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Beachcomber (G1)

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The name or term "Beachcomber" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Beachcomber (disambiguation).
Beachcomber is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Hippies. They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.

Beachcomber has a hard time reconciling his love of peace and freedom for all creatures with the need to combat those who threaten it. Furthermore, however just the cause for which it was fought, the gruesome and destructive aftermath of any battle sickens him to the spark.

Sometimes, when the internal struggle gets too heavy, he simply has to wander into the wilderness and cleanse his soul. Even there, far from civilization, he sometimes finds strange substances to aid the Autobot cause, for Beachcomber is a skilled naturalist, and geology is his specialty, man. He often tries to preserve or even to hide these discoveries, but he has seen too much evil done by the ruthless Decepticons to conceal any possible source of aid completely from his allies.

Beachcomber's geology tools include a wide array of sensors (magnetic, seismic, sonic, infrared) and a 'sonic pick' which can cut through rock. Beachcomber can use his magnetic sensors to navigate like a compass, but local magnetic disturbances can cause this to lead him astray. His sonic probes possess only limited range.

Beachcomber is neither very fast nor very strong, and his antiwar sentiments gain him little respect from the more martial of the Autobots, yet he is agile and skilled in a fight, and his courage is beyond all reproach.

Relax, man. Remember, we're all one with the universe.

—Beachcomber, "The Secret of Omega Supreme"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Alan Oppenheimer (English), Osamu Saka (Japanese) , Chen Weiqun (Chinese), Vladimiro Conti (Italian, second dub), Jorge García (Latin American), Georges Atlas (European French), Roger Carel (European French, "The Insecticon Syndrome"), Henry Djanik (European French, "Prime Target"), Marcus Jardym (Portuguese), André Filho (Portuguese, "The Secret of Omega Supreme"), Hélio Ribeiro (Portuguese, "Prime Target"), Marco Antônio Costa (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5")
Beachcomber, secret GoBot?

Beachcomber helped Hound, Spike and Bumblebee investigate some Insecticon attacks on an old growth forest. This unit proved to be underpowered when it came to confronting freshly fed Insecticons, and they hid behind Hound's holograms till the Insecticons left. The Insecticon Syndrome He offered "geology-type info" to Chip Chase during the Dinobot Island crisis and later traveled to the island itself to fight the Decepticons. Beachcomber worried that the battle with the Decepticons would destroy the environment before it could be properly studied. Dinobot Island, Part 2

Beachcomber, along with the other Autobots, was exiled from Earth after Megatron allied with greedy businessman Shawn Berger to create anti-Autobot propaganda. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 He and the other Autobots managed to return to Earth thanks to Trailbreaker's force field and Cosmos's navigation. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2

He talks to the animals. Especially after a good hit of Kalis Mountain High.

On a geology expedition with Perceptor and several other Autobots, Beachcomber abandoned them in the middle of a firefight to explore a cave in the nearby cliffside. While his friends were dodging laser fire and trading blows, Beachcomber was learning to speak parakeet and communing with nature. He also found a golden lagoon full of electrum, a naturally-occurring element which would make any Transformer temporarily impervious to harm. He dipped his hand into the lagoon, and it turned completely gold in color. Beachcomber hid this information from his fellow Autobots, and even kept his silence after Thrust arrived coated in electrum and drove the Autobots into retreat, capturing two of their number in the process. Valuing the scenic beauty surrounding the electrum pool, Beachcomber still refused to warn his comrades after the entire Decepticon army arrived coated with invincible golden armor. He went solo to check on the lagoon, and was captured by the Decepticons. Some of the Seekers acted as his prison guards at the Decepticon sunken base; Beachcomber managed to escape alongside his fellow prisoners Perceptor and Seaspray.

Seriously, he hangs out with a lot of birds.

Reaching the electrum pool, the trio was met by Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots, who had independently uncovered the pool's location thanks to Powerglide. When Optimus Prime observed that they must have all learned about the lagoon at the same time, Beachcomber, hanging back from the crowd, glanced at his golden hand, and quickly dove into the electrum, seemingly to hide his prior knowledge of the substance, and called for the other Autobots to join him in coating themselves with the metal. The wilderness was subsequently ravaged by the invulnerable Autobots' battle with Decepticons, which concluded when Megatron ordered the electrum pool destroyed rather than allowing it to be shared with Autobots. While the other Autobots celebrated their victory, Beachcomber sat amidst the devastation and mourned for the natural beauty that had been lost. The Golden Lagoon

Beachcomber briefly maintained a position at the Autobots' New York City base inside Sparkplug's garage. Make Tracks He also attended to Teletraan I when the Autobots were engaged with the Insecticons and Morphobots. Quest for Survival Beachcomber then protected San Francisco from an alien bird-dragon unleashed on Earth by the Constructicons. He tried appealing to the creature with universal oneness, but failed. The Secret of Omega Supreme When the energy creature called Kremzeek assaulted the Ark, Beachcomber was one of the first Autobots short-circuited by the little creep. Kremzeek! Beachcomber was later kidnapped by a greedy toll booth and forced to drive in a circle while hopping over spike-traps. Prime Target After Megatron kidnapped Perceptor and then voluntarily let him go, Beachcomber joined the entire Autobot team in riding out a few miles from the base to retrieve their friend. Cosmic Rust

In 2006, Beachcomber was stationed at the Ark with Warpath, Pipes and several others when Trypticon came to destroy it. Their feeble efforts to defend the spacecraft were barely noted by the dinosaur robot. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

Japanese cartoon continuity

The Battle of the Star Gate

Beachcomber attended a lecture on Earth about the human's earthquake-prediction technology. Beachcomber attended mostly because he was a geology nut. As the Autobots and Professor Ohnishi spoke after the lecture, an earthquake struck. The Autobots were able to quickly deduce that the Decepticons were causing artificial quakes, but Beachcomber did not take part in the following confrontation against the Decepticons. Activation

Legends comic

Beachcomber attended the unveiling of Wheeljack's latest invention, the Transform Super Cog. Slugslinger's Ambition

