Ginrai (robot)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ginrai" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ginrai (disambiguation). |
- Human
- Robot (Victory Leo)
- Ginrai is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
God Ginrai (ゴッドジンライ Goddo Jinrai, aka Magnus Prime) is a former Transtector who gained life from and independently of his former owner, Ginrai, via the power of Masterforce. As such, God Ginrai takes after the human's personality; he is an incredibly brave and fearless fighter, but also prone to rash action and charging into battle alone, needlessly putting himself at extreme risk.
After a deadly battle with Deathsaurus, God Ginrai was rebuilt into Victory Leo (ビクトリーレオ Bikutorī Reo) and gained the ability to combine with new Autobot Supreme Commander Star Saber to form Victory Saber (ビクトリーセイバー Bikutorī Seibā). In this form, Star Saber's speed and power are greatly enhanced, but at times, Victory Leo's savage personality can override his calm and collected nature.
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Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Super-God Masterforce cartoon
The super-energy alien being and self-styled "Decepticon god" Devil Z stole several transtectors, including one intended to be used by the legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime, from an area of space known as the G Nebula. Devil Z scattered the Transtectors across Earth, where they lay in hiding for years, absorbing the planet's Chōkon Power, to await the day Devil Z would have them bond to human beings, thereby creating a new super-robotic lifeform: Godmasters. Shūta and Grand's Masterforce Super-Secrets! The transtector meant for Optimus Prime would eventually fall into the hands of a human named Ginrai, who used the transtector in conjunction with the Master-Braces found within to join the battle against the Decepticons. A Hero Is Chosen - His Name Is Ginrai
In the wake of Devil Z's destruction, the bond between the Autobot humans and their Transtectors was broken, and Ginrai became a normal human again as his now-living Transtector and those of all the other Autobots headed into space to continue the fight against the Decepticons. A Battle... and Then...
Legends comic
The Ginrai transtector—now having taken his human partner's name as his own, becoming known as God Ginrai himself—joined with the Autobot forces in space, setting up base at G Nebula 89. In 2021, he watched as Grand Maximus unveiled his "Super Convoy Project", which would produce a transtector similar to Super Ginrai to resurrect Optimus Prime with. LG24 Shockwave & Cancer Prologue He was part of the defensive forces when Overlord's troops attacked their base. Bonus Edition Vol. 39 When the human Ginrai visited to have his new Godbomber upgraded, God Ginrai told him it was nice to see him again. Late Xmas Present Chapter
Victory cartoon
- Voice actor: Hiroshi Takemura (Japanese)
God Ginrai became good friends with Star Saber and his adopted human son, Jan. The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber Before long, Star Saber was appointed Supreme Commander of the Autobots, but not before asking God Ginrai for advice and a promise that the Godmaster would help out the Brainmaster in his duties as Autobot leader. Ginrai Dies!! God Ginrai would subsequently become commander of the Second Army. The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber Operating out of the base in the G Nebula, God Ginrai's time was occupied battling the Decepticon forces under Overlord's control, so much so that Star Saber occasionally had to respond to emergencies in Sector Two, such as a Breastforce attack on planet Micro. Planet Micro - The Mysterious Warrior
Feeling guilty over taking up Star Saber's time in such a manner, God Ginrai was quick to come to his aid when the newly reunited Breastforce combiner Liokaiser proved too much for Star Saber to handle, Unite! Liokaiser and also later when Star Saber was lured into a trap on Earth by Decepticon Emperor of Destruction Deathsaurus. Confronting Deathsaurus in battle, God Ginrai was struck by a blast from the villain's Living-Metal-Destroying Cannon and fatally damaged. A Deadly Battle
Despite the best medical efforts of Perceptor, Wheeljack, and Minerva, God Ginrai's body was left useless and immobile. Due to a slip by Perceptor, however, he learned of the existence of a reconstruction process conceived by Star Saber that would allow him to become a power-up for the Autobot leader. Star Saber refused to allow him to submit to the process, revolted at the notion of using his close friend's body in such a way, but God Ginrai insisted. Perceptor and Wheeljack brought his life functions to an end, and then restored him to Star Saber's specifications as Victory Leo. Ginrai Dies!!
An unfortunate side-effect of the process left Victory Leo's mind and body unbalanced; immediately after his transformation, he began to run wild in his lion mode, displaying a more wild, feral nature than God Ginrai ever had, leaving Jan dismayed at the apparent loss of the being he had considered his friend. Fight!! Victory Leo When Jan was trapped in a collapsed building as Victory Leo battled the Breastforce, his pleas for help reached Victory Leo, and God Ginrai's buried persona emerged. Remembering his connections to the other Autobots, Victory Leo rescued Jan and Holi. Awaken! Victory Leo
When Deathsaurus threatened the Earth with orbital missile strikes if the Autobots interfered in the Decepticons' energy-gathering raids, Victory Leo had to be forcibly held back by the Brainmasters to prevent him from attacking their enemies and dooming the planet. Star Saber came to the rescue with a new unification circuit implanted within his body. With this new component, he and Victory Leo could combine their bodies into Victory Saber. In the form of a combined jet, Victory Saber soared into space at a faster rate than Deathsaurus had predicted, and then in their combined robot form, destroyed the satellite controlling the missiles. The Tide Is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification
When Jan's school was attacked by the Dinoforce, Victory Leo departed from Shuttle Base to defend it, meeting up with Star Saber on the way. They arrived on Earth in time to see Goryu capture Jan's new mech. Unable to fight back while the Dinoforce held a hostage, Victory Leo and Star Saber had little choice but to face enemy fire, until Jan unleashed smoke grenades from his mech to escape. The Dinoforce combined into Dinoking, prompting Star Saber and Victory Leo to form Victory Saber and win the day. Jan - Defend the Campus!!
