
managing school data and information using in managing school data managing school data and
Managing 2.1
information using technology, including ICT, to and information using information using technology,
technology, including ICT technology, including ICT, to including ICT, to ensure
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Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSSH Domains
Operations and ensure efficient and ensure efficient and effective efficient and effective school
Resources effective school operations school operations operations
Demonstrating knowledge Managing finances adhering Exhibiting efficient and Creating and implementing a
and understanding of to policies, guidelines and effective practices in the checking mechanism to sustain
policies, guidelines and issuances in allocation, management of finances efficient and effective
issuances in managing procurement, disbursement consistently adhering to management of finances while
finances such as allocation, and liquidation aligned to policies, guidelines and adhering consistently to
procurement, disbursement the school plan issuances in allocation, policies, guidelines and
and liquidation aligned to procurement, disbursement issuances in allocation,
the school plan and liquidation aligned to the procurement, disbursement
school plan and liquidation aligned to the
school plan
Demonstrating knowledge Managing school facilities Establishing shared Systematizing processes in
and understanding of and equipment in accountability in managing managing school
policies, guidelines and adherence to policies, school facilities and facilities and equipment in
issuances on acquisition, guidelines and issuances on equipment in adherence adherence to policies,
2.3 recording, utilization, repair acquisition, recording, to policies, guidelines and guidelines and issuances on
and maintenance, storage, utilization, repair and issuances on acquisition, acquisition, recording,
and disposal in managing maintenance, storage and recording, utilization, repair utilization, repair and
school facilities and disposal and maintenance, storage maintenance, storage and
equipment and disposal disposal
Demonstrating knowledge Managing staffing such as Engaging school personnel in Empowering school personnel
and understanding of laws, teaching load distribution maintaining effective in sustaining effective
policies, guidelines and and grade level and subject management of staff in management of staff in
issuances on managing area assignment in adherence to laws, policies, adherence to laws, policies,
school staff adherence to laws, policies, guidelines and issuances guidelines and issuances based
guidelines and issuances based on the needs of the on the needs of the school
based on the needs of the school
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Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSSH Domains
Demonstrating knowledge Managing school safety for Working with the wider Institutionalizing the effective
and understanding of laws, disaster preparedness, school community in management of school safety
policies, guidelines and mitigation and resiliency to managing school safety for for disaster preparedness,
issuances on managing ensure continuous delivery disaster preparedness, mitigation and resiliency to
school safety for disaster of instruction mitigation and resiliency to sustain continuous delivery of
2.5 preparedness, mitigation maintain continuous delivery instruction
and resiliency in ensuring of instruction
continuous delivery of
Special Topic:
Disaster Preparedness
Identifying emerging Managing emerging Capacitating school personnel Empowering school personnel
opportunities and opportunities and in managing emerging in managing
challenges in addressing the challenges to encourage opportunities emerging opportunities and
needs of learners, school equality and equity in and challenges to promote challenges to ensure equality
personnel and other addressing the needs of equality and equity in and equity in addressing the
stakeholders learners, school personnel addressing the needs of needs of learners, school
and other stakeholders learners, school personnel personnel and other
and other stakeholders stakeholders
Demonstrating knowledge Assisting teachers in the Working with teams in the Sharing exemplary practice in
and understanding of review, contextualization conduct of review, the review, contextualization
school-based review, and implementation of contextualization and and implementation of learning
3.1 contextualization and learning standards to make implementation of learning standards to effectively assist
Domain 3
implementation of learning the curriculum relevant for standards to assist teachers in teachers in making the
Focusing on
standards learners making the curriculum curriculum relevant for learners
Teaching and
relevant for learners
Demonstrating knowledge Providing technical Engaging school personnel Exhibiting best practice in
3.2 and understanding of assistance to teachers on such as master teachers, head providing technical assistance
teaching standards and teaching standards and teachers and department to teachers for them to develop
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Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSSH Domains
pedagogies within and pedagogies within and heads in providing technical exemplary practices consistent
across learning areas to across learning areas to assistance to teachers on with teaching standards and
provide technical assistance improve their teaching teaching standards and pedagogies within and across
to teachers for them to practice pedagogies within and across learning areas
improve their teaching learning areas to improve
practice their teaching practice
Demonstrating Using validated feedback Collaborating with school Exhibiting exemplary skills in
understanding of the use of obtained from learners, personnel in effectively using effectively using validated
feedback parents and other validated feedback obtained feedback obtained from
obtained from learners, stakeholders to help from learners, parents and learners, parents and other
parents and other teachers improve their other stakeholders to help stakeholders to help teachers
