Galvatron (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Galvatron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Galvatron (disambiguation). |
- Galvatron is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Whether he's born from the fires of Unicron himself, an ancient Transformer warlord, or something else altogether, one thing is always certain: Galvatron is a focal point of power and madness given form. He is blind to all but his lust for power; his whims and desires can be sacrificed in a moment's rage. Not even his own subordinates are safe. Though he is not beyond the capacity for long-term goals, it is his unpredictability and casual disregard for any and all life that strike such horror in friend and foe alike. Truly, the Decepticon leader is without any sense of empathy.
In most universes, Galvatron was once Megatron but was reborn from his death throes in a Faustian pact with Unicron. He retains the memories and spark of Megatron but his personality was significantly altered after the near-death experience, massive physical upgrade and reprogramming; just ask Starscream about the difference. And that was before he went insane. The cause and extent of Galvatron's madness varies between different timelines, as does his physical power. Sometimes he's all but invincible.
“ | Before a society can move forward, all must agree on the rules. Now kneel! | ” |
—Galvatron, "Fight or Flee" |
Generation 1 toy bio
Galvatron was an arrogant, compassionless, cold-hearted robotic villain. He was a City Commander, but set his determination toward nothing less than the leadership of Decepticons. He plotted against his own allies, which weakened his position in the Decepticon cause. Galvatron bio
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Following Optimus Prime's death, Megatron was rebuilt by Unicron into Galvatron. Though Galvatron at first proved to be a potently cunning Decepticon leader, he suffered brain damage following his defeat at the hands of Rodimus Prime. Galvatron was now a screaming, unpredictable madman who would turn on his own soldiers as readily as his enemies.
Diverging timelines took Galvatron in two paths. In one, Galvatron fled to space with Scorponok following a failure to blow up the sun, Earth, and Cybertron. In another, Galvatron became buried under ice by the Headmasters and eventually returned as Super Megatron with the aid of Dark Nova.
Scramble City diorama
During a massive brawl between the Autobot and Decepticon combiners, Megatron took the upper hand. To counter this, Optimus Prime ordered Metroplex to enter the fray. Metroplex rolled onto the scene and towered over his enemies, with City Commander Ultra Magnus in tow. Not to be outdone, Megatron ordered his own City Commander to enter battle. Beaming down from the sky on a ball of light, the silent and menacing Galvatron stormed the battle. Transforming into cannon mode, Galvatron fired a blast of energy at Ultra Magnus, who quickly transformed to robot mode and engaged his foe in hand-to-hand combat. As the fight seemed evenly matched, City Commander Galvatron's city finally arrived to tip the odds: Trypticon! Scramble City
Marvel The Transformers comics
Galvatron I
Cast out of Astrotrain on the journey back to Cybertron after a failed attack on Autobot City in 2006, the wounded and dying Megatron was found by Unicron and recreated as Galvatron. The Planet-Eater! Immediately after destroying Starscream and reclaiming leadership of the Decepticons, Galvatron watched as Unicron consumed one of Cybertron's moons, and furiously announced that they belonged to him. Unicron responded by psychically torturing Galvatron, reminding him that he was his master. Galvatron was then ordered to Earth, where he and his minions attacked Ultra Magnus's Autobots as they attempted to make their way off-planet. They were waylaid when the Autobot commander triggered a domino effect within an asteroid field to jam the Decepticons' sensors, a trick Galvatron remembered being used against him once before in his Megatron days. Galvatron nonetheless caught up to his prey, and began blasting the Autobots' ships. Ultra Magnus managed to trick Galvatron into believing the latter succeeded in destroying his vessel by separating its front segment as several Moleculon Torpedoes made contact with the ship's rear segment. Judgment Day! Resolving to free himself from the shackles he was unaware he had donned, Galvatron formed a plan to use Autobot time-travel technology to send himself and his lieutenants Cyclonus and Scourge back in time to the year 1986, thereby putting himself beyond Unicron's reach. Once in the past, Galvatron planned to create a superweapon with the power to destroy Unicron, which would be left hidden on the planet and activated upon his return to the future.
Upon Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge's arrival in 1986, the laws of space and time caused them to mass-displace Prowl, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime to limbo, immediately removing some of the greatest obstructions to Galvatron's scheme. Seeking an alliance with his past self to expedite his plan, Galvatron traveled to the Decepticon base in Wyoming and shared his story with Megatron, carefully leaving out the fact that they were the same individual. Naturally, Megatron didn't buy into the time traveller's story and attacked him, but Galvatron was more than a match for his past self, who he left unconscious and entombed under a mountain of rubble. Taking control of the Decepticons, Galvatron put the Constructicons to work building the colossal cannon he would use to destroy Unicron, but soon found himself forced to alter his plan when news came in that Ultra Magnus had come to Earth. Capturing Jazz, who had been spying on the Decepticon construction project, Galvatron lured the Autobots into a battle which he used to prove his superiority, taking every shot they fired and utterly dominating them with his Unicron-borne strength.

Realizing they were helpless against Galvatron, the Autobots were forced to unearth the buried Megatron and strike a deal with him, hoping his talent for warfare would help them defeat their future enemy. Alas, this plan fared little better, until a trio of Autobots—Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr—arrived from the future to help (who had, unbeknownst to anyone, actually been sent back in time by Unicron to curb his rebellious creation). Ultra Magnus engaged Galvatron in a furious traveling battle, drawing the future Decepticon away from the cannon construction site so that the Autobots could set up their plan. Although he fought bravely, Magnus was ultimately defeated, and Galvatron returned to the cannon site, only for the weapon to be suddenly destroyed in a huge explosion set by the Autobots. Galvatron emerged from the wreckage to see what he thought was the architect of the explosion, Starscream (but was, in fact, an unconscious Skywarp painted to look like the air commander by Hot Rod's team), and in a fit of anger, blew him up. After a moment, Galvatron realized something was amiss: if he had now destroyed Starscream in the past, how then could he go on to destroy him in the future? Coming to the conclusion that he had accidentally traveled back into an alternate timeline, and thus, no action taken then would affect his future, Galvatron and his troops returned to their proper time—just as the Autobots had planned. Target: 2006 Prey!
Upon his return to 2006, Galvatron was tortured back into submission by Unicron and sent on a quest to steal the Creation Matrix. Accomplishing this goal, Galvatron then tried to use the power of the Matrix against Unicron himself, but found he was unable to open the talisman. Unicron consumed Galvatron for his treachery, and it was there, within the chaos-bringer's body, that Galvatron was soon confronted in climactic battle by Hot Rod. During their fight, Hot Rod reclaimed the Matrix and was transformed into Rodimus Prime, then used his new strength to hurl Galvatron through Unicron's hide and into the void of space. The Final Battle! Wanted: Galvatron — Dead or Alive! What nobody knew, however, was that Galvatron had kept the time-jump trigger device he had used to control his return from 1986, and he was able to save himself by using it to send himself back into the past once more, this time with the intent to stay. Arriving in 1987, he materialized above Earth and proceeded to crash down to the planet's surface like a meteor, catching the attention of a group of Autobots who had just arrived on Earth themselves. His mind unhinged by the terminal velocity impact, madness began to creep over Galvatron, and he easily bested the Autobots, believing himself to battling the hated Rodimus Prime. A contingent of nearby Decepticons led by Shockwave were drawn to the battle, and Shockwave concluded based on past reports that Galvatron posed a threat to his leadership, ordering his troops to aid the Autobots. This had something of a calming effect on Galvatron, who retreated on the basis that he could not destroy the Decepticons, as then he would have no army to command in the future. Fallen Angel Resurrection!
Galvatron's escape to 1987 went unnoticed by all, save two: the bounty hunter Death's Head, who sought to claim the reward Rodimus Prime had rashly placed on the Decepticon leader's head, Wanted: Galvatron — Dead or Alive! and a vengeful Unicron who plotted to reach back in time and snatch him back for punishment. The Legacy of Unicron!
Galvatron constructed a power siphon that would enable him to absorb the energy of the Mount Verona volcano, making him as powerful as a god. As the siphon began its work, Ultra Magnus crossed paths with Galvatron once more. Though Magnus managed to momentarily beat down Galvatron, he defeated Magnus once again. Galvatron dragged him to his power siphon, and gloated about his scheme. Burning Sky! Galvatron prepared to throw Ultra Magnus into the volcano, when he was attacked by Rodimus Prime, Kup, and Blurr, who had traveled back from Galvatron's era to disrupt his plans. Galvatron knocked out Kup and Blurr, but as he readied to square off against Rodimus, Death's Head joined the fray. Rodimus and the bounty hunter bickered over who would be taking down Galvatron, a debate the latter had no patience for. After forcing Death's Head to retreat, Galvatron and Rodimus duelled, and Ultra Magnus helped damage Galvatron's power siphon, allowing the Autobots to escape. Hunters
After Galvatron finished repairs, Goldbug and Wreck-Gar, along with Kup and Blurr, attacked him. Easily thwarting the 21st century Autobots, Galvatron was distracted by Ultra Magnus, while Wreck-Gar and Rodimus snatched up the time jump device and began modifying it to send them all back to the future. After throwing Magnus into the volcano, Galvatron realised the Autobots plan and fought Rodimus. He was electrocuted when Rodimus blasted a nearby power cable. However Galvatron recovered, and savagely beat his old enemy. Death's Head, wishing to be paid by Rodimus, fought Galvatron, unwittingly giving the Autobots the time they needed. The device was triggered, and all the 21st century Transformers were returned to the future, aside from Galvatron, having modified it to stay behind. Fire on High! Goldbug was left to face Galvatron, as Ultra Magnus, having escaped the Volcano, believed he could not defeat him. Goldbug was quickly overpowered but before Galvatron could deliver the killing blow, the reenergised Ultra Magnus arrived. During the course of the battle, the maddened Galvatron ripped a piece of the siphon’s control equipment loose. This resulted in the siphon losing control of the volcano’s eruption. Galvatron, too crazed to notice the danger, was entombed along with Ultra Magnus within the crater.Vicious Circle!