When Breastforce member Leozack impersonated Star Saber so that he could steal the manual to Star Saber and Victory Leo's combination, the latter realized that something was amiss thanks to his "animal senses". However, the other Autobots were not convinced to break their trust in the "Supreme Commander" and Leozack attempted to turn them against Victory Leo. The true Star Saber showed up in the nick of time and combined with Victory Leo to put an end to the Decepticon plot. At the end of the day, the Autobots apologized to Victory Leo for not believing him. A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs Victory Leo's friendship with Jan continued, with the Autobot assisting the human in training in the Illumina II. When Star Saber caught in a trap by Deathsaurus, Victory Leo and the Autobots rushed to assist, but were held back by a barrier. However, they discovered that the barrier did not react to the nonliving metal in the Illumina II, allowing Jan to create a hole that Victory Leo could pass through. Inside, they were threatened by the Doriya, till Victory Leo hit on the idea of using his Freezer Beam to freeze the insects. After Jan succeeded in taking down the barrier, Victory Saber was formed and the combined warrior sent the Decepticons into retreat. The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!
When the Decepticons forced Atlantis to rise from the ocean floor, the resulting tsunami caused damage across the Atlantic coasts, and Victory Leo was sent to assist Star Saber in holding up train tracks in Spain to allow evacuations to proceed. They were interrupted in the middle of their efforts by the Breastforce and soon formed Victory Saber to fight against their enemies. Victory Saber had Liokaiser on the ropes till another tsunami approached. The combined warrior was swallowed up by the water, but managed to emerge unscathed. The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves
When Deathsaurus finally succeeded in reactivating his colossal, planet-destroying battle fortress, Victory Leo and Star Saber combined into Victory Saber and took to space to try and stop the deadly craft, only to be knocked out by its weapons and crash, unconscious, on its surface. The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress! Recovering as it transformed into its "Destroyer Mode", Victory Saber attacked again but was confronted by Breastforce combiner Liokaiser. At the same time, Jan arrived in his mobile mech with information that could destroy the fortress, and Victory Saber separated so that Star Saber could follow him into the fortress. Victory Leo took on Liokaiser and defeated him by hurling him into the fortress's cannon barrel. Jan then succeeded in beginning the fortress's destruction, and Deathsaurus, defeated by Star Saber, set the craft on a collision course with Earth. Forming Victory Saber once again, the two heroes successfully destroyed the fortress and saved the planet. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification
Zone cartoon
When planet Feminia was being attacked by Overlord, Abominus, and Menasor, Victory Leo accompanied Star Saber, but only as a part of Victory Saber. Victory Saber was rescued by Dai Atlas and Sonic Bomber but the Zone base had been attacked by Overlord, Menasor, Abominus, Bruticus, and BlackZarak and the Energon Z was stolen. Victory Saber put Dai Atlas in charge of the mission to find the Energon and stop the Decepticons. He was later seen again as part of Victory Saber when Dai Atlas was appointed new Supreme Commander. Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
While exploring the universe, Star Saber and Victory Leo discovered that many planets were withering and life was dying. Investigating to discover that the source was a vortex of negative energy on Earth in the year of 2004 on the other side of the Blastizone. Travelling through the Blastizone, the two split up to cover more ground on Earth. When Star Saber came under attack by Smokesniper and Gigant Bomb, Victory Leo sensed his partner was in danger and rushed to assist. Go! Star Saber The lion was spotted by a few of the time's native Decepticons in the sky—Starscream, Air Hunter, and Wingstun. They attacked the unfamiliar Autobot, but the lion was saved by the timely help of Optimus Primal and Bound Rogue. The three reached Star Saber, and Victory Leo merged with his partner to become Victory Saber and defeat Gigant Sniper, the combined form of Gigant Bomb and Smokesniper. In the aftermath, the four joined Optimus Prime's Autobot forces. Bonds Stronger than Steel
Soon, a solitarium-empowered Gigant Bomb had Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal, Bound Rogue and Mirage on the ropes, until Victory Leo and Star Saber suddenly appeared on the battlefield to intervene. The pair merged into Victory Saber and destroyed the Decepticons' solitarium with a single strike, causing the pair to immediately flee the scene. The Victory Warriors Enter!!
When Lio Convoy came through the Blastizone, he was mentally confused and exploited by Beast Megatron, who convinced the Maximal that the Autobots were evil. Lio Convoy soon spotted Star Saber and Victory Leo flying above and attacked. Victory Leo came face to face with his fellow lion before combining with his partner to become Victory Saber. Lio Convoy Storms In Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal were able to intercede and use the Matrix to convince Lio Convoy of the true situation. Together, the four leaders sent the Decepticons fleeing. Together, the 4 Great Supreme Commanders
The Autobots were tasked by the United Nations to go undercover in the Middle East to uncover an underworld market working in alliance with the Decepticons. Taking advantage of the Decepticons' ignorance of future Autobots, Optimus Prime sent Star Saber and Victory Leo, disguised with "optical camouflage" that could only last six hours. Their weapons were modulated as to not cause any unnecessary human causalities, and a cover story of the duo seceding from the Autobots was provided. Victory Saber Limited Black Edition
When a robot claiming to be Reverse Convoy appeared, Victory Leo agreed to join a contigent of Autobots to investigate a claimed attack on Reverse Convoy at Sherman Dam. Strategic Meeting: The Mysterious New Warrior This turned out to be a trick by "Reverse Convoy", who revealed himself to be the missing Megatron. The intervention of Lio Convoy and Star Saber was able to save the other Autobots. The Dark Emperor of Destruction, Reborn
Victory Saber joined an no holds barred fight between the Autobots and Decepticons, specifically going against Gigant Sniper. The battle went on for three days and nights till the Autobots were victorious. With the power of solitarium, Star Saber and Victory Leo returned to their proper time. And Then
Ask Vector Prime
Vector Prime believed that the shell of Wheeljack's discarded BT Unit was cannibalized for parts and used as either a part of the Bomber Project or as a part of the construction of Victory Leo. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/10
Robotmasters cartoon
- Voice actor: Yūto Kazama (Japanese)
When Star Saber went back in time to 2004, Victory Leo went with him to help him fight against the Decepticons. They ran afoul of Starscream, and combined into Victory Saber to take the fight up close and personal. It took the arrival of Optimus Prime for the Decepticon Air Commander to be defeated, but at that point, Megatron, Gigant Bomb, and Smokesniper arrived. Victory Saber kept Gigant Bomb and Smokesniper busy while Prime defeated Megatron with aid from the newly arrived Optimus Primal. Fight! The Group of the Strongest Commanders!