stakeholders to help performance teachers improve their improve their performance
teachers improve their performance
Setting achievable and Utilizing learning outcomes Engaging the wider school Mentoring fellow school heads
challenging learning in developing data-based community in developing in sustaining learner
outcomes to support learner interventions to maintain data-based interventions to achievement and in attaining
3.4 achievement and the learner achievement and sustain learner achievement other performance indicators
attainment of other attain other performance and attain other performance to promote accountability
performance indicators indicators indicators within and beyond school
Demonstrating knowledge Providing technical Working with concerned Leading initiatives on the
and understanding of assistance to teachers in personnel in evaluating innovative use of learning
learning assessment tools, using learning assessment teachers’ use of learning assessment tools, strategies
strategies, and utilization of tools, strategies and results assessment tools, strategies and results consistent with
results consistent with consistent with curriculum and results consistent with curriculum requirements to
curriculum requirements requirements to ensure curriculum requirements to ensure accountability in
accountability in achieving ensure accountability in achieving higher learning
higher learning outcomes outcomes
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Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSSH Domains
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Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSSH Domains
gaps among school performance gaps among and address performance gaps
personnel school personnel among school personnel
4.6 Identifying strengths, Providing opportunities to Capacitating individuals and Empowering individuals and
capabilities and potentials of individuals and teams in teams to effectively perform teams to consistently and
individuals and teams in performing leadership roles leadership roles and effectively perform leadership
performing leadership roles and responsibilities responsibilities in fostering roles and responsibilities in
and responsibilities shared governance and achieving school goals in
accountability shared governance and
Rewarding and recognizing Implementing a school Working with school Institutionalizing the
learners, school personnel rewards system to recognize personnel to encourage implementation of the
and other stakeholders for and motivate learners, stakeholders to support the school rewards system with
exemplary performance school personnel and other implementation of the school support from the wider school
and/ or support stakeholders for exemplary rewards system in recognizing community in recognizing and
performance and/or and motivating learners, motivating learners, school
continued support school personnel and other personnel and other
stakeholders to sustain stakeholders for sustained
exemplary performance exemplary performance and/or
and/or continued support continued support
Involving the community, Initiating partnerships with Empowering the community, Leading the community,
such as parents, alumni, the community, such as such as parents, alumni, including parents, alumni,
authorities, industries and parents, alumni, authorities, authorities, industries and authorities, industries
other stakeholders, in industries and other other stakeholders, to and other stakeholders,
Domain 5 school programs, projects stakeholders, to strengthen participate in addressing in creating collaborative actions
Building and activities to gain support for learner concerns on learner in solving complex issues on
Connections support for learner development, as well as development, as well as learner development, as well as
development, as well as school and community school and community school and community
school and community improvement improvement improvement
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Table 3.1 Professional Development (PD) Priorities for Supervisors for SY 2020 to 2023
PPSS Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSS Domain
Demonstrating knowledge Supporting curriculum Providing needs-based Leading in designing and
and understanding of implementation through support for curriculum managing responsive support
support for curriculum management of programs, implementation through for curriculum
implementation through projects and activities aligned application of efficient and implementation through
management of programs, with curriculum standards effective programs, projects efficient and effective
projects and activities and activities aligned with programs, projects and
aligned with curriculum curriculum standards activities aligned with
standards curriculum standards
Demonstrating knowledge Implementing relevant Adapting harmonized Leading colleagues in
and understanding of strategies to support strategies to support innovating strategies to
Domain 1 support for curriculum curriculum contextualization curriculum support curriculum
Supporting contextualization contextualization based on contextualization
Curriculum the needs analysis of
Management targeted clusters of
and divisions/districts/schools
Implementation and learning centers
Demonstrating knowledge Applying relevant processes Exhibiting effective Modelling exemplary
and understanding on the to support learning resource practices in providing practices in providing support
different processes to management in divisions / support for learning for learning resource
1.5 support learning resource districts / schools and resource management in management in divisions /
management in divisions / learning centers divisions / districts / schools districts / schools and learning
districts / schools and and learning centers centers
learning centers
Demonstrating knowledge Utilizing results of learning Mentoring and coaching Showing exemplary
and understanding in the outcomes assessment in colleagues in the leadership skills in applying a
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PPSS Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSS Domain