The Headmasters cartoon

Beachcomber fought alongside the Dinobots and Throttlebots on Cybertron in 2011. Mindwipe's hypnotic wave forced him and his allies to fall asleep. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Beachcomber was a spectator for the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron with the Paradise Parakeet. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, Beachcomber and the Autobots supported the Selectors, human-made robots who wanted freedom from their creators. Volcanicus comic 2

The Quintessons chose to aid the humans, however, lending their Terrorcons to the fight. The creatures released a metal-eating gas on the Transformers, and Beachcomber was among those caught in the vapors. Abominus comic 1

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

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As a member of the Four-Wheel Drive Corps, Beachcomber confronted the Insecticons out in the desert, only to be caught in an explosive mine trap and fall into a pit. Working together, Beachcomber and the others combined their Scramble Power and worked their way free of the pit. A concentrated Scrumbuster attack drove off the Decepticons, and the Autobots won the day. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #3

Later, Beachcomber was part of a group who arrived to back up Powerglide, who was defending a dog that had been cruelly experimented on by the Decepticons from being hunted and captured by the Combaticons. He and the other Minibots combined with Powerglide in their vehicle modes thanks to the energy within the dog, and spinning furiously, smashed through Bruticus's chest and out the other side in a flying drill attack. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #8

IDW The Animated Movie adaptation

Beachcomber was killed during the Battle of Autobot City in 2005. The Gathering Storm

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

In 2010, Beachcomber was stationed at Autobot City. He was led into battle by Jazz as the Autobots came to the rescue of Pyro's forces at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. In the aftermath of the battle, they were exposed to the mutating properties of forestonite, developing new color schemes and abilities. Beachcomber became a real flower-child, taking on an environmentally-friendly green paint scheme and causing plant life to grow wherever he walked. Generation 2: Redux

A couple of years later, he and Inferno compared powers while standing around Autobot City. A Flash Forward, Part 2

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
On Cybertron, Beachcomber basically transformed into whatever Kup does.

An erroneous account placed Beachcomber as part of a group of Autobots posted on Cybertron hundreds of years ago who, upon detecting the Underbase heading towards Earth, sent out two mini-cassettes to forewarn the Autobots posted on the organic world of its arrival. Club Con!

Beachcomber was a member of Perceptor's resistance cell on Cybertron who disobeyed orders along with most of the cell to help Blaster recover Scrounge from the smelting pool. He actually demonstrated some uncharacteristic strength and gusto, tearing down a laser sentinel tower with his bare hands. The rescue mission failed, but they did recover Scrounge's stolen data, and learned that Optimus Prime and the crew of the Ark were alive and fighting on Earth. The Smelting Pool!

Beachcomber's bloodthirstiest moment.

Soon after, Perceptor's crew began a mission to destroy the space bridge before the Decepticons on Earth and Cybertron could begin trading resources. Beachcomber used his geological skills to map out a safe path underneath the planet's surface to bomb the underlying support structures of Darkmount, bringing down Straxus's whole fortress. The unit failed to destroy the space bridge, however, and were ultimately forced to retreat across the Bridge to Earth. The Bridge to Nowhere! Immediately upon arrival, they were approached by the Decepticon fliers Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp, who correctly identified them as Autobots and were about to open fire when Megatron realised the Ark was undefended and diverted his troops there instead. Command Performances!

However, the humans belonged to the anti-robot attack team, RAAT. While Beachcomber and the other Autobots, unfamiliar with how things worked on Earth, tried to talk to their vehicles, RAAT deployed "electric snow" missiles to disorient them. Beachcomber's group was then too dazed to fight back, and were defeated with the help of Circuit Breaker. Heavy Traffic! Beachcomber and his fellows were subsequently taken captive, and the robot-hating Circuit Breaker mounted their heads on the wall of RAAT's headquarters. Aerialbots over America! Meanwhile, Skids and the shifty human Donny Finkleberg were sent on a mission to determine their whereabouts, but Finkleberg sold out Skids to RAAT as well. Heavy Traffic! Ultimately, Finkleberg redeemed himself by forcing the captured Autobots' release as part of a deal. If the combined bodies of Beachcomber and the other captives could successfully aid in the defeat of the vandalizing Battlechargers, they would be set free. And so it was. Decepticon Graffiti! Beachcomber and the others headed home, directed by Skids, when the time travelling Galvatron took their guide's place. Galvatron tore his way through the group, one by one, with Beachcomber one of his casualties, though he was ultimately driven off by the arrival of the Dinobots and Shockwave's Decepticons. Fallen Angel

Following the Dinobots' directions, the Cybertron Seven finally joined up with the Autobots aboard the Ark only to discover that Optimus Prime was dead. They attended his funeral but it was cut short by the sudden return from Cybertron of... Optimus Prime! Resurrection!

They're about to crash through Bruce Wayne's window.

Some time later, after Optimus Prime's real death, Beachcomber was one of the several Autobots who watched on as Ratchet futilely tried to repair Optimus Prime's body. Once the Autobot leader was declared irreparable, the Autobots held a funeral service for their leader, and launched his body into space. Upon their return to the Ark, Beachcomber and the other grieving Autobots were shot at by their ship's own defense systems, which had been activated by a human intruder in their absence. Ratchet, who had elected not to attend the funeral, was able to defeat the villain and then tended to the wounded. Funeral for a Friend! The Ark then came under attack by Trypticon and Beachcomber was one of the first casualties, getting blasted by the monstrous Decepticon's battle station mode. King of the Hill! Under the direction of the Autobots' new leader Grimlock, Beachcomber, Cosmos and Wheeljack constructed a variable voltage harness with which to punish the "traitorous" Blaster. Child's Play After capturing Blaster's "accomplices"—a quartet of human children and a stuffed bear—Beachcomber and the other Autobots watched as Grimlock tried them before an Autobot Multi-Circuit Court and sentenced them to death. Meanwhile, much to Beachcomber's relief, Blaster had sneaked aboard the Ark and rallied the Autobots in his support but he was forced to surrender to Grimlock in order to save the children's lives. Spacehikers! While he did champion Blaster for replacing Grimlock as the Autobots' commander, this didn't stop Beachcomber from whining about senseless violence throughout their duel on the moon. Luckily, a Decepticon strike force arrived to drown out his voice with some lasers and explosives. Totaled!