When Beast Megatron launched an attack on a human city, Victory Leo flew in Optimus Prime in order to quickly respond to the situation. He then combined once more with Star Saber to take on Gigant Sniper, but disengaged when the two Decepticons likewise split up. As he pursued the Decepticons through the sky, Victory Leo was then blasted by Reverse Convoy, who was really the original Megatron in disguise. Prime and Primal were able to defeat the two Megatrons with the aid of newcomer Lio Convoy, after which Star Saber and Victory Leo linked up in jet mode to carry Prime to the next battle. Lio Convoy Storms In
Robotmasters 3D diorama manga
After catching wind of Beast Megatron's new Arsenal Force strategy, Star Saber and Victory Leo combined into Victory Saber to dispatch the four Decepticons wielding the Arsenal Force weapons. Robotmasters Vol. 3
Super-God Masterforce comic
Ginrai joined the battle against Devil Z's Decepticons using his Godmaster transtector. On Scene! Our Savior's Name Is Ginrai!
Later, the death of Devil Z caused the bond between the humans and their Transtectors to be broken, and Ginrai became a normal man again as his now-living Transtector and those of all the other Autobots headed into space to continue the fight against the Decepticons. The Birth of the Super Life-Forms
Wings Universe
Ginrai (nicknamed "Fire Guts") was a veteran of the Great War, and not without baggage. He saw new potential conflicts everywhere, and so he cultivated a reputation for being paranoid. Ginrai saw his demeanor as preparedness. Nevertheless, deep in Cybertron's post-Great Transformation peacetime, Alpha Trizer placed Ginrai as Commander of the new Cybertronian Knights. The two personalities routinely clashed, as Trizer's more zen-like approach drove Ginrai up the wall. Knight Ginrai profile card
Ginrai clashed with Primal Prime when he recruited Devcon to the Knights. Ginrai and the Prime were of equal rank, but their methods differed dramatically. Primal Prime had recently expelled Devcon from the Wreckers for his abusive tactics, and he was nonplussed to find Ginrai recruiting Devcon and encouraging the use of those same tactics.
Ginrai's knack for paranoia and overreaction led him to call in a CODE RED ALERT on Nebulos in order to deal with what turned out to be a fender bender in space. Apelinq's personal logs
When a communications failure cut off the Knights from the Galadria Space Bridge Outpost in the Delta Prysmos Sector, Ginrai ordered an immediate investigation. Devcon was hunting Flamewar in that area, and sent a garbled transmission that seemed to authenticate Ginrai's concern. Alpha Trizer convinced Ginrai to wait for a second transmission from Devcon, which led the Knights to bridge directly into Unicron's head to interrupt the mission of the Star Seekers. Ginrai brought Alpha Trizer, Apelinq, and Flareup to assist Devcon. They successfully captured Captain Cannonball and his team of pirates and mercenaries. Hoist the Flag
Titans Return marketing material
Magnus Prime was a City Commander. With the help of his Titan Master Ginrai, he could unleash his Chokon Power.[1]
When the Decepticons besieged Cybertron, Magnus Prime used his missile launchers to protect Autobot defenses and strike back at the Decepticons.[2]
Precursor World
A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Ginrai was a member of the Red Order of the Primus Vanguard. He reported the assault of the Red Planet by the dimension-hopping pirate Terrormander to Red Sentinel Prime with great urgency but was waved off by his cocky commander. God Neptune comic 1
Transformers Operation Omega
Transformers: Earth Wars
Metalhawk recounted how in his home reality, Unicron destroyed everything, and not even Magnus Prime could stop him. Metalhawk arrival dialogue
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
- Godbomber (1988)
- ID number: C-307, C-309
- Accessories: Godmaster transtector, 2 "Superconductor Rifles", 2 "Particle Beam Cannons", Super Ginrai head, "God Cannon", 2 "Tachyon Missiles"
- Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
- God Ginrai is made out of the separate "Super Ginrai" and "Godbomber" releases.
- A remolded version of the American Powermaster Optimus Prime figure, Ginrai is a red, blue and grey tractor trailer, only able to transform into robot mode when the small Ginrai human figure is put into engine mode and snapped into place in the truck's grill, unlocking the clasp that holds the legs in place. When the cab is in robot mode, the trailer can become a battle station. Either robot or station can be armed with any of the toy's weapons, including two black "Superconductor Rifles", and two grey double-barrelled "Particle Beam Cannons", (referred to as "Cannon Craft" in "The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army"), which can be piloted by any small Godmaster figures. The cab and trailer can be merged into "Super Ginrai", whose head is a separate piece.