utilization of the results of developing intervention development and wide range of intervention
learning outcomes strategies to support the implementation of an strategies based on results of
assessment divisions / districts / schools effective harmonized learning outcomes
and learning centers intervention strategy based assessment to support the
on analyses of results of divisions / districts / schools
learning outcomes and learning centers
assessment to support the
divisions / districts / schools
and learning centers
Demonstrating knowledge Adopting and implementing Mentoring and coaching Modeling exemplary skills in
and understanding in the appropriate technical colleagues in providing the provision of technical
provision of technical assistance modalities to efficient and effective assistance by designing and
assistance based on quality divisions / districts / schools technical assistance to a implementing responsive
assurance and monitoring and learning centers based targeted cluster of interventions based on quality
and evaluation results on quality assurance and divisions/districts/schools assurance and monitoring and
monitoring and evaluation and learning centers based evaluation results
results on quality assurance and
Domain 2 monitoring and evaluation
Strengthening results
Shared Demonstrating knowledge Supporting the management Providing enhanced support Sharing best practice in the
Accountability and understanding of laws, of disaster preparedness, in the management of provision of enhanced
policies, guidelines and mitigation and resiliency in disaster preparedness, support in the management
issuances on disaster risk the divisions/district/ schools mitigation and resiliency in of disaster preparedness,
2.4 reduction management and learning centers to the divisions/district/ mitigation and resiliency in
ensure delivery of basic schools and learning centers the divisions / district /
education to ensure delivery of basic schools and learning centers
education to ensure delivery of basic
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PPSS Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSS Domain
Demonstrating knowledge Applying appropriate Mentoring and coaching Leading colleagues in
and understanding on instructional leadership colleagues in adapting developing a compendium of
instructional leadership for support strategies to help relevant instructional effective and efficient
continuous improvement of divisions/districts/schools leadership support instructional leadership
3.1 the teaching-learning and learning centers for the strategies to address the support strategies to address
process continuous improvement of harmonized needs of the identified priority needs
the teaching-learning process clusters of divisions/ of divisions/ districts/schools
districts/schools and and learning centers
learning centers
Domain 3 Displaying knowledge and Utilizing relevant technology- Adapting technology-based Exhibiting best practice in
Fostering a understanding of relevant based innovations including innovations including ICT in applying technology-based
Culture of technology-based ICT in the effective delivery of addressing the harmonized innovations including ICT to
Continuous 3.2 innovations including ICT in roles and functions to needs of a cluster of strengthen
Improvement the effective delivery of support divisions/districts/ divisions/districts/schools shared accountability
roles and functions schools and/or learning and/or learning centers and foster a culture of
centers continuous improvement
Demonstrating Implementing communities Sustaining effective Exhibiting exemplary skills in
understanding of of practice such as job- communities of practice in institutionalizing communities
establishing communities of embedded learning, learning collaboration with of practice for continuous
practice to improve the networks and learning action colleagues for continuous improvement in the delivery
delivery of basic education cells, to improve the delivery improvement in the delivery of basic education services
services of basic education services of basic education services
Demonstrating knowledge Ensuring the delivery of Sustaining the effective Modelling exemplary
and understanding of different learning and delivery of different practices in the delivery of
Domain 4 different learning and development interventions learning and development different learning and
Developing Self 4.1 development interventions to support divisions/ interventions to support development interventions to
and Others districts/schools and/or divisions/districts/schools support
learning centers and/or learning centers divisions/districts/schools
and/or learning centers
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PPSS Moving to Career Stage 1 Moving to Career Stage 2 Moving to Career Stage 3 Moving to Career Stage 4
PPSS Domain
Reflecting on the Philippine Setting achievable personal Assisting colleagues in Leading reforms in enhancing
Professional Standards for and professional setting and achieving their personal and professional
Supervisors to plan for development goals based on personal and professional development programs based
4.3 personal and professional the Philippine Professional development goals based on in-depth knowledge and
development goals Standards for Supervisors on the Philippine understanding of the
Professional Standards for Philippine Professional
Supervisors Standards for Supervisors
Demonstrating knowledge Supporting the Providing enhanced support Sharing best practice in
and understanding on implementation of rewards in the implementation providing enhanced
rewards and recognition and recognition mechanisms of rewards and recognition support in the
mechanisms in acknowledging mechanisms to implementation of rewards
outstanding performance of acknowledge the and recognition mechanisms
personnel in region/ outstanding performance of to acknowledge the
divisions/districts/schools personnel in regions/ outstanding performance of
and learning centers divisions/districts/schools personnel in regions/
and/or learning centers divisions/districts/schools
and/or learning centers
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