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Jhiaxus (G2)

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The name or term "Jhiaxus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jhiaxus (disambiguation).
Jhiaxus is a Cybertronian, Decepticon, or an unaligned Transformer from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Seeker on steroids.

Jhiaxus is no ordinary Transformer. He possesses unusual origins compared to most of his race and has a drive to forge a united Cybertronian civilization across the known universe.

Jhiaxus is not one for improvisation. He has been denying his impulses for so long, it has weakened his ability to think on his feet in many situations. Once Jhiaxus has set a course of action, it is tough for him to diverge from his strategy.[1]

We had order. Structure. A perfect, faultless mechanism that was destined to re-shape the galaxy. Then you came! Old, flawed... an evolutionary stage we had risen far beyond. A reminder of every primal instinct we had buried.

—Jhiaxus doesn't like Optimus Prime very much, "A Rage in Heaven!"



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Wonder where he keeps the remote.

Millions of years ago, some time after Optimus Prime and Megatron left Cybertron and crashed on Earth, Jhiaxus was born through the long-forgotten "budding" means of reproduction. The Power and the Glory At first a cruel and petty tyrant ruled by his irrational desires, Jhiaxus learned slowly to bury this part of himself beneath layers of icy control. Primal Fear! Tired of the Autobot/Decepticon conflict, Jhiaxus left with his budded brethren into space, determined to begin a new Cybertronian Empire free of the war waged by those he deemed "evolutionary throwbacks". War Without End! He was anointed the rank Liege Centuro of this new Cybertronian faction by the Liege Maximo, A Rage in Heaven! and Jhiaxus began to wipe out what he considered to be inferior life and terraform their conquered worlds.

We are a sphincter, clenched!

A decade after Optimus Prime and Megatron's war had restarted on Earth, Prime and his Autobots found out about this empire while pursuing the remnants of Bludgeon's Decepticons across the universe. Quickly thereafter, Jhiaxus's ship, the Twilight, abducted them. There, Jhiaxus delighted in telling Prime and Grimlock that for his side of the universe, the war had been over for millions of years and that Prime and his adversaries were embarrassments to him. Jhiaxus hoped that Prime would see the error of his ways, but he escaped in a stolen ship with his fellow Autobots. However, Jhiaxus had launched a ship of his own to follow them. War Without End!

Jhiaxus traced the Autobots to the K'tord Nebula, and his Cybertronians battled Prime's bitterly on the surface of one of its planets. Parasitic creatures on the planet began to feed on the hate and fury buried in the minds of both sides, which caused Jhiaxus to revert to the barbaric version of himself he thought he'd long buried. Despite Prime's own problems with the parasites' induced rage, he was able to convince Jhiaxus and their respective warriors to stop fighting and go their separate ways. Still, Jhiaxus refused to acknowledge that Prime had a point in saying that the Cybertronians' mission of conquest bore any similarity to Decepticon savagery, and ordered the parasites' extermination once he was out of their psychic range. Primal Fear! Upon retreating to his flagship, Jhiaxus thanked the maker that, as far as he knew, there were no Decepticons left of the original generation to cause him further conflict. Sadly, he was misinformed. Old Evils

When Grimlock and a bloodthirsty group of Autobots tried to sneak a Chaosmaster Bomb on board the Twilight, Jhiaxus easily saw through their ruse and captured the lot of them. He shipped the survivors in a prison ship to be examined by the Liege Maximo, but the ship was intercepted by Optimus Prime. Devices and Desires! Later, Jhiaxus made a visit to Outpost D-109, a recently conquered planet the Cybertronians were busy eco-structuring into a Cybertron-like world. Though the process was ahead of schedule, Jhiaxus was still disappointed. The Autobots had mysteriously halted their attacks on his troops, and their absence worried him. The Power and the Glory

Basically, Jhiaxus's limbs detach and his torso flies around.

