MATATAG WAP For Teachers 1 3

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(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. ______ s.


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

National Educators Academy of the Philippines

MATATAG WAP Template 1: For Teachers 1-3

I. Profile

Name Office and Position

Title of PD Programs Training on MATATAG Curriculum for Date of Delivery


PD Program National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Provider in collaboration with Curriculum and Teaching
Strand (BCD and BLD)

Name of Immediate Office and Position


II. Background and Rationale of WAP:

The Department of Education has pursued its education reform, the MATATAG: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa Agenda, which sets
the new direction of the agency and stakeholders in resolving basic education challenges. In pursuing such reform in the basic education
curriculum, it is imperative to understand the current context and setting. Doing so will allow the Department to recognize the existing and
expected realities and, consequently, adopt appropriate measures to realize its vision, hence making the MATATAG Curriculum, which is
responsive and attuned to the dynamic changes that come into play in the society (General Shaping Paper, MATATAG Curriculum 2023).
The MATATAG Curriculum focuses on foundational skills and embedding peace competencies, building more resilient schools and
classrooms, strengthening inclusive education programs, advocating for teachers’ additional benefits, and providing professional
development programs, among others. The aim is to create a more effective and impactful educational experience for Filipino learners.
The Training on MATATAG curriculum is rooted in the fundamental importance of ensuring that teachers and school leaders are fully
equipped with the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary to effectively implement the curriculum. Teacher quality is vital in raising
learner achievement. However, teachers alone cannot bring about substantive changes without effective leadership.

In addition, DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2022 or the Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030) outlines the priorities
of the department in addressing the immediate and long-term concerns confronting basic education: access, equity, quality, and resiliency.
Quality is designed to address the quality of education through various strategic means such as but not limited to upskilling and reskilling
of teachers and school leaders.

To articulate the general shape of the MATATAG Curriculum and to ensure its full implementation, all teachers shall develop a Work
Application Plan (WAP) underscoring the intensification of Learning Action Cells (LACs) through Collaborative Expertise (CE).

The PD Program [School-Based Training on MATATAG Curriculum] provides the teachers with an opportunity to:

 address the appropriate indicators domains, strands, and indicators in the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)
in the effective and efficient delivery of the MATATAG Curriculum through the intensification of School LACs through the Collaborative
Expertise (CE).

The following professional standards/competencies are being addressed in the Training on MATATAG Curriculum for Teachers:

Professional Standards PD Program Goals Indicators (Subtask) Application Objective
(Enumerate the specific goals based on the
identified PPST indicators)

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017

Domain 1. Content 1.1.2. Apply knowledge of Continuously deepen Develop strategies to integrate Explore and implement a range of
Knowledge and content within and across understanding and mastery of the knowledge from other disciplines into pedagogical approaches,
Pedagogy; Strand 1.1 curriculum teaching area. content within the curriculum the curriculum teaching area, fostering methodologies, and technologies to
Content Knowledge and teaching area, staying updated interdisciplinary connections that effectively deliver content and
its application within and with new developments, enrich pupils learning experiences. engage pupils in learning.
across curriculum areas; research, and best practices.
Domain 1, Content 1.5.2 Apply a range of Design learning experiences that Implement differentiated instruction Create a supportive learning
Knowledge, and teaching strategies to encourage learners to ask strategies to accommodate diverse environment where pupils engage
Pedagogy; Strand 1.5. develop critical and questions, explore concepts learning styles and abilities, providing in collaborative discussions, share
Strategies for developing creative thinking, as well independently, and engage in opportunities for students to engage in perspectives, and construct new
critical and creative as other higher-order meaningful inquiry to develop critical and creative thinking at their knowledge through dialogue and
thinking, as well as other thinking skills. critical thinking skills. own pace and level. debate.
higher-order thinking
Domain 3. Diversity of 3.1.2 Use differentiated Conduct an assessments and Create learning activities and tasks Develop assessments that allow for
Learners. 3.1 Learners’ developmentally observations to identify the that offer flexibility and adaptability to multiple modes of expression and
gender, needs strengths, appropriate learning diverse characteristics of accommodate the individual needs, assessment formats, enabling
interests, and experiences to address students, including gender, preferences, and developmental students to demonstrate their
experiences; learners’ gender, needs, learning needs, strengths, stages of each learner. understanding and skills in ways
strengths, interests, and interests, and prior experiences. that align with their individual
experiences. strengths and needs.

Domain 4. Curriculum 4.1.2 Plan, manage and Create lesson plans that are Adapt teaching methods and materials Collaborate with other teachers
and Planning; Strand 4.1. implement developmentally sequenced, to address the diverse learning needs and education professionals to
Planning and developmentally aligning with the curriculum of students within the classroom. share best practices, resources, and
management of teaching sequenced teaching and requirements and catering to strategies for effective teaching.
and learning process; learning process to meet diverse teaching contexts.
curriculum requirements

and varied teaching
Domain 4. Curriculum 4.2.2 Set achievable and Ensure that learning outcomes Clearly communicate learning Continuously monitor students'
and Planning; Strand 4.2. appropriate learning are aligned with teaching and outcomes to pupils at the beginning of progress towards learning
Learning outcomes outcomes that are aligned learning standards, as well as each lesson or unit to provide them outcomes and adjust instructional
aligned with learning with learning with the specific learning with a clear understanding of what is strategies or learning outcomes as
competencies; competencies. competencies outlined in the expected of them. needed to ensure that all students
curriculum. can achieve success.

