Oberservation Points

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Observation Points

The teacher's tone and body language, should reflect genuine warmth, care and sensitivity
towards the student.
The way the teacher interacts with students comes across as pleasant, positive and
Teacher Demeanour professional.
The teacher is neither too friendly (casual) or too firm.
The teacher makes an excellent effort to build a rapport with the student.

The teacher speaks in a steady, lucid and clear manner.

The teacher uses appropriate vocabulary.
Communication skills,fluency with
Error free.
The Teacher does not use language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors
in usage.
Tone was proper; No parrot reading, The teacher modulates her voice and has enough energy to hold the interest of the student
Monotone? throughout the session
The teacher does not make any factual errors, while presenting the content.
Content Knowledge/Preparation as per
The teacher is accurate and displays confidence in his/her explanations and summarization
the lesson plan
of the lesson"
The teacher performs every action as per the pdf like
sending steps in the chat window,
followed the Preparation doc to the T?
creating the appetize links,
sharing screen and guiding the student to share screen when required etc
Student interactivity,Connection with The teacher uses a balanced mix of closed and open ended questions to assess student
the student understanding and as a means to rectify student misconceptions, during the lesson .
The teacher effectively uses the tech interface,
maximizing & minimizing the screen,
Comfort with Tech Interface navigating between code.org,
navigating between other showcase links and
whitehat junior panel
The teacher is successful in ensuring the student is engaged at every point during the lesson
Engagement by involving him/her in all the conversations & activities. (2 way converstion)
The Student's attending is focusd on the class most of the time and not distracted
The teacher accepts all student responses and
if the response is incorrect, provides opportunity for the student to think why the response is
Feedback to Student,appreciates the incorrect or rephrases the question.
student Teacher also paraphrases the student responses, in case he/she does not use the
appropriate vocabulary.
She appreciates the student at every opportunity.
The teacher gives instructions, either for
Instructional Clarity procedures, behaviour or lesson understanding, in
short, simple and easy to remember steps that the student seems to absorb quickly.
Class Flow & Transition between
activities,the session is in flow and
doesnt’t look like pick and drop A logical connection among activities is consistently visible throughout the lesson.
Linking lesson to
previous The teacher makes practical and relevant references to student experiences, environment
knowledge/experience of the student and previous
knowledge. This leads to better understanding of the concept.
The teacher gives enough
time for student to complete the activities and does
Time Management
not rush them. There is clear consolidation of
The teacher pauses at appropriate times during the
lesson to collate information and reinforce steps or
points before continuing. This is often done by the
student himself
The teacher is able to effectively communicate the importance of building skills such as logic,
Sales Pitch
abstract reasoning,anlaytical skills on the platform
The teacher is able to communicate the logic and the concept of the code to the child
Goal & Logical Reasonong
Use of teaching
aids / innovative technique The teacher uses simple but effective visual aids that greatly enhanced student
understanding of the concept.
Freedom to make mistakes The teacher allows the student to experiment and figure out his / her mistakes
The teacher is able to code as per the trial document.
Coding skills
She is able to address variable questions or doubts raised by the student satisfactorily
There was no background distraction:
Noise, Phone, People roaming around No background distraction throughout the session
Additional Activities The teacher could demonstrate all the additonal activities

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