Wado Ryu Kata - Pinan Shodan Kata

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The document describes the steps and techniques of the Pinan Shodan kata in karate.

The document lists 30 steps to perform Pinan Shodan kata including different stances, blocks, kicks and punches.

Stances used in Pinan Shodan kata include mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (side-facing cat stance), shizen hontai (normal natural stance), zenkutsu dachi (forward stance).

Wado Ryu Karate

The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama
Pinan Shodan Kata Pinan Shodan Kata Photos
1. Rei.
2. Yoi.
3. Look left. Step out to your left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (left side-
facing cat stance), wile !ringing te rigt and to a protection for" o#er te
foreead and si"ultaneously perfor"ing a hidari soto uke (left "iddle !lock). $e
upper ar" is parallel to te ground and sligtly a!o#e te foreead, wile te left
and is perpendicular to te ground in a proper ude uke.
%. &ile re"aining in mahanmi no nekoashi dachi perfor" a migi otoshi uke (rigt
downward !lock) wile pulling te left and !ack to te rigt ear.
'. (raw te left foot in a alf step so tat you are in shizen hontai (nor"al natural
stance), wile perfor"ing a hidari tetsui jodan (left a""er fist to te te"ple).
). Look rigt. Step out to your rigt into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (rigt side-
facing cat stance), wile !ringing te left and to a protection for" o#er te foreead
and si"ultaneously perfor"ing a migi soto uke (rigt "iddle !lock).
*. &ile re"aining in mahanmi no nekoashi dachi perfor" a hidari otoshi uke (left
downward !lock) wile pulling te rigt and !ack to te left ear.
+. (raw te rigt foot in a alf step so tat you are in shizen hontai (nor"al natural
stance), wile perfor"ing a migi tetzui jodan (rigt a""er fist to te te"ple).
,. $wist your left foot in towards te rigt sligtly wile !ringing rigt ar" down to rigt
side and looking !eind you. $is is an inter"ediate stance and sould !e
i""ediately followed !y te following stance.
1-. $urning fully !eind you, perfor" a migi mae geri (rigt front snap kick) and
e.ecute migi soto uke o#er te kicking leg.
11. Reca"!er te rigt leg and set te rigt foot !eside te left wile preparing to
perfor" a hidari jodan shuto uke (left upper knife and !lock).
12. Step left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (side-facing cat stance) wile
perfor"ing te hidari jodan shuto uke. $e left ar" sould !e #ertical to te floor
and te rigt ar" sould !e pal" up, a!o#e your !elt at te solar ple.us wit fingers
pointed to te el!ow of te !locking ar".
13. Step forward into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi wile perfor"ing a migi jodan
shuto uke.
1%. Step forward into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi wile perfor"ing a hidari
jodan shuto uke.
1'. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi wile perfor"ing a migi tate nukite (rigt #ertical
spear and trust)./010.
1). $urn 22' degrees to te left into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi (side-facing cat
stance), wile perfor"ing a hidari jodan shuto uke.
1*. Step into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi , continuing along te %' degree line,
wile perfor"ing a migi jodan shuto uke.
1+. $urn ,- degrees to te rigt into migi mahanmi no nekoashi dachi wile perfor"ing
a migi jodan shuto uke.
1,. Step into hidari mahanmi no nekoashi dachi , continuing along te %' degree line,
wile perfor"ing a hidari jodan shuto uke.
2-. 2o#ing te left foot o#er to te left %' degrees, twist te ips into hidari zenkutsu
dachi wile sweeping out wit te left and and perfor"ing migi soto uke.
21. &ile "aintaining te !lock, perfor" migi mae geri keage, ten step into hidari
gyakuzuki dachi wile perfor"ing a hidari gyaku-zuki (left re#erse punc).
22. Still in migi zenkutsu dachi, te stance is sligtly sortened wit te left ip dropped
sligtly and te left soulder turned %' degrees forward in order to ancor te !ody
down e#en "ore wile you perfor" a hidari soto uke.
23. &ile "aintaining te !lock, perfor" hidari mae geri, ten step into hidari
gyakuzuki dachi wile perfor"ing a migi gyaku-zuki.
2%. Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perfor" migi jodan morote uke (rigt aug"ented
upper inside !lock)./010.
2'. $urn 22' degrees to te left into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perfor" a hidari gadan
2). Step into migi zenkutsu dachi and perfor" migi jodan uke (rigt upward !lock).
2*. $urn ,- degrees to te rigt into migi zenkutsu dachi and perfor" a migi gadan
2+. Step into hidari zenkutsu dachi and perfor" hidari jodan uke (left upward !lock).
2,. Ya"e.
3-. Rei.
3opyrigt 4 2--- &ado-Ryu-/arate.co"
5oting on tis we!site "ay !e reproduced witout
te e.press written per"ission of &ado-Ryu-
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