- Differences between Ginrai and Powermaster Optimus Prime include retractable super-robot fists, a die-cast metal cab with translucent blue plastic windows, shortened smokestacks, a more metallic grey plastic, chrome on the Godmaster Ginrai engine, and silver paint rather than stickers for the small robot's upper legs.
- Godbomber transforms into an armored trailer, composed of a collection of modular pieces. He does not so much transform as he does break apart—into two arms, two legs, two wings, a chest and a back—and recombine in a different configuration, with the only elements of transformation being his flip-out feet and head. He is armed in both modes with the God Cannon, which can either mount on his shoulder or be held in his fist in robot mode. Godbomber combines with the separately-sold Ginrai to form God Ginrai.
- This mold was used—almost entirely without changes—to make Apex Bomber.
- Godginrai [sic] (Godmaster multi-pack, 1988)
- ID number: C-310
- Accessories: Godmaster transtector, 2 "Superconductor Rifles", 2 "Particle Beam Cannons", Super Ginrai head, "God Cannon", 2 "Tachyon Missiles"
- Known designers: Ban Magami (concept artist)
- Super Ginrai and Godbomber were also sold in a set. Trailer mode Godbomber can hook up either directly to Ginrai's cab or to the back of Ginrai's own trailer and be towed along behind him, while any of Ginrai's weapons can plug into the holes in Godbomber's wings and chassis. Most prominently, of course, Godbomber diseassembles into various component parts that combine with Super Ginrai to form God Ginrai. Godbomber's legs become boots known as "God Legs", to which Ginrai's Particle Beam Cannons attach; his chest and wings form the "God Wing" backpack; his arms clip over the top of Ginrai's own as the "God Punch"; and his back becomes a chromed chestplate called the "God Breast", into the top of which the spring-loaded, missile-firing "God Cannon" plugs. The toy also features a secondary, lesser combination referred to as the "God Breaster", which involves attaching the God Breast to Super Ginrai, and plugging Godbomber's wings into his arms.
- Victory Leo (1989)
- ID number: C-327
- Accessories: "V-Lock Cannon", 2 "V-Lock Rifles", 3 missiles
- Sold in the Victory portion of the Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Victory Leo transforms into a black, yellow, and white robotic saber-toothed lion with wings. Both modes are dominated by the missile-firing "V-Lock Cannon" that rises from his back between his wings in alternate mode, or plugs into his hip in robot mode. A flying alternate mode was created for the character by the production staff of the cartoon, and the toy is capable of being configured into this form, although it is essentially just a block with wings. While the "official" configuration used in the cartoon lacks the V-Lock Cannon entirely, it can be attached to the same place that it does in the Victory Saber alternate mode (pictured to the right).
- The flip-out landing gear that Victory Leo provides for the Victory Saber spaceship mode (and if you're feeling generous, his own) are legendarily fragile.
- Victory Leo combines with Star Saber, sold separately, to become Victory Saber.
- Victory Saber (Brainmaster gift set, 1989)
- ID number: C-328
- Accessories: "V-Lock Cannon", 2 "V-Lock Rifles", 3 missiles
- Victory Leo was also available in a gift set with Star Saber. Victory Leo can combine with Star Saber by plugging into the aft end of his flight mode, thus becoming a huge booster section, or by disassembling and connecting to Star Saber's robot mode. His legs and chest compress into a pair of "platform boots" that connect to the base of Star Saber's feet, while his other components form a winged backpack that aims his twin cannons over Star Saber's shoulders. In this mode, Victory Saber can also wield the V-Lock Rifle.
- ID number: C-310
- Accessories: Godmaster transtector, 2 "Superconductor Rifles", 2 "Particle Beam Cannons", Super Ginrai head, "God Cannon", 2 "Tachyon Missiles"
- The God Ginrai gift set was reissued in Japan in 2001 with the notable modification of blue eyes for the small Ginrai robot and a slightly different shade of red paint on the cab. However, it was notoriously over-produced, and online retailers were still selling it even years later, at greatly reduced prices. The blue plastic used on this reissue appears to be susceptible to GPS, becoming brittle and prone to breakage over time.
- The reissue was redecoed into the exclusive "Fire Guts God Ginrai" figure.
Transform Jr
- Ginrai (1988)
- ID number: TF Super Ginrai 1
- Accessories: Blue gun, robot head, die-cast Super Ginrai figurine
- Like the other figures in the Transform Jr line, this version of the basic Ginrai cab robot is a simplified version of its larger counterpart. And when we say simplified, we mean simplified—the figure features no Godmaster engine gimmick, and its head is simply pulled off and set aside for transformation. The figure comes packaged with a small die-cast metal figurine of Super Ginrai.
- Shirei Kichi (司令基地 "Command Base") (1988)
- ID number: TF Super Ginrai 2
- Accessories: 2 red guns, Trailer post, 2 wheel pieces, ramp, Super Ginrai head
- This Transform Jr figure is a simplified version of Ginrai's trailer, which can transform to base mode, hitch up to the separately sold cab robot and combine with it to form Super Ginrai. The toy includes a cardboard mock-up of Ginrai in torso mode to complete the super robot's look in-package.