When the Autobots rescued Buster Witwicky from the Arctic and were ambushed by the Decepticons, Beachcomber was among the first to be attacked, set upon and mauled by Mindwipe. Dark Star Presumably, this rendered him non-functional, as Beachcomber was last seen laying deactivated aboard the Ark as Ratchet attempted to repair him. Deathbringer

Marvel UK future timelines
Beachcomber air raid space pirates.jpg

When the Quintessons raided Autobot City in 2008, Beachcomber and Air Raid rushed to defend their home with a team of fellow Autobots. Unfortunately, the Quintesson shock troops were too much for them, and quickly overran the defenders. Beachcomber and his Aerialbot buddy made a run for back-up, but were jumped from behind and taken out with the rest. Space Pirates!

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Lancer two crew war to end all wars.jpg

Beachcomber was part of Rodimus Prime's assault on Jhiaxus's Hub Network, serving on board the Lancer Two alongside Jazz, Sky High and Skids under Getaway. Though their part of the mission was carried out successfully, Jhiaxus had anticipated the Autobots' strategy and they were quickly overwhelmed by his reinforcements and forced to crash land on a nearby planet. The War to End All Wars, Part 3

Sticker Adventures books

Beachcomber and the Autobots protected the humans from a revenge attack by Galvatron and the Decepticons.Galvatron Attacks

The Battle for Planet Earth

Beachcomber, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Windcharger maintained a 24-hour watch on the Decepticon hideout by taking turns. Beachcomber was once almost discovered by Skywarp, but simply remaining quiet and still was enough to fool the Decepticon, who was a noted idiot. Menace at the Dam

Big Looker storybooks

InsecticonAttack BeachcomberSeesGrapple.jpg

Being a pacifist geologist, Beachcomber did not enjoy hearing about Decepticons around the Ark, and decided to drive off to his "secret place" to look at rocks in peace. Beachcomber's secret place was where a mountain met a valley by a beautiful pond. In Beachcomber's secret place, Grapple had also found some tranquility. Beachcomber didn't enjoy having Grapple in his secret place, but decided to stay quiet and watch Grapple until he went away.

Beachcomber's watch was interrupted when he saw the Insecticon Kickback transform and fly away from where Grapple was sitting. He told Grapple what he had seen, but not before the other Insecticon, Bombshell, got close enough to implant a cerebro-shell in Grapple, turning him against Beachcomber. Beachcomber raced home and told the other Autobots what had happened. Optimus Prime then led an assault on the Decepticons that ultimately freed Grapple from the Insecticons' mind control. Insecticon Attack!

Island of Fear

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Beachcomber was vacationing on the tropical paradise of Nali when he ran into you. The following events likely saw him bound up in a mission to stop Dirge from tapping into the Earth's core to power the Decepticons' weapons. Whatever happened to him was up to you! Island of Fear

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Attack of the Insecticons

Little dune buggy in the sand, Little blue dune buggy in my hand.

Beachcomber was witness to Ironhide testing the Sun-Pak, a new device of Sparkplug's invention that would solve the Autobots' energy woes. However, the Decepticons' discovery of the device forced the Autobots in a number of possible perilous situations. Notably, one such situation involved the Autobots being at the mercy of the Insecticons while trapped underground. If Beachcomber convinced Optimus Prime the best course of action was to entrust him with the Sun-Pak in order to recharge it, two possible outcomes were possible in Beachcomber's solo mission.

Beachcomber explored the system of underground lakes, marveling at the many strange things that lived there, and manages to find his way to the surface. While recharging the Sun-Pak he was attacked by Kickback, and had to be saved by Sparkplug. How humiliating.

Alternatively, Beachcomber became lost when his magnetic sensors erroneously led him directly to Megatron. He did not regret this error for long. Attack of the Insecticons


Beachcomber was lounging about Autobot headquarters, discussing how nice the recent lull in Decepticon activity was, when Optimus recommended that the peace-loving Autobot take a vacation. Beachcomber gladly agreed. He then drove out to the countryside, only to suddenly be shaken up by a tremor. Pinpointing the tremor's origin, he came upon Rumble practicing his earthquake abilities. Once the Decepticon had finished, Beachcomber followed him back to the Decepticons' newest secret base.


If Beachcomber decided to return immediately to Autobot headquarters to report his findings, Beachcomber was sent back out to investigate further, this time with Powerglide and Windcharger. Once the three Autobots arrived at the cliff face that concealed the Decepticons' base, the three of them debated on their course of action. Beachcomber advocated for trying to find a more conspicuous route into the base, thinking the main entrance would be too risky.

If the three Autobots decided to walk through the main entrance of the Decepticons' base, Windcharger was promptly crushed by the fortress's doors, which then let loose a swarm of Decepticons. Beachcomber then tricked Rumble into causing an earthquake, which brought down the Decepticons and their fortress in one fell swoop. The pair then retrieved the damaged Windcharger to be fixed by Ratchet.

If the trio decided instead to look for an alternate entrance, they discovered a narrow passageway hidden behind some bushes and scrubs. Taking the passageway, Beachcomber's squad emerged into a storage room. Leading out of the storage room was a passage not unlike the one from which they had just emerged and a brightly lit corridor. While Powerglide wanted to explore the bright corridor and Windcharger wanted to investigate the dark passageway, Beachcomber considered looking for other places to explore in the storage room.

If Beachcomber joined Windcharger, the two of them soon found themselves before a heavy stone doorway. Hearing Decepticon voices beyond the door, the pair argued whether or not to spring a surprise attack their enemies. Beachcomber had the option of either proceeding forth with Windcharger, or returning to the storage room to join up with Powerglide.

If Beachcomber decided to proceed with Windcharger, the two Autobots started to argue once more on how to get through the heavy door. While Windcharger was eager to bust it down, Beachcomber considered attempting to decode the door's access lock.

If they managed to decode the door's password, they found themselves intruding upon an empty room; Megatron's secret chamber.Upon hearing Megatron approaching, the pair managed to grab him from behind. Taken by surprised, the Decepticon leader was tricked into thinking that the Autobots had the base surrounded, and was made to have the Decepticons surrender. After Beachcomber contacted Optimus Prime for reinforcements, the Decepticons’ ploy was successfully undone.