But while Galvatron was trapped, encased in a tomb of his own making, he was also very much alive. Learning of this, and seeking to remove any opposition to his leadership, then-Decepticon leader Shockwave sent the Combaticons and Soundwave to rig the volcano with bombs and blow up Galvatron. As this would have meant the destruction of Ultra Magnus as well, the Throttlebots stepped in, and with the aid of humans Cindy Newell, Joy Meadows and Susan Hoffman, drove the Decepticons off. Unfortunately for the Autobots, a small explosion triggered during the battle cracked Galvatron's lava prison, Ladies' Night and he was soon able to tear himself free. Knowing that taking over the Decepticons by force would not win him any favors among their ranks, Galvatron instead resolved to turn them against Shockwave by making them doubt his leadership. To this end, he made a menacing bee-line for the Decepticons' undersea base, prompting the panicked Shockwave to send the Seacons against him. Galvatron was moderately impressed by the might that their combined form Piranacon was able to bring to bear, but the gestalt was still no match for the future Decepticon's might and quickly fell before him. Galvatron proceeded to tear his way into the base, and declared before the assembled Decepticons that he had actually desired an alliance, but that Shockwave's aggressive actions had rendered it an impossibility, and then departing, knowing the seeds of dissent had successfully been sown. On his way back to the surface, Galvatron discovered the damaged Autobot Fizzle, and in a fit of charity, carried him out of the ocean, emerging into the midst of a battle between Fizzle's fellow Sparkler Mini-Bots and the Firecons. Galvatron laughed off the Firecons' suggestion of an alliance, then backhanded Fizzle into a tree when he tried in vain to stop him from leaving. Enemy Action!
Galvatron proceeded to stalk the Sparkler Mini-Bots after they rescued Ultra Magnus from Mount Verona, and attacked the smaller Autobots with relish, knowing Magnus was helpless to stop him, demoralised from the psychological scars cut from repeated defeats at his hands. As Galvatron pretty much beat the crap out of the Sparkabots, Magnus finally managed to get his act together, taking Galvatron by surprise. With a few powerful punches (and one heck of a kick), Magnus managed to sent Galvatron into retreat, defeating Galvatron at last! Salvage!
Soon after, Galvatron arranged to meet his ex-lieutenants Cyclonus and Scourge, who had since wound up stranded in the past and sought use of his time jump trigger device to return to the future, unaware the device had been destroyed. Drafting a particularly freaked-out human to carry him into the middle of a city in his shrunken pistol mode, Galvatron informed his former subordinates that they would have to swear complete loyalty to him; unsurprisingly, they refused, but before a battle could begin, the three Decepticons were interrupted by the Wreckers, sent to Earth via dimensional portal to take Galvatron out. Galvatron's choice of meeting place hampered the Wreckers significantly, leaving them unable to unleash their weapons for fear of harming humans, and the battle did not to go well, forcing Springer to resort to trickery. Pouncing on Galvatron, he loudly announced he had stolen the non-existent time jump device, luring the dimwitted Cyclonus and Scourge away. Galvatron was left facing the rest of the Wreckers, but he easily convinced them to go to Springer's aid and fled while they were occupied. Wrecking Havoc
Galvatron's time-traveling (along with that of the other Autobots and Decepticons) eventually caused a rift in time and space that threatened both the present and the future, opening a timestorm at both ends of the timeline that consumed the planet Quintessa in 2008. Space Pirates!
Having sought a weapon to use against Galvatron, Shockwave recovered what he believed to be the deactivated Megatron from the bottom of the Thames (but which was in fact a clone) and brainwashed him into his service, unleashing him in the hopes of eliminating one or both of his rivals. After a 'dry run' against Cyclonus, Shockwave decided Megatron was ready now and despatched him after Galvatron. Dry Run! Unfortunately, Galvatron managed to appeal to the suppressed personality within Megatron, and the two joined forces! Altered Image!
The Galvatron-Megatron alliance met both the Wreckers and the Decepticon Mayhem Attack Squad in combat when both team, in a tenuous alliance, launched an assault on their base of operations. The combined forces of both Galvatron's future and past self proved too much for Springer and Carnivac's team, the Decepticon leaders easily mowing through their members. Though Megatron suggested the pair rest after driving off the enemy forces, Galvatron refused to relent, and pursued Springer's group even as they retreated. Outside, the battle was joined by several other members of the combined forces of the present-day Autobot and Decepticons, and the future Autobots and Decepticons. By this stage, Galvatron was consumed by madness, reliving memories of the same battle as Megatron and unable to stand that things were going differently this time round. In his fury, he was able to overcome all resistance: even a direct Pathblaster to the face and single combat with Powermaster Optimus Prime failed to stop him completely. His threat was only truly ended when the time rift itself appeared in the skies over Earth, and Galvatron, lost to insanity, stood defiantly before it, declaring his superiority. The energies of the rift consumed Galvatron, tearing him to pieces and dragging his remains into its timeless depths. Time Wars Megatron had already walked off by this point, but believed his transformation into Galvatron was inevitable and this time he planned to ensure it worked right. The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire.
Long after the war, the time traveller Dicet Alpha-zero peeked on nine key events in the Transformers' war for a history project. Galvatron's second trip back in time was considered the fourth key event. After stepping on the proverbial butterfly at Mount Verona, Dicet saw a Time Wars where Optimus fought Galvatron while Rodimus fought Megatron. It ended the same way though! The Quest!
Galvatron II
This way lies madness.
In the year 2356 of an alternate future, a geriatric Rodimus Prime recounted tales of his exploits to a curious youth from his deathbed. In that timeline, the Time Wars had reset history: now the newly created Galvatron hadn't time-traveled to 1987 Earth, and instead had remained in the 21st-century and conquered Cybertron. This "reset" Galvatron tried to enrage Rodimus—even going so far as throwing Blurr's severed head at him—so that the Autobot leader's vengeful thoughts would corrupt the Matrix itself. Aspects of Evil! The Void! This Galvatron was last seen in a flashback to Unicron's third coming in the year 2010 (of that timeline): as Galvatron was left buried under rubble and Transformer corpses, Rodimus noted that on this occasion Unicron had no need for minions. Aspects of Evil!
The Big Broadcast of 2006
In an alternate future of 2006, Galvatron was leader of the Decepticons on their home base of Chaar. Astrotrain tried to tell him about some strange activity on the planet Junkion, but he wouldn't listen. Meanwhile, the events on Junkion caused a hypnotic signal to be broadcast out into space, which affected Galvatron while he was watching his bubbling pool. The signal compelled him to travel to Junkion, where he was led to believe he could "be a winner". He was followed by Cyclonus and Scourge.
Once on Junkion, they were soon joined by Autobots. Galvatron immediately attacked Rodimus Prime, and the two battled to a stalemate. The other Autobots worked to disrupt the hypnotic signal, which cleared Galvatron's mind long enough to blast the Junkions' television, which he recognized as influencing his mind. This broke the spell on everyone, including the Junkions, who then added their power to the Autobots' and forced the Decepticons to retreat in Blast Off.
In the course of this battle, his defeat at the hands of Rodimus Prime while inside Unicron was alluded to. The Big Broadcast of 2006
PDTF Comic
After taking to wearing four Blackballs around his neck as a necklace, Galvatron spotted Rodimus Prime, who'd found another of the precious artifacts. He attempted to throttle the Autobot, only for a brilliant light to shine directly at him. Galvatron fled, believing it to be the power of the Blackball, only for Rodimus to reveal it was just a flashlight... Take a Stand! Rodimus Prime!
Galvatron later led an attack on Battleship Maximus, Bigger than Life! Fortress Maximus! was knocked flat by God Ginrai, Now! Deliver the Finishing Blow! God Ginrai!! and he and his men were sent scrambling as Fortress Maximus and Mega Zarak traded blows. Watch Out! Mega Zarak! When Ultra Magnus found the final Blackball, Galvatron blew the defiant Autobot apart in order to obtain it. As he was enjoying his victory, he was suddenly bowled over — by Ultra Magnus' head. Improve Yourself! Ultra Magnus!
Galvatron's insanity finally out of control, Sixshot, Liokaiser and the other Decepticons were left with no choice but to bound their leader in rope and try to rationally explain to him that he was too crazy to be left free any longer. Galvatron then reminded them that unless they made his detainment more comfortable, such as providing a futon among other luxuries, he would surely destroy them all. Frightened by his looney faces, the Decepticons quickly brought him a hot cup of tea. Two in One! Lord Galvatron
When a Blackball landed somewhere in a field of tall grass, Galvatron sent Liokaiser to fetch it. Bitter with the menial task, Liokaiser began muttering unflattering remarks under his breath. He was then left to nervously explain himself to Galvatron, who was in earshot the whole time. Find the Bright Day! Liokaiser!!
