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BY R. E.

Member, A. I. E. E.

Synchronous Machines IV
Associate, A. I. E. E.

Synopsis.-The special case of cylindrical rotor machines has in the open phase, and for voltages across external reactances in the been treated previously by Boucherot and others. The present armature and field circuits. Comparison of calculated and test paper solves the general case, including salient pole machines. curves for these quantities are shown in Figs. 5 to 8, for a 7000-kv-a. The cylindrical rotor type thus becomes merely a limiting case. 375 rev. per min. salient pole alternator, and in Figs. 11 to 25 for a The principal assumption which distinguishes the present theory 20-hp. 1800-rev. per min. induction machine (cylindrical rotor). from the extensively studied cylindrical rotor theory is that the These show satisfactory agreement. total armature self-inductance is here taken as variable with respect The form of the results is interesting and instructive. The to rotor position, whereas the previous theory of short circuits, as short-circuit currents are expressed, as in equation (9), as the sum represented by Boucherot, for instance, assumes this inductance to of two series, one of odd, the other of even, harmonics, in which be constant-in other words, that the air-gap is uniform. the magnitudes of the harmonics, in ascending order, are in geometThe four basic concepts underlying the improvement in theory, ric ratio. The value of that ratio is both as applied here and in the authors' previous work on Synchronous Machines, are: Vx - XD 1. Characterization of the machine by four reactance coefficients, b , zj + g Q + XD two corresponding to the main pole axis, i. e., direct axis, and two to the interpolar axis, i. e., quadrature axis. These are: x0, x0', where XD and xQ are transient reactances in the direct and quadraxQ, XQ'. (See notation.) Thus the theory has been referred to, ture axes. more or less aptly, as the "Four-Constant Theory." The effect of salient poles in reducing the relative magnitude of 2. Resolution of flux and m. m. f. waves traveling with respect the harmonics with respect to the fundamental in the short-circuit to the rotor into stationary, pulsating components in line with the current is clearly shown by the equations. This is important both direct and quadrature axes. The theory involves also, of course, the in connection with the calculation of mechanical forces, and of the usual Blondel resolution of the stationary fundamental waves. voltage induced in the open phase during single-phase short circuit. 3. That the variable component of armature inductance varies It is shown that although this voltage may be 15 or 20 times normal between the direct axis value and the quadrature axis value as a in a laminated, cylindrical rotor machine without amortisseur second harmonic function of the electrical space angle. This circuits, it may be only 2 to 4 times normal in a salient pole machine. applies to all variable components of inductance which, with arma- An amortisseur winding greatly reduces it in either case. ture current of fundamental frequency, produce fundamental voltage. The fundamental component of this voltage across the open phase 4. The complete use of a fractional system of notation throughout is shown to be approximately equal to (1 + b) times the voltage the equations, thus expressing each quantity as a decimal fraction of before short circuit. some definite, convenient value, such as "normal" value. This is, of The mathematical work and definitions are in Appendixes as course, an outgrowth of the familiar practise of expressing such follows: quantities as a per cent of normal value, but the latter involves A Summary of equations. carrying along the "100" in calculations, which is both cumbersome B Armature current. and conducive to numerical error. Experience has established a very C Field current. definite prefe&ence for the former-the only difference between them, D Voltage across external reactance in armature circuit. of course, being the position of the decimal point. Thus, with E Voltage across external reactance in field circuit. unity as the base, instead of "100," it is proposed to denote the F Voltage across the open phase. G Variation of armature inductance with position. former by "per unit" system, instead of "percentage" system. Turning to the results of the paper, expressions are derived for the H Decrementfactors. short-circuit currents in the armature and field, for voltage induced I Reactances, definitions, and relations.

HISTORICAL A T the White Sulphur Springs Convention in 1926 the authors presented the first of a series of papers covering their investigations of the Synchronous Machines. Part I was an extension of fundamental theory; Part II, a treatment of torque-angle characteristics under steady state conditions; and Part III, presented at the 1927 Winter Convention, a study of torque-angle characteristics under transient conditions. In the present paper, an analysis is made of single-phase short circuits. In the future, the treatments of other characteristics, including polyphase short circuits and the torque existing under shortcircuit conditions, may be given,

Certain special cases of short circuits have been treated previously. Following the early work by Steinmetz1 and Berg, Boucherot2 presented his classical paper in 1912, dealing with alternators of the laminated, cylindrical rotor type, with and without amortisseur windings. In 1915 Diamant4 reviewed the work of Berg and Boucherot, and, among other mathematical extensions, gave expressions for the envelope of the short-circuit current. In 1918 he presented an analysis of sustained short circuits, dealing principally with the nature of flux distribution under that condition. In the same yearsa one of the authors proposed the use of the Constant ixnkage Theorem in dealing with short circuits, and in 19219b and 19239c illustrated its use. Also in 1923 Franklin5 applied this method to a large *Both of the General Electric Co. number of cases of single-phase and three-phase short 1.~~~~~ Fo.eeecsse ilorpy Presented at the Winter Convention of the A. It E. E., N~ew Vork, circuits. Working from the same fundamental premN. V., February 13-17, 1928. ises, Laffoon7 solved additional cases in 1924. The




Transactions A. 1. E. E.

following year Karapetoff6 analyzed, in the main, the same cases as those of Franklin and Laffoon; but he started from a somewhat different theoretical basis, i. e., from Kirchoff's Laws. But he, like Franklin and Laffoon, neglected resistance, which made the fundamental premises the same-since the Constant Linkage Theorem is merely a corollary of Kirchoff's Second Law, for the special case of negligible resistance. That is, his equations involved voltages, instead of magnetic linkages, and were therefore the first derivatives of the corresponding equations in Franklin's work. Involving the same assumptions regarding the circuits, the results naturally also agreed. In 1923, Lyon"3 outlined a method according to which "certain low-frequency transient conditions in electric machinery may be analyzed by a vector method." From the vector point of view, first proposed by Dreyfus'4'15,16 in 1912, the transient voltage or current may be represented by a series of vectors which shrink exponentially as they rotate. The thorough, mathematical treatments of cylindrical rotor machines both by Shimidzu and Ito' and by Biermanns,3 in which the effect of resistance is approximately taken into account, are especially noteworthy. All of the foregoing investigations have dealt with cylindrical rotor machines; and, granting the simplifying assumptions which have appeared to be practically necessary, such as those made by Shimidzu and Ito, and Biermanns, relating to resistance and saturation, it may be said that a practical solution of short circuits for the cylindrical rotor type has been attained.* SCOPE These previous analyses, however, have not solved the important case of salient pole machines. The present paper treats the general case, including both types. Proceeding from the same basic point of view from which the authors' previous work on Synchronous Machines9d,9c has been developed, the present treatment takes up single-phase short circuits and partial short circuits, i. e., with external reactance in the armature and field circuits, developing expressions for armature current, field current, armature voltage across the open phases, voltage across reactance in the armature circuit,
and the voltage across reactance in the field circuit. These expressions apply not only to salient pole machines, but also to the cylindrical rotor type,

Although the single-phase phenomena of three-phase machines only are considered here, the theory is, of course, applicable also to two-phase machines. DISCUSSION OF THEORY The four basic concepts underlying the improvement in theory, both as applied here and in the authors' previous work, are: (1) characterization of the machine by four reactance coefficients, two corresponding to the main pole axis, i. e., direct axis, and two to the interpolar axis, i. e., quadrature axis. These are XD, XD', XQ, XQ'. (See notation.) Thus the theory has been referred to, more or less aptly, as the "Four-Constant 2. Resolution of flux and m. m. f. waves traveling with respect to the rotor into stationary, pulsating components in line with the direct and quadrature axes. The theory involves also, of course, the usual Blondel resolution of the stationary fundamental waves. 3. That the variable component of armature inductance varies between the direct axis value and the quadrature axis value as a second harmonic function of the electrical space angle. This applies to all variable components of inductance which, with armature current of fundamental frequency, produce fundamental voltage. The general aspects of this premise should be carefully considered. In a salient pole machine, if the axis of the armature fundamental m. m. f. is not in line with either the pole axis or the interpolar axis, the resulting fundamental flux wave, of course, will not be in space phase with the m. m. f. wave; and therefore calculations involving the total waves would be very complicated. By symmetry, the flux wave will be in space phase with the m. m. f. wave producing it, if the latter is in line with either of these axes. The purpose of resolving the fundamental wave of m. m. f. along these two particular axes is thus to obtain component flux waves tThere are, of course, more than four. The four constants
which characterize the machine under single-phase operation are not the same as the four which characterize it under polyphase operation. They are, however, of the same general nature, thus corresponding each to each, the chief difference being due to the mutual inductance between phases. Nor are the four constants the same for a line-to-neutral, as for a line-to-line, short circuit. Thus, there are twelve constants in this particular connection, and even some of these may be split up under special conditions;


becomes a special case of the former. Thus, the .

since under the present theory, the latter type merely for instance, where saturation exists, or where there are shortwinding, etc. Moreover, in certain network calculations, it is

eircuited windings


the rotor in addition to the main field

the voltage and current phenomena under single-phase

scope includes the development of expressions, appli- desirable to use an additional constant, namely, the zero phasecable alike to salient poles and eylindrical rotors, for sequence reactance. The positive phase and negative phase values
are also used in the latter connection, but these are expressed in terms of the "four constants." And, if one should include also the calculation of all the possible phenomena due to harmonics,
the number of necessary constants could be extended almost indefinitely. Thus while it is correct to say that the macehine, under single-phase or polyphase operation, is characterized under the premises of this paper by four constants, there are, all told, many more than four values of reactance to be considered in general.

short circuit. *After submitting the present manuscript, a copy of S. Bekku's treatment of "Sudden Short Circuit of Alternator," Bibliography 12, has been received. This treats the case of the cylindrical rotor machine with a three-phase winding on the rotor, each rotor circuit being closed either directly or through the exciter. He employs "Heaviside" in the mathematical work.

Feb. 1928



in space phase with the respective m. m. f. components producing them. Now it is a mere incident of machine design that there is symmetry about the two axes mentioned, and that these axes happen to be 90 electrical degrees apart. But these facts underly the possibility of expressing the variation of armature inductance as a simple second harmonic, as in equation (3). For derivation of this, see Appendix G. Such a variation is shown to apply not only in the case where the field winding is open circuited, i. e., to the case of pure reluctance symmetry of the rotor magnetic circuit, but also to the case of artificial reluctance symmetry as produced by short-circuited rotor windings, such as the field winding. A short-circuited secondary
sAxis of Single
Phase Winding

Thus, considering the variable components of inductance, it is permissible, under the premises, to regard the variation as a second harmonic of the electrical space angle, regardless of whether the variation is produced by the shape of the iron magnetic circuit, by shortcircuited secondary windings on the rotor, or by both; and regardless of whether the variation affects the fundamental or the harmonic flux waves, so long as the reactive voltages produced by such waves are of fundamental frequency. Fig. 2 shows the variation of the




/\ ,

838 4 g i3; B


X~~~~~~~~~~~~~F V





Axis of

URVE ~~~~~~~C







Curve A-No saturation Curve B-With saturation

Motion fPA.



on the rotor merely increases the reluctance of the path of the armature flux; and in machines as ordinarily constructed, the artificial reluctance symmetry is about the same two axes as when the secondary windings are open-circuited, since the axes of the latter windings coincide with the direct and quadrature axes. See Fig. 1. There is also a relatively small component of armature leakage inductance, which varies as a second harmonic. Although this component is due to space harmonics of flux, it nevertheless produces a reactive voltage of the same frequency as the armature current. This has been considered by KarapetoffGa and Arnold,'1 its significance is fully discussed in Synchronous Machines, _I,9d and its magnitude is given by Alger.t t' C8alculation of Reactance of Synchronous Machines," by P. A. Alger, p. 493.

v2 2


transient inductance of a 20-hp. machine, on which many of the tests described herein were taken. Curve A was taken under the condition of no saturation, and is practically a sine wave of double frequency, whereas curve B was taken under the condition of partial saturation, and departs considerably from a sine wavethus containing significant even harmonics. Fig. 3 shows the same curve for a four-pole, 15-k-va., 1800rev, per mmn. salient-pole machine without saturation.