If the pair were unable to decode the door's password, Windcharger attempted to smash the door down, despite Beachcomber's protests. All Windcharger managed to do was make a lot of noise, and the two Autobots attempted to flee the scene. As they retreated, they were spotted by Megatron, who blocked off their exit. The Decepticon leader then promptly slaughtered the pair with a blast of his nuclear-charged fusion cannon.

If Beachcomber decided to explore the brightly lit corridor with Powerglide, the pair soon found the entire fortress to be eerily silent. Finally hearing Decepticon voices nearby, the pair heard Megatron expositing his plan to Soundwave. The Decepticons planned to use a Destruction Beam to create a fault line near Center City, which would in turn be exploited by Rumble's earthquake-inducing abilities to destroy the entire area. With this knowledge, Powerglide and Beachcomber raced out of the fortress, meeting up with Windcharger en route, and returned to Autobot headquarters. Relating this information to Optimus, the Autobots then decided to split up in two groups. One group was to attack the Decepticons’ fortress, the other to stop Rumble in Center City. Beachcomber was assigned to the lead team.

If the lead team was sent to the Decepticons’ fortress, Optimus was able to overpower Megatron in the battle that ensued. The Decepticon leader was forced to guide Beachcomber, Inferno and Optimus to the Decepticons’ lab. There, the Autobots disabled and destroyed the Destruction Beam device, captured Megatron, and left many Decepticons permanently maimed. Though they later had to trade Megatron to the Decepticons for the safe release of the Autobots captured in Center City, the Autobots were ultimately victorious that day.

If the lead team was sent to defend Centre City, the Autobots’ next objective was to meet up with Sparkplug They consulted him on whether the Autobots should enter Centre City in their robot modes, or in their vehicle modes.

If Sparkplug suggested that the Autobots not worry about subtlety, the entire squad transformed and began prowling the streets in search of Decepticons, oblivious to the panic they were causing. Unable to restore order in time, Beachcomber and the rest of the main team were destroyed in the ensuing earthquake.

If Sparkplug suggested that the Autobots remain in their vehicle modes, he would concoct a plan where the Autobots would help evacuate the entire town in their vehicle modes. With no more than four trips in and out of the city, Beachcomber and the rest of the team carried out the plan without incident. With the humans out of harm's way, the Autobots transformed and engaged the approaching Decepticons, whom they easily dispatch. With the city safe, the Autobots moved out to help their comrades at the Decepticon fortress.

Alternatively, if Beachcomber decided to have Windcharger, Powerglide and himself each investigate a different area of the Decepticons’ fortress, he would accidentally bump into Dirge. Dirge easily overpowered Beachcomber, disassembled him, and replayed the last few moments of his memory tape to find out who had accompanied him.

In a completely different sequence of events, Beachcomber decided to try and infiltrate the Decepticons’ headquarters on his own. Though he was able to activate the fortress's main doors, upon hearing nearby human voices he hesitated on whether he should proceed within the fortress or investigate the voices first.


If Beachcomber went to check on the humans, he soon found out that they were the Autobots’ allies, Buster and Jessie. The pair informed Beachcomber of a secret passage they had discovered, which led inside the Decepticons’ fortress. They trio were surprised by Ramjet, who captured Jessie and took off. Though Buster was adamant that they rescue her, Beachcomber felt they should report back to Optimus first.

If Buster managed to convince Beachcomber to rescue Jessie, he led Beachcomber to the secret entrance he had previously discovered. Once inside the fortress, the duo heard voices nearby once more.

If they followed the voices, they came upon Soundwave and Thrust putting Jessie away in a cell. Once the Decepticons left, Beachcomber wasted no time in breaking Jessie out. The three of them then set out to find the Decepticons’ lab. But after searching for some time, they were unable to find it. Giving up their search, they reported back to Autobot Headquarters. Beachcomber and Mirage then headed back to the Decepticons’ fortress, and used Mirage's holographic abilities to trick Buzzsaw into thinking the fortress was overrun by an Autobot army. This prompted Buzzsaw to head back to the lab to defend it. Following him, the Autobots were able to destroy the Destruction beam before it caused any harm, and then hurried out of the fortress while the Decepticons still panicked over Buzzsaw's report of an Autobot army.

If Beachcomber convinced Buster to hide instead of following the voices, the duo quickly came at a loss on what to do next. After a few moments’ hesitation, the pair came out of hiding only to be confronted by Thrust. Beachcomber engaged the Decepticon in a brief firefight before escaping with Buster. But Thrust quickly came upon them once more, this time backed up by Starscream, Dirge, and Megatron himself. The Decepticons led their new prisoners to Megatron's lab. Megatron then tortured the pair by showing them the destruction of Center City via a view screen. The show over, Megatron then turned his Fusion Cannon upon the pair, and pulled the trigger...

Alternatively, Beachcomber might have been able to convince Buster to leave Jessie behind by claiming that the Decepticons were unlikely to harm her. The two of them then headed to Autobot headquarters, and returned with reinforcements. Shortly before arriving at their destination, the Autobots had to choose their next course of action; they could either storm the Decepticon fortress by force, or try to sneak in through the secret passageway Buster had discovered.

If they decided to storm the fortress, Beachcomber would become nervous, and urge his fellow Autobots to find a more peaceful way to resolve the situation. Optimus sternly told him that this was not the time for one of his anti-war speeches. This moment of hesitation ultimately cost the Autobots the battle, and the Decepticons triumphed that day.

If they decided a stealthier approach, the Autobots quietly entered the Decepticon base, and set out to shoot down any Decepticons they encountered, save Megatron, whom they planned to capture. After encountering some resistance from their foes, the Autobots came upon branch in the passageway, and had to choose to go left or right.

If they took the right passageway, the group happened upon Jessie, whom they freed. Telling them she knew the location of the Decepticons’ lab, Jessie then led the group into a Decepticon trap; she had been brainwashed. The Autobots were captured and Megatron's plan to destroy Center City came to fruition.