- {{Bp-a1|God Ginrai (giftset, 1988)
- Accessories: Blue gun, small robot head, die-cast Super Ginrai figurine, 2 red guns, trailer post, 2 wheel pieces, ramp, Super Ginrai head, "God Breast" chestpiece, 2 "God Punch" arms
- This giftset includes both the Jr "Ginrai" and "Shirei Kichi" figures and all the accessories which came with them plus the attachments necessary to transform Super Ginrai into God Ginrai. Due to the nature of his construction, though, God Ginrai's fist-holes are blocked off, leaving him unable to hold the weapons which came with his components. Furthermore, as his attachments consist only of two arms and a chestpiece (no boots, no backpack), they cannot combine into Godbomber. The set also includes some sort of plastic "shield" with a cardboard insert depicting the Autobot insignia, which appears to be a pocket or belt clip, or something. We really don't know.
- Victory Leo (2004)
- ID number: RM-16
- Acessories: "V-Lock Cannon", 2 "V-Lock Rifles", missile, "Superconductor Rifle"
- Released in the fourth wave of Robotmasters product, this version of Victory Leo is a smaller, simplified version of the original toy, standing just shy of the average "Deluxe" toy. It also now sports an official "jet" mode that is... yyyyeah. Sure. Why not. It retains most of the functionality of the original toy, including the robot-hip-mounted missile-launching "V-Lock Cannon", the ability to mount the "V-Lock Rifles" on his forearms, and the ability to join with the Robotmasters version of Star Saber to form "Victory Saber".
- Though many smaller joints were omitted in this figure (most notably the wing mid-joints, no lion-mode jaw or moving tusks, and multiple lion-limb joints), this toy does feature ball-jointed hips, giving him much more range of motion in the legs than the original. Unfortunately, those joints are attached to swivel hinges necessary for the Victory Saber conversion, which makes them... weird to position properly.
- Victory Leo also gains a new weapon, the (non-firing) "Superconductor Rifle" (named after the rifles used by his previous incarnation as Ginrai).
- Victory Saber (Multi-pack, 2004)
- ID number: RM-17
- Acessories: "V-Lock Cannon", 2 "V-Lock Rifles", missile, "Superconductor Rifle"
- Victory Leo was also available in a two-pack with the Robotmasters version of Star Saber, with whom he could still combine to form Victory Saber, in both jet and robot modes. The two figures in this pack featured a more metallic paint job than their standard releases.
- This set also includes and single collector card for the "Victory Saber" mode, lacking the cards for the individual components.
- Victory Saber Limited Black Version (e-HOBBY exclusive, 2005)
- ID number: RM-17
- Acessories: "V-Lock Cannon", 2 "V-Lock Rifles", missile, "Superconductor Rifle"
- Available only as an e-HOBBY exclusive two-pack, this iteration of Robotmasters Victory Saber features the heroic Autobot pair of Star Saber and Victory Leo in the by-then standard-issue "evil hero colors" of black and gray with turquoise and purple highlights, with some bronze thrown in, as well as Decepticon symbols. This redeco represents the two heroes in "optical camouflage" paint jobs for use on an undercover mission to investigate Decepticon dealings in the Middle East black market... according to online listings.
- This set was packaged in the normal retail-release Victory Saber 2-pack box, completely unaltered save for the addition of a sticker on the window announcing its name and e-HOBBY exclusive status. The collector's card inside is similarly exactly the same one as packaged with the normal Victory Saber set.
- Pirates Vs Knights (BotCon 2014 box set)
- Accessories: Smokestacks/double-barreled superconductor rifle, wind vane/shield/particle beam cannon
- Timelines "Knight Ginrai" is an orange redeco of Classics Voyager Optimus Prime, done so to specifically resemble Fire Guts God Ginrai. He transforms into a modern cab-over style truck of made up model, dominated by a large wind vane on his roof. In robot mode, his wind vane transforms into a large blaster, and his smokestacks transform into a smaller cannon. Additionally, both weapons can combine together to form a double-barrelled over-shoulder weapon. If a fist is folded down, Ginrai can wield the wind vane like a shield. Ginrai comes in a box set with fellow knight Devcon and the pirates Cannonball, Ferak, Tornado, Scorponok, and Olin Zarak.
Classics mold: Optimus Prime | ||
Titans Return
- Siege on Cybertron (Gift set, 2017)
- Accessories: Two blasters, two shoulder cannons, Ginrai Titan Master
- Titans Return "Magnus Prime" is a redeco of Legends Super Ginrai, and he transforms from robot to truck to giant base. Oddly enough, the Hasbro version names Ginrai as the small Titan Master partner. In comparison to Legends Ginrai's deco, Magnus Prime features a blue crotch and truck windows, and his Autobot insignias on his truck kibble are enlarged and moved to the center, and his guns are entirely painted in one color with the handles being unpainted. His Titan Master's head and legs are now blue. As a redeco of the said retool, Magnus Prime can combine with Legends Godbomber. Although the stock renders and promotional photos shows that the upper section of the waist painted red, the final product is unpainted.
- At least some units are missing a peg that stabilizes his combination with Godbomber's leg mode parts.
- Magnus Prime and Ginrai were only available as part of the "Siege on Cybertron" set, which also includes Fathom & Tidal Wave, Professor Go & Metalhawk, Decepticon Pounce, and Thunderwing. In the United States, this set was exclusive to BigBadToyStore, but it saw a wider release in Canada where it was available at Toys"R"Us, Amazon, the Canadian Walmart online store, book store chain Indigo and several PC retailers (seriously!). Additionally, it was also available at retail in Hong Kong and Singapore and even saw an official release in the Netherlands, where it was exclusively available from BOL.
