Cariogenic Eating in Bantul Yogyakarta
Cariogenic Eating in Bantul Yogyakarta
Cariogenic Eating in Bantul Yogyakarta
Research Article
The Overview of Eating Patterns and Dental Caries Status of The
Community of Pendul, Argorejo, Bantul Yogyakarta
Sri Utami1*, Retnaningtyas Pinastika2, Novitasari Ratna Astuti1, Arya Adiningrat3
Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Received date: May 20th, 2022; revised date: January 7th, 2023; accepted: May 15th, 2023
DOI: 10.18196/di.v12i1.14749
The primary caries etiology factors are hosts (teeth), agents (microorganisms), substrates, and time. Individual
characteristics can be influenced by caries' risk factors, such as age, education level, economic status, and diet.
The high frequency of food and snack consumption, especially cariogenic food, is riskier of being caries affected.
This study aims to describe the eating pattern and dental caries status of the Pendul community in 2018. This
research is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional approach. It was held from December 2018 to
January 2019 in the Pendul district of Bantul. The subject of this research was selected using the accidental
sampling method with 138 respondents. The research instrument employed the Food Frequency Questionnaire
and DMFT index. The result showed that the higher the consumption of cariogenic foods is, the higher the caries
index will be. The highest frequency of cariogenic foods consumption was snacks, with a mean DMFT index of
8,02. The highest frequency of cariogenic beverage consumption was sugar tea, with a mean DMFT index of each
respondent was 8 teeth. The highest frequency of cariogenic consumption per week lay in snacks and packaged
tea. Apart from the four etiological factors, such as agent, host, substrate, and time, caries can also be caused by
other determinant factors such as gender, age, education level, and socioeconomic status.
Keywords: dental caries; diet role; DMFT index; food frequency questionnaire
sticky, and easily chewed in the oral Table 1 shows that the dental caries
cavity.6 This study aims to describe eating status of the Dusun Pendul community
patterns and the dental caries status of the assessed by the DMFT index has a mean of
people in Pendul in 2018. 7.89.
Table 6 shows that the higher the The highest cariogenic consumption was in
frequency of cariogenic foods such as snacks with a frequency of > 3 times per
bread, cakes, candies, and snacks are, the week, and the mean of DMFT was 9.29.
higher the average of dental caries will be.
Table 7. Frequency Distribution of the Weekly Cariogenic Drinking Patterns and Mean DMFT
Cariogenic Food Once 2-3 times > 3 times Never
n (DMFT) n (DMFT) n (DMFT) n (DMFT)
Bread 24 (7.65) 31 (8.29) 27 (12.1) 54 (5.6)
Cake 16 (7.68) 16 (8.81) 11 (11.3) 95 (7.42)
Candy 13 (8.15) 9 (8,11) 24 (8.25) 92 (7.91)
Chocolate 7 (10.7) 15 (7.46) 7 (11,4) 109 (7.55)
Snacks 8 (7.75) 21 (8.47) 34 (9.29) 75 (7.12)
Table 7 shows that the most frequency of > 3 times per week with a
frequently consumed cariogenic beverage mean DMFT of 9.27.
is packaged tea, with a consumption
and adults. Chewing sugar-free gum age is, the lower the awareness of
reduces the load of Streptococcus mutants maintaining dental and oral health will be.12
in the oral cavity compared to non-chewing The results of dental caries status
controls.9 based on the educational background
Furthermore, the highest frequency showed that the highest mean DMFT lay in
of cariogenic beverage consumption per respondents who had elementary school as
week was packaged tea, with a their latest educational level, with a total of
consumption frequency of > 3 times by 44 50 respondents and a mean DMFT of 9.4.
respondents with a mean DMFT of 9.27. The level of education affected the status of
The sucrose content in packaged tea can dental and oral hygiene and dental caries
accelerate extra cells so that status. The lower the level of education is,
microorganisms in the oral cavity quickly the higher the caries rate will be suffered.13
convert them, causing a decrease in pH. Dental caries risk factors included higher
Consuming sweet, sticky or sour food consumption of snacks, lower maternal
causes persistent acidity, making saliva education level, and socioeconomic status.
difficult to increase the pH; low pH causes The population with lower income and
dental caries. It is in line with the previous lower educational level are the most
research, which found a relationship affected, independently of the evaluated
between the frequency of consumption of indicator such as untreated dental caries,
cariogenic foods and beverages with the access to dental care services and hygiene
level of dental caries.10 habits.14 Parental educational background
In terms of DMFT, this study frequently determines income, thus
revealed that the mean DMFT of the Pendul controlling access to home or professional
community was 7.89. It indicated that each preventive means such as toothpaste, dental
respondent had an average of caries in 8 floss, low caloric sugar-reduced diets, or
teeth. The high rate of dental caries can be privately paid dental sealants.15 Educational
influenced by many factors, such as gender, background affects nonmaterial
age, education level, socioeconomic status, characteristics such as health literacy and
environment, and culture.2 behavior, including dietary and tooth
Based on the study results, it can be cleaning habits or health service utilization
seen that female respondents had a higher frequency and patterns.16 Mother’s level of
mean DMFT than male respondents. The education increases the awareness of oral
mean DMFT of female respondents was health-related issues. Educating mothers on
8.02, while the mean DMFT of male child dental care will promote lifelong good
respondents was 7.71, with the caries level oral hygiene habits and considerably reduce
categorized as very high. The high dental the prevalence of oral diseases.17
caries in women can be caused by a faster Based on socioeconomic status, the
dental eruption than in men. The prevalence results showed that the highest mean
of dental caries in women was higher than DMFT was in entrepreneurs, with a total of
that of men.11 8 respondents and a mean DMFT of 11.3.
In addition, the results of this study In this study, the high mean DMFT was
also indicated that the dental caries status related to the behavior level in maintaining
based on age category in the age group of > dental and oral health, which was included
65 years had a higher mean DMFT than the in the poor category.
age group below it. The mean DMFT in the Apart from the four etiological
age group > 65 years was 16. The high factors, such as agent, host, substrate, and
dental caries in the elderly can be time, caries can also be caused by other
influenced by a decrease in self- determinant factors such as gender, age,
independence, resulting in a decreased level education level, and socioeconomic status.
of dental and oral hygiene. The older the This research demonstrated that the mean
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