Ladybird Books continuity
Galvatron traveled back in time from the 21st century and took leadership of the Decepticons from Megatron in the '80s. Under his rule, the Decepticons constructed three spy satellites, Argon, Krypton and Xenon which they used to spy on the Autobots. The first mission Starscream was sent on as a result of the gathered information ended in failure, much to Galvatron's rage, but at least it seemed as though Superion hadn't found the satellite. The Decepticons were to later learn that the Autobots had, in fact, gotten wind of the network of stations, as a false transmission set the three stations on a course for each other. Galvatron deactivated the refractive shield too late to prevent their destruction. Galvatron's Air Attack His next move was to establish a base in a human factory within striking distance of Metroplex, but it was soon discovered by Bumblebee and Spike. The Autobots attacked in force, during which Galvatron suffered the indignity of being hit by a wrecking ball swing by Spike. The Decepticons were driven off back to their base. Decepticon Hideout
Sticker Adventures books
Marvel coloring books
In a bid to replenish their ever dimishing energy supply, Galvatron led his troops to Oil Valley to steal some of the fuel there. Upon his arrival at the oil drilling area, he began to instruct his troops on making the local humans into slaves, when he noticed that Hot Rod was nearby. Hot Rod took off in the direction of Autobot City, and so Galvatron and his troops gave chase. The Decepticons found further oppostion when they encountered the Dinobots. A brawl ensued, and Galvatron managed to ground Swoop by blasting his wing. The Decepticons nonetheless found themselves on the losing side, even more so when Ultra Magnus arrived with reinforcements. Abandonning his troops, Galvatron hurried to the oil field in order to procure some of it for himself. But Grimlock pursued him and the two continued to fit amidst the oil towers. Galvatron was soon defeated, and was forced to retreat by boarding Cyclonus's ship mode. Battle at Oil Valley
When Galvatron's spy, Laserbeak, reported back to him that the Autobots had long ago lost a large shipment of Energon cubes at the Ark's original crash site, Galvatron deployed his troops to unearth it. The Autobots soon arrived on-site, and the two factions began to fight. When Rumble uncovered the case containing the Energon, the Autobots attempted to play keep-away with the Energon, only for Galvatron to catch up to it when Brawn passed it to Grimlock. Galvatron and Grimlock wrestled over the box, causing it to split open and spill its content all over the ground. Then, before anyone could stop him, Starscream scrafed down all of the Energon and proclaimed himself to be the most powerful Decepticon. He and Galvatron fought over the leadership of the Decepticons while the Autobots made themselves sparse. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron
Big Looker storybooks
While enviously admiring the energy collecting abilities of Autobot City, Galvatron got a spy report about a new robot car being introduced at a car show. He decided the robot car would make an ingenious blueprint for an army of robot workers to create an equally effective city for the Decepticons. Galvatron's men snuck into the Coliseum and planned a black out during the car show in order to steal the robot car. They also captured Kup, who spotted them snooping around. As the car show began, Kup tripped Galvatron as he moved through the control booth, causing the Decepticon leader to crash through the observation glass and alerting the Autobots below to the Decepticons' location. Galvatron and the Decepticons were forced to flee with no robot car. Car Show Blow Up
Toy pack-in material
Metroplex, Springer, and Blurr teamed up in a battle on a moon base in an attempt to slay Galvatron. Springer managed to connect a powerful punch on Galvatron, sending him hurling away. Decipher the Decepticon
Having successfully stolen the Creation Matrix from the Autobots, Galvatron and his troops guarded the relic at their headquarters. Fooled by an army of Autobot decoys, Galvatron lost possession of the relic. He vowed afterwards that the Decepticons would create their own decoys in order to counter this new Autobot technology. Start Your Own Decoy Collection
Find Your Fate Junior
Autobot Alert!
In one possible scenario, Galvatron led a plot to hijack the Earth's communication satellites. Once in control of every television broadcast on Earth, he made his intentions known; he was to be conqueror of the Earth, and so long as its populace was obedient, they needed not fear his wrath. He then awaited the Autobots’ compliance within his personal ship, Cyclonus, alongside his army of multiwing jet fighters.
In a later broadcast, Galvatron demanded that all who viewed his image on the television screen bow before it in his honour. In a possible sequence of events that followed, the Autobots successfully sabotaged the Decepticons’ command centre, immobilizing Galvatron's ship in orbit. Galvatron's broadcast showed his face turning purple with rage before it cut to static, signalling the end of Galvatron's ploy.
In another scenario, Galvatron remotely captured both Hot Rod and Bumblebee, and planned to use the pair as hostages to insure that Ultra Magnus would not interfere in his plan.
In yet another possible scenario, Ultra Magnus and a crew of Autobots opened fire onto Cyclonus, from within their shuttle in orbit. Galvatron emerged from Cyclonus in response, followed by the multiwing jet fighter Decepticons. Despite the Autobots attempting to retreat, Galvatron caught up to them and began tearing their shuttle apart with blasts of his laser cannon. He then laughed triumphantly as Ultra Magnus's troops began to drift helplessly into the void of space as their shuttle crumbled around them.
In a completely different possible scenario, Galvatron led a Decepticon campaign to retrieve a sphere of cybertite, containing the secrets to an ancient Autobot power-booster within it. After his troops learned that the sphere was within a sunken ship off the California coast, Galvatron headed a squad to retrieve it.
In one possible scenario that ensued, Galvatron happened upon the Autobots already at the coast, in the middle of hauling the ship out of the water. Galvatron blasted both the ship and the sphere, ensuring that the Autobots would not have access to its secrets, and then began raining down Decepticon firepower upon his foes.
In an alternate scenario, Galvatron arrived at the coast while the Autobots hid away. Ordering the Constructicons to merge into Devastator, Galvatron had the combiner raise the ship from the water manually.
If Ironhide, Brawn and Grapple attempted to snatch the ship away from Galvatron, the Decepticons destroyed both the ship and the sphere within to prevent it from falling into Autobot hands. Galvatron now knew that the Autobots were hidden away in nearby caves, and had his Decepticons use their superior firepower to pin them down, leaving them at his mercy.
If Springer, Seaspray and Topspin put into motion their plan to retrieve the sphere, Galvatron and his troops were too distracted by the sea-bound Autobots to notice that Springer had retrieved the sphere until it was too late. With the formula in the hands of the Autobots, Galvatron would soon find himself on the losing end of the war. Autobot Alert!
Project Brain Drain
Galvatron was informed by Soundwave that the Decepticons’ Brain Drain device, capable of syphoning away the brainpower of humans and convert it to energy, had been completed and was ready to be put to use for the Decepticon cause. Galvatron decided upon testing the device on the crowd that would be attending the rock concert Heywood Heights later in the day. Although Galvatron was confused as to what kind of music the rocks would be playing, he felt the massive concentration of unsuspecting humans (roughly 500, 000!) was a perfect target to attain massive amounts of energy.
In one possible outcome, Galvatron's plot proceeded forth without any Autobot interruptions, and the Decepticon gained an upper hand in their war with the Autobots that would most assuredly grant them total victory.
In another possible scenario, Galvatron received a distress signal from Decepticon headquarters moments before he was about to enact his plan. Forced to put off his scheme in order to fend off Ultra Magnus and his troops, Galvatron returned to the Decepticons’ mountain fortress still clutching the Brain Drain device. Though he fought fiercely, he was defeated and the Brain Drain device was destroy when Ultra Magnus triggered an avalanche that buried the Decepticons in snow.
In another possible scenario, Galvatron and his troops were surprised to find the Autobots hiding amidst the parked vehicles surrounding the concert just as he were about to put his plan into action. But as Galvatron had planned to set afire the parking lot surrounding the concert in order to prevent the humans from escaping, he continued forth with his plan, hoping to destroy the Autobots in the process.
In one possible set of events, the Autobots rushed forward out of the parking lot to better protect the humans. While the Autobots busied themselves with fighting his troops, Galvatron prepped the Brain Drain device, ready to use it as the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons still raged. Bumblebee, who had noticed Galvatron fiddling with the device from afar, attempted to halt Galvatron's efforts.
If Bumblebee crashed directly into Galvatron in an attempt to make him drop the Brain Drain device, Galvatron managed to regain his balance before he dropped the device, only for Bumblebee to explode after having been reduced to a flaming heap by the nearby inferno. The explosion in turn destroyed the Brain Drain device, foiling Galvatron's plot. If Bumblebee instead attempted to throw a truck at Galvatron to stop him, the truck explodes before Bumblebee has a chance to launch it, and Galvatron successfully activates the Brain Drain device.
In another possible scenario, the Autobots remained in the blazing parking lot in order to fight the Decepticons in close-quarters. Galvatron and Ultra Magnus grappled, with Galvatron eventually managing to fling Ultra Magnus away into the area near the bandstand. With Ultra Magnus out of the way, Galvatron readied the Brain Drain device. But both Hot Rod and Bumblebee were at the ready to stop Galvatron from using the device.
If Bumblebee attempted to stop Galvatron, the Decepticon leader merely laughed at Bumblebee's futile efforts before crushing him underfoot. Galvatron then activated the device, and successfully drained the nearby humans of their intelligence.
If Hot Rod interfered, the young Autobot successfully plucked the Brain Drain device out of the Decepticons’ hands, and then made his getaway through the nearby ring of fire. Enraged, Galvatron chased after him, racing Ultra Magnus as both headed towards Hot Rod. Though Galvatron reached Hot Rod first and retrieved the Brain Drain device, Ultra Magnus lassoed the Decepticon leader with a damaged electrical cable. The electric current running through the cable cause Galvatron to flail wildly, leading to him crushing the device himself. With his plan foiled, Galvatron ordered a retreat.
In another possible scenario, Galvatron arrived at the concert as his Decepticons were already fighting a small group of Autobots. Leaving his minions to deal with the threat, he began activating the Brain Drain device, only to have it either be blown out of his hands by Ultra Magnus, or destroyed by Wreck-Gar. With a howl of rage, Galvatron ordered a full retreat.
In an alternate outcome, Galvatron and his troops were able to sneak up on the Autobots guarding the concert, as the heroic robots were anticipating the Decepticons to arrive from the wrong direction. After destroying them, Galvatron proceeded to use the Brain Drain device on the concert-goers, and laughed triumphantly as he robbed them of their collective brain-power. Project Brain Drain
The Invisibility Factor
In one possible scenario, Galvatron and some troops were on a patrol in a desert at night. Upon spotting a spaceship that flickered in-and-out of sight, they investigated. Finding the Autobots Kup and Hot Rod conversing with a woman at the ship's landing site, Galvatron and the others fired upon them, causing them to scramble away. Galvatron then ordered his troops to stay and scrutinize the spaceship instead of chasing after the Autobots.
If Hot Rod and Kup decided to attack immediately, Galvatron was wounded by one of Kup's laser blasts. The Autobots were easily defeated and destroyed by the Decepticons nonetheless.
If Hot Rod and Kup silently followed the Decepticons back to their hide-out in a nearby canyon, they managed to tricked Galvatron and the others into thinking that they were being ambushed by a whole squadron of Autobots. Panicking, the Decepticons attempted to retaliate by firing in all directions.
