Midyear in Set Template
Midyear in Set Template
Midyear in Set Template
Department of Education
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The 2024 School-Based Mid-Year In-Service Training for Teachers will be conducted in compliance with
the Division Memo No. 004, s.2024. The Department wants to finish the entire cycle of integrating the PPST
indicators into teachers’ performance by SY 2023-2024.
The comprehensive conduct of INSET training aims to familiarize teachers with the most recent RPMS
Manual; gain a clear understanding of RPMS tools; enable them to design implementation strategies as well as
a strategic framework to provide support mechanisms at the school level; Contextualize strategies, activities
2 and materials based on MELCs suited to the group of learners under frustrations and non-numerates level;
and the engagement of external and internal stakeholders in community development and craft research
innovations suited for teaching-learning process.
Literacy and Numeracy skills as one of the topics, are essential for pupils to develop their abilities in the
curriculum. Teachers support pupils by identifying their literacy and numeracy capabilities building on their
strengths and developing their areas of needs. The curriculum makes it clear that every learning area requires
both literacy and numeracy skills, and present opportunities for the pupils to develop them.
Through in-service training programs, teachers can acquire new knowledge and teaching strategies that
will increase their efficiency in the classroom. In-service training places teachers at the center of any efforts to
improve the educational environment.
The Santol Elementary School, District of Binalbagan I, School Head, and twenty teachers are scheduled
to participate in a five-day training program aimed at enhancing their professional growth. This training will
assist teachers with developing the necessary knowledge, abilities, and attitudes as outlined in the
Developmental Plan and the Electronic Self-Assessment Test (ESAT).
Enabling Objectives:
a. To evaluate the school’s progress on the implementation of 12-week curriculum from grades 1-
b. To identify teachers’ intervention strategies for struggling learners in adjusting in their learning
c. To ensure that mental health is prioritize in the school setting.
d. Identify appropriate strategies and activities in numeracy and literacy for lesson planning.
e. Contextualize strategies, activities, and materials base on MELCs suited to the group of
3 learners under frustration and non-numerates level and relating in the context of the foremost
Program Description
local environment, culture, and resources.
f. To apply range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills.
g. Apply different strategies that promotes literacy and numeracy skills in lesson planning.
h. Identify and apply different approaches and strategies in IP education in the Philippines.
i. Recognize Personal Development understanding for teachers’ growth.
j. Apply culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from the
indigenous groups.
k. Plan and craft research innovations to improve professional development.
l. To identify the component of a Result-Oriented Teaching Model and reflect on individual
teaching practices.
m. Revisit Republic Act (RA) No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
n. Revisit the RPMS Cycle and gather the necessary RPMS tools and documents based on ESAT
result and parts II-IV of the IPCRF.
o. To plan and prepare for the 2nd Quarter.
Professional Development (State the DepEd Professional Development Priorities this program covered or DM 50 s. 2020 and/or
Priorities other emerging needs of the teachers/school.)
9 10 11 12 13
Course Title Professional Standards Covered Schedule Modality
1 Evaluating 12-week curriculum Domain 5 Assessment and Reporting, Strand 5.1.2 DAY 1: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
implementation Design, selection, organization, and utilization of 24,2024
assessment strategies
2 Teachers’ intervention strategies Domain 2. Learning Environment, Strand 2.6.2 DAY 1: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
for struggling learners Management of learner behavior 24,2024
3 Mental health in the school Domain 3. Diversity of Learners, Strand 3.4.2 Learners DAY 1: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
setting. in difficult circumstances 24,2024
4 Strategies in promoting literacy Domain 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, PPST DAY 2: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
and numeracy strand 1.4, use a range of teaching strategies that 25,2024
enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy
5 Contextualize Lesson Plan Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning DAY 2: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
PPST Strand 4.5, contextualization of strategies, 25,2024
activities and materials based on MELCs
6 Teaching strategies for critical Domain 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, PPST DAY 2: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
and creative thinking, as well as strand 1.5, Applying range of teaching strategies to 25,2024
other higher-order thinking develop critical ang creative thinking, as well as higher
skills order thinking skills
7 Culturally appropriate teaching Domain 3. Diversity of Learners DAY 3: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
strategies to address the needs Strand 3.5 Learners from indigenous groups, 3.5.2 Adapt 26,2024
of learners from the indigenous and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to
groups. address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
8 Approaches in IP education in Domain 3. Diversity of Learners DAY 3: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
the Philippines Strand 3.5 Learners from indigenous groups, 3.5.2 Adapt 26,2024
and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to
address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
9 Research and Innovations Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional DAY 3: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
13 Plan and prepare for the 1st Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning, Strand 4.1.3 DAY 5: JANUARY Face-to-Face Modality
Quarter. Planning and management of teaching and learning 29,2024
Add more rows to add courses.
Provide a detailed description of each of the topics.
The proposed 5-day training program is for the professional development of 20 teachers and School Head of Santol
Elementary School, District of Binalbagan I which targets is to study about the implementation of the Results-Based
Performance Management System; contextualize strategies, activities and materials based on MELCs suited to the group of
Course Description learners under frustrations and non-numerates level; Evaluation of learners’ progress in the 12-week curriculum
implementation, and provide strategies in promoting literacy and numeracy. This training will help teachers improve their
knowledge, skills, and attitude they need as reflected in the Professional Development (PD) Priorities for Teachers for SY
16 18 20
Duratio 17 Session 19 Assessment 21 Person/
Topic Methodology Outputs
n Objectives Strategies Learning
1 60 Evaluation of To evaluate the Teachers will improve their The learning 12-week Mrs. Liezel B.
minutes learners’ school’s progress performance in terms of outcomes will be curriculum status Boca
progress in the on the instructional tactics as well assessed through the report assessment
I hereby declare the information provided in this application is true and correct and there have been no misleading statements,
omission of any relevant facts nor any misinterpretation made.
I agree that the DepEd-National Educators Academy of the Philippines to be the co-owner of all the data gathered and the
copyright of any publication of the use of these data.