Interleaved Power Converter With Current Ripple Cancelation at A Selectable Duty Cycle
Interleaved Power Converter With Current Ripple Cancelation at A Selectable Duty Cycle
Interleaved Power Converter With Current Ripple Cancelation at A Selectable Duty Cycle
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6 authors, including:
Jonathan Mayo-Maldonado
Tecnológico de Monterrey
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jonathan Mayo-Maldonado on 18 October 2015.
(1) and (2) the voltages across C1 and C2 may be expressed as B. Inductors and Input current ripple
1 From Fig. 2(d), it is evident that the current ripple of each
VC1 = Vin (3) one of the inductors is given by
1− D
1 Vin V D
VC 2 = Vin (4) ∆iL1 = DTS = in ⋅ (6)
D L1 L1 f S
It is important to note that capital letters indicate steady V V (1 − D)
∆i L 2 = in (1 − D)TS = in ⋅ (7)
state values. L2 L2 fS
C2 clamps the voltage in C3 during the time when the switch
s2 is on, see Fig. 2(c) ant then they get practically the same where f s denotes the switching frequency.
average voltage [8]. The load is connected to the voltage that The input current ripple, denoted by ∆in, is the difference
results of adding VC1+VC3. The voltage gain of the converter between the current ripple of the inductors defined by
can be written as: equations (6) and (7), thus
Vo (
= VC1 + VC 3
) = 1 (5) Vin D (1 − D)
Vin Vin D(1 − D) ∆iin = − (8)
f S L1 L2
The plot of the above voltage gain as a function of the duty
The converter can be designed for obtaining a zero input
cycle is shown in Fig. 3 (a).
current-ripple at a certain duty cycle. This duty cycle can be
calculated from the expected input and output voltages and
using expression given by (5). For the purpose of obtaining a
zero input current-ripple, expression (8) should be equal to
zero and assuming that the duty cycle is known, then the
following relationship between the inductors may be derived
L1 = L2 (9)
(1 − D)
For example, if the expected input and output voltages are
such that the duty cycle is equal to 0.75, then the value of L1
should be three times the value of L2 (according with (9)) for
accomplishing zero input current-ripple.
Once we have selected the duty cycle and calculated the
values of each inductor, we can use (8) for analyzing the input
current ripple through the full operation range. For example, if
L1=3L2 and employing expression (8), then the input current
ripple can be expressed as:
Vin D (1 − D ) Vin 4
∆iin = − = D − 1 (10)
f S 3L2 L2 f S L2 3
It is clear that there is a linear dependence of current ripple
on the value of the duty cycle. This fact is shown in Fig. 3(b).
If the converter duty cycle is set to 0.6 (inductors are
calculated for having a zero ripple at D=0.75) then the current
ripple would be 0.2 times Vin/(fSL2). It is important to note that
this current ripple is given in amperes (not in percentage).
Finally and consistent with (3) and (4), the average current
Fig. 3. (a) voltage gain vs. duty cycle, (b) input current-ripple vs. duty cycle.
through the inductors can be defined as
According to Fig. 3 (a) and expression (5), the minimum 1
voltage gain is 4 and it is obtained when the duty cycle is equal I L1 = I o (11)
to 0.5. If the duty cycle is smaller than 0.5 the gain increases
1− D
again, therefore it is recommendable to employ duty cycles I L2 = Io (12)
higher than 0.5. D
C. Capacitors voltage. A diode-clamped multilevel converter can be
For calculating the adequate values of the capacitors we can connected as a load, as it is shown in Fig. 4(b). In Fig. 4(b) a
use a procedure similar to the one used for calculating branch of a five level inverter is connected as a load. Two
inductors. For example, during the time s1 is on, the load branches may be connected in the same way providing higher
current is passing through capacitor C1, then voltage with nine levels.
∆ vC 1 = DTS (13)
For calculating the value of the capacitor C2, the period of
time when s2 is open can be used, i.e.
I L2
∆ vC 2 = DTS (14)
Capacitor C3 is charged by C2 when the switch S2 closes
connecting them in parallel, after this pretty fast dynamics, this
capacitor is always discharging with the load current, the load
current pass throw C3 in Fig. 2(b) and by C2 and C3 in Fig. 2(c)
A good approach which doesn’t depend on the capacitance
in C2 is to consider than the load current pass throw C3 all the
time, in this case the voltage-ripple would be given by (15),
the real voltage ripple in C3 is smaller than the one expressed
in (15).
∆vC 3 = TS (15)
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Fig. 6. (a) Experimental voltage gain (b) traces of both inductor currents 2
A/div (c) trace of the total input current 4 A/div.