Combiner Wars mold: Ultra Magnus | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
- Victory Saber (2022)
- Accessories: 2 "V-Lock Rifles", "V-Lock Cannon"
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Guido Guidi (packaging artist)
- Legacy Victory Leo is bundled alongside "Autobot Star Saber" as the second HasLab crowdfunded figure for Transformers. Victory Leo is a traditional Triple Changer; transforming from robot to winged lion to a not-very-aerodynamic jet. Victory Leo comes with his two 2 "V-Lock Rifles" which can either mount on his shoulders or be attached to his wrists. The rifle mounts can be articulated over Victory Leo's shoulders, allowing him to aim his shoulder cannons. Victory Leo also includes a small customer-applied sticker sheet to complete the red stripes on the segments of his wings that are made out of unpaintable plastic.
- Victory Leo can of course combine with Star Saber to form Victory Saber; granting him either a robot mode with beefed-up legs, shoulder cannons, and a jetpack, or a humongous spaceship mode. Unlike his original Victory toy, which was roughly the same size as Star Saber, Legacy Victory Leo is roughly Voyager Class-sized as opposed to the Prime Wars Trilogy-era Leader Class-sized Star Saber. Presumably, this is to scale the duo's combined Victory Saber form more accurately to the Victory cartoon.
- At $179.99, Victory Saber cost less than a third as much as the previous HasLab Transformers product, but required 37% more orders, for a total of 11,000 "backers" before it could go into production. When the figure reached 14,000 backers, the gigantic "V-Lock Cannon" and 6 Fire Blast effects redecoed from Siege Jetfire was additionally included. At 17,000 backers, a stand was included that can support Victory Saber in either vehicle or robot mode. And, at 20,000 backers, the set included Star Saber's "V-Shield" and Micromasters Holi and Fire. All three bonus tiers were met about 10 hours before the project's deadline, which occurred on October 10, 2021 to coincide with New York Comic Con.
- Victory Saber was marketed as "introducing Japanese canon to the Transformers line for the first time in 30 years", but this requires a little squinting and ignoring prior Hasbro toys of other Japanese-original characters that were made under different contexts.
- Victory Leo's reveal clip and subsequent pre-orders depicted only gray prototype stock photos. However, colored stock photography was ultimately revealed during a Hasbro Pulse livestream featuring voice actor Christopher Sabat.[3]
- TakaraTomy designer Hisashi Yuki noted[4] that he was pleased to finally have the chance to update Victory Leo with HasLab, having considered the duo only half finished when he created Star Saber's solo Masterpiece toy some years earlier.
- Victory Saber, as a HasLab item, was exclusive to Hasbro Pulse in the U.S., U.K., and Canada, TakaraTomy Mall in Japan, and various retailers for other countries. Unfortunately for Taiwanese fans who backed this project, their toy shipments were heavily water damaged during transit and could not be delivered; those buyers instead received a full refund and a Legacy "A Hero Is Born" Alpha Trion and Orion Pax 2-pack. No, that set is nowhere near as cool. Sorry?
- The box comes with a reversible slipcover so owners can display it in two different styles. One side has a "modern" Generations Selects style, with English writing, the Legacy logo, and new wireframe cutaway art. The other side has a more "classic" look with Japanese writing and C-328 serial number, the Victory logo, and art and photos resembling the original box.
- Owners should be very careful when folding the black flap down to cover Victory Leo's face, as it risks chipping his paint. In some cases the pin in the hinge may even be misfired and unable to move as intended, causing the flap to simply snap off from the force.
- Victory Saber first started shipping to backers, beginning with those living in China, in November 2022.
- Ginrai (2024)
- ID number: MP-60
- Release date: 2024 December 28
- Accessories: Godmaster, 2 Ginrai Superconductor Rifles, 2 shooting effects
- Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy), Yuki Ohshima (concept artist)[5]
- Masterpiece Ginrai is patterned after his original toy release and sold as a standalone cab that transforms into a robot. He includes his Godmaster, two Superconductor Rifles, and blast effects.
- Since the cab can transform to dock into the MPG trailer (below), sold separately, it is worth noting that the tabs on the chromed smokestacks are extremely easy to break when pegging them into the robot legs.
- Super Ginrai (2024)
- ID number: MPG-09
- Release date: 2024 December 28
- Accessories: Container, Godmaster, cartoon version head, toy version head, toy version hand (right), toy version hand (left), boarding figure, 2 Ginrai Superconductor Rifles, 2 Super Ginrai Superconductor Rifles, 2 Particle Beam Cannons, 2 shooting effect parts, 2 lightning attack effect parts, cartoon version shoulder parts, adapter
- Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy), Yuki Ohshima (concept artist)[5]
- MPG Super Ginrai is a redeco and expansion upon the Masterpiece toy above, in animation-accurate colors and including his trailer, which allows combination into Super Ginrai, and a wider range of accessories.
- As mentioned above, the chromed smokestack tabs are prone to breaking.
Transformers Caramel
- Super Ginrai (1988)
- A pair of small non-transforming Decoy-style rubber figurines of Ginrai were released as part of Kabaya's Transformers Caramel line of candy toys, depicting Ginrai in both super robot and truck mode. Around half the size of the more familiar Decoys, the two figures were bundled together, attached to a rubber sprue, and came in either blue, red, or yellow.
Transformers Gum
- Super Ginrai (1988)
- Accessories: 2 Superconductor Rifles, 2 Particle Beam Cannons, Super Ginrai head
- Part of the ninth wave of Kabaya's original Transformers Gum candy toy series, this Ginrai figure is a snap-together model kit cast in blue, red, and grey plastic. Although lacking in any paint applications, the figure feature stickers for detail, and retains most of the accessories and features of the actual Ginrai toy. Due to its small size, however, while the Ginrai engine is removable, it cannot transform into human form, nor can the kit combine with Transformers Gum Godbomber to form a Gum version of God Ginrai.