Fig. 4 shows the curve for a 7000-k-va. machine. This




Transactions A. I. E. E.

was obtained from an oscillographic record taken in connection with the "slip method." 4. The complete use of a fractional system of notation throughout the equations, thus expressing each quantity as a decimal fraction of some definite, convenient value, such as "normal" value. This is, of course, an outgrowth of the familiar practise of expressing such quantities as a percentage of normal value, but the latter involves carrying along the "100" in calculations, which is both cumbersome and conducive to numerical error. Experience has established a very definite preference for the former, the only difference between them, of course, being the position of the decimal point. Thus with unity as the base, instead of "100," it is proposed to denote the former by "per-unit" system, instead of "percentage" system. The use of the "per-unit" system has distinct advantages. In the first place, the results are in forms which have a definite significance in giving at once an idea of relative values; for instance, a current of 0.5 means 50 per cent of normal current. Another advanLO



harmonic reactive voltage due to an nth harmonic current of normal value, to normal voltage. Thus, if 1 is the circuit inductance, i,, 1 gives the per-unit linkages due to the nth harmonic current in, and i,, x,. gives the corresponding per-unit reactive voltage. For the fundamental component of current i, ix = il provided all of the linkages due to i produce voltage of fundamental frequency; and if so, x = 1. But this is not always so. If the inductance 1 is constant, the linkages must be proportional to the current (under the premises), and the fundamental current could not produce any but fundamental linkages; but if 1 is a function of time, as it is during rotation, a current of one frequency may produce linkages of another frequency. For instance, the fundamental component of current in the armature may produce 5th harmonic (in time) linkages in the armature. But the reactive coefficient x for the fundamental would not, by defini/tion, include these linkages; it would include only those of fundamental frequency. Thus, as defined, the per-unit reactance for the fundamental, and the per-unit inductance become numerically equal when 1 is constant, and the voltage across the inductance, regardless of the character of the current, is given by di di e = Id = xd
However, for rotation, the voltage is given only by

per-unit inductance for the nth harmonic is the ratio of the nth harmonic linkages, produced by an nth harmonic current of normal value, to normal linkages. And, perunit reactances for the nth harmonic is the ratio of the nth


tage is that cumbersome conversion factors are thus eliminated. For instance, as per-unit quantities, current is taken as numerically equal to the m. m. f. of armature reaction, and voltage, at normal frequency, as numerically equal to the magnetic linkages which produce it, and in many cases, as noted below, reactance as numerically equal to inductance. It should be mentioned that in equating per-unit current to per-unmt armature reaction, or per-unit linkages to per-unit voltage or field current, dimensional relations are not disturbed, because all values are ratios; i. e., all values are numerics. Conversion factors thus become unnecessary. At some risk of confusion, attention is also called to the fact that, according to the definitions, reactance and inductance, as per-unit quantities, become identical numerically in many special cases where the reactance is based on fundamental frequency. Reactance is still reactance, and inductance is still inductance; but with each expressed as a ratio, i. e., as a numeric, they become, by definition, numerically equal under the special condition referred to. The definitions are: tSee R. H. Park & B. L. Robertson, p. 514.

e = (l i) In other words, the only difference between per-unit x for the fundamental, and per-unit 1, is the difference between the total linkages produced by the fundamental current i, and that component of the total which is of the same frequency as i. Hence when there is no difference, that is, when the linkages are at all instants proportional to the component of current under consideration, x and 1 may be taken as numerically identical. So, considering the system of notation as a whole, although it may possibly be a bit confusing at first, it is nevertheless sound, has very great advantages in simplifying equations, and in giving an added significance to the results, and is time-tried; i. e., has proved its value over years of day-to-day practical use in the solution of complicated problems. The four basic concepts outlined in the foregoing paragraphs, afford the basis for symmetrical, relatively simple, and very interesting expressions for the voltage and currents under single-phase operation. It has been pQssible in this way to take into account, without undue
mathematical complication, the predominating factors

Feb. 1928



of the problem, and therefore to obtain a very satis- equal, the equations then apply to cylindrical rotor factory agreement between calculated and test results, machines. What difference does it make in the results if that as may be seen by reference to Figs. 11 and others inductance is assumed to be variable? It makes a large which follow. These extensions in theory have required not only difference in the relative magnitudes of the fundamental additional characteristic machine constants, as already and harmonics, and thus also in the ratio of the amplimentioned in a footnote, but also have made it neces- tude of the fundamental to the peak value, both in the sary, in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, short circuit current, and in the open phase voltage. to classify and more carefully define them. In the One important result of the theory is that the peak early days, a synchronous machine had a reactance; value is the same for salient poles as for cylindrical now it has many. Moreover, our ideas about some of rotors, when the transient reactance, direct axis, is the the well established terms, for instance, armature leakage same. Thus equations (18b) and (19b) show, as indireactance, and field leakage reactance, have needed cated graphically in Fig. 9, that the peak is independent some revision. As a rough illustration in connection of XQ'. The magnitudes of the harmonics and of the with the general situation; in running a polygonal fundamental are very important, both in determining boundary, an error in the length or bearing of one mechanical stresses and angular vibrations, and also in of the sides is not so apparent, unless it becomes determining the voltage in the open phase and across necessary to "close" the polygon. The error is merely external reactance. These are greatly affected by passed on the next side, letting the end whip about as salient poles, and can be predetermined with practical occasion may require. In synchronous machines, it accuracy from the present theory. But they obviously was formerly necessary to "run" only one or two sides; cannot be correctly calculated from cylindrical rotor now, with the necessity of calculating practically all of theory based on the assumption of constant total the electrical characteristics, we must "close the inductance with respect to rotor position. The second distinguishing premise is that there are polygon." So, an orderly classification, description and careful definition of terms is quite in order, as is two rotor windings, one in each of the conventional also the presentation of methods of calculating some of axes, and having different constants. It is thus possithese factors. The former is given in a companion ble to take into account, at least in an approximate paper by R. H. Park and B. L. Robertson; and the way, the effect of any short-circuited winding which may exist in the quadrature axis, such, for instance, as a latter, by P. L. Alger. Returning to the general aspects of the theory, non-uniform squirrel-cage winding, as used in laminated consider now the distinguishing differences between the cylindrical rotors, or in salient-pole machines, and also present treatment and those already referred to, which such as massive steel rotors in which the transient have preceded it. Boucherot's work is the outstanding reactances XD' and XQ' are different. And if there are early contribution on the subject. Others have actually only two distinct rotor circuits in the two axes, attacked essentially the same problem in different and even though they have different constants, the theory is perhaps more convenient ways, and have made note- completely applicable. Moreover, for a special case of worthy extensions. But they, like Boucherot, have all cylindrical rotor in which there are two rotor windings treated cylindrical rotor machines only, whereas the at 90 deg., i. e., one in each axis, and also in which present investigation has dealt with the general case XD' > XQ', the characteristics can not be calculated, so including salient pole machines, the cylindrical rotor far as the authors are aware, by the previous cylindrical type thus becoming merely a limiting case. It may be theory. But they are easily calculated and analyzed of interest, therefore, to draw some specific comparison by the present theory. This is illustrated by reference relating to the differences in fundamental premises, and to Figs. 13, 14, and 15, which apply to such a case. These are explained under "Results." Thus, the in the resulting equations. hencealso twofesultindequame onta assumptsecond There areoin distinguishing assumption broadens the applicylipn dhi- cation of the theory over the previous theory, even in distinguish the general treatment from that of of the case of cylindrical rotors. cal rotors. The first relates to the character ASSUMPTIONS total armature self-inductance; Boucherot's L2, the 1. Negligible saturation. This is, of course, not true authors' D and 0Q. In the cylindrical rotor theory, respect practically. However, as mentioned in Synchronous this inductance is assumed to be constant with is uniform; Machines-Ill, this does not prevent the use of the air-gap the that to position-in other words, results in cases where saturation is present, by judicious variable,* be to in the present theory, it is assumed shading of the constants, or by shading the calculated limit, the In as it actually is in salient pole machines. with respect to the degree and distribution of results are and when is, Q D when there is no variation, that *The total variable component comprises not oniy the variable thsautinre mbig,owv,tatheehd


variable term of armature leakage inductance.

term of the inductance of armature reaction, but also the small

thus applied is an approximation.


The open-circuit voltage is a sine wave. This is



Transactionis A. I. E. E.

practically true of most modern alternators. The combined effect of coil pitch, distribution of the winding, Y-connection, and perhaps "fractional slot" winding, practically eliminates all harmonics in the voltage wave. So this assumption is reasonably correct for most synchronous machines. The only significant practical departure might be in the case of the line-toneutral voltage of a machine with a relatively small number of full pitch coils per pole, in which case there might be a significant third, and possibly other odd harmonics. 3. The machine has a short-circuited rotor winding in the quadrature axis, as well as the main field winding in the direct axis. (See Fig. 1.) 4. Resistance of the armature and field circuits is neglected in calculating the magnitude of the initial shortcircuit current; and the armature resistance, in calculating the magnitude of the sustained current. But both resistances are taken into account in the decrements. The effect of resistance in the impedance is usually insignificant, but its effect on the decrement is, of course, very pronounced. Indeed, there would be no decrement without resistance. 5. The machine is short-circuited at no-load. A suggested extension of the theory is to take into account the relatively small effect of load current.

peared, and are thus obtained by setting the transient terms equal to zero. The decrement factors are obtained by an approximation. It seems to be Well nigh hopeless, as a practical matter, to take into account rigorously the armature and field resistances in the general case, but it happens fortunately that it is possible to obtain results which are sufficiently accurate for any practical purpose, by making simplifying assumptions. Before stating these specifically, the physics of the transient currents will be briefly considered. When the armature winding is short-circuited, the magnetic flux linked with the closed field circuit can not change significantly in the first moment, yet, since it can not now enter the short-circuited armature winding, it is forced by the demagnetizing action of the armature currents, to pass through paths (the leakage paths) of greater reluctance; that is, the short-circuited armature is equivalent to an increased magnetic reluctance. Hence, an additional current must appear in the field circuit in order to sustain the flux in those new paths, and this spontaneous additional direct current, being unsupported by the exciter voltage, is, of course, transient in character; that is, the voltage which supports it through the resistance of the field circuit, is generated by the decay of the flux through that circuit. Considered thus, the problem of determining the transient becomes FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONTS practically identical with that of determining it for the The general plan of attack and the general considera- simple inductive circuit, namely, to obtain the simple r tions leading up to the fundamental equations will be discussed here, and the final equations will be derived decrement factor L , in which r is the resistance of the in the Appendix. Superposition is used in obtaining the initial values circuit through which the transient flux is decaying, and of armature and field current. The plan is first to find L is the total circuit inductance defined by the ratio of a general expression for the magnetic linkages of the the total linkages of the circuit, to the current required armature winding, due to any transient armature cur- to sustain them, this decrement factor being applied to rent, and with no field current except that induced by the transient component of current. This general view the armature current; and then to determine the arma- of decrements was presented by one of the authors9a in ture linkages due to any other current in the field 1918, and is essentially the same as that used by winding, and superpose these to find the resultant Biermanns. How does armature resistance affect the field decrevalue of armature linkages. Under short circuit, and neglecting resistance, the latter value of linkages must ment factor? From the limit of zero armature resisbe equal to the known value existing at the instant of tance, on the one hand, for which all flux linkages are short circuit.* These relations are sufficient to solve forced into the high reluctance leakage paths, to infinite resistance on the other, that is open circuit, for the initial armature current i. The initial value of field current is obtained by under which condition none of the flux is forced out of adding the component induced by the armature wind- the normal magnetic path of relatively low reluctance, ing, to the steady value existing the instant before short there are, as far as the field transient is concerned, all possible intervening values of effective reluctance and circuit. corresponding inductance. Thus, the effect of armau t There arecertaincomponents of .th .ture resistance on the field transient may be taken into which are known to be transient. These, as a function account in the field decrement factor by appropriate of time, are obtained by multiplying the individual moiiaino.heidcac.Ti is doewenta transient components by the appropriate decrement reitnei.ageeog oafc sinfcatyth au of the direct axis component of armature current. It is factor. The sustained values, of course, comprise those rarely necessary to do this, but when it is, it is a much components which exist after the transients have disap- easier task than to attempt a rigorous solution, which, to the author's knowledge, has been obtained only in the *Constant Linkage Theorem. See Bibliography 9e.