If Hot Rod snuck down and successfully snatched the Invisibility Device from Shockwave, the Decepticons gave chase to the young Autobot. They were unable to catch him before Kup fired down onto the canyon's walls, causing it to collapse and burying the Decepticons under an avalanche of earth and rocks.
In an alternate scenario, Galvatron and the other Decepticons decided to take off into space in Sarah Sanders's ship after acquiring the Invisibility Device. Whether the Decepticons succeeded in mastering the Invisibility Device and subsequently destroyed the Autobots, or were destroyed or defeated themselves depended on what choices the Autobots made from this point on.
In a completely different scenario, Galvatron was in the process of creating his own ships with invisibility capabilities, armed with neuron beams. When the Autobots failed to find one of his test crafts in the desert, Galvatron was able to retrieve it, and later launch a full-scale assault on Metroplex. He destroyed both the city and its inhabitants while gloating of his victory.
In another possible scenario, Galvatron and his troops happened upon Sarah Sanders's ship before any Autobots had come in contact with her. While Scavenger held the woman captive, Galvatron and the other Decepticons dragged the ship itself to a hidden location. In whichever scenario that followed, the Autobots managed to steal the Invisibility Device from the Decepticons, either dazzling Galvatron with their headlights while Hot Rod took it right out of their hands, or tricking most his troops into leaving the spaceship behind while they pursued the young Autobot on a wild goose chase. Now outnumbered, Galvatron was forced to flee.
In an alternate scenario where the Autobots silently trailed Scavenger while the Decepticon held Sarah Sanders captive, Sarah was brought before Galvatron within the Decepticons’ secret desert base. Galvatron demanded from Sarah the secret to invisibility. When she would not comply, Galvatron ordered Bombshell to use his Cerebro-Shells to control her mind. In one possible scenario, Galvatron succeeded in fending off the Autobots who attempted to rescue Sarah, and with her knowledge conquered the Earth. In another outcome to these events, Galvatron and his troops were distracted by holographic projections courtesy of the Autobot Jazz. Though this did buy the Autobots enough time to scoop up Sarah and flee, Galvatron soon caught on to what was happening, and ordered his troops to pursue the Autobots. Whether or not Galvatron would recapture Sarah and conquer the Earth, or fail in stopping her from giving the secrets of invisibility to the Autobots depended wholly on chance. The Invisibility Factor
Transformers in 3-D
Galvatron took to talking to Ratbat, as the cassette perched mutely on his shoulder. He was also even more abusive than usual towards his men. He was pleased when a potential new source of energon was discovered on an asteroid, but particularly displeased when Cyclonus returned with a small alien. After exhaustive tests by a violently coerced Cyclonus, positive results were found, and Galvatron rubbed his hands together in glee before sending out Ratbat to find more of the aliens. Instead, they discovered that the Autobots were also on the asteroid, and Galvatron was more than happy to start inflicting violence on the enemy rather than waste time on small organics. The Test
In search of slaves for the Decepticon energy research laboratory, Galvatron took Razorclaw and Ratbat to attack the space station S.S. Exton 9. The Decepticons used their new suspension-ray beam to paralyze the humans, and sat back to wait for the containment ship to turn up. When they detected Cosmos leaving the station, Galvatron ordered Ratbat to contact Cybertron for reinforcements. Unfortunately Cosmos' mission was a success, helping some children to return with the Prism of Power. Galvatron demanded the children surrender and turn over the Prism, threatening to kill them unless they complied, but Cosmos was able to distract him long enough for Ironhide to finish off Razorclaw and blast the Decepticon leader. Transformers in 3-D #2
Alerted to the existence of the Intergon Device, Galvatron led a strike force to Tau-Ursa and successfully seized the device from its inventor, Monitorus, before razing the city to the ground. Building the device into the "Nullification Cannon", Galvatron used it to attack the Autobots' energon plant on Cybertron, rendering its contents useless. While Optimus Prime was distracted by Slugslinger, Galvatron left, announcing as he did so that the Autobots would now have no choice but to surrender. Returning to the ancient, burned-out destroyer which the Decepticons were using as a base, Galvatron was informed by the Clones that the Autobots were searching for Metascan Alpha, the planet of the Logicons that also contained a bounty of energon. While he was ruminating about the implications, Galvatron was forcefully reminded by Lord Zarak that the Nebulan now led the Decepticons. A short time later, Optimus Prime attacked their location, fighting Galvatron. Before Galvatron could stop him, Scorponok swung a claw at the Autobot leader and struck the cannon instead, destroying it. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3
Galvatron tasked Breakdown with finding the Destructons' ancient structure known as the Maelstrom Fracture Obelisk. Eventually finding it, Breakdown was about to report its location when the Destructon known as Psychokhan attacked with his Psychospear, accidentally expelling Breakdown from the universe and into transwarp space. TFSS Breakdown bio card
St. Michael The Transformers Sticker Book
Galvatron captained a Decepticon ship, with the Combaticons and Cyclonus serving under him. They managed to shoot down the ship being captained by Ultra Magnus, which crash-landed on the planet Barrenikon. Galvatron and his crew brought their ship planet-side as well to finish off their opponents. Galvatron stayed aboard his ship during the mission, however, leaving the dirty work mostly to the Combaticons. You nonetheless encountered him in a few possible scenarios, where you had to sneak aboard the Decepticon ship in order to steal one of their power packs. The Transformers Sticker Book
Beast Wars cartoon continuity
Beast Wars cartoon
Galvatron killed Starscream. Knowledge of this event was later hidden away in files classified by the Maximal Elders.
When Starscream's immortal spark traveled to prehistoric Earth and possessed Waspinator, the Decepticon claimed to the Predacons that he was killed trying to defend Galvatron from Unicron. Blackarachnia, having a better grasp of history than Starscream expected, later pointed out in private with Starscream that she knew that he was actually destroyed by Galvatron for being a traitor. Possession
3H comics
When Galvatron failed the Decepticons and the Great War ended, Cyclonus turned his loyalties to the gangster Cryotek. Wreckers: Finale Part II
Galvatron reverted to his old name and appearance at some point, as Megatron was one of the legendary Autobots and Decepticons residing in J'nwan. Terminus
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
By one account, Galvatron died on Cybertron circa 2035 after a final battle with Optimus Prime. Dawn of the Predacus Others say he was defeated by four Autobot warriors and buried under ice on Earth, while according to some he was pulled into another universe by Unicron. Beast Wars Sourcebook Glossary
A Predacon named himself after Galvatron. The paranoid Killer Punch believed that Galvatron was still active and plotting the destruction of the Maximal Imperium. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Galvatron was a Decepticon leader that came after Megatron and had the power of Unicron coursing through his circuits. He was profiled on Vector Sigma.
Opinions on Galvatron varied. Cyclonus saw him as the ideal Decepticon leader, lacking the weaknesses of the previous Decepticon leaders, and that he was unpredictable with guileful tactics and asymmetrical reasoning, while an anonymous Decepticon thought that Galvatron was insane, conceited, greedy and merciless and that he only cared about himself and not the Decepticon cause.
It was unknown if he was Megatron reincarnated. Galvatron's More Than Meets The Eye profile
Dreamwave Armada continuity
Ask Vector Prime
Galvatron was created by Unicron from the body of a Megatron. Cyclonus and Scourge were created with him from the remains of Megatron's dead minions. They helped destroy their home reality and several more, before Cyclonus was decapitated by a Megatron attempting to defend his home universe. The Bludgeon of this reality joined Galvatron's team, and they were eventually joined by Dirge and Thunderwing. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/19
Dreamwave Armada comic
Galvatron and his four fellow heralds traveled into a new reality to prepare the way for Unicron's arrival. While the others defeated the Decepticon forces on Cybertron and took control of the space bridge Nexus, Galvatron was headed to Earth to track down Over-Run, a Mini-Con refugee from a Cybertron that Unicron had consumed. Over-Run was carrying the Mini-Con Matrix, which contained the essence of all the Mini-Cons from his reality, and might be a means to defeat Unicron. When Galvatron arrived in San Francisco, he was distracted by several Transformers on this planet, including Starscream, Hot Shot, and Thrust, but easily bested them all. However, they managed to distract him long enough for Over-Run to escape. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4
When the Megatron of this reality launched his attack on the local Autobots on Earth, Galvatron arrived to destroy him, Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4 declaring that he had killed "many" Megatrons in other alternate realities. Despite his putting up a valiant struggle, Megatron was pummeled within an inch of his life, but before Galvatron could finish him off, the Air Defense Mini-Con Team intervened, forming the mighty Star Saber. This allowed Megatron to overwhelm and eventually destroy Galvatron. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 The gloating Megatron subsequently hacked Galvatron's corpse to pieces. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4
2005 IDW continuity
An ancient Transformer warrior from the era predating the Thirteen, Galvatron and his sibling Arcee were gladiators who joined Megatronus in his crusade against the other Primes. Origin Myths When the tribes collapsed into war, Galvatron became the first non-Prime to kill a Prime, slaughtering Nexus Prime and, ultimately, having a hand in ending the war with the guidance of Alpha Trion. The Crucible
In the subsequent Golden Age, Galvatron became one of Nova Prime's closest friends and advisors. All Good Things He later served on the first Ark, part of Prime's dream of expanding Cybertronian domination throughout the cosmos. However, Galvatron and the crew were lost when he plunged the ship into the mysterious anomaly in the Benzuli Expanse, a selfish act that killed the rest of the crew. Undead, Galvatron became the herald for Nova, now known as Nemesis Prime, ruler of the Dead Universe. As the only member of the crew who could survive the living universe for any length of time, he was sent to secure the inactive Thunderwing Spotlight: Galvatron and to prevent any interference with their plans for Earth. Devastation
Ultimately, however, he betrayed Nemesis Prime's plans for expansion, shooting him in the back to obtain the Heart of Darkness, which Optimus Prime let him have - along with a dip in a solar pool. Revelation Years later, he emerged, remade by the Darkness and raising an army to defeat the Dead Universe's controlling intelligence, D-Void, Heart of Darkness until discovering he was actually doing D-Void's bidding at his last, just after infecting Vector Sigma with the Heart of Darkness. As he died once more, Optimus Prime was forced to sacrifice the Matrix to undo his deluded acts. Chaos
It turned out he was merely sent back to the Dead Universe and reunited with Nova Prime. Dark Dawn Now freed from D-Void's influence, Galvatron played a large role in the Dark Cybertron prophecy, even after Nova's death. When Megatron defected to the Autobots, ...And the Damage Done Galvatron took the opportunity to seize command of the Decepticons.