If they took the left passageway, the group happened upon Megatron's lab. Megatron was then taken captive. Beachcomber successfully deactivated the Destruction beam, and the rest of the Autobots deactivated the remaining Decepticons. The Autobots celebrated their victory by guzzling a few quarts of fine-grade oil.

In a final possible path, wherein Beachcomber attempted to enter the Decepticons’ fortress by himself through the front door, he was jumped by Buzzsaw who immediately tore into Beachcomber. Buzzsaw was helped by Scrapper into disassembling the Autobot. Megatron then ordered his Decepticons to rebuild Beachcomber. In the process, the Decepticons planned to swap Beachcomber's memory chip for a Destructicon chip, to create the perfect Decepticon double agent. But Mixmaster mixed up the two chips, and Beachcomber returned to Autobot headquarters as his old self. Now having become the perfect Autobot double agent, Beachcomber hoped to soon be able to end the war and return to Cybertron. Earthquake

Desert Flight


Beachcomber was part of a group of the Autobots’ best scouts, led by Optimus on a fuel-finding mission. When they heard a tremendous explosion go off nearby, Beachcomber was suspicious that the Decepticons had wanted them to hear it; he reasoned the Decepticons had left them several clues on their nearby activities recently, and wanted to spring a trap on the Autobots. Optimus sent Cosmos to investigate the noise.

If Cosmos radioed his findings to Optimus immediately, Optimus's convoy moved in to investigate a nearby Decepticon base. En route, the Autobots passed near a human town, but began floating in mid-air before being able to reach it. Evidently, the phenomenon was caused by a Decepticon anti-gravity weapon.

If Optimus ordered his troops to come to the humans’ aid, they found themselves taking part in a struggle in futility, as the entire town was near-weightless, meaning they couldn't put the humans anywhere where they wouldn't float away once more. Then, the Autobots heard Decepticons approaching. Helpless in their current position, the Autobots were quickly eradicated by the Decepticons.

If Optimus ordered his troops to attack the Decepticon base, Beachcomber took a moment to goof off in the low-gravity environment, and accidentally bumped into Cosmos, flying nearby. The Autobots soon reached an area free of the anti-gravity beam's influence, and Beachcomber refocused on the mission at hand. They were then attacked by a small fleet of Decepticons. The Decepticons were quickly forced to break off their attack and retreated. But with the battle over, the Autobots noticed a small human boy at their feet. The Autobots then headed for the Decepticon base, with their stowaway. Megatron delivered an ultimatum; if the Autobots did not surrender Optimus Prime to the Decepticons immediately, he would use his gravity beam to have the nearby humans float off into space.

If the Autobots decided to continue with their initial plan to simply attack the Decepticon base, their advance was halted by a force field. Megatron then fired his beam in all directions, causing a ripple effect that sent everything not fastened down to the Earth's surface to float helplessly out into space.

Alternatively, the Autobots could concoct a plan where Optimus would pretend to allow himself to be taken prisoner, per Buddy's suggestion. The Decepticons, fooled into thinking they've won, took Optimus Prime into their base. In actuality, Beachcomber and the rest of the Autobots were hidden away inside Optimus's trailer. The Autobots then led a surprise attack on their unsuspecting foes.

In the event that Buddy tampered with the gravity gun in the ensuing battle, the Autobots would emerge victorious.


If Buddy instead ran towards Beachcomber and Tracks over the course of the battle, Laserbeak would fire at the group at the same time as the gravity beam reached them, creating a tear in space-time above the group. Beachcomber accidentally stumbled into the time anomaly, and disappeared. Once the Autobots gained the upper hand in battle, Buddy insisted he and Tracks venture into the anomaly to rescue Beachcomber.

If Buddy and Tracks entered a space-time anomaly created during the battle, they would emerge to discover they had traveled three hours into the future, whereas Beachcomber was only flung forward for one hour. In the intervening time, Beachcomber had been captured, and most of the other Autobots were dead or injured, resulting in a Decepticon victory.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, wherein Cosmos had taken off to explore the Decepticon base on his own, The Autobot convoy were surprised to see two Cosmoses flying back towards them some time later. Both Cosmoses declared themselves to be the real one, and urged Optimus to destroy the other.

If Optimus destroyed the wrong Cosmos, the duplicate obliterated Beachcomber and the rest of the Autobots with the proton bomb it housed within its body.

If Optimus destroyed the duplicate Cosmos, the real one would inform the Autobots of the Decepticons’ schemes, and the convoy would roll out to take on their adversaries. They were soon met by a squad of flying Decepticons, but were at a strict disadvantage against their adversaries as their vehicle modes possessed no weapons. The Autobots nonetheless managed to fight their way to the Decepticons’ base, one way or another, and defeated the Decepticons by using their own gravity weapon against them. Desert Flight

Autobot Alert!

Alongside Springer and Blurr, Beachcomber was assigned a secret mission; to uncover the location of a sphere of cybertite, containing an ancient Autobot formula. Part way into the mission, Beachcomber's squad was attacked by Decepticon storm troopers who dragged Beachcomber away after having blasted their way into the Autobots’ research centre. The Decepticons then set out for a nearby crater where they believed the sphere of cybertite to be, Beachcomber still in hand. When the Decepticons manage to crack the code of a message they had intercepted containing further details on the location of the cybertite sphere, they left Beachcomber at the crater, after tying him to an explosive device.

In one possible sequence of events, Blurr and Hot Rod arrived at the crater and managed to free Beachcomber from the explosive device before it went off. Unfortunately, heading for the crater instead of the cybertite sphere's actual location cost the Autobots valuable time, making it impossible for them to catch up to the Decepticons. Autobot Alert!

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Bonnnngggg!!!"