Feb. 1928



special and limited cases treated by Biermanns,3 Shimidzu and Ito,8 and Bekku.12 The same general argument may be applied to the effect of field resistance upon the armature decrement factor, that is, with respect to the transient flux linkages which are "trapped" in the short circuit armature winding. Thus, the approximation is made that, unless the armature resistance is large enough to become significant in the impedance, i. e., large enough to affect the demagnetizing current in the direct axis, it is neglected in the field decrement factor; and when it is taken into account, this is done by an appropriate modification of the inductance. And under similar limitations, the field resistance is neglected in the armature decrement factor. The field decrement factor is applied to the induced direct component of current in the field, and to all other phenomena which depend on that current in direct proportion, such as the transient alternating component of current in the armature, and the armature circuit voltages which are due to the latter. And likewise the armature decrement factor is applied to the d-c. component in the armature and to all other phenomena which thus depend upon it, such as the transient a-c. component in the field circuit, and the voltages which

both the armature winding and the short-circuited field winding. Corresponding to these fluxes there will be a direct static transient inductance 2D' and corresponding reactance XD'; similarly, when the quadrature axis is lined up with the axis of the armature winding, as in 1B, there will be a quadrature static transient inductance lQ and corresponding reactance XQ'. For any other position, as in ic, the inductance will vary, as previously shown, between XD' and XQ' as a second harmonic function of the angle -y between the armature winding axis and the direct axis. Thus 1 [ (lD' + lQ') + (lD'- lQ) cos 2 y] 1' _ 2 Or, since XD' and xQ' are "static" values of per-unit reactance, they may be taken, as already explained, as equal to the corresponding inductance. Hence, 1 1' = [(XD' + XQ') + (XD'- XQ') cos 2 -y] (3)

Let the transient armature current be due to a singlephase short circuit occurring during rotation at uniform speed, and at the instant when the direct axis is displaced from the armature axis by the angle a. Counting time from this instant, the angle -y becomes a function of time. are due to the latter. For the derivation of decrement -y = t + a (4) factors see Appendix H. Therefore, any transient current, i, which exists at any time t, will produce the following flux linkages with The armature decrement factor is, the armature winding, r


and the field decrement,

+ V XDI XQ' (2) D XQ XQ' afX= VD' + + XD where o- is the decrement factor of the field corresponding to total field self-inductance. Another item for consideration is the voltage across an external inductance in either the armature or field circuit. This is found by differentiating the particular current with respect to time, and taking the product of this by the external inductance coefficient. These voltages are derived in Appendixes D and E. Still another is the voltage across the open phase of a three-phase machine during short circuit of one of the phases. This is determined by first obtaining an expression for the linkages with the open phase in question, and differentiating this with respect to time. This is given in Appendix F. Turning now to the details of the fundamental equations, refer to Fig. lA. If a transient current i is caused to flow in the armature winding in the position shown, that is, with the direct axis and the armature winding axis coinciding, a current will, of course, appear in the field winding which is short-circuited either at the terminals or through an external inductance, Thus, fluxes will be produced in the leakage paths of

cos 2 (t + a)] 2 i [(XD' + XQ') + (XD' -xQ')

The current existing in the field winding before short circuit, would produce in the open circuited armature winding at any time t the alternating mutual flux linkages,
(6) = k e0 cos (t + a) where eo represents the peak voltage, line-to-neutral, generated before short circuit, and therefore also the flux linkages; and since on open circuit, terminal voltage is also nominal voltage, eo also represents the corresponding field current. k is a factor whose value depends upon the nature of the short circuit, i. e., whether lineto-neutral or line-to-line. Thus, k 1.0 for line-toneutral, and 1.73 for line-to-line. The sum of (5) and (6), must equal the linkages existing at the instant before short circuit, namely, (7) t'm = k e0 cos ae The above relations determine the total armature current, as derived in Appendix B. The total field currents are given by O+^e Id-e e Id=e Se (8) and I,= eql = A\ eq where ed represents direct nominal voltage, and therefore




Transactions A. I. E. E.

also the total field current in the direct axis winding, and XD' = 0.4 A ed the increment induced by the transient armature XQI = 1.0 current. Similarly, A eq represents the increment b 0.23 induced in the quadrature axis winding. It is assumed In this machine, the 3rd harmonic in the short-circuit inducedhinothe quadrature axismwinding.Itis assdumed current would be 23 per cent of the fundamental, the is tharet.Thefonlyquadrurercomponent thrive peindud C 5th 23 per cent of the 3rd, the 7th 23 per cent of the 5th, and so on. Likewise for the even harmonics. The RESULTS The foremost result is the method of analysis which total wave, both calculated and tested, is shown in makes possible, in a practical way, the calculation of Fig. 5 for armature current, and Fig. 6 for field current. transient phenomena in any synchronous machine, Asan extreme case regardless of whether it is of the salient pole or the XD' = 0.21 cylindrical rotor type. The equations thus derived XQ' = 3.77 have made it possible to calculate complicated transient b = 0.618 characteristics which check, in minute details, with the These constants apply to an actual induction machine oscillographic records of tests; and these equations have with a coil wound secondary. t The armature is threerevealed a number of important and very interesting facts relating to the form of the current waves, the phase, the rotor two-phase; the latter, in this particular resultin posblt of reaivl sipeaayssoh case, being connected two phases in series with directexcitation. The machine is rated 20-hp., 1800waves, and the induced voltage in the open phase during current re.per single-phase short circuit. Asummaryofequation A summary of equatontrv.60cyle mmn., 6-yl,10vl.Frcnezne cneine 11-ot.o the per-unit quantities are based on 10-kv-a., threephase, 57.7-volt line-to-neutral. Referring to the short-circuit current waves, the With the rotor winding thus connected, the harmonics current is expressed as the sum of two harmonic series, are relatively 2.67 times as large as in the previous case one of odd, the other of even, harmonics; and the of the 7000-ky-a, salient-pole machine. The waves of magnitudes of the harmonics in each series, in ascending both calculated and test, are shown in Figs. order, are in geometrtc ratio. Thus, the single-phase current, 11-13, for the armature current, Figs. 16-18 for the short-circuit current of the armature is field current. k e, cosa [ + 2 is interesting to note that if b = 0, that is if 2 + , = XQ', all harmonics disappear, and the current V XDX changes from the peaked wave wave in Fig. 13 to + 2 b2 cos 4 (t + ae) + 2 b3 cos 6 (t + az) + .. . ] approximately a sine wave, as in Fig. 14. The values of 2 k eo XD' and XQ' were made practically equal by short cirb cos 3 (t + a) + + (t a) [cos cuiting one of the two rotor phases, and exciting the D+ V XQ other, keeping the external impedance of the latter as + b2 os 5 (t + a) + b3 cos 7 (t + a) + ] (9) low as possible. The geometric ratio b is given by Going a step further, XD' can be made greater than xQ' - ,-, by placing external inductance in the field winding which is excited, i. e., the direct axis winding. In this b = v XQ' v XD + case the sign of the harmonics is reversed, i. e., b becomes V,/ XQ' V XD' . . negative, where where XQ' IS the the transientreactanceinthequadratur transient reactance In the quadrature in Fig. 15. thus giving a dip in the wave. This is shown axis, and XD' the corresponding quantity in the direct Referring again to equation (9), it is interesting to axis. consider how limiting values of b modify the shape of the For instance, a 7000-k-va., 375-rev. per min., 25- current waves. The first series, i. e., even harmonics, cycle, 2200-volt salient-pole machine of usual construc- has the general form shown in Fig. 9A. The second tion has the following constants.* series has the general form shown in Fig. 9B. The total *It should be remembered that these constants represent the current, the sum of the two series, has the general static transient linkages (or, at normal frequency, the correspond- form of Fig. 9c.




neutral, (or, at normal frequency, the line-ta-neutral normal voltage). The values given look high compared with the usual three-phase values, because they are line-to-line constants. If the line-to-line voltages were taken as the per-unit base, instead of line-to-neutral, the values would be divided by W J. Also, the corresponding line-to-neutral, three-phase values would be just one-half the values given. See companion paper by Park and Robertson regarding the relations between three-phase and single-phase constants.

ing reactive voltage) as a fraction of normal linkages, line-to

Now if XD' and XQ' are equal, b becomes zero, and all

tThis machine was chosen with the two points in mind; one was that our premises should be closely approximated; the other, that it was desirable, in the interest of an exacting test of the theory, to employ extreme limits in reactance coefficients thus involving harmonics of large magnitude, which harmonics, nevertheless, would be capable of control by different connections of the windings, and by variation of .constants in the external circuits.

Feb. 1928







Equation:-A-Test cuive of armature current. B-Test curve of open-phase voltage C-Calculated cur ve of armature current with test points inilicatilug the peaks

a =

55) I)F(;., 7000-KV-A. IACHINE

+ 1100)


Cos (I +

(i. Cos (2 t

0.6 cos

(2 t + 1100)



1.4 - O.ti cos (2 t + 110)

(I +550)




D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Curve
AT a =55






A-Test curve of field Current B-Test curve of open-phase voltage C-Test curve of voltage across external reactor in field circuit Dl-Calculated curve of fleld current with test points indicating thle
0.364 cos (1 + 550) - 0.6 cos (2 t +


[3~.24 + 1.24 cos (2 t


0.6 cos (2


+ 1101)]





1.109 13.24 +

1.24 cos (2 1 + 0.6 cos (2 t + 1 100)




Transactions A. I. E. E.

harmonics vanish, as already indicated. Taking a = 0, the first series then reduces to only a d- c. component of an amplitude k eo (10) o= V XD' XQ And the second series then contains only a fundamental term of amplitude 2k eo (11) tl = XD' + / XD XQ However, if XQ' is increased until it is very large compared with XD', b will approach unity-that is, all harmonics will approach equality-and the three waves shown in Fig. 9, will approach respectively those shown in Fig. 10. The value of b for the 20-hp. induction machine is very high compared with usual machines, but its value of 0.62 is considerably below unity. Yet, the current wave in Fig. 11 indicates a definite approach to Fig. lOc. In the first four cycles, that is, up to t = 8 7r, the peaks of the component corresponding to Fig. 10A slightly predominate over those of the component in Fig. 1OB. But the former, being subject to a more rapid decrement, become less after the fourth cycle, and the little resultant "tip" reverses direction. Note that the calculated wave in Fig. 11 checks the test perfectly in this detail. Another interesting and useful feature of the expressions for short-circuit currents is that they open up new possibilities of analyzing the current waves. In addition to the relations shown in Fig. 9c and Fig. lOc, and the expression for the fundamental component of current in equation (10), it is shown in Appendix B that the r. m. s. value of the first series, i. e., even harmonics, of equation (9), is k eo cos a 1 + b2 (12) /XD' XQ' N 1-b

Vnd and of the odd harmonics

_ 2 k eo

mental. Hence this might be a useful approximation. Another possibility of convenient analysis of the oscillograph current wave is afforded by the fact that, with the harmonic ratio b, if one harmonic in each series is determined, all of them are known. The convenient relations exist that the peak value of the odd harmonic series is 1/(1 - b) times the peak value of the fundamental component, and the peak value of the even harmonic series is (1 + b)/(1 - b) times the direct current component. It is shown in Appendix B that since the three quantities-fundamental current i1, direct-current component io,and the harmonic ratio bcompletely determine the wave, it can be analyzed by scaling off three current values from the oscillogram at (t + a) = 45 deg., 90 deg., and 180 deg. So much for the results regarding short-circuit current. Turning now to the next major point in the results, the equations show that under single-phase short circuit the peak voltage across the open phase may be extremely high; many times normal in cylindrical laminated rotor machines without amortisseur winding. This voltage depends upon a very simple relation, namely the ratio of XQ' to XD'. Thus, for a short circuit at a = 0-that is, at maximum flux enclosure or maximum flux linkages --the ratio of the voltage across the open phase after short circuit (initial value) to the peak voltage before short circuit is - 1 ) sin: (14) PO = ( 2 x XD and for short circuit at zero flux linkages, i. e., a = 7r/2. ' (15) p 7r/2 = Q, sin XD where d is the angle between the axis of the shortcircuited winding, and the axis of the open-circuited

winding considered.








harmonics theodd of

ib Z + A/ ZD' -XD'I XQ' -\V XD'I X;

A/ 2 V 1-b2(13) 1

Since equation (11) gives the amplitude of the fundamental term, it follows that the first fraction in (13) p = 2 -1 = 34.9 0.21 is the r. m. s. of the fundamental. Hence the r. m. s. of the whole odd harmonic series is different from the Reference to Fig. 19 will show that this initial value, of r. m. s. of the fundamental by the factor over 34 times the voltage before short circuit, was obtained. The transient, of course, reduced the value 1 of the first peak to obtain 28 times the value existing V 1-b2 This is usually*not significantly different from unity, before short circuit, which value is also shown on the and hence an ammeter reading will be approximately calculated wave. When XD' = XQ', the maximum voltage for the case the fundamental. For instance, b = 0.5 would be an extremely high value for any commercial synchronous considered iS unity. Turning to the test on the 7000-ky-a, salient-pole machine. The corresponding value of the factor isl1.15. However, a representative value of b might be 0.2, for machine, the short circuit was line-to-line, and the openwhich the corresponding ratio is 1.02; that is, the phase voltage recorded was also line-to-line. Thus ammeter would read 2 per cent more than the funda- ,B = 60 deg., and from (14),


chine. Here the short circuit was line-to-line, and the voltage recorded was across the open phase line-toneutral. Thus A = 90 deg. The ratio for maximum linkages (a = 0), therefore, is,