- Godbomber (2010)
- Released in the third wave of the revived Transformers Gum series in 2010, this transforming model kit of Godbomber is made from red, blue, and silver plastic, and decorated with quite a few stickers to add his familiar details. Based on the original Godbomber toy, this figure actually features MORE articulation than the original, as the arms are made of two pieces each, adding elbow movement. This kit can combine with the Transformers Gum Super Ginrai, released in the same wave, to make God Ginrai.
- God Ginrai (2010)
- The combined form of the Godbomber and Super Ginrai kits also released in the third wave of the revived Transformers Gum series in 2010.
- Victory Leo (2011)
- Released in the fourth wave of the revived Transformers Gum series in 2011, this transforming model kit of Victory Leo is made from red, black, and orange plastic, with stickers for detail. It's based on the Robotmasters Victory Leo toy. He comes with the central turret (and one accompanying sticker) for Rodimus Prime's Mobile Defense Bay.
- Victory Saber (2011)
- An undocumented feature, the Victory Leo kit retains the ability to combine with Star Saber. Unusually, the Star Saber kit was released two years prior!
- God Ginrai (2016)
- The Godbomber and Super Ginrai kits were re-released as a bundle under the DX Gattai label in 2016. Each kit comes with a metallic sheen on the plastic, pre-painted head parts, and shinier stickers.
- As with other DX Gattai toys featuring box art in homage to their original figures, God Ginrai's packaging mimics that of the original 1988 God Ginrai two-pack.
- Victory Saber (2016)
- Also in the same year, Star Saber and Victory Leo were re-released together under the DX Gattai label in 2016. Unlike the previous release, at least one molded part is revised.
- Victory Saber's packaging mimics that of the original 1989 Victory Saber gift set.
Parody Deformed
- Super Ginrai (1990)
- A small two-tone, non-transforming super deformed model kit of Super Ginrai was available as part of Kabaya's "Parody Deformed" line of candy toys. The seventh figure in the series, he was available in red, blue, or yellow, and came with a "PDTF Comic" comic about himself, "Fight! Super Ginrai!", and something that could charitably be described as "chocolate".
- God Ginrai (1990)
- A similar model kit of God Ginrai followed in the next wave of the "Parody Deformed" series, this time packaged with something accused of being "gum". As the thirteenth figure of the line, God Ginrai came with the "Transformer PD Type" comic, "Now! Deliver the Finishing Blow! God Ginrai!!".
Super Collection Figure
- God Ginrai (2000)
- Act: 1
- Accessories: Stand
- This PVC figure of Ginrai in his powered-up "God" form was available in the first "Act" of Takara'sSuper Collection Figure series. He came in both full-color and clear-plastic versions one each in every case of twelve figures.
- This mold would later be released as "Powermaster Optimus Prime in Apex Armor" in the first wave of Hasbro's Heroes of Cybertron line.
- Deszaras (2002)
- Liokaiser (2002)
- Perceptor (2002)
- Road Caesar (2002)
- Star Saber (2002)
- Wheeljack (2002)
- Act: 7
- In the seventh, Victory-themed Act of SCF, rather than the now-usual "build-a-figure", the pewter versions of the figures came with pieces of Victory Leo in "Victory Saber" form, which could be added to the Act's Star Saber figure.
- Victory Saber's V-Lock Rifles came with Star Saber, his backpack came with Road Caesar, his wings came with Deathsaurus, his rifle came with Perceptor, his left boot came with Liokaiser, and his right boot came with Wheeljack. Like the figures themselves, the parts came in both standard full-color (at a rate of 8 out of 10 cases) and rare pewter (only 2 out of every 10 cases) variations.
- Victory Saber Gold Version[citation needed] (2002)
- Act: 7
- Accessories: Victory Saber parts, stand
- The seventh wave of Super Collection Figure also included a complete Victory Saber figure, entirely metallic golden in color, which was only available as a rare "Secret Figure" at a rate of 1 in 10 cases. He came with a complete set of parts for both normal "Star Saber" and "Victory Saber" modes.
- It is currently unknown which figure —if any in specific— this figure replaced in the case.
Mega SCF
- Victory Leo (2002)
- A non-transforming action figure of Victory Leo. He came with additional parts and could join with Mega SCF Star Saber to form Victory Saber.
Robot Heroes
- Victory Saber / Dessaras (unreleased)
- A surprise entry in the Robot Heroes series, this super deformed figurine depicts Victory Leo combined with Star Saber as Victory Saber, packaged with an equally adorable Deathsaurus, sporting another new name variant. Originally discovered amongst Wal-Mart store computer listings in mid-2008, the ill-fated Victory Saber and Deathy failed to materialize before the Robot Heroes line was canceled.
EX Gōkin
- God Ginrai (202?)
- Accessories: 2 guns, sword, sheath
- Produced by Art Storm as part of their EX Gōkin Transformers Series line, this posable non-transforming God Ginrai figure features a sleek, stylized take on the character's design.
- Produced in 2015, the figure still has no planned release as of yet.
Flame Toys
- Victory Leo (October 2020)
- Number: 06
- Accessories: 2 cannons (exclusive)
- Mechanical Designer: Toshinao Miyauchi
- Sculptor: Chemical Attack
- Painting: Decomas Lab (Hiroyuki Hirose)
Released by Flame Toys as part of their Kuro Kara Kuri line, Victory Leo is a high-end non-transforming posable figure with die-cast and LEDs in the eyes and mouth. He is able to combine with Star Saber to form Victory Saber. If purchased via, SEN-TI-DEN Hong Kong, or events attended by Flame Toys, he also includes two cannons.