He led them back to Earth, where they forged an alliance against the Autobots with the Earth Defense Command for the goal of peace. Detonation Boulevard Galvatron however was playing a long game to seize control of the planet for himself. Perihelion He nearly claimed it Once Upon a Time on Earth twice in the span of a few days As Above...So Below before he was executed by Optimus Prime in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. No Fair Fights
Universe toy bios
At a time when the Decepticons were a scattered confederation of assassins and warlords, Galvatron arrived from parts unknown and quickly asserted his dominance. Crushing all who opposed him, he united the Decepticons into a powerful army "capable of threatening the entire universe". Rumors about his past were plentiful, but facts were hard to come by. Mostly the Decepticons simply cowered before his might, their fear preventing them from even thinking about following anyone else. Those few who dared to conceive otherwise, simply hoped that one day a rival would emerge who could best the tyrant. Universe Galvatron toy bio Unicron programmed Cyclonus to be loyal only to Galvatron. Universe Cyclonus toy bio
Q-Robo Transformer
Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga
Upon being cornered with his supply of energon cubes by the Autobots, Megatron took a bite out of one cube, transforming into Galvatron, who easily pulverized the Autobots. Ironhide tried to come to the rescue, but his attempt to attack Galvatron with his blade only ended in it being caught between Galvatron's teeth. But as Galvatron was about to fire upon Ironhide, an explosion occurred, revealing a weakened Megatron, who was then subsequently attacked by Ironhide. Henkei! Henkei! volume 7
Once Megatron learned he had the ability to "power up" and become Galvatron, he later sought the chance to do this again by immersing himself in a pool of molten lava. Cyclonus, accompanied by Starscream and Nightstick, watched and gloated in anticipation of the re-emergence of their unstoppable leader. However, the Autobots arrived, and during the subsequent battle, the lava pool was shot and collapsed. Galvatron did emerge after all...but all he did was berate his defeated troops for having allowed him to be awoken too early, while Cyclonus weakly attempted to protest. Henkei! Henkei! volume 9
Henkei! Henkei! BunBun manga
Upon touching the Energon Cube, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Wataru were shown a vision of Galvatron. Optimus wondered if he was seeing Cybertron's history, unaware that it was a premonition of the future. Kingdom of Giants
Badly wounded in battle by Optimus Prime's energon sword, the defeated and barely functional Megatron was carried from the battlefield by Cyclonus. Brought to a subterranean network of volcanic caves, Megatron was immersed in a "bath" of molten energon cubes to restore his strength. Time of Resurrection While Megatron was recuperating, Starscream led Optimus Prime and Bumblebee to his location, in hopes that they would destroy him so that he could take his throne. As Starscream and Cyclonus battled in the air, Prime approached Megatron, and without hesitation, plunged his energon sword into the Decepticon leader's chest and broke the blade off within his body. Megatron howled in pain and fury, and the energon cubes around him began to react, rising to whirl around him and surround his body with their glow. The maddened Megatron seized one of the cubes and bit into it deeply, causing a huge energon explosion. As the light from the blast faded, Megatron stood restored, renewed and reformatted... now, he was Galvatron! Creation! The New Emperor of Destruction!!
The hulking, slavering form of Galvatron immediately lunged for Optimus Prime, displaying a strength far greater than Megatron ever had when he punched Prime so hard that he shattered his mouthplate. Before Galvatron could destroy the fallen Prime, he was attacked from above by Starscream, but easily shrugged off the treacherous Air Commander's attacks. After seizing Starscream and slamming him into the rocks below, Galvatron unleashed the power of his cannon and apparently obliterated Starscream with a single colossal shot. This distraction gave Prime the time he needed to recover, but when he charged at Galvatron with his energon-axe, Galvatron countered it with a dagger-like blade of energy projected from his hand. Next, Galvatron used his cannon to collapse a chunk of the cavern ceiling, hoping to crush Prime, but when Prime evaded the debris by transforming to truck mode, Galvatron shifted to tank mode and pursued him, blasting all the way. Eventually, Galvatron caught up to Prime and pinned him against a which stage, the other Autobots had arrived to back their leader up! The Threat of Galvatron At first, the combined might of the Autobots seemed to be a match for Galvatron, but with terrifying ease, the reformatted Emperor of Destruction tore through their ranks, defeating each and every one of them. His foes bested, Galvatron then turned his attention to the Autobots' ally Wataru Hoshinoumi, a human born with the power to control energon. Wataru used his powers to create a forcefield to keep himself safe from Galvatron, and another threat soon appeared to occupy Galvatron's attention: Starscream was not quite defeated yet! His body broken and crippled, Starscream still pressed his attack against his former leader, and Wataru leant him a hand, providing a forcefield and boosted weapon power. Before being taken down, Starscream was able to hit Galvatron with one well-placed power-shot, re-opening the gash Optimus had originally torn in Megatron's shoulder with his energon sword. Seeing an opening, Optimus repeated the tactic, thrusting his sword into the wound and tearing Galvatron wide open. The resulte was a catastrophic release of energy from Galvatron's body, which caused the caves to collapse. The Autobots were able to escape to safety, but all the Decepticons were buried. Revenge
Although badly damaged, Cyclonus was able to survive the cave-in, and recovered the apparently-deceased body of Galvatron. After bringing the "corpse" back to the Decepticons' underwater base, Cyclonus discovered that Galvatron was not yet dead when the twisted cadaver of his leader lurched back into life and seized him about the throat, howling Optimus Prime's name...

A little later, the Autobots were shocked to discover Galvatron going on a very public rampage in the middle of Hoshinochō, and were forced to abandon any hope of hiding their presence from the humans in order to stop him. Even more of a monster than before and still bleeding destructive energy from his wound, Galvatron tore through both the human military and Autobot ranks, resisting even Wataru's boosted attacks. When Galvatron dived for the boy, Optimus Prime threw himself into his enemy's path, and Galvatron's claws smashed their way clean through Prime's chest, knocking the Autobot leader out. Unexpectedly, the Autobots' salvation was revealed by Galvatron's actions: Optimus Prime's Matrix of Leadership now stood revealed within his shattered chest. Responding to Wataru's powers, the Matrix surged to life and restored Prime, who struck Galvatron with an enormously powerful blow. As the Decepticon reeled, the energy bleeding from him shifted, and the Autobots discovered they were not fighting Galvatron at all, but Cyclonus...possessed by Galvatron's spark! A Nightmare, Once Again
His true nature revealed, Galvatron unleashed the full extent of his bizarre powers, raking the cityscape with wild, unrestrained bolts of energy. Charging through the heart of the maelstrom, Prime summoned up the energy of the Matrix and struck Cyclonus' body with one almighty Matrix-powered punch. Cyclonus was atomized, and Galvatron's bodiless spirit flowed over Prime, dissipating into the ether.
The Autobots celebrated the apparent destruction of their eternal enemy, formally revealing themselves to the people of Earth and rounding up the remaining Decepticons hidden on the planet. Just as things seemed their brightest, Prime revealed the terrible truth: before disappearing, Galvatron's spark had revealed to him that he was not yet dead. In truth, before his rampage, Galvatron had his body placed in a small spaceship, which was then launched into space, on a course heading back to Cybertron. With a new group of Autobots appointed protectors of Earth, Prime and his team left the planet, hot on Galvatron's trail... To the Sea of Stars
Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-
Mini Mayhem!
When Galvatron unleashed Predaking, boasting that the gestal's combined animal strength was unparalleled, an ensemble of Battle Beasts stood united to prove him wrong. Mini Mayhem!
After a negative polarity Ultra Magnus instigated multiversal chaos by destroying Primax 207.0 Epsilon, two Galvatrons of unspecified universal streams were caught in the dimensional shockwaves as their universes were suddenly merged into one. Invasion: Epilogue
Kre-O cartoon
Spinister, Galvatron, and Scorponok were sent by Megatron to rob the Autobot City Bank. In heavy disguise, they went in and got the drop on the bank tellers, only for Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Wheeljack to turn up. The Decepticons called in Devastator, who ripped the roof off the bank and disposed of the three Autobots, allowing the robbers to raid the vault of energon. Quest for Energon, Part 1
Later Galvatron operated the machine to help make Megatron a grilled cheese sandwich, but failed to spot Wheeljack and Cliffjumper sneaking onto the work site. When the interlopers were spotted, Galvatron and the other Kreons surrounded them, but they were merely a diversion. Moments later, the Decepticons were pelted with molten cheese and tied up in a net. Quest for Energon, Part 2
Kre-O online manga
Megatron's ambition was to use Earth's bricks to build a planet-sized Galvatron-like body for himself. Megatron's Ambition!? The Solar Tower Is Built!
Knock Out invented a helmet that would upgrade Megatron to make him stronger, when he put it on his head, he was transformed into Galvatron. Galvatron went a destructive rampage causing Cyclonus to call the Autobots to stop him. In the end, the Autobots took his helmet off and he changed back into Megatron. But to Breakdown's horror, Knock Out starting creating more helmets for Megatron to try on. Enter the New Emperor of Destruction!?