Feb. 1928



p = 3.46 for a = 0 p = 2.16 for a = 7w/2 and These are limiting values. In the test, the short circuit occurred at a = 2.2 (i. e., about 125 deg.) and therefore the peak should fall between those indicated by the above values of p. Using a = 125 deg. (or, for convenience, the corresponding value, 55 deg.) in the equation of Appendix F, the calculated wave Fig. 7

extremely high-possibly 15 or 20 times normal voltage -on a cylindrical, laminated rotor machine without a squirrel-cage or metal wedges, serving the same purpose; but is practically no greater than normal when XQ' = X'D, as in a machine which has an amortisseur winding or massive steel rotor. Most of the cylindri-

the value existing before short circuit. It varies almost directly with the ratio XQ' to XD'. Hence, it would be

phase short circuit may rise to a peak value many times


Equation:[ 10.35 -0.3 cos (2 t + 1700)] sin (2 t + 1100) e = 2.38 _ 1.4 -0.6 cos (2 t+ 110o)2 1 1.194 sin (2 t + 1700) 1.4 - 0.6 cos (2 1 + 110) J


0.624 sin (t + 1150) +

0.746 sin (2 t + 170) cos (t + 55) 1.4 -0.6 cos (2 t + 1100)

0.35 -0.3 cos (2 t + 170) ] sin (t + 550) 1 L 1406s +10-121.4 -0.6 cos (2 t + 1100)

e-0 01l68t

+ (1 + 1.77


1.49 [0.35 - 0.3 cos (2 t + 1700) 1 sin (2 t + 110) cos (t + 550) [ 1.4 - 0.6 cos (2 t + 110) ]2





(t + 550) + 3.64 sin (t 1.4 -0.6 cos (2 t + 1100)

+ 550)

0.75 sin (2 t +


1100) [3.24

+ 1.24 cos (2 t + 0.6 cos (2 t + 110o)]2


4.37 cos (t + 550) sin (2 t + 1100) [1.4 - 0.6 cos (21 + 1100)]2



2.7 csi

(2 t + 110) (2 t 1100)

1.55 sin (2 t + 1100) 1-4 -0.6cos (2 t + 1100)

1.33 sin (2 t + 1100) [3.24 + 1.24 cos (2 t + [1.4 - 0.6 cos (2 1 + 1100)12 +



was obtained. The caleulated first peak is 2.73 times the peak voltage before short circuit, and the corresponding test value, 2.97. The calculated value is thus less than the test by 8 per cent, which is a reasonable check, considering the probable error in scaling the angle from the oscillogram, and that due to the simplifying assumption made in Appendix F. And it will be noted that the shape of the curve checks satisfactorily, Thus, the voltage across the open phase during single-

cal rotors in usual practise have one or the other of these features. In salient-pole machines, the tendency toward this high voltage is less, because XD 'is relatively higher, and XQ', on account of salient poles, is relatively lower than in cylindrical rotor machines; but as shown in the foregoing actual illustration, the peak voltage, even in this case, may be from 2 to 3.5 times normal. A very important point to observe in this connection is that this high voltage across the open



Transactions A. 1. E. E.

phase is due, not to high flux density, but rather to a high rate of change, and hence saturation would not limit it, unless by tending to equalize XD' and XQ'. Boucherot2 called attention to the possibility of high voltage across the open phase, and to the favorable effect of an amortisseur winding in reducing it. The value of the present treatment in this connection is that the equations, in addition to being generally applicable, show the very significant extent to which salient poles reduce this voltage. It may be of practical importance to know the value of the fundamental component of the open phase voltage. The ratio of this to the voltage existing across the open phase before short circuit is given approximately by the simple form (see Appendix F), pi = 1 +b-----

A careful inspection of each of the figures will clearly show a satisfactory agreement between the calculated and test curves, even with respect to the minute Cetails. It will be noted that the decrements agree well. The ordinates of the curves, it will be remembered, are scaled as the ratio of the actual value of the quantity to the value taken as the per-unit base. Ordinarily, normal value is chosen as that base. In the present case, however, the base for the 20-hp. machine was taken as 10 kv-a., 57.7 volts line-to-neutral, thus making the per-unit value of reactance numerically the same as the value in ohms-merely as a matter of conveni-


7 VX-XD', 7JT4ff , 7Zt N\/ XQ + AV/ XD A For instance, in the case of the 20-hp. machine, Fig. 19, pi would be 1.628; and in the salient-pole machine, Fig. 7, for corresponding conditions, 1.23. COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND TEST RESULTS Calculations and tests were made on the two machines r t 27T 37T already referred to, namely, a 20-hp., 1800-rev. per min., 60-cycle, 110-volt induction machine, and a 7000-kv-a., 375-rev. per min., 25-cycle, 2200-volt salient-pole alternator. The four major per-unit coeffib cients (measured) for the 20-hp. machine, on the basis of 10 kv-a., three-phase, 57.7 volts line-to-neutral, are: XD = 3.77, XD' = 0.21, XQ = 3.77, XQ' = 3.77 2 The auxiliary coefficients are: l XAD = 3.64, XAD' = 0.076, XAQ = 3.64, XAQ' = 3.64 = = 0a 0.0474 0.132 of For the 7000-kv-a. alternator the corresponding per-unit coefficients based on 7000 kv-a., three-phase, 471 3 27 IT . 1270 volts line-to-neutral, are: = = = = 1.00 C 2.24, XD' XD 0.40, XQ 1.00, XQ' FIG. 9 XAD = 2.09, XAD' = 0.25, XAQ = 0.85, XAQ' = 0.85 = of= 0.00272 O-a 0.0117 ence. The normal values were taken as the basis for A comparison of calculated and test results is shown the 7000-kv-a. machine. These points should be kept in Figs. 11 to 25, inclusive, for the 20-hp. machine, and in in mind in reading the ordinates. In the case of the open-phase voltage during short Figs. 5 to 8 for the 7000-kv-a. machine. Each illustracircuit, Figs. 7 and 19, the ordinate gives the ratio of the tion shows, a. Calculated curve, from equations in Appendix A. voltage before short circuit to the voltage after short circuit. b. Oscillograph record of test. numerical values With reference to the 7000-kv-a. alternator, this substituted,* c. Equation, with machine has no closed circuits on the rotor except the from which the calculated curve was derived, The reason for making extensive tests on the induc- main field winding and the massive steel of the rotor tion machine, excited by direct current as a synchronous spider. The effect of the latter is probably negligible. machine, has been stated in the second footnote under The poles themselves are, of course, laminated. The tests were taken at a relatively low voltage-at 300 "Results."


b =




*Tes eqaios



are in a somewhat different form from those in the summary of equations in Appendix A.

volts; hence the premises were pretty closely approximated, anld consequently the calculated results agree closely with the tests.

Feb. 1928



These expressions are derived in the appendixes In the case of the voltage across the field terminals, i. e., across the external impedance, the value of this mentioned before, but for ease of reference, they are impedance was not definitely known. Hence with the tabulated here. The order is as stated: First, the estimated value, the general shape of the calculated general equation for the quantity is given. Equations curve is all that may be expected to agree with the test. for special conditions follow readily from this. Thus, for The calculated curve for this is shown in Fig. 8, the test the condition of maximum flux linkages at the instant of short circuit, a = 0; while for minimum flux linkages curve in Fig. 6c. a = 7r/2 and the armature decrement is absent. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS state conditions are obtained by placing Steady The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable ac = ir 2, and omitting the armature and field decreassistance of Mr. B. L. Robertson in the preparation of ments. the paper, of Mr. C. C. Herskind in tests and calcu- ments. Since the equations are somewhat long it is found lations, and of Messrs. W. G. Scarborough and R. Hammar in the preparation of data and illustrations. advisable to put them in a simpler form. By inspecThey also wish to acknowledge the helpful suggestions tion, it is observed that they contain small groups which of Professor W. V. Lyon of M. I. T., and of Messrs. are more or less common to all of the expressions. These few groups, therefore, may be represented by a R. H. Park and P. L. Alger. Appendix A single symbol, as follows: APPendiX A A = XD' + XQ' SUMMARY OF EQUATIONS In the first part of the paper, under "Scope," it was D stated that the present treatment develops expression C = XD XQ F x,- Q' for, 1. Armature Current-Appendix B. G = XD - XD' H = (XD' + XQ') + (XD'- XQ') cos 2 (t + a) 2. Field Current-Appendix C. = A + B cos 2 (t + a) J = (XD' + XQ') - (XD'- XQ') cos 2 t | l I r = A- Bcos2t .










Fl I | X





XD- XDI ~~~~~~~~P XD




r= K (general)

iff = C

Q (for cylindrical, laminated rotor


= X (If R and X are in ohms, 0 will be a numeric, t ef21T


in proper terms to use in




1. ARMATURE CURRENT Transient. 3. Voltage Across Reactance in Armature Circuit 2 k e0 Appendix D. 4. Voltage Across Reactance in Field Circuit- i = H [e'a cos a-K cos (t +a)-P eof' cos (t +a)] Appendix E. For maximum flux linkages ae = 0 in the above 5. Voltage Across Open Phase-Appendix F.



Transactions A. I. E. E.

equation, but for minimum flux linkages a = 7r/2 and the armature decrement does not appear. Thus, for the latter case,
i =
2 k eo
snt[ t [K + skin

5. VOLTAGE ACROSS THE OPEN PHASE 2 k ki B eo Transient. e1 H2 cos a [H cos 2 (t -+ a)





a) ] E--Ot


2ke i Sustained. 2ke0Ksint -kH


+ kH2

k, eO

[H2k- 2kBHcos2 (t + a)



eo H

{[C+Fcos2(t+a)] [K+Pe'f']

-2 k B2 sin2 2 (t + a)] cos (t + a) kB H sin(t+ a)sin2 (t+ a) } [K- (1-K)cE-Jft] + For maximum flux linkages a = 0, while for minimum flux linkages a = 7r/2 and


-2 G cos (t + a o eea For maximum flux linkages a = 0; and for minimum

I =

e1 =


2 {[H2k + 2kBHcos2t + 2kB2sin22t)] sint

{[C -F cos2 t] [K + P E-Of']}

+ k B H cos t sin 2 t [(1 - K) e- ftK k, eo K Steady State. e- =- k H2 { kBHcostsin2t

+ [H2 k + 2k B H cos 2 t + 2kB2 sin22 t)] sin t

Sustained. I =


(C - F cos 2 t)

Appendix B

Refer to "Premises" and "Fundamental Equations" the main body of the paper. Equating (5) and (6) in H2 and solving for i, + sin (t + a) [H-4B cos2 (t + a)] (K + P ef)] 2k eo[cosa- cos (t + a)] For maximum linkages a = 0; and for minimum i = (XD'+XQ') (xD'-xQ')cos2(t4-a) (lb) linkages, Resolved into the harmonics, this current becomes, 2k 2 e0,X kefcos a e= [cos t (J -4 B sin2 t) (K + P E"')] 2kexi V= D',[1+2bcos2(t+a) XQ 2keoxeK Sustained. exe = COSt (J-4 B sin2 t) +2 b2cos 4(t + a) +2 b3c os 6 (t + a) + ..



[2 B cos a sin 2 (t + a) e-aal




2GEoX,cosasin(t+a) [H-4Beos2



, [cos (t + a) + b cos 3 (t + a) XD' + V/XD XQ' .] (2b) -a) + + b2 cos 5 (t + where

XD VXQ + v7

2PEoXesin 2 (t + a)


(B C- A F) e'ft


k = a factor depending upon the phase which is short 2 K Eo Xe sin 2 (t + a) circuited. It is equal to 1.0 for line-to-neutral, H2 and 3 for line-to-line. For maximum flux linkages co = 0; while for mini- eo = peak voltage, line-to-neutral, before short circuit. When the short circuit occurs at maximum flux mum linkages a = 7r/2 and linkages, that is at a = 0, (Ib) becomes, Exe 2PEoXe J2 sin 2 t(A F-B C) e~' 2 keO (1-cos t) (4b) .-


= 2 KEo Xe (XD'+ XQ') + (XD-XQ') COS2 t + J2 sin 2 t (A F -B C) and (2b) becomes, 2KEoXe i= -,ke , [1 +2bcos2t +2b2cos4t

Sustained. Exe =


sin 2 t(A F-BC)


V/XD' XQ' + 2b3cos6t + .