- Victory Leo (Black Limited Edition) (November 2020)
- Number: 06B
- Mechanical Designer: Toshinao Miyauchi
- Sculptor: Chemical Attack
- Coloring: rando.(OVERSTAND)
- "Victory Leo (Black Limited Edition)" is a black redeco of the above figure, with a limited release.
- God Ginrai being upgraded to Victory Leo was not an idea by Masumi Kaneda, who developed the plot outlines for the Japanese series in Generation 1. Thus, the manga version of Victory Leo, written exclusively by Kaneda, does not incorporate this idea.[6]
- Victory Leo's "flight mode" as seen in the Victory cartoon (like Sixshot's "Wingwolf" mode, Overlord's "space jet" mode, and BlackZarak's "Hydra" mode before it) is not part of the original toy's official instructions, as it was created by the production staff of the anime by fiddling around with it.
- It was never decided by Fun Publications staff whether Wings Ginrai was a living transtector or not.[7] A tweet by the BotCon account years later would claim that this Ginrai was God Ginrai who hadn't been rebuilt into Victory Leo, instead permanently acquiring his Fire Guts colors.[8]
- It appears as though the Leader Class spot in the Titans Return "Siege on Cybertron" box set was originally planned as a straight redeco of Powermaster Optimus Prime in a blue color scheme, presumably inspired by Diaclone Powered Convoy (the toy that ultimately became Ultra Magnus when released in the Transformers line, later itself canonised as the characters Delta Magnus and Magna Convoy). Even at this early stage, the toy was referred to as "Magnus Prime", with the name "Super Ginrai" also associated with the toy.[9] Of course, the final toy ended up using the Legends Super Ginrai mold in a more traditional color scheme, with Hasbro presumably having switched tracks once that version of the tooling became available. With the toy having been given this new name of "Magnus Prime", and the box set's packaging copy giving him Ultra Magnus' classic rank of City Commander, there was some confusion over the intended identity of the toy amongst fans, with many believing him to be a new form of Ultra Magnus. Hasbro designer John Warden clarified matters in interview, stating that the toy was intended to be Ginrai in everything but name.[10] This connection was finally canonised by the box mockup for Trypticon's Titan Master Crunch, which named Magnus Prime's Titan Master as Ginrai. Warden stated the toy was unrelated to Ultra Magnus, instead being just another reinvention of Optimus Prime like the Combiner Wars toy was, or even earlier reinterpretations like Armada Optimus Prime.[11] At the time, he gave indications that Hasbro was looking into releasing the Legends Godbomber toy in the Titans Return line as well,[12] but this never happened; it's possible that the toy would have been slated for the final two "Intelligence" and "Fireblast" box sets, which by all appearances were planned, but never materialised. A die-cast Ultra Magnus Titan Master figure—presumably originally intended for the Intelligence set, as its power was stated to be the "Ultimate Intelligence Boost"—was eventually released separately.
Foreign names
- English: Optimus Prime (Omni Productions dub)
- Italian: Commander
- Russian: Optimus Prime (Оптимус Прайм Optimus Prajm)
Victory Leo
- Mandarin: Clay (Taiwan, 克雷 Kèléi), Shī Wáng (China, 狮王, "Lion King")
- Russian: Pobedonosec (Победоносец, "Victorious")
- ↑ Trypticon's Titan Master Crunch
- ↑ Titans Return Siege on Cybertron pack-in blurb
- ↑ Haslab Victory Saber Color Renders Revealed by The Prince of All Saiyans
- ↑ Interview with Hisashi Yuki on Victory Saber at Hasbro Pulse
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Interview on the 40th Anniversary of the Transformers brand with Kōjin Ōno in Transformers Generations 2024, translated at Soundwaves Oblivion
- ↑ "因みにアニメのゴッドジンライ→レオ改造案は私ではありません。"—Masumi Kaneda, Twitter, 2024/11/10
- ↑ Post by NightViper (Jesse Wittenrich) on the Allspark Forums, 2016/12/23
- ↑ "Also in this alternate future, we see that God Ginrai was not destroyed by Deathsaurus (and rebuilt as Victory Saber). Instead, he permanently acquired his "Fireguts" colors!"—BotCon, Twitter, 2023/01/15
- ↑ "Then he mentions Powermaster Prime getting a Diaclone repaint so it's blue, and they're calling it Magnus Prime [...] in parentheses, "Super Ginrai"."—the TransMissions podcast, "Episode 157 – Feedback Frenzy", 2016/03/03 (50:09, segment begins 43:16)
- ↑ "No he’s not Ultra Magnus. That was when we were going to naming the characters and we couldn’t call him Ginrai, so I wanted to make sure that when we worked with the copyright team, that we chose a name that was accessible to maybe a casual fan? So using a name like Magnus Prime it kind of feels like it’s a step up from Optimus Prime? Our intention was that is essentially Ginrai but without saying it."—william-james88 quoting John Warden, Seibertron, "Transformers Titans Return Product Reveals, News, Updates, Rumors, Leaks and more!", 2017/09/17
- ↑ "No it’s not Ultra Magnus. No I would say put him with Optimus Prime, or the Combiner Wars Optimus, like it’s in that zone, or the 2000’s Armada."—william-james88 quoting John Warden, Seibertron, "Transformers Titans Return Product Reveals, News, Updates, Rumors, Leaks and more!", 2017/09/17
- ↑ "We’re hoping for later. We’ll get back you."—william-james88 quoting John Warden, Seibertron, "Transformers Titans Return Product Reveals, News, Updates, Rumors, Leaks and more!", 2017/09/17
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