Transformers × Evangelion
Upon gaining the power of an Angel by possessing its body, Starscream mused about using his newfound power against Galvatron, but he first decided to get rid of Optimus Prime once and for all. Mode "Eva" chapter 4
Beast Wars: Uprising
Some time in the 21st century, Galvatron was born out of Megatron by the power of Unicron. Micro-Aggressions When the war spread to Nebulos, numerous Decepticons bindary-bonded to local Nebulons, though Galvatron's disgust with organics meant he refused to undergo the process himself. However, he still appreciated the boost of power it gave his forces. After the Scouring of Nebulos ended with the Human Confederacy limiting the Transformer war to a small region of space, Galvatron hit upon a new idea; using the binary-bonding process to turn beings not into partners or weapons, but living batteries. The only problem with this scheme was that there were no convenient organics nearby for him to utilize. Having realized that his "true" enemies were the humans and seeking reinforcements to replace his army's ailing Nebulon Headmasters and Targetmasters in order to fight them, Galvatron ordered the Decepticons to the colony world of Rebirth in the hopes of using the native Cyberdroids as replacements.
The Decepticons joined with the Malignus insurgency, and Galvatron bonded himself to a trio of Cyberdroid rebels. Nucleon, Clench, and Doomshot all pledged fealty to Galvatron, and together they became the first "Triple-Threat Master". The partnership proved powerful yet unpredictable; although it took years off of Galvatron's life, the effect of his Cyberdroids tempered his infamous mental state. After overthrowing the planet's ruling Optimus triumvirate, killing one of them in the process, and renaming the planet "Master", the Autobots arrived and the war re-doubled. The Decepticons managed to hold their ground against the Autobot onslaught and force them into a retreat. With the Autobot forces licking their wounds, Galvatron turned his attention back to the human blockade. A Brush With Infamy–Prologue Derailment
Galvatron tried and failed to breach the Allowed Zone in a disastrous conflict known as the Great Push. Micro-Aggressions Intersectionality This almost doomed the Cybertronian species as the humans responded to Galvatron's invasion by practically halving the territory they allowed Cybertronians to possess. The Builders' best scientists thus destroyed Galvatron by vivisecting him, turning his remains into the G-Virus. Thereafter, Galvatron became known as the worst Builder in history, taught to be reviled by the Maximals and Predacons. Micro-Aggressions Despite what history recorded, Nucleon believed that Galvatron had very nearly succeeded in destroying the Human Confederacy. A Brush With Infamy–Prologue
Nonetheless, the G-Virus eventually infected one victim: the Builder guard Cop-Tur, who was transformed into a clone of Galvatron, possessing the personality and memories of his progenitor. Micro-Aggressions
Ask Vector Prime
In Primax 185.0 Beta, the Autobots launched the hugely successful S.T.A.R.S. program. Inspired, Galvatron restarted the research into the hypno-chips, his scientists eventually developing the Decepto-Packs, quasi-sentient backpacks that would enslave human beings. Galvatron sent his slaves to harvest Earth's resources for him, a task made easier by the Autobots' general unwillingness to fire on them, before he aggravated international tensions to the point of a nuclear strike. Harvesting the energy released from the bombing, Galvatron ordered his slaves to build him a fleet of Zod drones, using them to destroy the Autobots before he turned them against the galaxy.
With the Zod fleet, the Decepticon Empire conquered a sizeable portion of the Milky Way before they went to war with the Quintesson Pan Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere and their Terrorcon hordes. The Quintessons put up enough of a resistance that Galvatron enacted a plan to transfer his very spark into the core of Cybertron, becoming "Grand Galvatron", so he could use his homeworld as the ultimate weapon against the aliens. As he was transferring his spark however, Galvatron was attacked by The Autobot and the Dreadnoks, who managed to destroy his spark at the cost of their lives. Though Galvatron perished, the Decepticon Empire lived on, continuing to fight the Quintessons for many more centuries. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/04
Prime Wars Trilogy continuity
Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material
When the Titan Masters returned to contemporary civilization and joined the Autobot-Decepticon war, Galvatron, partnered with Nucleon, declared that the Decepticons would use the power of the Titan Masters to rule the universe. Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters
Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons
Megatron was once transformed into Galvatron by the power of Unicron, though he reverted to his original identity at some point. While fighting Megatron, Rodimus Cron would guess that some residue of Unicron remained in the Decepticon. Countdown When the Matrix of Chaos was removed from Rodimus Cron, Unicron attempted to force it into Megatron, hoping to turn him back to Galvatron and make him his puppet. This was prevented when Optimal Optimus blasted them both with the Requiem Blaster, destroying them. Saga's End
Transformers: All Spark
Watching the Transformers' war from afar, Galvatron was impressed that humans, who'd he once considered weak and useless, were proving their worth and lending their power to Autobots and Decepticons alike. He looked forward to seeing how things would turn out with so many strong warriors involved in the war. Looming Threat
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Jason Marnocha (English), Ryūzaburō Ōtomo (Japanese), Serge Biavan (French), Guilherme Lopes (Portuguese), Jorge García Insúa (Castilian Spanish), Carlos Segundo (Latin-American Spanish), Lalit Agarwal (Hindi), Tobias Lelle (Earthrise, German), Sascha Rotermund (Kingdom, German)
After a nearly endless war that resulted in the AllSpark parting from Cybertron for good, Kingdom episode 1 Megatron killed Optimus Prime, lamenting that they should have worked together. Afraid of the possibility of this occurring in the past, Unicron enslaved and reformatted Megatron into a life of servitude as Galvatron. Megatron's reformatting was recorded at the end of the Voyager Golden Disk, which Megatron used to record his every action during the Great War. Kingdom episode 5 As the Autobots and Decepticons died out, Unicron and his minions were a constant threat to the Maximals and Predacons that emerged from the uninhabitable Cybertron. Kingdom episode 6
Seeking to prevent his slavery under Unicron, Galvatron traveled to the past via the Dead Universe, Kingdom episode 6 when the Nemesis entered the Dead Universe in pursuit of Optimus Prime within the Ark. Materializing in the bridge of the Nemesis before his past self, Galvatron was evasive of his true identity and intentions, frustrating Megatron. However, Galvatron was able to get his attention by asking him to destroy Optimus Prime and take the Matrix of Leadership for himself. After praising the Decepticon leader for not trusting him, Galvatron rekindled Megatron's memories of the gladiatorial pits where he rose in status using the power of his rage and hatred. When the Nemesis caught up with the Ark, Galvatron taught Megatron to use the properties of the Dead Universe to transform his hate and rage into tangible energy that he used to strike at the Ark. However, the blast was blocked by a sacrificial Sky Lynx. His plan foiled, Galvatron was painfully pulled back to his native time by Unicron, who promised to punish him severely for this transgression. Galvatron attempted to turn over the Golden Disk in another desperate chance to change the past, but it disappeared as he did. Earthrise episode 5
In his proper time, Galvatron, with the Golden Disk in tow, swore to Unicron that he will find a way to break free from his servitude. Kingdom episode 1 The Golden Disk was eventually in the hands of the Maximals, and Galvatron allowed Predacon Megatron and his band of thieves to steal the disk and take it to Megatron in the past, out of hope to prevent his encounter with Unicron. Kingdom episode 6 While Megatron was in a maze-like forest that was altered by the Allspark, he envisioned Galvatron claiming he must try again and again. Kingdom episode 3
Galvatron conspired with the Unicron-reborn Optimus Prime, known as Nemesis Prime, to once again rebel against their master and used the Dead Universe to travel through time, intending to coerce Megatron to use the Allspark and destroy Unicron at the cost of Cybertron. During the Ark's return to Cybertron, Galvatron snuck aboard the ship and freed Megatron from the stasis field for the "big finale". Once Megatron accepted that Galvatron is his future self, he explained his servitude to Unicron and that he freed Megatron to claim the Allspark for him and use it to destroy Unicron, thus averting the destiny of slavery Megatron would endure otherwise. As they prepared to meet up with Nemesis Prime, Galvatron and Megatron fought against the Autobots and Maximals, with the former getting knocked down by Cheetor before easily overpowering and throwing him aside. After leaving their enemies disoriented, they confronted Optimus Prime and Galvatron explained their plan and revealed that their existence was the result of Prime's removal of the Allspark and subsequent failure to return it.
But before Galvatron could make a move, a four-way alliance of Autobots, Decepticons, Maximals, and Predacons arrived, all standing in solidarity against the forces of Unicron. Galvatron mocked the prospect of Megatron being a part of the united factions until the latter actually turned on him thanks to Optimus and Starscream. Once Galvatron warned his past self that he would not be immune to Unicron, a massive battle broke out. Galvatron stood his ground against the factions, easily defeating Predacon Megatron. Just as he ordered Nemesis to take the Allspark, the very relic soon deployed a defense of its own: the sparks of Transformers who died throughout the war. Galvatron and Nemesis charged at the spirits only to be struck down by the spirit of Elita-1.
Having survived the attack, Galvatron was left stranded in space only to be found by Unicron once more. After scolding his minions and musing that their journey through the Dead Universe had given him "ideas", Unicron drew Galvatron towards him to initiate the reformatting process as he screamed in agony. Kingdom episode 6
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
In a possible destiny recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk, Megatron became Galvatron and wore the Matrix of Leadership chained around his neck. Kingdom Golden Disk cards
Closer than ever to reaching the Allspark, the Decepticons awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Autobots, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies.