Feb. 1928



+ b2sin5t-b31sin7t + . .1 (7b) It is interesting to note that from equation (2b), + XD XQb2COS5t XXthe reactance which, with the voltage k eo, determines ZDb (5b) the fundamental component of short-circuit current is When the short circuit occurs at zero flux linkages, XD' + / ZD' XQ' that is at a = 2- (lb) becomes, 2 and that which, with the same voltage, determines







AA A /0?

Curve A

. A,A A



2.64 cos It - 3.56 cos 2 1

Equation:3.4fi i

B-Test curve

A-Calculated curve

3.98 -3.56 cos 2 t


0.818 Cos t 3.98 -3.56 cos 2/



~~~~~~~~~~~~Curve A

Equation:B-Test curve
0.818 sin t 3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 t


2.64 sin t 3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 t e

ir/2 + XQ') - (XD' - ,Q') cos 2 t a =r/2 (xD + xQ -(xD'-XQ') cos 2 t

and (2b) becomes,

2 k eO sin t


the direct-current component is \/ XD'X Q'

The peak value of the fundamental is

2 k eO



\/XD' XQ'

XD- ' + / XD ZQ. and the direct-currt c[sin to-ibsin 3 t and the direct-current component is,




Transactions A. 1. E. E.
v 1 - b2


ke, cos a





XD' + \VXD' XQ'


The effective value of the series in equation (2b) will now be derived. This value is the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual effective values. The coefficient of each harmonic term represents the peak value. Thus, dividing each harmonic term by

Lt A\iCarve \g

Equations (lOb) and (llb) give the effective value of the respective series as a fraction of the peak value of normal fundamental current. To place the results in terms of the effective value of normal current, multiply each equation by N' 2. Turn now to the relations which make it possible to analyze a single-phase short-circuit current wave from only three values taken from the wave. Referring to equation (2b), the sum of each series is a maximum (but the total is zero) when (t + a) = 2 7r k eo cos a i = +/, , ~~[1 + 2 b + 2 b2 + 2 b3 + 2 b4 + ...
XD +

Taking the summation of these series, ke,,cosa 1 + b 2keo XD + \/ XD XQ vXD'XQ' 1 -b

2 ek


[1 + b + b2 + b3 +



1- b

(13b) Substituting (8b) and (9b) in (13b), the peak value of

B-Test curve


3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 t


the odd harmonic series is thus 1/'(1 - b) times the peak value of the fundamental component i,, and the peak value of the even harmonic series is (1 + b)j(1 - b) times the direct-current component i0. Thus, for the sum of the odd harmonics, the peak value is
. odd = i1/(

Similarly, the peak value of the even harmonic series is ieD = io, [(1 + b)/(1 - b) ] (15b) -Vo2 and squaring, and taking the square root of the Substituting for b its value from (3b), some additional sum, the effective value of the even harmonic series is interesting relations are incidentally obtained. Thus k eo cos a ____________________________ XD v 1 + 2 b2 + 2 b4+ 2 b6+ O ff Q,+'/X = VXD IXQ (16b) 1 -b 2 V/XD' 1 +b2 keocosa 1+b Q_ 4/(1Ob) and i,.,, = V XD' XQ 1-b _ or XD'b) 1 1-b2
And for the odd harmonic series,
V2e A/1 + b2 + b4 + b6 + tellt = XD' +V~/
D V \/XD'



Substituting (8b) and (16b) in (14b),


= lceo


Feeb. 1928



and (9b) and (17b) in (15b), b = 0.333 io = 1.0 i, = 2.667 k eo cos a (19b) Hence, by (2b) the wave is 1b XDI 2 i = 1 + cos 2 (t + a) The relations are shown graphically in Fig. 9. + cos 4 (t + a) Consider now the value of the sum of the two series in (2b) at three different values of t + a, namely, 2 a Ir7+-o ir 6( and r. First, when t + a = -,or45deg. - ' 2 + cos6(t+) +


1b 1+ b2

1t 1 +b b


1 cos 3 (t + a) -2.667 [cos (t + a) + L3-o3ta





Curve A

B-Test Curve

- 366 cos _C74 3-Tes.nCurve8I= t
3-98 - 3.56 cos 2 t


3.98 - 3.56 cos 2 t


when t + a

or 90 deg., 1 -b i90 = io 1 + b

cos 5 (t + a)+.

When the wave has no d-c. component io, the analysis (21bj is much simpler, since only two values from the wave are now needed; namely, the value at 45 deg. and at 90 Transient deg. and when t + a = 7r, or 180 deg., Armature Currents. The armature current 1+b 1 immediately after short circuit is given by equation _ + 1-b 1i80 = o1 (22b) (lb). The term which disappears when a = r/2 1 -b + 1-b contains the direct current component and the even From these three equations, the entire wave can be harmonics. As time elapses, these currents decay to analyzed. For illustration, let i45 = - 0.332, iDo = 0.5, zero according to the armature decrement factor, a., and i180 = 6.0. The three equations thus determine derived in Appendix H. The other term contains the odd harmonics which are proportional to the field b, io, and il. They are



Transactions A. I. E. E.

current at every instant. Hence this component of equation (lb) decays from the value shown to a (XD' + sustained value XD' + V XD IXQcoa +V Zr, + <XZD'XQ' XD ZQ' XD times as great, according to the field decrement factor, and, of, derived in Appendix H. The sustained armature current is thus

XQ') (XD'- xQ') cos 2 (t + a)



cos (t +


[even series]



1 = - 2k eO [ X + ]XDXQ i (XD' + XQ') + (ZXD - XQ') COS (t + a) V ZQ ZD ZD sustained (26b) , , [odd series] cos (t + a) (2bZr'+Vr,Q (XD' + XQ') (XD' - xQ') cos 2 (t + a) The component which decays to zero according to the expression for armature current at any instant the field decrement factor is then the difference between after short circuit is

30 .




A-Calculated curve 1B-Test curve (not quite zero flux linkages) Equation:9.97 3.08 e-0 3 98 + 3.56 cos 2 1 + .98 + 3.56 cos 2 1




the second term of equation (lb) and equation (23b). The total armature current at any instant after short circuit is then 2 k eo cos a (ZD' + ZQ') + (ZD' - ZQ') cos 2 (t + a)
2 k eO (ZD - ZD') COS (t + a)
+ V ZD'ZQ')

(ZD +

2 k eO cos a -x, [even series] e-at V XD ZQ 2 k eo (XD-XD [odd series] VXD' ZQ') (XD' + VZD ZQ')


-2 k eO

+ (ZD' - xQ') Cos 2 (t + a) ]Appendi C


[(ZD' + X)


[odd series]

The equation for the initial field current will be obtained in accordance with the plan outlined under "Fundamental Equations." cos (t + a) It is convenient to take the three-phase normal (24b) (XDr' + XQ') + (XD' XQ') cos 2 (t + a) values of current and armature reaction as the bases If we substitute from equation (lb) and (2b) the of the per-unit quantities, both three-phase and singlephase. Thus a three-phase per-unit current i will relations

ZD + V ZD ZQ k XD + \/ XD'XQ'

Feb. 1928



produce a rotating space fundamental m. m. f. whose the direct axis is displaced from the axis of the singleamplitude, expressed as a fraction of the amplitude phase winding by an angle a, the component of A1 corresponding to normal current, is numerically equal which remains in the direct axis is to the current i. The single-phase m. m. f. and current AD = 2/3 k i cos (t + a) (2c) will be expressed in terms of these. and in the quadrature axis It will be recalled that the amplitude of the synAQ = 2/3 k i sin (t + a) (3c) chronously rotating component of space fundamental m. m. f. due to normal frequency current in one phase It has been shown in Synchronous Machines-III of a three-phase machine, is one-half of the amplitude that unit m. m. f-, in suddenly appearing over the direct of the total pulsating space fundamental produced by axis, will induce a per-unit field current A Id = Xd - Xd' that current, the other half rotating oppositely; and (4c) that the corresponding synchronously rotating com- or, since per-unit field current is numerically equal to ponents of the other two phases happen to be in space per-unit nominal voltage, phase with that of the first. That is, the amplitude of A Id = A ed the total three-phase space fundamental m. m. f., i. e., Thus, a sudden m. m. f. Ad will induce a field current the m. m. f. of armature reaction, is 1.5 times the total given by amplitude Al of the pulsating space fundamental due Aged Ad (Xd-Xd') (5C) A e =e-pAdi(el the to one phase only. Or, conversely, the pulsating space ) (tn fundamental due to a line-to-neutral single-phase cur- where Xd and Xd' are respectively the line-to-neutral, rent is 2/3 of the m. m. f. of armature reaction A three-phase values of synchronous and transient perfunit reactances corresponding to the direct axis. (The 81 negative sign is taken in accordance with the convention that the space fundamental m. m. f. due to the armature eA is considered to be in the same direction as the field .4 m. m. f. when the two axes coincide). /2 \__________ Similarly, for the quadrature axis,




(6c) each represent the amplitudes of a space fundamental m. m. f., expressed as a fraction of the amplitude of the space fundamental m. m. f., due to normal threephase current, it follows that the amplitude of any space fundamental m. m. f., so expressed, such as AD or AQ, may be directly substituted. Hence, from (2c) and (3c),

(6c) A,, (X -Xq,') Since the quantities Ad and Aq in equations (5c) and
Ae = -


A-Calculated curve B-Test curve

2 A

ed = -

(Xd- Xd') COS (t + a)


(7c) (8c)




A e,


k i (xe- xe')

(t + a)

3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 1

due to a three-phase current of the same value. Since the space fundamental A1 at any instant is independent of the nature of the variation of the current i which exists at that instant, it follows that, in general, any single-phase current i will produce a space fundamental A1 = 2/3 k A = 2/3 k i (Ic) where k = unity for line-to-neutral current, and 1.73 for a line-to-line current. And obviously Al will vary in time according as i varies. When the rotor is moving, the space fundamental m. m. f. A1 will have relative motion with respect to the rotor poles, but at any instant it may be resolved into the two conventional components; AD in the direct axis, and AQ in the quadrature axis. If the single-phase armature current is due to a short circuit at the instant

If the main field winding is the only rotor winding in the direct axis, the field current A Id, or A ed, will exist entirely in the winding. However, if there are other short-circuited rotor windings in the direct axis, only a part of A ed will appear in the main field windings, the remainder appearing in the other closed rotor circuits. For the case of a single rotor winding, the field current A Id which is produced by the armature m. m. f. due to the armature current i, is obtained by substituting in (7c) the value of i given by equation (lb) in Appendix B. Thus, A Id = 4 - - k2 eo (Xd - Xd') cos (t+ a) [cos a - cos (t + a) ]

(XD' + XQ') + (XD' -xQ') cos 2 (t + a)




Transactions A. 1. E. E.

It is desirable to express (Xd - Xd') in terms of voltage immediately after short circuit, that is the initial value, is XD- XD'). Referring to the definitions and equations in Id = (Io + A Id) = ed= (eo + A ed) (12c) Appendix I, eO (XD + XQ') + (XD -XQ') cos 2 (t + a) - 2 (XD - XD') cos a cos (t + a) 3 2 k2 (XD' + XQ') + (XD' XQ') cos 2 (t + a) (13c) Substituting this in (9c), When the harmonic series form for i from equation A Id = A ed (2b), Appendix B, is substituted in (7c) and remember-2 eO (XD - XD') cos (t + a) [cos a - cos (t + a) ing the relation in (lOc), cos 2 (t + a) (XD' + XQ') + (XD' XQ') (llc) Id =ed = eO (XD + V/ XD' XQ') XD' + \ XD' XQ' The total per-unit field current, or per-unit nominal


7 3 jI



A Curve A A 7





A-Calculated B-Test curve Equation:-


(3:56 -3.9S cos 21)

e - -7.1 7.12

3.5icos 2)

"+0044 -t

1.78 Cos t -3.36 cos t sin2 t 3.98 -3.56 Cos 2 t


5.9S cos t sin2 21 (3.98 - 3.56 Cos 2 1)2

(5.75 cos t - In.9 cos I sin2 1) 0 e (3.98 -3.56 cos 2 1) '

(19.3 cost sin2 2!) (3.98 - 3.56 cos 2 t)2


Tl8 2o

A A. V- V v~5~ ss'A ..

r - 0iA f
Curve A


A , A


B-Test curve Equation: 5.98 si sin2 21 -1.78 .sin I - 3.36 sin t cos,2 t (3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 tl3 3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 t

3.98 +


3.56 cos 2 !


19.3 sin t sin2 2 1 3.98 + 3.56 cos 2t2 .1

Feb. 1928




pear when a = 2 i.e., when there is no direct a similar manner. 2 The field current eomprises a direct current component, a series of odd harmonics, whose amplitudes are current component in the armature. The remaining in geometric ratio, and a series of even harmonies whose terms comprise the average value and all even harmonics. Thus 5

eO (XD - XD') (1 + b) cos a aX [cos (t + a) A/ XD ZXQf + b cos 3 (t + a) + b2 cos 5 (t + a) + . . ] eO (XD - XD) + IX,'(1 + b) [cos 2 (t + a) XD' + N/XD' XQ + b cos 4 (t + a) + b2 cos 6 (t + a) + . . .] (14c) The quadrature component A I, may be obtained in

portional to the average field current at every instant after short circuit, they will also decay to their sustained values in the same manner. The odd harmonics in the field current are proportional to the direct-current component in the armature at every instant and thus decay to zero according to the armature decrement factor Ja- derived in Appendix H. In equation (13c), the odd harmonics comprise those terms which disap-

