Vladimir Putin

Latest coverage of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, including his relationships with China and the West, and the war in Ukraine


A clear-eyed account of Ukraine under siege

Do not underestimate the lunacy of aged dictators, a new book argues


Death and destruction in a Russian city

Russians in the border city of Belgorod have become victims too in the war Vladimir Putin launched against Ukraine


Nigel Farage’s claim that NATO provoked Russia is naive and dangerous

It is also a wilful misreading of history

By Invitation

Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is part of his revolution against the West

He is leading Russia into a new phase of strategic confrontation, says Stephen Covington, a longtime NATO adviser


Vladimir Putin’s dangerous bromance with Kim Jong Un

Russia’s dictator visits Pyongyang and signs a new strategic pact


A D-Day commemoration that was not just about beating Hitler 

Biden, Macron and Zelensky vowed to defend Ukraine and democracy

By Invitation

Yuval Noah Harari on how to prevent a new age of imperialism

Non-Western powers have a stake in bringing peace to Ukraine, argues the historian


In Crimea, Ukraine is beating Russia

The peninsula is becoming a death trap for the Kremlin’s forces

1843 magazine | Meet the poetry-loving banker who keeps Putin’s war going

How long can Elvira Nabiullina work her magic?

By Invitation

Olaf Scholz on why Vladimir Putin’s brutal imperialism will fail

Germany’s chancellor says Europe needs more military muscle


Xi Jinping is subtler than Vladimir Putin—yet equally disruptive

How to deal with Chinese actions that lie between war and peace


The Xi-Putin partnership is not a marriage of convenience

It is one of vital, long-term necessity


Sergei Shoigu’s sacking points to yet more attrition in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin wants Russia’s armed forces to be better supplied


Russia is ramping up sabotage across Europe

The Kremlin believes it is in a shadow war with NATO

Podcast The Intelligence

How Vladimir Putin brought Russia’s economy back from the brink

Also on the daily podcast: immigration in Britain and making lorries green


Poles and Ukrainians are at loggerheads. That’s good news for Putin

Farm exports and freight are the problems
