The Relationship Between Foot Care Knowledge With The Incidence of Foot Injury in Type 2 Diabetician
The Relationship Between Foot Care Knowledge With The Incidence of Foot Injury in Type 2 Diabetician
The Relationship Between Foot Care Knowledge With The Incidence of Foot Injury in Type 2 Diabetician
Rahayu1, Denny Anggoro Prakoso2 1 Student of Faculty MEdicine and Health of muhammadiyah ogyakarta !ni"ersity 2 #ecturer of Faculty Medicine and Health of Muhammadiyah ogyakarta !ni"ersity Abstract $y%e 2 dia&etes mellitus 'DM( )as a disease that occur in society and caused many com%lications* +ne of the chronic com%lication )as dia&etic food ulcer* Dia&etic food ulcer occurs in some of %atients )ith dia&etes and %recedes leg am%utation due to serious infection* Early detection and treatment must &e gi"en &efore the scar de"elo%ed* Foot care education )as im%ortant for the %atient )ith dia&etes mellitus* $he aim of this research )as to kno) the relation &et)een foot care kno)ledge )ith the incidence of dia&etic food ulcer in ty%e 2 dia&etician* $he methode of this research )as analytical,o&ser"ational )ith cross sectional a%%roach* $he data )as analy-ed )ith chi s.uare* $he research %o%ulation )as all %atient )ith ty%e 2 DM P/! Muhammadiyah Hos%ital, ogyakarta* $he sam%le )as collected )ith consecuti"e sam%ling techni.ue* $he inclusion criteria )as acce%t informed consent, ty%e 2 DM in P/! Muhammadiyah Hos%ital ogyakarta, )hile the e0clusion critertia )as ty%e 2 DM )ith se"ere com%lication* $he 1nstrument that used in this research )as .uestionnaire* $he result of this research sho)ed that the le"el of foot care kno)ledge )as sufficient '21,34(* incidence of ulcus foot that doesnt ha"e '53,26( 'seg iki aku &ingung(* Demogra%hic factor of dia&etic food ulcer in ty%e 2 dia&etician )ere 67,27 year '62,84(, )omen '62,54(, elementary graduated '97,:4(, the income )as less than R%* 277*777,77 '62,84(, ha"e suffered )ith DM less than 6 year '274(* $he chi square analytic result sho)ed thar 2 )as 22,212 and the p value )as 7,777 'p<7,76(* $he conclsion of this research )as ther is a relation &et)een foot care kno)ledge )ith the incidence of foot in;ury in ty%e 2 dia&etician* Keyword Diabetes !ellitus" foot ulcer" #nowledge" foot care