This document provides the sequence of moves for Pinan Godan Kata, a kata practiced in Wado Ryu karate. It consists of 23 numbered steps describing various stances, blocks, strikes and turns performed in the kata. The kata incorporates techniques like middle blocks, reverse punches, elbow strikes, hammer strikes and augmented inside blocks performed from stances including cat, forward, back and cross stances while turning between them.
This document provides the sequence of moves for Pinan Godan Kata, a kata practiced in Wado Ryu karate. It consists of 23 numbered steps describing various stances, blocks, strikes and turns performed in the kata. The kata incorporates techniques like middle blocks, reverse punches, elbow strikes, hammer strikes and augmented inside blocks performed from stances including cat, forward, back and cross stances while turning between them.
This document provides the sequence of moves for Pinan Godan Kata, a kata practiced in Wado Ryu karate. It consists of 23 numbered steps describing various stances, blocks, strikes and turns performed in the kata. The kata incorporates techniques like middle blocks, reverse punches, elbow strikes, hammer strikes and augmented inside blocks performed from stances including cat, forward, back and cross stances while turning between them.
This document provides the sequence of moves for Pinan Godan Kata, a kata practiced in Wado Ryu karate. It consists of 23 numbered steps describing various stances, blocks, strikes and turns performed in the kata. The kata incorporates techniques like middle blocks, reverse punches, elbow strikes, hammer strikes and augmented inside blocks performed from stances including cat, forward, back and cross stances while turning between them.
1. Rei. 2. Yoi. 3. Look left. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari shomen nekoashi dachi (left front- facing cat stance) while erfor!ing a hidari soto uke (left !iddle "lock)# then e$ecuting migi gyaku zuki (right re%erse unch). &. 'ring the right foot in towards the left and turn the his to the right ending in musubi dachi (attention stance) while si!ultaneousl( "ringing the right fist "ack to ka!ae and the left ar! across the front of the "od( at chudan le%el in a read( osition. ). Look right. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi shomen nekoashi dachi (right front-facing cat stance) while erfor!ing a migi soto uke (right !iddle "lock)# then e$ecuting hidari gyaku zuki (left re%erse unch). *. 'ring the left foot in towards the right and turn the his to the left ending in musubi dachi while si!ultaneousl( "ringing the left fist "ack to ka!ae and the right ar! across the front of the "od( at chudan le%el in a read( osition. +. ,te forward with the right into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (right side-facing cat stance) while erfor!ing a migi soto uke with left fist co%ering the solar le$us. -. ,te forward with the left foot into hidari zenkutsu dachi (left forward stance) while drawing "ack "oth hands to ka!ae# then dri%ing the fists out to erfor! juji uke (.- "lock)# right o%er left. 9. 'ring the fists u across the chest then dri%e the! uwards into shuto jodan juji uke (knife-hand uer .-"lock). Twist the hands onto the oonents traed ar! and ull the hands down to right ka!ae while tilting the head to the left for rotection. /ands will "e at the waist with "oth hands oen# left on to and al! facing down# and right al! facing u. 10. 0erfor! hidari yoko tettsui uchi (left sideward ha!!er strike). 11. ,te forward into migi zenkutsu dachi (right forward stance) while erfor!ing migi jun-zuki (right lunge unch).1232. 12. 'egin withdrawing the right fist to the right side of the face# al! in# while drawing the right foot towards the left. This leads directl( to the ne$t !o%e. 13. Turn 2+0 degrees to the left into shiko dachi (straddle stance4 also known as ki"a dachi) while erfor!ing migi gedan barai (right downward "lock) to the right side. 1&. 'ring the left foot into shizen hontai (nor!al natural stance) and erfor! hidari gedan barai (left downward "lock) to the left side. 1). ,te the right foot forward into migi zenkutsu dachi# while erfor!ing migi yoko empi uchi (right sideward el"ow strike). 1*. ,i!ultaneousl( slide the left foot forward into migi gyaku nekoashi dachi right re%erse cat stance)while erfor!ing migi jodan ude uke with the left hand# al! down# in front of the solar le$us. 1+. ,lide left foot "ackwards while lowering "oth ar!s to chudan le%el. 2!!ediatel( twist 90 degrees to left# into hidari kokutsu dachi (left "ack stance) while erfor!ing migi ura-zuki (right "ack unch) 5odan with the left fist# al! down# co%ering the solar le$us. 1-. 6u!# raising the feet as close to the "uttocks as ossi"le# and sin 1-0 degrees to the left# landing in a %er( low hidari gyaku nekoashi dachi (left re%erse cat stance) while erfor!ing juji uke as (ou land. 19. Turn 90 degrees to the right into migi zenkutsu dachi while erfor!ing migi jodan morote uke (right aug!ented uer inside "lock).1232. 20. Turn 90 degrees to the left into hidari kokutsu dachi while erfor!ing hidari gedan barai and ulling the migi ura-zuki "ack u and ast the right ear. This is a "lock to the rear# and is full( e$tended as a unch# then retracted such that the right el"ow is a little higher than erendicular to the ground. 21. 'ring the left foot in towards the right until the heels touch. ,te out &) degrees to the right into migi juji dachi (right cross stance) with the left hand down in front of the groin while the right hand is still "ehind the right ear# then shift in to migi kokutsu dachi while si!ultaneousl( erfor!ing migi gedan barai and hidari ura-zuki. 7raw in the right leg until the heels touch. 22. Ya!e. 23. Rei. 8o(right 9 2000 :ado-R(! ;othing on this we"site !a( "e reroduced without the e$ress written er!ission of :ado-R(u-! Back to Wado Ryu Kata ast modified !"#$"!! Best %ie&ed &ith
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