23 A

oId d

- 2 eO (XD - XD') COS a COS (t + a)

(XD' + XQ') + (XD' - XQ') cos 2 (t + a)




Cuirve A

(XD - xQ') cos 2 (t + a)] (16c) eve (Xd' + XQ') + (XD' - XQ') cos 2 (t + aL) The sustained value of (15c) is zero and the sustained value of (16c) bears the same relation to (16c) as the final average value bears to the initial average value. Hence the sustained field current is
IIeO [(XD + XQ') +

XD + V XD' XQ' sustained (XD + XQ) + (XD - XQ) cos 2 (t + a) e L (XD' + XQ') + (XD' XQ') cos 2 (t + a)


= XD + v XD XQ


The differences between (16c) and (17c) thus decays to zero according to the field decrement factor, and the FIG. 21-St-STAINED OPEN-PIIASE VOLTAGE ON SINGLE-PIIASE expression for the total field current at any instant after short circuit is L,INE-TO-IN,TE SHORT-CIRCuIT 20-Hp. AIACHINE
A-Calctlated curve

Bf-Test curve

- 2

Equation:e =

7t Sin 1 Cos21 .,sin I - 3.36 3.9s + 3.56 cos 2 t

[3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 1j2



eO (XD +

XD') cos a cos (t

+ a)


+ XQ)

(XD' -

XQ') cos 2 (t + a)

XD + VA XD XQ' amplitudes are in geometric ratio. The geometric , + (XD - xQ') cos 2 (t + a)' ratio is the same in all cases, for the armature current ( + XQ') ') ( + ) e Q) as well as for the field current, and its value is given by eo r XD + Q) (XD L (XD/ + XQ) + (XD/- XQ)COS 2 (t + a)] equation (3b), Appendix B. Transient Field Current. It will be noticed that the XD' + V XD' XQ' average field current or nominal voltage increases at + XD + V XD/XQ/ short circuit in the ratio (XD + XQ') + (XD - XQ') cos 2 (t + ) 1 (18c) e XD + v XD' XQ'
XD' +



eL (XD' + XQ')

+ (XD' - xQ')

cos 2 (t + a) ]

If we substitute the odd harmonic series from As time elapses, this average field current will decay to (14c) for (15c), and the average value and short circuit equation according before existing value to the from equation (14c) for equation H. even in harmonics derived Appendix decrement factor field the af Since all even harmonics in the field current are pro- (16c), equation (18c) may be written



Transactions A. I. E. E.

-eO (XD - XD') (1 + b) cos a


[odd series] %t



Appendix D

(XD - XD )2 (1 + b)CIUT [even series]rzf + (XD+ V\XD' XQ') (XD + V\XD XQ') e0 (XD - XD') + XD' (19c) XZD + eO (XD - XD') (1 + b) ; [even series] + XD + XD' XQ'


+ eo

The reactances, XD' and xQ', may in general include an external reactance xe. It is then of interest to find the voltage which exists across this reactance under conditions of sudden short circuit. The per-unit value of voltage will be given by the product of the external inductance and the rate of change of current with respect to time. Since per-unit reactance at normal frequency is numerically equal to per-unit inductance, the voltage is,







8oT 1





FIG. 22-TRANSIENT VOLTAGE ACROSS AN EXTERNAL REACTOR IN THE ARMATURE CIRCUIT, MAXIMII M INITIAL ARAIATITRE LINKAGES ON SiNGLE-PHASE LINE-TO-LINE SHORT-CIRCUIT 20-Ip. MACIIIXE A-Calculated curve 7.12 cos I sin 2 t + (3.98 - 3.56 cos 2 t) sin t + 0.815 (3.98 - 3.56 cos 2 t)2 B-Test curve


0 e=4 -

14 e 0474t e = - 3.98 3.56 cos 2 t

24.6 sin 21t



2.64. 3.56 ~~~~+

7.12 cos t sin 2 t + (3.98 cos 2 t) (sin I + 0.132 cos t)

cos 2

)i) (.8-356CS2)


1. exe,\-A

A ~~~~~~~~Curve



Equation:e -

B-Test curve


7.12 sin 2 t sin t + (3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 1) cos t (3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 1)2

7.12 sin 2 t sin I + (3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 t) (cos t - .132 sin t) (3.98 + 3.56 cos 21)2


Feb. 1928



di x6 d (1d) t The initial value of short-circuit armature current is given by equation (lb) of Appendix B. Hence, from this expression, the voltage across the external reactance, assuming no decrements in the current wave, will be 2 k eO xe e, = H2 [H sin (t + a)

The remainder of (2d) is that portion which contains the field decrement o-f, and which decays from the value shown to a sustained value XD' + XD'IXQ -K XD + A/ XD' Q' times as great, according to this decrement. It is divided into the alternating component which finally dies away, and the sustained value, in the same manner as its corresponding currents of equation (lb) were formed into the second and third terms of equation + 2 B sin 2 (t + a) [cos a- cos (t + a)]] (2d) (24b). The symbolic form is that outlined in Appendix A. As an alternative to decomposing (2d) into the above mentioned components, the transient voltage across an external reactance in the armature circuit may be more exe 5 easily obtained by differentiating (24b). Neglecting terms concerned with derivatives of the exponents 41r we V A\/ T A/ V 6T V have, V 5

L Li A
Curve A



2k e0Xe


[ 2 B cos a sin 2 (t + a) e-at

+[H sin (t+a)-2 B cos (t+a) sin 2 (t+a)] (K+P e-fi]

(4d) It is interesting to treat the initial voltage in series



10 f


Ct.rve A


A-Calculated curve B-Test curve


-7.12 sin 2t.dIn t -(3.98+ 3.

(3.98 + 3.5G cos 2 t)2

co2) cos

e = 0.815

Under the development of Transient Armature Current of Appendix B, it was shown that part of the current wave decays to zero according to the armature according to the field decrement o-f. The third part is the steady-state value. Thus, the above voltage equation will have components which also decay to zero according to these two decrements. That part of equation (2d) which contains the armature decrement corresponds to the first term of equation (24b) and is 4 k eO xe B sin 2 (t + a) cos a (3d) H2 ea With reference to (24b), it will be noticed that a second term, containing the derivatives of the exponential, should be introduced in order to be exact. However, since this quantity is very small in comparison with (3d) and will never be noticeable in practical cases, it is not considered here. That is, the voltage due to the rate of change of current which in turn is due to the armature decrement is neglected.
decrement or., and that

second part decays to zero








A-Calculated curve

B-Test curve (inverted) 21.9 sin 2 1 (3.98 + 3.56 cos 2 )2

form and observe the shapes of the total and component waves. Thus, using the series expression for current as given by equation reactance becomes,(2b), the voltage across the external k eo X. cos a e, =[4bsin2(t+a) A XDZ XQ + 8 b2 sin 4 (t + a) + 12 b3 sin 6 (t + a) + . . .1 2 k eo xe [sin (t + a) + 3 b sin 3 (t + a) + , XD' + V/XD' XQ' + 5 b2 sin 5 (t + a) + . . . (5d)



Transactions A. I. E. E.

When a = 0, the first series will have the general form shown by Fig. 25 in the main body of the paper, while the second series will have the form shown by Fig. 24. The total wave is given by Fig. 22. Appendix E VOLTAGE ACROSS EXTERNAL REACTANCE IN FIELD CIRCUIT Under conditions of sudden short circuit, alternating currents are produced in the field circuit. When this circuit contains some reactance external to the field winding proper, such as the exciter armature, alternating voltages exist across the reactance. It may sometimes be desirable to determine such voltages. As before, for a pure reactance, the per-unit voltage is given by the product of the per-unit external inductance (which is numerically equal to the per-unit reactance Xe), and the rate of change of current; in this case, field current. In evaluating this voltage, it is convenient to express the external reactance in field terms. Unit field voltage is defined as the d-c. voltage corresponding, by Ohm's Law, to unit field current. The unit value of either resistance or reactance is thus the ratio of unit field voltage to unit field current. Any other value of ohms could be chosen as the unit base, but this particular value affords special convenience in that the calculated results are in terms of the known field excitation voltage. If, on this basis, the per-unit external reactance in the field circuit is Xe, the per-unit voltage across its terminals under sudden short circuit conditions is the product of Xe and the rate of change of field current. The initial field current is given by equation (13c), hence the voltage across the reactance at the instant of short circuit is

C + F cos 2 (t + a) (3e) Id = Eo K A +B cos 2 (t + a) ] sustained or Id = Eo + Eo P (1 + b) [cos 2 (t + a) + b cos 4 (t + a) + . . .] (4e) sustained The sustained voltage across the field reactance is

EXe or Ee


2 Eo Xe K sin 2 (t + a) (B C- A F) H2 -2 Eo P (1 + b) [ sin 2 (t + a)


] (6e) + 2 b sin 4 (t + a) + 3 b2 sin 6 (t + a) Equation (le) can be decomposed into three components; that which dies away according to the armature decrement (a, that which decays to zero according to the field decrement of, and the sustained voltage. Since, however, the transient field current is known, equation (18c), the voltage across the reactance can more easily be obtained by the product of the derivative of this expression and Xe. Thus, 2 Eo Xe G cos a sin (t + a) H2 EXe = [ H-4 B COs2 (t + a) ] E-al 2 Eo Xe P sin 2 (t + a) [B C - A F] E-ft + H2 + 2 Eo Xe K sin 2 (t + a) [ B C - A F ] H2


Exe -

2E 'X H2

{ H G cos a sin (t + a)

As in the case of the voltage across an external reactance in the armature circuit, the terms containing the derivatives of the decrements have been omitted because they are quite inappreciable. It will be observed that the last term of (7e), representing the sustained voltage across a field reactance, is exactly equation (5e).

+ sin2 (t + a) [B C-HF + Fcos2 (t + a) -2 G cos a cos (t + a)] } in Expressed in series form (le) becomes becomes ( E XeG (1 + b)cosa E )

(if) 2/3 k i [sin(t+a)of which the component in the direct axis is VXD' E,/ = XQ' (2f) AD = 2/3kicos (t + a) + 3bsin3 (t + a) + 5b2sin5 (t + a) + . ] and the component in the quadrature axis is 2 Eo Xe G (1 + b) (3f) AQ = 2/3 ki sin (t + a) XD/ + N/ XD/ XQ' [sin 2(t + a) Under sudden short-circuit conditions, the space + 2 b sin 4 (t + a) + 3 b2 sin 6 (t a) + . . . ] (2e) fundamental fluxes produced are SD=23kiXd o t+o)(f Referring to Appendix B, it will be remembered that, D=2/kiXa'cs(+a)4f harmonics odd the only under sustained short circuit, (5f) 2/3 k 'i Xaq' sin (t ax) SQ= the only Hence, current. are present in the armature open an which fluxes these of components The the in exist will harmonics the even d-c. component and field current for sustained short circuit, as explained in winding whose axis is at an angle:g from the axis of the Appendix C. These field currents, given by their short-circuited winding are respectively, 'pi = 2/3 k i Xad' cos (t + az) cos (t + ae + I3) (6f) respective components of equations (13c) and (14c) are A

EpEssed seriesGform le)

Appendix F VOLTAGE ACROSS THE OPEN PHASE (le) It has been shown that the current in the short-circuited phase produces a space fundamental m. m. f.

Feb. 1928




2 k eo and 02 = 2/3kixa' sin (t + a) sin (t + a +) (7f) ki I - H sin (t + a) Xm + 2 k The flux linkages due to these fluxes are l = 2/3 k kii Xad' cos (t+ a) cos (t + a I + ) (8f) = and i,V2 2/3 k k i xaq' sin (t + a) sin (t + a + ,) (9f) where k1 is a constant by which per-unit fundamental flux must be multiplied to give the flux linkages in the open winding under consideration. For a line to _ 4 k e Bin (t + ) H2 neutral winding, k1 is unity and for a line to line winding
The current in the short-circuited winding also produces mutual flux linkages with the open-circuited winding such as those due to space harmonies, mutual slot fluxes, mutual fluxes in the end turn leakage paths, etc. The flux linkages from this source are = (lOf) i Xm 3 The flux linkages in the open-circuited winding due to the rotor current existing before short circuit are 413 + A) k, eo os (t = k1 e0 cos (t ae (llf) The total flux linkages in the open winding at any instant after short circuit are then 1 1 + 412 + VI3 4 (12f) -t Using the relations, similar to equation (13i), that 3 Xad' + Xa,' =~ (13f) k2 (XAD' + XAQ')

k, is N/3.

[cos a- cos (t + a) ]
cos 0 + (XAD'-


k1 [(XAD +


XAQ') cos (2 t + 2 a + d)]

Xad' - Xaq'
the total flux linkages are

3 2k2 (XAD' - XAQ')

When normal current flows through one winding of linkages will be produced in the the o O armature, flux . windings. Of these linkages, the larger part is due to space fundamental fluxes. The remainder are due to non-space fundamental fluxes such as mutual slot fluxes, mutual fluxes in the end turn leakage paths, etc. These linkages are represented by xm. In many cases, this is small compared with the space fundamental flux linkages and by assuming it to be zero many of the equations are greatly simplified. For ordinary values of f which exist in synchronous machines (60 deg. and 90 deg.) equation (17f) essen(14f) tially has its maximum when t = 180 - a. For this value of t, all terms but the first and second disappear and