Domain 5. Assessment 5.1.2 Design, select, Develop pre-assessments to Choose formative assessment Create quarterly summative
and Reporting, is organize, and use gauge students' prior knowledge, strategies such as quizzes, discussions, assessments that align with
composed of five diagnostic, formative and skills, and misconceptions before or observations to monitor student curriculum requirements and assess
strands: Strand 5.1. summative assessment instruction begins, informing progress and provide ongoing students' overall mastery of
Design, selection, strategies consistent with instructional planning. feedback during instruction. learning objectives.
organization, and curriculum requirements.
utilization of assessment
Domain 5: Assessment 5.2.2. Monitor and Implement regular assessments Analyze learner attainment data to Continuously monitor learner
and Reporting; 5.2. evaluate learner progress to gauge learner progress across identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, progress towards set goals,
Monitoring and and achievement using different learning objectives and and areas for improvement in both regularly revisiting, and adjusting
evaluation of learner learner attainment data. topics. individual and group performance. goals as needed to ensure
progress and continued growth and success.
Domain 5. Assessment 5.5.2 Utilize assessment Develop proficiency in analyzing Use assessment data to ensure that Identify learners who may require
and Reporting; Strand data to inform the assessment data to identify teaching practices and instructional additional support or intervention
5.5. Use of assessment modification of teaching patterns, trends, and areas for materials are aligned with curriculum based on assessment data and
data to enhance teaching and learning practices and improvement in teaching and standards and learning objectives. implement targeted strategies to
and learning practices programs. learning practices. address their specific learning
and programs; needs.

Domain 7. Personal 7.3.2 Participate in Participate in conferences, Engage in online communities, forums, Commit to lifelong learning by
Growth and Professional professional networks to workshops, and seminars to stay and social media groups related to seeking out new opportunities for
Development; Strand 7.3 share knowledge and to updated on current trends, education to share knowledge, professional growth and
Professional links with enhance practice. research, and best practices in exchange ideas, and seek advice from development, including pursuing
colleagues; teaching and learning. advanced degrees, certifications, or
peers. specialized training programs.

Domain 7. Personal 7.5.2 Set professional Conduct a thorough self- Ensure that professional development Participate in collaborative learning
Growth and Professional development goals based assessment of current teaching goals are directly linked to the activities with colleagues to share
Development; Strand 7.5 on the Philippine practices, strengths, and areas for competencies outlined in the PPST, insights, resources, and strategies
Professional Professional Standards for improvement in alignment with focusing on areas such as content for achieving professional
development goals; Teachers. the Philippine Professional knowledge, pedagogy, assessment, development goals aligned with the
Standards for Teachers (PPST). and professional responsibility. PPST.

IV. Implementation Plan [the WAP must be implemented within 6 months after the training]

Application Objective [it must be aligned with the PD Program Goals]

 implement their respective Workplace Application Plan (WAP) articulating their required competencies to be developed and/or
enhanced using school LACs through Collaborative Expertise (CE) aligned with the PPST.

Specific Task Activities Timeline Expected Outcomes/ Learning Facilitator

[minimum of two (2)]
(Specify activities on the identified (Start-end of each (Immediate Supervisor or
(Aligned with the application task) activity) (It represents what is predicted peer assigned to guide the
objective, what are the or intended to happen as a teacher)
specific tasks of a teacher to result of implementing a specific
enhance teaching task or initiative)

Continuous Engage in ongoing learning Year round Professional Growth Supervisor

Professional opportunities such as workshops,
School Heads
Development seminars, webinars, and
conferences focused on teaching Master Teacher
methodologies, educational
technology, subject content, and Teachers
pedagogical practices.

Regularly reflect on teaching
experiences, lessons, and student
outcomes to identify strengths,
Reflective Practice weaknesses, and areas for Participating in peer
improvement. observation and feedback

Explore and implement innovative

teaching strategies such as active
learning, flipped classrooms,
project-based learning, and
inquiry-based learning to promote Adopt different teaching
student engagement and deeper strategies for diverse
understanding. learners.
Adopting Innovative
Teaching Strategies
Stay updated with educational
technology tools and integrate
them effectively into teaching
practices to enhance learning
Develop skills in differentiating
instruction to meet the diverse Includes learning
needs of students in the management systems,
Utilizing Technology classroom. interactive whiteboards,
educational apps, and
online resources.
Implement formative assessment
Varying learning styles,
techniques to continuously
abilities, and
monitor student progress and
adjust teaching strategies
Cultivate positive relationships Include quizzes, peer
with students, colleagues, and assessments,
parents to create a supportive discussions, and informal
Formative Assessment learning environment. observations.

Foster collaboration and teamwork Effective communication,

among learners. empathy, and active
listening are essential in
building these

Building Positive
Relationships Group activities, projects,
and discussions,
promoting critical
thinking, communication,
and problem-solving
Collaborative Learning

Prepared by (name and position): Signature Date

*Reviewed by (name and position): Signature Date

**Approved by (name and position): Signature Date

*for proficient teacher: reviewed by the master teacher or immediate supervisor and **approved by the school head/head teacher/OIC for schools without school

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