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Transformers Operation Omega

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Transformers Operation Omega
TF Operation Omega promo.jpg
Developer HEROZ
Publisher T-Entamedia
Platform Android, iOS, iPad
Release date December 14, 2015

Transformers Operation Omega was a Japanese-exclusive game published by T-Entamedia and a sequel to Transformers Ultimate Allstars. Like its predecessor, it was a "line battle" strategy game with focus on acquiring better and rarer units for your team. Initially set for release when Ultimate Allstars went down in March 2016, it instead entered open beta on October 30, 2015 and was released soon thereafter in the following December.

The game proved short-lived: on February 1, 2016, it was announced that the game would be shut down alongside Ultimate Allstars on March 31 of that year, though events kept going until the end and the in-game "cybercoin" currency remained on sale until February 29.



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Featured characters


  1. Adventure (January 12, 2016)
  2. Adventure 2 (January 26, 2016)


  • Operation Omega has its own mascot in a girl named Stella, who provided tips and tutorials in-game, ran the game's now-defunct Twitter account, and narrated the how-to-play section of the website.
  • The game's generics are based on existing toys: Repair and Shooter units are recolors of Generations Skids, while Falcon units are based on Generations Air Raid.
  • Ginrai and Star Saber were included in promotional images for the game, as seen at the top of this article, but ultimately never appeared in-game. Before the game went down, the official Twitter also revealed concept art of a Dinobot II unit that was never added.

External links

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