As the Voyager Golden Disk foretold, Galvatron's function was the future evolution of Megatron, and he trans-scanned into a spacecraft. His Dark Energon and ultra fusion cannon were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his obedience, jadedness, and menace. Galvatron's message from the future was that his past is the key to his liberation. Kingdom webpage[1]
Last Bot Standing
When Rodimus explained the Cybertronian race to Shib Wallkis, he remembered Galvatron leading the Decepticons in the Great War before the conflict finally drained the universe of its resources. Last Bot Standing #2
Commercial appearances
- Galvatron, Starscream, and Skywarp were flying over a highway when they happened upon Ultra Magnus carrying several Autobot troops in his car-carrier mode. Galvatron swore that their first encounter would also be their last, and the two teams began to duke it out. Ultra Magnus and Galvatron commercial
- Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge were joined in battle against the Autobots by Sixshot. Galvatron boasted that his new minion was a "one-robot-army," and listed off all of the Six-Changer's modes, taking advantage of Sixshot's "laser-pistol" mode to blast Rodimus Prime. Sixshot commercial
- The Scorponok base was housing Galvatron when the Technobots attacked it on a distant alien world. Galvatron rushed out of the base and ordered Scorponok to deal with the aggressors. After the Technobots combined into Computron, Galvatron ordered Scorponok to transform to robot mode and destroy the Autobot combiner. Technobots and Scorponok commercial
- Galvatron and Cyclonus met with their Decepticon agent Counterpunch in an isloated spot. There, Counterpunch handed Galvatron an Autobot device, and declared that Galvatron could definitely trust him... Punch/Counterpunch and Clones commercial
- While Galvatron continued to lead Scourge, his Sweeps, and numerous other Decepticons on attacks against the Autobots on Cybertron, special teams from both factions left the planet to expand the war to the planet Nebulos. Headmaster comic book commercial
- Galvatron's voice narrated a handful of commercials, including:
- The Decepticon Headmasters Decepticon Headmasters commercial
- The Targetmasters Targetmasters commercial
- The Duocons and Throttlebots Duocons and Throttlebots commercial
- The "small" Headmasters. Small Headmasters commercial
Controversy over identity
“ | Well, they were the same guy. | ” |
—Astrotrain's thoughts on the subject, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1" |
As the above media summaries show, Galvatron has had wildly differing origins across numerous continuities. Some of this was the result of Galvatron's "intended" identity, popularized in the 1986 movie, having not been known in advance by all the creators of all the international franchise branches at once. However, other cases represent later creators deliberately starting from scratch. Since the conceptual existence of multiple dimensional variants of Galvatron predates — by about 17 years — the development of multiple dimensions of Transformers storytelling within a multiverse, it can be especially hard to neatly separate all his appearances into "main" and "peripheral" storylines / personifications.
Even when focusing strictly on Galvatron's most well-known incarnation — the G1 animated series — there has been considerable debate through the years. Some fans believe Galvatron is a psychologically distinct and discontinuous entity from Megatron, almost, or equally, as much as Scourge and Cyclonus, who demonstrate no continuity of memory or personality with their former Decepticon selves. This remains a topic of heated debate in some circles, in spite of a fairly unambiguous canon.
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
In the Generation 1 cartoon continuity, Galvatron evidently still self-identifies as being the same person as Megatron, albeit with greater power and a new name. Although not seen to be making a point of revealing this former identity to his troops at large, Galvatron makes his sense of self clear when Starscream asks "Megatron? Is that you?" to which he replies, "Here's a hint", before obliterating him. Later in The Transformers: The Movie when Galvatron is poised to crush Hot Rod's neck, he boasts: "First Prime, then Ultra Magnus, and now you. It's a pity you Autobots die so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now." Again, Galvatron is obviously speaking with no sense of discontinuity of identity or personality as he refers to past and current acts as both Megatron and Galvatron without qualification or distinction. Some might contrast this statement with his earlier line, "I, Galvatron, shall crush you, just as Megatron crushed Prime", interpreting that such a statement implies a disconnect from his former life.
Early story notes for the movie state that Galvatron is "a deadlier version of Megatron. Less bluster, more ruthless action". Further, in an early draft of the script, Galvatron reveals his "true" name—Megatron—to Hot Rod at the film's climax, with the implication that Megatron has merely been playing along with Ingestor's (the early version of Unicron) plans and has only pretended to be his willing servant, while in fact retaining his original identity and plans for conquest. The final version of the film leaves this a bit more ambiguous. Although, as noted, it seems fairly clear in the film that Megatron is playing the role of "Galvatron" that has been imposed upon him (even for his own troops) until such time as he can betray Unicron.
At TFCon 2016, when Flint Dille was asked if Galvatron was meant to "retain the memories of Megatron" after his reformatting by Unicron, Dille (who seemed confused by the question) replied that Galvatron *does* still see himself as Megatron and that the Unicron-Galvatron relationship is a parallel of the Megatron-Starscream relationship. TFCon 2016 Report- Flint Dille revelations and other tidbits
During season three, Galvatron makes little or no further references to his past life as Megatron. Upon meeting the resurrected Optimus Prime in "The Return of Optimus Prime", however, Galvatron behaves as though simply picking up where he left off with his old nemesis from his Megatron days, as does Prime, saying that he knows Galvatron "all too well". This indicates that the Autobot leader is capable of recognising his former adversary despite the change in name and appearance. Furthermore, in "Five Faces of Darkness", Astrotrain states that Megatron and Galvatron are "the same guy", implying that the other Decepticons (or, at the very least, Astrotrain) figured out what was going on or were simply always aware of Galvatron's identity.
Despite all that, a memorial of Megatron can be seen prominently in the Decepticon Crypt in "Starscream's Ghost", implying that the Decepticons who built it considered Megatron to be dead. This could possibly be explained by presuming the Decepticons built the marker before Galvatron returned and seized command, though their window of opportunity to do so was rather slim.
Japanese fiction
Early advertisements for the Galvatron toy presented the character as an altogether separate being from Megatron, and in some cases, even being Megatron's underling. The second "Scramble City" OVA was a remake of the original animated version, albeit including the Galvatron toy for promotion. Galvatron appears to fight his nemesis, Ultra Magnus, as Megatron barks orders from the background. This is likely due to Takara wishing to advertise the toy as quickly as possible, without full knowledge of the character's history. To maintain Galvatron's mystique, he was given the function of "City Commander", with no indication that he was an upgraded Megatron. Continuing this trend of unintentional disassociation, very early promotional artwork featured in TV Magazine and Comic BomBom also presented Galvatron as a separate character.
However, this era was very short-lived. In all official Japanese fiction, including the manga and the Japanese-exclusive cartoons, Galvatron is locked in as an upgrade of Megatron. A retcon was created by writer Hirofumi Ichikawa for e-HOBBY in order to explain away the bizarreness of some of these early story pages, detailing that the Galvatron seen there was actually a dimension-travelling Galvatron II.
Marvel Comics continuity
“ | Not like Megatron—I AM MEGATRON! | ” |
—A particular Galvatron shares his thoughts on the matter, "Target: 2006" |
In the US and UK Marvel comics, the various time-hopping Galvatrons all demonstrate an awareness of having previously been Megatron with no strong indicators of a break in psychological identification. The closest that these Galvatrons come to identity crisis are incidents in which a time-displaced Galvatron is confronted by Megatrons (or copies thereof) and does battle with his former self. Although in these instances Galvatron experiences trains of thought that suggest he sees Megatron as a separate being and/or the source of his madness that needs to be destroyed, these are not the musings of a calm, rational mind. In these instances, Galvatron is in the grips of a psychotic episode, which he generally snaps out of by realising that he and his opponent are indeed the same person.
However, things are complicated by many appearances by Megatron being retconned as a clone of Megatron. There was no hint the clone was a clone until "Two Megatrons!", so naturally "Megatron" and Galvatron were written as being past and future versions of themselves. Galvatron even remembers events that happened to the clone, and the clone goes on to plot his schemes under the knowledge that he will become Galvatron one day. The memories do not fit with Galvatron's known backstory at all. (One theory is that this Galvatron wasn't the same one as in "Target: 2006" but a different one formed from the clone.)
A possible explanation for why (any version of) Galvatron retains psychological continuity with Megatron, while his fellow Unicron-creations do not, may be that Thundercracker, et al. were apparently already dead or in total stasis lock at the time of their reformatting, and thus it is widely speculated that only their bodies were used to create Cyclonus and company. Whether this indicates that they retained their life-essences and merely suffered total mind-wipes (either as the result of recent death or by Unicron's doing), or if Unicron actually infused their reformatted bodies with new life-forces is unknown. (On the other hand, none of the other Unicron-created Decepticons have faced their past selves or deeds the way Galvatron has.) Megatron, by comparison, was clearly alive and awake at the time of his reformatting and struck a bargain with Unicron for "a new body", a deal which implied that his mind would remain his own.
