Identification of Principal Factors Causing Unbalanced
Identification of Principal Factors Causing Unbalanced
Identification of Principal Factors Causing Unbalanced
Indexing terms: Cage induction motors, Magnetic circuits, Rotors, Machine theory
The precise effect of the static eccentricity of the rotor of an induction machine on the magnetic field in the air-
gap is demonstrated and explained. The relation between the unbalanced pull and the eccentricity of a cage rotor
is determined through measurements of the electromagnetic field at the rotor surface, and the significance of the
tangential-flux component in the machine airgap is assessed.
LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS may be considered as a 2-pole modulation of the airgap field.
This modulation gives rise to induced currents in the cage
B airgap flux density r.m.s. rotor and in parallel paths in the stator winding, when such
normal flux density at point A on rotor surface are present, and these currents reduce the amplitude of the
: flux-density amplitudes associated with ith har- 2-pole modulation and consequently decrease the u.m.p.
normal component of flux density There is an abundance of published work on the subject of
slip-frequency component of flux density (peak) u.m.p., resulting in a large number of differing formulas de-
Bo pending on a variety of assumptions. It is difficult to draw
Bot slip-frequency component of tangential flux density
(peak) any clear conclusions, since many proposed equations have
tangential component of flux density not been tested; and the test results which have been publish-
unbalance component of flux density (peak) ed are not sufficiently comprehensive, in that they apply to
only one or two designs and mainly relate to wound-rotor
ut = unbalance component of tangential flux density machines. In a review of the literature on u.m.p. that was
published in 1918, Gray and Pertsch 1 found that all the pub-
l = fundamental flux density (peak) lished expressions for the magnetic pull were of the form
normal surface stress KB2e/g, for small values of eccentricity. K was a factor
mean airgap which might depend on a number of variables, such as pole
number and the ratio of the airgap reluctance to that of the
H n = normal component of magnetic-field strength whole magnetic circuit. Most of the machines for which
tangential component of magnetic-field strength
i = harmonic number these formulas were to apply had salient poles, but Rosen-
berg 2 developed a rule which also applied to nonsalient-pole
m = rate of change of pull with displacement machines. Attempts have been made to extend the range of
stiffness of rotor shaft
L = rotor length this simple expression to cover larger values of eccentri-
P unbalanced pull city. Gray and Pertsch found that the most popular modifi-
number of pairs of poles cation was to make the pull proportional to the expression
unbalance pull due to tangential flux density e/g
r = radius of cylindrical surface
S surface area of surface of integration U-(e/g)2|3/2
a, \ = phase angles
phase angle of ith harmonic while von Kaehne,3 in his survey of work on u.m.p. published
in 1963, considered the most generally accepted expression to
Mo = primary magnetic constant be of the form
relative permeability
o = slip, p.u. e/g
U) = synchronous angular velocity
So far, the only harmonic field considered has been that in-
volving the unbalance component. In a similar way to the
above, it can be shown that all harmonic fields produce a ro-
tating force relative to the rotor, each harmonic having its
characteristic angular velocity. However, only those fields
which involve the unbalance component or its harmonics are
stationary with respect to the stator. Hence the forces due
to other harmonics produce high-frequency vibrations, but
no steady force of any significance. Modulations due to
eccentricity of higher m.m.f.harmonics produce forces in-
volving the product of two components, both of which have
orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding terms in
eqn. 7 and so can be neglected.
In much of the literature, it is assumed that the flux density
stator core varies round the airgap in a sinusoidal manner, according to
= KB 1 (9)
axis of
This would lead to a pull, given by
Fig.l _ KB12(e/g)S
Airgap of machine with static eccentricity (10)
o \o
I I I I I I I 15
•1 2 34 56 7 89 10 11 f
Slot slot
centre centre
Fig. 4
Unbalance-flux component for 0-043 mm eccentricity
a No load
b Half load '
c Full load I I I I I
d Tangential component at half load 7 8 9 10 11 f
30 — Fig. 6
Second harmonic of unbalance-frequency-flux component
a No load
25 b Half load
c Full load
30 >vT
f ' \
\ b
25 <
0 10 20 30 40 c c \ \ \
eccentricity airgap width,°/o
<D O
Du a \ \
c: u 20 <
Fig. 5
ai xo \° \ 0
30 — The work described in this paper forms part of an investiga-
tion of the electromagnetic behaviour of induction motors,
made possible by the generous financial support of the UK
o „''/ Science Research Council. This work formed the basis of a
25— Doctor of Philosophy thesis submitted by one of the authors
to the University of Southampton. The authors wish to thank
_9—- ^^ Prof. P.Hammond for his encouragement.