ki eo cos (t +

k1eocos(t a i3)

~ ki + A) + i x +2k


em =-.k eo sin [


, (1 + cos a)-cosa] (18f)


The voltage induced in the open winding when another winding in the machine is short-circuited is given by the negative rate of change of equation (15f), or e= k1eo sin (t + a f)

[(XAD' + XAQ') COS 3 + (XAD'- XAQ') cos (2 t + 2 a + )] When 3 is very small this value is in error since for (15f) f = 0 deg. there will be a voltage in the open phase

corresponding to leakage reactance voltage in the short-circuited phase. For values of : approaching zero it is necessary to plot the voltage curve to find its maximum value. The open phase voltage can also be expressed in the harmonic form by substituting the current expression ki + -yk (XAD' - XAQ') sin (2 t + 2 a + 13) j from equation (2b), and its derivative. In this harmonic form, if we make the approximation that

Xm + 2k [ (XAD' +

d is

XAD - XAQ' = (XD -



and let = 2

then xm

0, and the fundamental

(16f) voltage in the open phase is found to be (20f) d= kte(1 + b)cos(t + a) The fundamental voltage in an open-circuited phase Substituting the value of current from equation (lb), and its derivative, and using the notation of Appendix 90 deg. away from the short-circuited phase will thus
+ (XAD' - XAQ') cos (2 t + 2 a + A)]
voltage A, this becomes

el= k1 e0 sin (t at + A3) +

(XAD - XAQ') sin (2 t + 2

2 k e0 H

increased by the ratio (1 + b), as mentioned in the ~~be main body of the paper.

ae + j3) [cos a - cos (t at)]

When the short circuit occurs when maximum flux links the winding, i. e., when ae = 0, the vroltage on the open phases will have the general form shown in Fig. 19




Transactions A. I. E. E.



no flux links the winding at the

instant of short circuit and the voltage on the open phase may be of the form shown in Fig. 20. If the short circuit occurs line to neutral, the winding comprised of the two unshort-circuited phases in series is in space quadrature with the short-circuited phase. A = </2 Then k1 = V3

a =

Equation (22f) has a maximum when t = 7r/2. XQ' 1

e1=-ke kL



t = (24f) k =1 2 For a = 0, equation (17f) then becomes, (using the Equation (17f) may be decomposed into a form which simplified notation), clearly shows the components affected by the armature 2 k eo el = k eo cos t + H (XAD' - XAQ') cos 2 t (1 - cos t) and field decrements, and the steady-state term. Thus, substituting for (XAD' - XAQ') and omitting xm, equation (17f) becomes k eo H (XAD'- XAQ') sin t sin 2 t 2 k k, B cos eo [ o [cos H2 H 2 (t +ao) el e1 = H2 2 k B eo + B sin2 2 (t + a) ] E-a' + H2 (XAD' - XAQ') sin2 2 t (1 - cos t) (21f)


w 2

equation (17f) becomes 2keo J (XAD- XAQ') sin t cos 2 t

+ kH2

k, eO

[H2k- 2kBHcos2 (t + a)

el = k eo sin t-

kBHsin(t+a)sin2(t+ a)} [K- (1-K) e-yf'] (25f)

- 2 k B2 sin 22 (t +

a) ] cos (t + a)

k eo - J (XAD' - XAQ') cos t sin 2 t

transiency, i. e., for any flux originally trapped in the

armature at the time of short circuit. For maximum flux linkages a = 0 and all terms appear. For minimum

This is the open phase voltage for any condition of

2 k B eo (XAD J2

-XAQ') sin t sin2 2 t

(22f) flux linkages a = 2 and that term containing the

armature decrement does not appear. The steady-state voltage is obtained by neglecting all terms containing either the armature or field decrements.

As pointed out before, practically all the difference between XD' and XQ' is due to the difference in space fundamental flux, a negligible amount being due to the variation in leakage fluxes in the two axes. Hence, for all practical purposes, (XD' - XQ') may be taken equal to (XAD' - XAQ'), which simplifies equations (21f) and (22f), some of the terms combining into more compact terms. Equation (21f) has a maximum when t = 7r. For this value of t [2 XQ' 1 I (23f) el =-k eo XD

Appendix G VARIATION OF ARMATURE INDUCTANCE WITH POSITION The object of resolving a sine wave of m. m. f. into two components is to obtain fluxes which are in space phase with the m. m. fs. In dealing with synchronous machines, resolution is made about the direct and quadrature axes, and the reactance of a single-phase armature winding in any position with respect to these a =0 axes, due to the space fundamental flux produced by the space fundamental m. m. f., may be obtained as 7r ,3 follows. 2 Assume a single-phase armature winding with the axis of the winding at anangle zyfrom the direct axis t =w7 The voltage on this winding before short circuit is of the machine. When a current i of normal frequency k e0. Hence, the voltage at short-circuit line-to-neutral flows through this winding a space fundamental m. m. f. of amplitude X' 2x 2 may rise to Q-1 times the voltage before short XD (lg) = ~~~~~~~~~~~~A kicost circbuit on the open phases.

Feb. 1928



is produced. The component of A in the direct axis is as the m. m. fs. The flux linkages, produced by the 2 2 - k2 times the linkages be then will i current single-phase (2g) AD = 3 k i cos -y cos t 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3
and the component in the quadrature axis is 2 AQ = 3 k i sin y cos t

produced by the same three-phase current i, and 2 XAD = 3 k Xad (3g)


2 The m. m. f. in the direct axis produces a space (lOg) XAQ = 3 k2 Xaq fundamental flux in this axis proportional to the and m. m. f. If there are no short-circuited secondary Substituting these relations in (8g) windings in this axis, the proportionality factor between general or, in Xad,* is linkages m. m. f. and line-to-neutral 1 XAD - XAQ =[XAD + XAQ k Xad. cos + 2 -ylcos t L 2~~ ~ ~~~~~ a 2 L 2 2 (lg) k2 i Xad Cos -Y cos t {D = (4g) Then,

that i is taken here as the amplitude of normal freThe component of ,tD which is in space phase with the quency current: armature winding, thus linking the winding, is XAD -XAQ c e4 XAD + XAQ cos 2 y jsin t(12g) + e,= lL 2 2 2 A1/='AD cOS y =3 k2 i xad Cos' 'Y cos t The coefficient of i sin t is the per-unit reactance of the single-phase winding due to the space fundamental flux 1 1 2 r1 + - COS 2 y cos t produced by the space fundamental m. m. f., as a func3 k2 i Xad tion of position when both the rotor and stator are (6g) stationary. Since per-unit reactance of a stationary Also, the component of 'PQ in space phase with the circuit at normal frequency is numerically equal to the per-unit inductance of the circuit, this coefficient armature winding is gives also the per-unit inductance; and when used as an 2 inductance, is independent of the relative motion of the 'P2 = k2 i xaq sin2 cyos t rotor and stator. As pointed out in a previous paper,9" the leakage ri 1 2 = - k2 i Xa,L - 2 COS 2 y cos t (7g) reactance also varies with position as a second harmonic of the angular displacement of the winding from the The linkages due to the total flux in space phase with direct axis, i. e., the winding is XLD - XLQ XLD + XLQ COS 2 y (13g) + XL Xad + Xaq Xad Xaq 2 2 2 C t (8g) y cos2y 2 =k-k2 The total reactance may then be written XD - XQ XD + XQ The three-phase reactances, Xad and Xaq may be + 2 x cos22 y (14g) expressed in terms of the corresponding reactances for 2 2 the single-phase winding in question. When a current (15g) XD = XLD + XAD i flows in a single-phase winding, the alternating where, (16g) XQ = XLQ + XAQ 2 and, stationary m. m. f., fundamental in space is - k times Appendix H the rotating m. m. f. produced when a three-phaseDERMNFATS current i flows through a three-phase winding. IfDERMNFATS Field Decrement. The theoretical basis for deterthese m. m. fs. act on the same reluctance paths, the space fundamental fluxes will have the same relation mining this is given in the main body of the paper in "Fundamental Equations." It is shown ~~~~~~~~~~~under i *xd is the three-phase reactance of armature reaction andApedxCtathavrgfilcuen . h htteaeaefedcreti applies here since the single-phase space fundamental m. m. fs. Apni are expressed in terms of normal three-phase spacye fundamental d-c. component, spontaneously increases at short circuit to a value m. m. f.

axisd axis the quadrature Likewise, in in the Likewise, quadrature 2 k2 i Xaq sin -y cos t 4,Q =

The induced voltage is d t



Thus, remembering



Transactions A. I. E. E.


times the value existing immediately before short circuit. Thus the increase in equivalent magnetic reluctance, as discussed in the above reference, is given by the same ratio, and the corresponding change in inductance is given by the reciprocal. Hence, assuming negligible armature resistance, as may be done without adteamtr appreciable error in commercial machines, the field adteamtr decrement factor is

~ is,

The average current required to sustain these linkages by equation (9b) in Appendix B, =o k eocos a V\/ XD'I XQ'I Thus, the inductance to be used in the decrement factor is t'+io, or

L=v XD' XQ'


ermn atri


V\/XD'/XQ' =XD'+VN/XD' XQ'(h where o-o is the open circuit, field decrement factor,




20 decrement factor 0- applies to the d-c. component of the total armature current, the envelope of where (R is the ohmic resistance of the field circuit, and harmonic currents in the armature, and the the even 2o the total inductance, in henrys, of the field circuit, of corresponding to the condition of 'open circuited arma- envelope the odd harmonics in the field current. ture, and w is 2 wr f, where f is normal frequency. Apni Apni These three quantities cii, ~, and w are not per-unit REACTANCEs-DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONS quantities, but o-0 is. If appreciable resistance exists in the armature circuit Xd = synchronous reactance, three phase, line-tothe value of o-f given by (1h) will be decreased to the neutral, direct axis, corresponding, to openextent (discussed under "Fundamental Equations") circuited rotor windings. which the equivalent inductance is thereby increased. Xad = reactance of armature reaction, thus due to the It is of interest to note that in the ideal case of a direct axis space fundamental air-gap flux, laminated cylindrical rotor where produced by three-phase currents. It is one XQ =XQ = XD Xd. Xld = armature leakage reactance, three-phase, line-to(h XDaequation (1h) reduces to o-f (h)neutral, and is the other component Of Xd. XD

reactance). ~~~~~~per-unit ~~~~~The

where r is the per-unit resistance of the short-circuitedl armature circuit, and XD' and xQ' represent the per-unit static transient inductance, (and also the corresponding


The decrement factors (1h) and (2h) give, of course, the average decrement, thus determining the direct component of transient current in the field, the envelope Xd of the even harmonics in the field current, and the envelope of the odd harmonics of current in the armature. It can be shown that these decrement factors are rigorous for the envelopes and average component referred to, for the assumed case of zero armature resistance. Thus the only error involved is the slight difference in wave shape, the peaks being correct. The same thing is true of the armature decrement, derived below, under the assumption of zero field resistance. Armature Decrement. The armature decrement applies to the treatment flux linkages which happen to be caught and "trapped" in the armature circuit when the latter is s,hort-circuited. It is,- of course, altogether a



Xd Xecadce +hreX hae,lin(tnut)l rnin ectacertree-pdnt hae, lieto-nleutaral direct axis, corsodnIothnoa ekg

flux between the -armature and field windings. It thus corresponds to the total flux linkages of the armature winding occasioned by the sudden application of three-phase currents, when the field winding is closed, such flux likgsbigolCtoewihgnrt voltage of fundamental frequency. It comprises X,d-that is, the leakage flux of the armature plus additional space fundamental fuwhccrseteaIr-ga,adcre spnsi mutt hefedlaaefu produced by the induced field current. The

Feb. 1928