Beachcomber was seen as one of the civilians on the united Cybertron after Shockwave and Ultra Magnus's forces returned from Earth. Cold War He was spurred into action against Shockwave's regime when Optimus Prime returned to the planet and rallied the Autobots into an organized army. His actual contribution to the insurrection was undocumented, but it's entirely possible he may have even picked up a weapon. Really. Countdown to Extinction

Afterwards, Beachcomber was assigned to a mission suitable for his pacifism, as part of Bumblebee's supply crew on the Orion, bringing news and fuel to their comrades on Earth. Night of the Combaticons Little did they know they would be caught up in heavy combat with Sunstorm. Black Sunshine As part of an alliance to defeat their mutual enemy, Beachcomber was supposed to be guarding Sunstorm's primary target, the Decepticon Starscream, aboard the Orion shuttle. Now, of course, the question isn't whether Starscream betrayed them at the first opportunity (he did); It's whether Beachcomber even bothered to pick up his gun and try to stop Starscream, or just passively let the 'Con gun him down. The Omega Effect

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Spotlight: Blaster

Beachcomber originally hailed from Ibex, where he wrote The Primal Prophecies: A New Interpretation. You, Me, and Other Revelations Early in the war, Beachcomber, along with Brawn and Cosmos, met with the damaged Jazz and Tracks when their transport ship returned to HQ. Spotlight: Jazz

Four million years ago, Beachcomber was present at a victory celebration after the Autobots halted a major Decepticon energon convoy. The Iron Age

SpotlightBlaster BeachcomberTransform.jpg

Later, Beachcomber was captured by Soundwave, who used Bombshell to inject him with a cerebro-shell. Under its control, Beachcomber attempted on three occasions to assassinate Blaster. Ultimately, Blaster confronted him about it and forced him to fight against his Decepticon control. Though his mental resistance shorted out the shell, his neural processors were severely damaged as well. Spotlight: Blaster

After eventually recovering, Beachcomber ended up among the Autobot forces on Earth. When Ultra Magnus visited to investigate Optimus Prime's surrender, Beachcomber feared that they might all get arrested, and decided to leave the team. Alongside Blurr, Hoist and Tracks, he attempted to find and join Hot Rod, who was trying to get off the planet, only to drive straight into a Skywatch ambush. Beachcomber was the first to be deactivated when a human named Campolongo zapped him using a hi-tech suit. The captured Autobots were brought into the hangar where Optimus Prime was imprisoned by Major Witwicky in an attempt to get the Autobot leader to cooperate. A Rude Awakening

Kei Zama can make anyone look badass.

After Bumblebee became Autobot leader and formed an alliance with Skywatch, Beachcomber was freed. He would later completely ignore Bumblebee's leadership once Rodimus returned from space with the Matrix and demanded to see Optimus Prime. Beachcomber was also amongst those (meaning everyone) who volunteered to return to a restored Cybertron and fight Galvatron's army. Orphans of the Helix Upon arriving, he transformed and rolled out alongside the other Autobots. Numbers

In the post-Great War era, Beachcomber joined the Cybertronian Security Force. In early 2018, following Chancellor Starscream's public confession to a myriad of crimes, Beachcomber was assigned to guard his cell. After Thundercracker stopped by to show Starscream the movie he'd been working on, the former ruler of Cybertron requested Beachcomber pass along a message to some friends of Starscream. Starscream: The Movie

Shortly afterwards, Onyx Prime and Liege Maximo returned to Cybertron with Beachcomber being among those assigned to guard the latter. Feeling guilty about aiding Starscream, he let Soundwave and his entourage interrogate the latter for five minutes. Another Mine He and Seaspray later escorted the captive Shockwave through the streets to be imprisoned, with Beachcomber telling the monologuing cyclops to shut up along the way. Unstopped and Unstoppable Beachcomber's bad luck as a guard continued when an escaped Starscream later returned and knocked him out in order to converse with Shockwave. Last Stand Beachcomber managed to escape Cybertron's destruction at Unicron's hands, being transported to Earth with many survivors. He immediately began admiring some flowers upon arrival. A Sunrise Dark

Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga

When the Minibots excavated a mysterious mech, Beachcomber was astute enough to recognize the Predacon symbol may have been descendant from the Decepticon sigil. Henkei! Henkei! volume 11

Bot on the Street

Beachcomber was asked if he'd like to change his alternate mode, and thought he'd like to be a bird feeder. Bot on the Street


Beachcomber criticized the Supreme Multi-Circuit Court for allowing Hydradread/Highbrow Hybrid Technologies unfettered access to the Iocus Cluster. He especially didn't care for the idea of a Transformer being built out of pieces that belonged to other Transformers. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News Reporter

Beachcomber debated Gutcruncher about internship practices on Axiom Nexus during a television segment. Rook - Axiom Nexus News: Investigative Journalist

Ask Vector Prime

Beachcomber thought it cruel to keep the Anibots in a roboto-zoo but Vector Prime saw little alternative. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/24

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Pursuing the AllSpark after it had been launched into space, Beachcomber was one of the many Autobots that found their way to Earth. There, he participated in a great battle within a human settlement against the Decepticons. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

The peace-loving Autobot Beachcomber could wield powers of the Primes by linking with Prime Masters. Power of the Primes Beachcomber packaging bio

For a list of powers manifested by Beachcomber, see this chart.

2019 IDW continuity

Beachcomber was part of a geological survey team along with Azimuth, Geomotus, and Landmine that set out to investigate unusual seismic activity. After coming across Leviathan, who had fallen into a crevice, a violent groundquake led them to discover a team of Risers who proceeded to attack the surveyists. In the struggle that ensued, Beachcomber was shot by Triggerhappy. At that moment, Security Operations came to the rescue and engaged in battle with the Risers. Tremors Afterwards, the injured Beachcomber and Blades were taken to Flatline for repairs. Prisoners

Precursor World

And that's who you'll be from now on, Beachcomber... "Goldbong".

A Transformer resembling a particularly dazzling Beachcomber was a follower of Primus in the Golden Age. Like his fellows, he dutifully assisted Primus in his efforts to confiscate the Seven Lights from his dissenting army the Primus Vanguard and destroy the universe. He was present in the strike team Primus brought to bear against the Powered Masters in an expedition to the year 2050 of the next universe to capture its newly formed, empty Silver Matrix for his patsy Star Convoy. Abominus comic 2

When Star Convoy grew wise to his master's plan, Beachcomber helped restrain him as their master personally gathered the last two Star Powers from Megatron Omega and Purple Wicked Convoy. Finale Prelude Primus's plan soon went off the rails, with Primus being reduced to his diminutive Oracle form by Neo Primus and the Seven Lights being captured by malevolent future warrior Gold Megatron and used to create his own seven-part force, the New Primus Vanguard. Realizing the dire nature of the threat, the Oracle reversed his orders, and Beachcomber and company freed Star Convoy and pooled their Golden Power into him. Star Convoy arose as Gold Primus Convoy. Finale

Energon Universe

Derrick J. Wyatt would've been thrilled to see this.