3 O ~_o/
- 20 —
I /
o Pi
1 GRAY, A., and PERTSCH, J. G.: 'Critical review of the
15 —
~ 'Jj bibliography on unbalanced magnetic pull in dynamo
electric machines', Trans. Am. List. Elec. Eng., 1918, 37,
Pt.H, pp. 1417-1424
2 ROSENBERG, E. : 'Magnetic pull in electric machines',
f 10 - I ibid., 1918, 37, Pt. II, pp. 1425-1469
3 VON-KAEHNE, P. : 'Unbalanced magnetic pull in rotating
electric machines'. ERA report Z/T142, 1963
1 1 1 4 FRIESE, W. and JORDAN, H. : 'Einseitige magnetische
E "0 10 20 30 40 Zugkrafte in Drehstrommaschinen', Elektrotech. Z, 1962,
83, pp. 299-303
a , 5 ROBINSON, R. C. : 'The calculation of unbalanced mag-
eccentricity/airgap width ,°/o netic pull in synchronous and induction motors', Trans.
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Variation of product of slip-frequency and unbalance flux 6 MILES-WALKER : 'Specification and design of dynamo-
components with eccentricity electric machinery' (Longmans, Green, 1915), pp. 57-61
a No load 7 BRADFORD, M. : 'Unbalanced magnetic pull in a 6-pole,
b Halfload induction motor', Proc.IEE, 1968,115, (11), pp. 1619-1627
c Full load 8 CARR, L. H. A. : 'Recent progress in induction motor
construction, J.IEE, 1936, 78, pp. 383-403
9 COVO, A. : 'Unbalanced magnetic pull in induction motors
with eccentric rotors', Trans. Am. Inst. Elec. Eng., 1954,
73, Pt.IIIB, pp. 1421-1425
The flux density at a point on the rotor surface can be des- 10 FROHNE, H. : 'The practical significance of unbalanced
cribed by a series of harmonic components, and it has been - magnetic pull. Possibilities of its calculation and damp-
found by experiment that the effect of static eccentricity on ing', Conti Electro Ber., 1967, 13, pp. 81-92 (in German)
the field is confined to one of these. It has been shown that 11 ELLISON, A. J., and YANG, S. J. : 'Effects of rotor eccen-
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rotor de machines a induction a voies d'enroulement
B, paralleles', Bull. Ass. Suisse Elec, 1956, 47, pp. 581-588
13 STRINGER, L.S. : 'Unbalanced magnetic pull and shaft
voltage in electromagnetic rotating machines', Engineer,
The common assumption of a sinusoidal variation in gap den- April 1968, p. 631
sity round an eccentric airgap results in the relation 14 CRAWFORD, W.G. : 'Unbalanced magnetic pull and the
mechanical stability of rotating electric machines',
IV Engineering, 1951, 171, pp. 504-505
P= S -
15 SWANN, S.A. : 'Effect of rotor eccentricity on the mag-
netic field in the air-gap of a non-salient-pole machine',
There is ample experimental evidence that, for cage-rotor Proc.IEE, 1963, 110, (5), pp.903-915
machines, the pull is proportional to the square of the vol- 16 BRADFORD, M. : 'Unbalanced magnetic pull in a 6-pole,
tage; for example, Bradford7 found that voltage changes of 10 kW, induction motor with a series-connected stator
25% produced force changes very close to 56%. This means winding'. ERA report 5216,1968
354 PR OC. IEE, Vol. 120, No. 3, MARCH 1973