Transformers: The Headmasters
When the Decepticons captured some of the Autobots' greatest warriors, Galvatron and Bruticus stood guard over Rodimus Prime and Highbrow on Cybertron. They were defeated and their prisoners were rescued by Chromedome and the other freed Autobots. Transformers: The Headmasters
The Transformers (PS2)
- Voice actor: Jeff Manning (English)
Galvatron appeared in a valley where the Autobots had detected an SOS signal. He materialized in front of the Autobots and mistakenly believed that the Rodimus Prime was among them. He berated Rodimus for thinking that he could vanish and get help from the Autobots of the current time period. He then realized his mistake and was momentarily startled by the sight of Optimus Prime before realizing that Optimus was not killed yet in this time period. He introduced himself to the Autobots and then contemplated aloud if he should say that is was nice to meet them before realizing that he already knew Optimus very well. Galvatron decided to fight Optimus, deciding that Rodimus was a worthless opponent, and warned Optimus that he would feel the power of the future Decepticons. He summoned his troops and charged the Autobot squad. The Autobots severely damaged Galvatron, but this only angered him. Galvatron transformed to his turret form and blasted the Autobots, disorientating them. Galvatron decided to use this chance to flee and commanded his forces to retreat. The Transformers
Transformers Legends
After Megatron was reborn as Galvatron in Unicron's maw, he gatecrashed Starscream's coronation and blasted the Air Commander into dust. The Coronation of Starscream He would also later aid Unicron when the planet-eater attacked Cybertron. 'Til All Are One Retaking control of the Decepticon army from Starscream, he led them in an assault on the Autobots, which was ultimately defeated by Rodimus and his team. All Hail Galvatron Desperate to turn the tide of the battle, Galvatron summoned Trypticon. With the giant's help, the Decepticons successfully pushed further into Autobot territory, despite the Autobots fielding Metroplex. The Colossus War Following Unicron's destruction, Galvatron ended up on the planet Krull. Cyclonus managed to find him, and he destroyed the planet as they left. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1 Returning to Chaar, he found his army gone, aligned with the Quintessons, but managed to find and reclaim them. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2 He soon struck a deal with the Quintessons and attacked Cybertron for them, but following an attempt by them to destroy all Transformers with an ancient device, Galvatron was prevented from shooting Rodimus Prime by Blitzwing. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3
Galvatron led his Decepticon troops into an assault that forced a small group of Autobots into taking cover within the Autobot Mausoleum. Dark Awakening Thanks to Unicron, Galvatron was unexpectedly plunged back in time, and immediately encountered Ratchet and Megatron, who had been fused together. Joined by other Decepticons from the era, Galvatron attacked the pair, but was sent into a retreat by Inferno and other Autobots who arrived. Savage Circle With Galvatron's abuse of his men causing dissent in the ranks, Frenzy and Laserbeak took him to the planet of the Torkuli for treatment, however the treatment proved ineffective, and the pair had to flee as Galvatron destroyed the planet. Web World
Galvatron was tricked by the Quintessons into attacking the location where slumbered the Trans-Organics and the Dweller, deep within Cybertron. Oblivious to what he was about to unleash, Galvatron destroyed the facility located at the Quintessons' false coordinates, prompting Wreck-Gar and Ultra Magnus to intercept him and his troops. During the battle that ensued between both Cybertronian factions and the Quintessons' ancient creations, Galvatron was too consumed by his own rage to look after his own troops, and attacked the Autobots despite the threat that the Dweller presented. Despite this, both factions were able to escape eventually, and rocketed back to their respective bases. Dweller in the Depths
Galvatron attempted to gain control of a new experimental space bridge, only to be met by the opposition of Rodimus and his troops. All nearby combatants were sent hurtling back in time when a stray shot hit the device. Finding himself at the time before Cybertron's creation, Galvatron witnessed Primus and Unicron in their midst of an epic battle. In a fit of madness, Galvatron joined forces with Unicron, despite the latter's victory meaning he would be wiped from existence. Primus triumphed thanks to the help of the Autobots, and all time-displaced combatants were sent back to their proper place in the timestream by Primus. Battle of the Brothers
From somewhere in time and space, Galvatron observed the battle on Cybertron between Nova Prime and Nemesis Prime, a dark future version of Nova. Though unclear events, Galvatron found himself defeated by Nemesis Prime. Prime Evil
Angry Birds Transformers
Galvatron appears as one of the first unlockable characters. He is portrayed by Corporal Pig. He also comes in an Energon version. Angry Birds Transformers
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Galvatron participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in three different bodies, all in the "Galvatron" event:
- Galvatron (G1) - This Epic Character could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, and 50 cores of this character.
- Galvatron v1 (Gen) — This Super Rare character was available as a reward in the "Galvatron" event.
- Galvatron v2 (Gen) — This Super Rare character could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, 35 event cores, and 10 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Frontiers
Transformers Operation Omega
Transformers: Earth Wars
It's hard to imagine a more pitiless, monstrous tyrant than Megatron, but Galvatron is it.
He's Megatron to the nth degree and even more powerful than his past/former self. Remade by Unicron, Galvatron's conceit and thirst for conquest and dominance are second to none. He is power personified, an unstoppable force that knows no upper limit when it comes to sheer mayhem and carnage. Galvatron bio
When Galvatron was brought through the Space Bridge, Luca found him creepy yet familiar. Galvatron stated that he was stranded in a backwater era, and had to remind Cyclonus that they had to tread carefully, lest they be wiped from existence. After reassuring Scourge and Cyclonus that Starscream and Ultra Magnus would be taken care of, he commanded them to continue repairing a Time Portal. Galvatron arrival
Megatron was wary of this possible rival, so he had Shockwave keep an eye on him. Starscream was also interested in observing and testing this "Galvatron"; seeing that Ultra Magnus followed Galvatron to Earth, he set up a trap for Ultra Magnus to face Galvatron, which he didn't fall for. Megatron finally had a confrontation with Galvatron, and they came to agree that they thought alike, and they both blasted Starscream out of the sky. Galvatron Research
- Class: Special
- Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
- Speed: 2
- Weapons: Galvatron blasts the target in his sight repeatedly with his Particle Cannon at a medium range.
- Ability: Fusion Beam: Blast a distant target dealing massive damage to the designated target and everything in line around it.
- Cost: 7 ability points +3 for reuses.
- Range: 16
Galvatron at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Galvatron is one of those few characters that says many unique quotes while walking around the base:
- "Come out, Autobots! We all must die sometime."
- "It's a pity Autobots die so easily, or I might have a a sense of satisfaction now!"
- "Will anyone else attempt to fill in their shoes?"
- "Fortunately, your purposes coincide with mine... for the moment."
- "You'll do my bidding, or taste my wrath!"
- "Cybertron and all its moons belong to me!"
- "Soon all shall be one - under Galvatron's rule!"
- "I, Galvatron, will crush you just as Megatron crushed Prime!"
- And finally, a crazy "RAAAAAGGHH!"
Transformers: Forged to Fight
Galvatron arrived on New Quintessa and started to wreak havoc. After Ramjet and Motormaster failed him, he promptly executed them for their failure. Galvatron Rising
There are a few of him running around, some of which actually join the Commander!
As a Demolitions bot, Galvatron can block to charge up Dark Energy which powers up his cannon that deals additional Dark Burn instant debuff damage. Sometimes the Will of Unicron lets him become Unstoppable and gain Power when his enemies are low on health. Transformers: Forged to Fight
Transformers Roleplaying Game
When Unicron awakened, Megatron was one of the Decepticons who was reconfigured into a deadly new shape—in his case, the dangerous Galvatron. Decepticon Directive
- Galvatron's design went through at least seven versions, with the final version being a simplified version of one depicting Galvatron as having mostly exposed mechanical components.[2] When asked about Galvatron's design in an interview, Floro Dery's reply was, "But about Galvatron, my inspiration for him are those 'stupid people'."[3] ...Ooookay.
- In 2010, a set of Galvatron's original color models from The Transformers: The Movie went up for sale on Heritage Auctions, sold from Ron Friedman's collection of Sunbow Productions materials. This model depicted Galvatron with his earlier, more Megatron-ish head design, and showed his cannon as being grey in color.
- According to the 1986 Diamond Transformers: The Movie stickerbook, Galvatron transforms into "a Galvagun". The sentence describing this is phrased somewhat oddly, and seems to insinuate that a "Galvagun" is a kind of common object. Of course, it is just a stickerbook...
- Galvatron's toy's instruction sheet names the big orange weapon a "laser" which, according to the toy bio, "emits chemically-produced, direct-current electricity". While this is a rather strange thing for a laser to do, it is a neat pun on his name. A galvanic cell, named after Luigi Galvani, is a certain type of chemical voltage source. Though Galvatron's toy's batteries are not galvanic cells, they do produce DC electricity chemically, making his toy one of the more fiction-accurate in the original toyline.
- Just as Megatron's fusion cannon was sometimes shown in commercials to have a handle, Galvatron's cannon had a trigger on at least one occasion (during "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2"). Galvatron apparently doesn't need to use the trigger; however, several times in season three, he behaved as if he was holding his cannon with his fist vertically, rather than horizontally, while having one finger in front of the others... go figure.
- The Galvatron toy's gun mode's only fictional appearances were in the UK comics "Target: 2006" and "Wrecking Havoc", which featured it as a shrunken, human-scaled weapon, and a form that he assumed merely so that he could easily be conveyed by other parties, but never wielded as a weapon. It was also referenced in Dreamwave's More than Meets the Eye profile of Galvatron, which Cyclonus describes as a weapon "none are worthy to wield".
- The UK comics generally referred to Galvatron's big orange weapon as a particle (or particle-accelerator) cannon, in comparison to Megatron's fusion cannon. That seems to jibe with the DC-electricity laser description above. The 2008 Universe Galvatron toy has a "firing particle cannon" callout on the packaging, adding weight to that being the correct name of the weapon.
- Marvel UK artist Lee Sullivan based his rendition of Galvatron on actor Jack Nicholson![4]
- The brand director in 1989 who had to approve Transformers comics content, Vinnie D'Alleva, was the victim of an April Fools' Day joke when he was given a story draft and cover layout featuring Galvatron "killing people and eating sheep!" ... that seems pretty plausible, actually.[5]
- The description for the Kingdom Galvatron toy refers to his alt-mode as a "Galactic cannon".
- Galvatron's "card" on Hasbro's official website for "Kingdom" refers to his weapon as an "ultra fusion cannon" instead of a particle cannon. They also refer to his alt-mode as a spacecraft so take it as seriously as you will. [1]
Foreign names
- Japanese: Galvatron (ガルバトロン Garubatoron)
- Hungarian: Galvatron
- Mandarin Galva Wáng (Taiwan, 加博王 Jiābó Wáng, "King Galva"), Jīng Pò Tīan (China, 惊破天, "Sky-breaking Awe")
- Russian: Galvatron (Гальватрон)
- Spanish: Galvatrón (Latin America), Zan Rás[6]
- Ukrainian: Galvatron (Гальватрон)
- Polish: Galvatran
External links
- ↑ Kingdom webpage
- ↑ The Making of the Transformers Visual Universe: Galvatron, Rodimus Prime
- ↑ TransFormers Philippines: Interview With Floro Dery
- ↑ Lee Sullivan Art
- ↑ Botcon 2004 Interview with Vinnie D'Alleva, p2
- ↑ Used in early Spanish-dubbed episodes of The Headmasters, this name seems based on/intended to be "Deszaras".
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Armada Decepticons
- Beast Wars Decepticons
- Beast Wars: Uprising Decepticons
- Classics Decepticons
- Decepticon leaders
- Dimension hoppers
- Emperors of Destruction
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 2 Decepticons
- Hall of Fame characters
- Headmasters
- Henkei! Henkei! Decepticons
- Kiss Players Decepticons
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Kreons
- Marvel Generation 1 Decepticons
- Rulers of Cybertron
- The Headmasters Decepticons
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Decepticons
- Transformers with three modes
- United Decepticons
- Unicron-related characters
- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Kingdom Decepticons