During a battle on Cybertron, a fleeing Beachcomber was shot in the back by Starscream. Transformers #2 Surviving the attack, Beachcomber wound up on the Ark as it fled Cybertron. When the crew of the Nemesis boarded, Beachcomber was tossed through a hull breach by Skywarp as the ship passed over Earth. Caught in the moon's gravity well, Beachcomber spent millennia on the satellite until the Apollo 11 mission touched down. Covertly hitching a ride to the planet, Beachcomber, after taking in the beauty of Earth, found the Ark but decided against activating his fellows, fearing that they would bring only their war to Earth. After helping himself to some energon, Beachcomber retreated to the wilderness. Transformers #10

When the Ark was reactivated and, as Beachcomber predicted, the war resumed, Beachcomber covertly watched Arcee bond with Spike and Carly. Transformers #8 When Astrotrain captured Spike, Beachcomber shut down the Triple Changer's engines and liberated the human. Transformers #9 After shackling Astrotrain, Beachcomber sat on a beach with Spike and told him how he'd come to be on Earth. After Astrotrain mentioned Shockwave, Beachcomber explained the scientist to the human before noticing the light of a space bridge. Though Spike asked what should be done, Beachcomber said that he had no desire to become involved in the war again before Cybertron itself emerged from the space bridge. Transformers #10

TF2023 no. 11 - beachcomber surfing.jpg
Grabbing a surfboard, Beachcomber rode a whirlpool created by Cybertron's gravity, confirming that the life in the ocean was being harvested for energon. Leaving some fuel for Astrotrain, Beachcomber headed off into the wilderness with Spike. After sighting a deer, Spike sympathized with Beachcomber's desire not to fight but noted that he couldn't just run away. Transformers #11

When Optimus Prime sent Cybertron back through the space bridge, Beachcomber flew up on his board and caught his leader, landing in the ocean just ahead of the chunk of Cybertron that had been sliced off their homeworld. Transformers #12

Transformers Go! Go!

Beachcomber made friends with a seagull during a beach party. Search Quiz

This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.


Transformers Legends

Bumblebee recruited Beachcomber to join the Bee Team, a secret strike force. The Bee Team Chased by Decepticon forces, Beachcomber discovered a Golden Lagoon of Electrum. Unfortunately the Decepticons found it too, and in the resultant battle, both the lagoon and the surrounding glen were destroyed, much to Beachcomber's dismay. The Golden Lagoon After Cosmic Rust was inflicted on the Autobots, Gears and Beachcomber managed to sneak past the Decepticons and get a sample of corrostop from the Statue of Liberty. Cosmic Rust

Angry Birds Transformers

Main article: Blues#As Beachcomber

Beachcomber appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by The Blues. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

G2 is his only cue!

Beachcomber (G2) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was available to 100 leagues in the "Divide and Conquer" medium events. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars

Beachcomber wondered what kind of weapon could even hurt a Titan. Leo Prime told him that one wielded by the first Primes could do it.Falling Apart

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Beachcomber was an Autobot with a radical outlook on life. Field Guide to Action and Adventure Although he was a skilled geologist who fought valiantly to defend Earth's beauty, he often took time off to recuperate, either by spending time in nature or consulting with his comrades, who recognized that Beachcomber's willingness to acknowledge his own fears and doubts made him stronger than many other Autobots. Transformers Roleplaying Game Starter Bundle


The Transformers

My other alternate mode is a bong.
  • Takara ID number: C-63
Released in the second year of the Hasbro The Transformers line, Mini Vehicle Beachcomber transforms into a blue and gray 1982 M1040 Chenowth "Hellfire" Fast Attack Vehicle (which is an amusingly well-armed vehicle for such a peace-loving Autobot). Although not documented in his instructions, Beachcomber's legs are slightly extendable, providing much-needed clearance for his lower legs to transform between modes without scraping against his torso.
The figure has several minor variants. The initial releases of the toy have his thighs, headlamps and wheel hubs cast in silver plastic that matches his torso rather than the usual light gray, which is the vastly more common coloration. Later releases of the light-gray version altered his right arm to add a "Hasbro" stamp to it (removing half the "mesh" pattern). The French release of the toy by Ceji, aside from using the "half-mesh" arm variant, has a slightly different headsculpt with narrower eyes, different wheel-pins with four "rivets", plus slightly different shades of blue and gray plastic.
Beachcomber continued on into the 1986 Mini Vehicle assortment, with no notable changes.
In the Takara line, Beachcomber was not part of the initial 1985 "pre-movie" series (despite being in the pre-movie cartoon), but premiered in 1986's post-movie Transformers 2010 line. Like all of the smaller toys sold by Takara at the time, he was packaged in a small box and came with a collector's card inside, rather than on a bubble-card. It is currently uncertain which arm-variant was released in Japan; presumably the latter "Hasbro"-stamped one, but this has not been confirmed.

Generation 2

Beachcomber went green before it was in vogue.
  • Beachcomber (Mini Vehicle, 1993)
Released in the first (proper) year of Generation 2 toys, Beachcomber is a redeco of his original toy, now with a chrome green instead of blue plastic, and the grey of the upper legs and lamps was replaced with a funky bright salmon color. This version removed the "half-mesh" on the left arm and simply replaced it with a large Hasbro copyright stamp.
A rare variant exists that may have been a test shot run with gray legs. These figures were apparently given out internally by Hasbro as Christmas ornaments, as they have been found bagged with a string attached and a card reading "Transformers Christmas ornament" on one side and "Merry Christmas from the Boys' Toys Marketing" on the other. The same treatment has been seen with a Generation 2 Seaspray.