current under those conditions. It will, of course, have a different value if the singlephase winding is considered to be line-to-line, from that if the winding is taken as line-toneutral, the per-unit value being about three times as much in the former as in the latter case. It is analogous to the three-phase u to total reactance XAD = static reactance, single-phase, corresponding to the space fundamental flux, direct axis under the above conditions. It is a component of XD, and is analogous to the three-phase reactanee of armature reaction Xad. static armature leakage reactance, single phase, XLD = direct axis, corresponding to the conditions specified under XD. It is analogous to Xld and is the other component of XD, that is, corresponds to all flux linkages not contained in the space fundamental. Thus, XD = XAD + XLD (3i) XD' static transient reactance, single-phase, direct axis, corresponding to the conditions specified under XD, except that the rotor windings are short-circuited. It corresponds to the total leakage flux between the armature and rotor windings, and is thus analogoustOXd. It thus comprises XLD, and some additional space fundamental flux crossing the air-gap and corresponding in amount to the field leakage produced by the induced field current. The latter component is denoted by XAD'. Thus, (4i) XD' XLD + XAD' The corresponding symbols for all of the foregoing ten quantities for the quadrature axis are denoted by the subscript q instead of d for three-phase quantities, and by Q instead of D for the static single-phase quantities. Thus small letter subscripts indicate three-phase quantities, and capitals indicate static single-phase quantities. There are certain additional important relations which exist between the above quantities. These relations will now be derived. Subtracting equation (4i) from equation (3i),

space fundamental m. m. f. AD, the latter being produced by a single-phase current, are, AD = AD Xad when the rotor circuits are open-circuited, and are,

tkD AD Xad' when the rotor circuits are closed. The line-to-line linkages would be k times these values, where k = 1.0 for line-to-neutral, 1.73 line-to-line. Thus in general {D = k AD Xad (7i) and (8i) 6D' = k AD Xad' Subtracting (8i) from (7i), 'PD - ,D' = k AD (Xad -Xad') (9i) But, by definition of x, 1D = iD XD (IOi)

and iD! = tD XD' (lli) Subtracting these (12i) {D -'D = iD (XD - XD') Equating (9i) and (12i), and substituting the general relation from (1c) between the amplitude of the space fundamental single-phase current, andathetaluem. m. ft f. produced by current,

2/3 k2 iD (Xad - Xad') = iD (XD - XD') Therefore, substituting (6i), 3 Xd - Xd' = 2k2 (XD - XD')


and, subtracting equation (2i) from (Ii), Xd - Xd' = Xad - Xad t (6i) Now the same space fundamental m. m. f., whether produced by a three-phase or a single-phase current, will produce in the same axis the same space fundamental linkages in a given winding. Thus, since by definition, the product of Xad by the amplitude of a space fundamental m. m. f. produced by a three-phase current direct axis will give line-to-neutral linkages of armature reaction, it follows that the product of Xaci by any space fundamental m. m. f. in the same axis will give line-to-neutral linkages. Hence, the line-to-neutral linkages, maximum value, due to a suddenly appearing






For the Armature. All voltages are expressed as a fraction of the peak value of normal armature voltage; currents, as a fraction of the peak value of normal armature current; flux, as a fraction of normal space fundamental flux, the latter corresponding to normal voltage at normal frequency on open circuit; linkages, as a fraction of the linkages corresponding to normal flux; inductance, as a fraction of unit inductance, the latter being defined by the ratio of normal linkages to normal current; and reactances (at fundamental frequency), as a fraction of unit reactance, the latter being defined by the ratio of normal voltage line-toneutral to normal current. For the Field. All voltages are expressed as a fraction of unit field voltage, i. e., the direct voltage across the field corresponding to unit field current; currents, as a fraction of unit field current, i. e., the direct current corresponding to normal a-c. terminal voltage on open circuit (no saturation); flux, as a fraction of normal flux, as defined above for the armature circuit; linkages, as a fraction of unit field linkages, the latter being defined as the linkages produced in the field winding by normal flux; inductance, as a fraction of that indluctance which is defined as the ratio of unit field linkages to unit field current; reactance, as a fraction of unit field reactance,

Per-unit quantities, as outlined under "Discussion of Theory, are li2ted and defined below. The general scheme of notation involves the use of capital letters for field circuit quantities, small letters for the armature.

omencla ure



Transactions A. I. E. E.

tal field self-inductance. Not a per-unit which is defined as the ratio of unit field voltage to unit quantity field current. With regard to the per-unit bases for field voltage and r = per-unit resistance of the armature circuit field reactance, it should be mentioned that there are R - resistance, in ohms, of field circuit. Not a perunit quantity other bases which, in certain cases, it might be more = time, expressed as a fraction of the time correconvenient to adopt. It is altogether a matter of con- t sponding to one radian at normal frequency. venience. For instance, if it should be of greater conIt is thus numerically equal to the elapsed armathe for venience to have symmetrical equations radians the ture and field, than to have, as in the present case, armature reactance in general calculated results of field circuit voltage come out in x terms of the known excitation voltage, then unit field Xad = three phase, line to neutral reactance of armature reaction, direct axis (See Appendix I) voltage might be taken as the voltage which unit field linkages would generate in the field winding at normal Xld = three phase line to neutral armature leakage reactance, direct axis frequency. Unit field reactance and resistance would Xad + Xld = three phase, line to neutral synXd then be changed accordingly. chronous reactance, direct axis A = amplitude of space fundamental of armature Xd' = three phase line to neutral transient reactance, m. m. f. Specific values of A are: direct axis Ad = m. m. f. in direct axis, produced by XAD = static reactance single phase, corresponding to balanced polyphase current the space fundamental flux, direct axis. Aq = corresponding value in quadrature axis (See Appendix I) = m. f. m. of A1 amplitude produced by = XLD single phase armature leakage reactance, direct in a instant single-phase at current any axis winding. XAD + XLD = total static reactance, single phase XD AD = component of A1 in direct axis = direct axis. (See Appendix I) axis AQ component of A1 in quadrature single phase static transient reactance, direct b = geometric ratio defined by the relation following XD' axis equation (9) The corresponding reactances in the quadrature axis e = instantaneous value of any armature voltage are denoted by q and Q, instead of d and D. eo= line-to-neutral voltage before short circuit a displacement between armature winding axis ed = nominal voltage due to direct axis excitation and axis of field pole at the instant of short eq = nominal voltage due to quadrature axis circuit. See Fig. 1 excitation angle between the axis of the short circuited A ed increment in ed induced by transient field A3 winding and any open circuited winding current considered A eq = increment in eq induced by transient field Py - angle between armature winding axis and direct current axis at any time t. See Fig. 1 E = field voltage in general in the direct axis due to current in a single OD flux = short circuit = field preceding voltage Eo winding phase in current armature general i = flux in the quadrature axis corresponding Q= in current field general I in flux = linkages the armature, in general Id - field current in direct axis winding = flux linkages, produced in the armature by any Iqz = field current in quadrature axis winding transient armature current A Id increment in Id induced by transient armature armature linkages due to current in the field current Vt'm winding A Iq = corresponding increment in Iq Io = field current at the instant before short circuit p = ratio of open phase armature voltage to peak value of unit armature voltage = voltage conversion factor for the short-circuited k cirshort line-to-neutral k for =1 phase. decrement factor of the field circuit, correspond0i circuit short for line-to-line and = ,/3 cuit, ing to the -total self-inductance (i. e., with armature open circuited). It is thus, kL = similar factor for the voltage generated in the open circuited phase ____ = inductance, in general, of the armature circuit I = Wo I' - transient inductance of the armature, variable where 6R is the total resistance (in ohms), 4s is with respect to rotor position the total inductance (in henrys), of the field L c inductance, in general, of the field circuit circuit; and X is the angular velocity corre.1 - inductance, in henrys, of the field circuit, with sponding to normal frequency-thus 2 w f. open circuited armature. That is, the to-

Feb. 1928



12. Bekku, S., "Sudden Short Circuit of Alternator," Although, M, ,e, and w are not per-unit quantities, oro nevertheless is. The usual Researehes of the Electrotechnical Laboratory No. 203, June 1927. simple exponential is of the form 13. Lyon W. V., Transienit Conditions in Elec. Machinery, where t' and to' are e' aei h in seconds. A. I. E. E., L., 1923, Vol. 42, I the eod.I TRANS. p. 157. Etowhrt'adto' 14. Dreyfus, "Freie Magnetische Energie Zwischen present system t represents the elapsed Verketteten Mehrphasensystemen," E. U7. M. 29 S. 891, 1911. radians-i. e., time is expressed as a fraction 15. Dreyfus, L., "Auisgleichvorgange in der Symmetrischen of the time of one radian at normal frequency. Mehrphasenmaschine," E. U. M1. 30 S 25, 121, 139, 1912. 16. Dreyfus, L., "Ausgleiehvorgange Beim Plotzlichen Thus, referring to the exponent Kurzsehluss von it Electrot' tot t'



- u

technik, 5 S 103, 1916.

Synchron Ceneratoren," Arch





= decrement factor of the field corresponding to C. H. Linder. In Synchronous Machines-Part IV, mathethe condition of single-phase short circuit. matical relations are presented which permit the calculation of the short-circuit currents and voltages at the instant of singleSee equation (2) = corresponding decrement factor of the armature circuit. This factor is on a per-unit basis similar to ao. It is merely the ratio of perunit r to per-unit x. If these were each multiplied by unit ohms, and in the resulting ratio of resistance to reactance the factor wo were taken out of the reactance, the decrement factor would be back on the usual basis. = 2 7r f, wheref = normal frequency
1. Steinmiietz, C. P., "Transient Electric Phenomena and


strome in Hochspannungsanlagen," 1926, p.49 et seq. 4. Diamant, N. S., (a) Calculation of Sudden Short-Circuit Phenonoena . . . ,TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 34, p. 2237, 1915., (b) Sustained Short Circuit Phenomena. . ., TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 36, Plart 2, p. 1141, 1918. 5. Franklin, R. P., (a) Thesis (Master's Degree), Union College, 1923, Calculation of Alternator Shortt-Circuit Current.s. (b) Short-Circuit Currents of Synchronous 3Machines, TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 44, p. 420,1925. 6. Karapetoff, V., (a) Initial and Sustained Short Circuits in Synchronous MlIachines," TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 44, p. 403, 1925. (b) Variable Arnmature Leakage Reactance in Salicnt-Pole SynchronouTs Ma(ichines, TRAN S. A. I. E. E., Vol. 45, p. 729, 1926. 7. Laffoon, C. AM., Short Circuits of Alternating-Current Generators, TR1ANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 43, p. 356,1924. S. Shimidzu and Ito, "Theory of Single-Phase Generators," Memoirs of College of Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University, Vol. 2, No. 7,192,5. 9. (a) Doherty and Shirley, Reactance of Synchronous Machines and its Application, TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 37, Part 2, p. 1323, 1918. (b) Doherty, R. E. Shoort-Circuit Current of Induction Motors and Generators, TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 40, p.547, 1921. (C ) Doherty, R. E., A Sinplified .Method of A nalyzing Short-Circait Problems, TRtANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 42, p. 849, 1923. (d) Dolierty and Nickle, Synchronous Machines-I and II, TRANS. A. I. E.E.,Vol.45,p.912,1926. (e)DohertyandNickle, Synchronous Machines-IlI, Winter Convention 1927. 10. \Newbury, F. D., Discussion. TRANS. A. I. E. E., Vol. 37, Part 2, p. 1304 1918 and Laffoon, C. M., p. 1316. 11. Arnold, E., Die l1echselstromntechnik, Vol. 4, p. 37-40, 1913.

Oscillations," 1909, Chapter XIV. 2. Boucherot, P., "Electromagnetic Phenomena Resulting from the Sudden Short-Cireuiting of an Alternator," Trans. International Elec. Congress, Vol. II, p. 49-93, Turin, 1912. 3. Biermnanns, J.,(a) E. T'. Z., 1915, p. 579. (b) "Uber-



Upper curve-Test






Lower curve-Calculation phase short circuit, and at any time thereafter. Experimental data are included in the paper which check the calculated curves



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