Our coverage of the coronavirus

A selection of our stories about covid-19 and its consequences

Political and social consequences

Millions of birds have died. How to stop humans dying, too

As isolated human cases of H5N1 emerge, now is the time to prepare

The Chinese scientist who sequenced covid is barred from his lab

The Communist Party is still hounding experts whose work might expose its pandemic missteps

Broadway is struggling to find its rhythm after the pandemic

The Great White Way is looking slightly less great

Covid-19 was a disaster for the world’s schoolchildren

The costs of wasting brainpower are huge

Economic consequences

The EU’s covid-19 recovery fund has worked, but not as intended

The fund should pave the way for more collective European spending

What economists have learnt from the post-pandemic business cycle

The curious and furious recovery has brought some old ideas back to the fore

The pandemic has broken a closely followed survey of sentiment

Americans’ opinions about the state of the economy have diverged from reality


Long covid is not the only chronic condition triggered by infection

Finding similarities between post-infectious illnesses could lead to better treatments

In an ugly world, vaccines are a beautiful gift worth honouring

According to the WHO, they have saved more lives than any other medical invention

The 2023 Nobel prizes honour work that touched millions of lives

Besides mRNA vaccines, they celebrate ultra-fast lasers and tiny prisons for light

Data trackers

The pandemic’s true death toll

Our daily estimate of excess deaths around the world

The global normalcy index

Is the world returning to pre-pandemic life? Find out with our interactive tracker

Tracking covid-19 across the world

Use our live data to follow the battle against the pandemic

Excess deaths, by country or city

In many parts of the world, official death tolls undercount the total number of fatalities

Tracking the coronavirus across Europe

How countries and regions are coping with the covid-19 pandemic