Universe (2008)

Has a fireblast of 1, yet is the only Legends Mini-Vehicle with a weapon.
  • Beachcomber (Legends, 2008)
  • Series: G1 Series
  • Accessories: Wheel-mounted gun
  • Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro)
Released in the fourth wave of the 2008 Universe toyline's Legends assortment, Beachcomber has a very cartoon-inspired robot mode, but his vehicle mode appears to be inspired by the "Warthog" off-road vehicle from the Halo game series. Amusingly, the pacifist Beachcomber has a spare-tire-mounted machine gun in vehicle mode. (Maybe it's a paintball gun?) Despite this piece being removable, Beachcomber has no way of holding it in robot mode.
This mold is the basis for the 2010 Transformers toyline's Sandstorm.

Henkei! Henkei!

Yes, the pacifist is part of the "Attack Team" rather than the "Spy Team". Makes sense!
  • Minibot Attack Team (Multi-pack, 2009)
  • ID number: C-18
The Henkei! Henkei! release of Universe Beachcomber is at first glance identical to the Universe release. However, the Henkei release has a flatter and less vibrant blue than Hasbro's release.
He was only available in a three-piece set with Gong and Cliff.


"I am totally high right now."
  • Beachcomber (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
  • Collection: Collection 3
  • Bag number: ***** 60
  • Accessories: Logo brick, small pistol
  • Known designer: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
As part of the third wave of blindpacked Kre-O Micro-Changers, Beachcomber is a Kreon that can be rebuilt into a little dune buggy. He uses the Constructicon-style cab-helmet, and Bumblebee's handgun.
This Micro-Changer assortment was the last one to appear at Target, with later waves showing up only at Toys"R"Us or drug/discount stores.
This mold was also used to make a N.E.S.T. Sentry.

  • Kreon Class of 1985 (Kreon figure set, 2015)
  • Set number: B5152
  • Voted: Most Likely to Grow Totally Organic Energon
  • Accessories: Small pistol
Kreon Class of '85 Beachcomber's deco is much more heavily based on the original Beachcomber toy, with a more cartoon-accurate face. Like the rest of the set, he uses the almost-totally-retooled 2015 style of Kreon body.
This box set of thirty Kreons was a San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusive, with leftovers being sold on Hasbro Toy Shop online after the show.

  • Beachcomber (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2017)
  • Collection: Collection 3
  • Accessories: Logo plate, small pistol
In 2017, the Collection 3 Micro-Changers were re-released in a whole new production run, first appearing at Walgreens stores in the US. These releases use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon (making most parts incompatible with older Kreons), with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. Beachcomber's tampographs are slightly altered, changing the flat light gray to metallic silver, giving him a red Autobot faction symbol, and adding some white highlights.
Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.

EZ Collection

  • Beachcomber (2013)
  • ID number: EG10
EZ Collection Beachcomber was to be a redeco of the Universe Legends Class figure. It was solicited in 2013, but never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Power of the Primes

  • Beachcomber (Legends Class, 2018)
Part of the first wave of Power of the Primes "Legends" class toys, Beachcomber is based heavily on his original toy and cartoon model. In dune buggy mode, his "driver" compartment can seat Titan Masters and Prime Masters.
Though designated for a first quarter 2018 release, Beachcomber's wave actually reached U.S. store shelves in November 2017.

Golden Lagoon

Come on in, the Electrum's fine.
  • Beachcomber / Perceptor / Seaspray (Multi-pack, November 2018)
  • Hasbro ID number: GL-03
Golden Lagoon Beachcomber is a gold and gold chrome redeco of Power of the Primes Legends Class Beachcomber in homage to the original cartoon episode of the same name. Packaged with similar redecoes of Titans Return Perceptor and Seaspray, this set was released exclusively at TakaraTomy Mall as part of TakaraTomy's celebration of the franchise's 35th anniversary. The set was later rereleased by Hasbro Pulse in the USA in January 2021.
This toy also appeared in Generations Selects Special Comic as a member of the Golden Age, who may or may not be named "Beachcomber".


I am Lorde. Yah yah yah.
  • Beachcomber & Paradise Parakeet (Deluxe Class, 2023)
Legacy: Evolution Beachcomber is an animation-accurate, deluxe-scaled version of the character, turning into a dune buggy in 11 steps. The wheels are made with PVC plastic, as well as being pinned on for better rolling action. His Evo-Fusion gimmick is his handheld machine gun, which doubles as the front bumper of his alt mode.
He also includes a small "Paradise Parakeet", seemingly inspired by the bird Beachcomber encountered in the episode "The Golden Lagoon". It sits on a blast effect-style post, allowing it to plug into 5mm ports or over 3mm pegs throughout both of Beachcomber's modes. Said bird also gets top billing, and is named alongside Beachcomber himself on the box. Its name is likely a reference to the paradise parrot, which went extinct nearly 100 years ago, giving Beachcomber something else to be sad about.
Note that the tires can stick and chip off other paint details if you store him in contact with other toys.
For reasons unknown, this assortment basically did not show up at brick-and-mortar stores and there was no second round of online orders available, leaving Beachcomber and his bird buddy very difficult to find... at normal prices, anyway.
This mold was retooled to make Legacy "Doom 'n Destruction" Decepticon Rukus.


Transformers Trading Card Game

Little blue dune buggy...
  • Beachcomber, Geologist (2020)
    • Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T08/T46
    • Stars: 6
Beachcomber, Geologist is one of forty-six double-sided character cards released as part of Wave 5 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, Titan Masters Attack.
The card's artwork is based on the Power of the Primes Beachcomber toy, with the Bot Mode art being reused from the toy's packaging art. The card's Alt Mode received original art, with lines by Dan Khanna
This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.


  • Beachcomber (2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 02 - Shining 1985

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If you build it, they will play.

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See kids? This is what happens to hippies.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Beachcomber (ビーチコンバー Bīchikonbā, ビーチコマー Bīchikomā)
  • French: Déferlo (Canada), Pacifico (Canada Generation 2)
  • Greek: Angeliofόros (Αγγελιοφόρος, "Messenger")
  • Hungarian: Guberáló ("Scavenger")
  • Italian: Pulce ("Flea")
  • Mandarin: Jù Làng (巨浪, "Waves")
  • Portuguese: Onda (Portugal comics), Pacífico (Brazil comics)
  • Russian: Shezlong (Шезлонг, "Lounge")


External links

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