Manroocha Minilesson Rubric 2018-19
Manroocha Minilesson Rubric 2018-19
Manroocha Minilesson Rubric 2018-19
Launching Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Contextualizes the lesson in terms of broader ● Only spare/passing mention of ● No context given
the AND learning and authentic purpose (WHY). context AND/OR AND/OR
lesson ● Introduces the lesson in a way that ● Names the teaching point in clear, student-facing ● Teaching point is present but ● No teaching point
(connection effectively hooks students’ language (WHAT). not named clearly named.
& teaching attention and interest.
Explicit Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Explicitly describes HOW students can apply the ● Explanation of the strategy is Does not teach a strategy
teaching AND strategy (2-4 steps). unclear or self-referential (eg. (Observer is unable to
(teach) ● Provides one or more multimodal ● Demonstrates using the strategy with a familiar or find the main idea by identify a single, clear
supports to make the strategy and accessible text, thinking aloud while completing identifying the main idea) strategy that was taught in
steps memorable (gestures, rhyme each step. AND/OR this lesson).
or song, choral repetition, anchor ● Demonstrates via narration
chart with visuals, or worksheet). rather than modeling/thinking
Student Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Gives students an opportunity to engage in ● Practice is set up so that only Does not provide an
engagement AND practice of the skill. some students can participate opportunity for active
(active ● Almost all students visibly ● Sets clear procedures resulting in most students AND/OR practice of the target skill.
practice) participating in learning during visibly participating in learning during active ● Many students actively
active practice. practice. participate but many do not.
● Opportunity for practice is ● Observes students’ practice to inform next steps.
meaningful/engaging to students.
● Provides modifications that enable
all students to practice.
Minilesson Performance Rubric
Connection Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Ends the lesson by situating the target strategy ● Does not situate the strategy Lesson “just ends” without
to learning AND within broader learning goal(s). within broader goals OR does a link.
(link) ● Includes clear points of ● Reminds students to continue to practice in their not remind students to
accountability for future practice. reading and writing work. continue practicing
● I thought I did an okay job at establishing norms. I specifically stated that I needed quiet voices, still bodies and hands on desk, and showcased students doing the right
thing and awarded them ready first points. I wanted to make sure students could all see my work, which is why I chose the Smart-Board at the front of the room, and
our carpet is too small to use so I didn’t want them to be cramped their.
● However, due to my management issues, the lessons went on much longer than intended. I should have just waited, and I picked up on that later in the video where I
wait for them to reset, but this threw off the timing of the lesson. I could have also made my wording more efficient so my lesson was quicker from that end. I needed
to use short phrases to keep their attention: I think overall I was talking too much.
● I’m happy with my framing of the lesson: I contextualized it in a lesson they had previously done and tried my best to highlight the utility of the skill. I also revisited this
using the word bank.
● I could have made this much more brief and clear in order to get into my content faster
● I think my steps were too vague and didn’t model effectively my thought process. I could have made these clearer.
● I did visually display them, but I think this step got lost in the management issues
Active Practice
● I don’t think my active practice gave everyone the opportunity to participate. I could have incorporated a turn and talk in there to make sure everyone was articulating
their thoughts. I could have also utilized more wait time, like Ms. Wraith suggested, to give time for students to raise their hand and engage with material
● I see my link as the combination of the launch into the independent practice as well as the word bank. I actually liked my use of the word bank, as stated earlier in my
website. I could have perhaps made that the active practice, and then just have me talking for the link for this part of the mini lesson.