Middle East & Africa

Beyond Belt and Road

China’s relationship with Africa is growing murkier

A decline in capital flows does not necessarily signal disengagement

Israel’s hostages

The one thing Israelis agree on: rescuing the hostages

Bibi’s failure to do so has prompted huge protests

A kingdom divided

Have Israel’s far-right religious nationalists peaked?

They wield great power but schisms within the movement are deepening

Nigeria parties on the cheap

A Nigerian’s guide to weddings during the cozzie livs

Even the most lavish of partygoers are adjusting to a cost-of-living crisis

Real estate and religion

Israel’s settlers are winning unprecedented power from the war in Gaza

They are gaining land—and sway over the army, police and politics

The Middle East

Israel and Hizbullah play with fire

They both attempt escalating attacks that fall short of all-out war

The real action

Making love not war in the Middle East

Israelis and Lebanese are finding each other on dating apps, whether they want to or not

The sun also rises

A shift towards green investment is under way in Africa

Green deals represent almost half of all venture-capital activity in the continent

Click click boom

YouTube in Africa offers a new kind of news

Demographics and the weakness of traditional media explain the rise of video news

Iran’s new government

The threat of war is empowering the Islamic republic’s hardliners

As a result, Iran’s new president is off to a disappointing start

A new epidemic

In Congo, a desperate struggle to control the deadly mpox outbreak

A rush to isolate the disease and vaccinate people is under way

The Israel-Hamas war and Iran

The Middle East’s bizarre waiting game: ceasefire or Armageddon?

Israel accepts a proposal to pause fighting but Hamas’s hardliners may not