Stages of Evolution of Management

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Stages of Evolution of Management

1. Classical Theory
a. Bureaucracy
b. Scientific Management
c. Administrative Management
2. The Neo-Classical Theory
a. Human relations
b. Behavioural science approach

3. The Modern Management Theory

a. Technical and Quantitative
b. System Approach to Management
c. Contingency approach to Organization & Management
a. Bureaucracy
Max Webel, a German Sociologist.
The model of bureaucracy included,
i) Hierarchy of authority, involving superior-subordinate relationship
and chain of command.
ii) And functional specialization. Clear cut division of work based
upon competence.
iii) A system of Rules, Regulations and Procedures.

iv) Mutual Relations based on positions.

v) Selection and Placement of employees based upon competence.

vi) Legal Authority and Power

* Power does not belong to an individual but due to position in the
b. Scientific Management

F. W. Taylor : Father of Scientific Management

-Art of knowing exactly what is to be done and the best way of doing it.

* Economical & Efficient methods.

* Best use of

* Right at Right approach.

Principles of Scientific Management

1. Development of Science for each element of work.

2. Scientific selection, placement and training of workers.

3. Division of Labour (Separation of planning function from doing

4. Standardization of methods, procedures, tools and equipment.

5. Use of time and motion study.

6. Differential wage system.

7. Co-operation between labour and management

8. Principles of management by exception.

c. Administrative Management
Henry Fayol: Father of Modern Management.
Henry Fayol analyzed the process of management and divided the
1. Technical:
2. Commercial:
3. Financial:

4. Security

5. Accounting

6. Managerial
Principles of Modern Management

1. Division of Work

2. Authority and Responsibility

3. Discipline

4. Unity of Command

5. Unity of Direction

6. Emphasis on subordination of Personal over Common interests.

7. Adequate Remuneration to Personnel

8. Centralization

9. Scalar Chain or Line of Authority

10. Order: A place for every thing and everything in its place.

11. Equity

12. Stability of workers

13. Initiative

14. Esprit de Corps (Team Spirit)

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