One of his teams crossed paths with the original-generation Decepticons, and the incident ended badly. Jhiaxus decided to make his move, and ordered a full-scale attack on Megatron's Warworld near Tykos. This altercation resulted in casualties in Megatron's forces while Jhiaxus battled Megatron himself in orbit. Jhiaxus relished condescending to his opponent, an act reinforced by his superior might. He shot Megatron out of orbit, leaving him for dead on the moon's surface. New Dawn However, Megatron miraculously survived, and his Decepticons and the Autobots forged an uneasy alliance against the Cybertronians. Increasingly frustrated, he vowed to escalate his galactic efforts, ordering that every planet be stripped of life. He hoped to force the hand of the original generation Transformers and overwhelm them, a plan that nearly worked on Ethos against the Autobots until Decepticon reinforcements arrived. Escalation! Indeed, the battle there decimated the best of Jhiaxus's forces. But Jhiaxus soon gained an unexpected advantage—Starscream sold out the location of the original generation's base of operations in exchange for a high-ranking position. Swarm

What good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?

Jhiaxus attacked the base on Earth. Tales of Earth Part Six The headquarters itself was quickly destroyed, but Optimus and Megatron's troops fought back strongly and met the challenge equally. Jhiaxus wanted to end the conflict here and then, so he called for reinforcements from every corner of his empire. Total War! Adding insult to injury, Jhiaxus was informed that his troops had lost the Warworld to the backstabbing Starscream. Jhiaxus lost his composure, and when he tossed his subordinate, Rook, in anger, Rook arranged a trip to the Liege Maximo. Jhiaxus returned to the Twilight, and upon receiving a transmission from Optimus Prime on board the Warworld, he acted upon his anger by targeting a random spot on the Earth with nuclear weapons. Dark Shadows! Before Jhiaxus could order another shot, the Twilight was knocked away by a blast from the Warworld and the Swarm arrived. Tales of Earth Part Eight

Despite his officers' pleas to withdraw, Jhiaxus's troops were ordered to stay their ground even as the Swarm ate its way through them effortlessly. Optimus Prime, ever trying to reach a solution, arrived on the Twilight to talk, but Jhiaxus would not have it. He threw Prime around, powered by his increasing rage, and blamed him for how his life, his empire, had disintegrated. Before he could strike the final blow, however, the Swarm broke through the bridge of the Twilight, and Jhiaxus challenged it. Jhiaxus was consumed. A Rage in Heaven!

Fleetway Generation 2 comic

Grimlock reported that his team had run into Jhiaxus and his splinter Decepticons, and barely escaped with their lives. He wanted to retaliate with an immediate, massive strike but Optimus deferred. War Zone

Ask Vector Prime

In Primax 994.0 Gamma, Jhiaxus would go on to lead the Cybertronian Empire in mechaforming a peaceful organic world, rechristening it Planet X. Ultimately, however, the Cybertronian Empire fell and the Liege Maximo's ascension to godhood was thwarted. Liege Centuro Firecrest was forced to order the remnants of the empire to retreat to Planet X, which later fled its home reality entirely to evade the never-ending search of The Veteran. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/05


In an unspecified reality, Topspin left Cybertron to serve under Jhiaxus and follow his army to other worlds. Topspin was less interested in Jhiaxus's specific plans of conquest, however, and more simply convinced that the Liege Centuro's sense of purpose and strong personality would lead him on the path to the great destiny he sensed was out there. Eventually, during a great space battle over an alien planet, Topspin was separated from Jhiaxus's army and flung at near-light speeds into space, helpless to stop his trajectory. Topspin's profile in Club magazine #25

Regeneration One

Regeneration One ignores the events of the Generation 2 series and Jhiaxus's origin story therein, acting as an alternate continuation of the original Marvel comic.
It'd probably be safer to have a flashback while you're NOT standing in the middle of the road during an F-Zero race.

Before the Great War, Senator Jhiaxus met with High Circuitmaster Boltax, Tallus, Decanus, and Rokan, all members of a "Brain Trust", in Nova Cronum. As the "five greatest minds" on Cybertron, they had agreed to upload their combined knowledge together into a database they called the Underbase. However, Jhiaxus was tired of the isolationist policies that dominated Cybertron in that day, and so he took control of the uploading process, "slaying" the virtual avatars of Boltax and the others, rendering them unconscious. Jhiaxus proceeded to download the knowledge he needed to create his own galactic empire, and proceeded to delete his records from the memories of the others, as well as throughout all records on Cybertron. Less Than Zero Destiny, Part Five

"Thank you for your allegiance child. All creatures, no matter how small, have a place in service of Horde Prime."

Millennia later, Jhiaxus, situated at the Hub Network, spoke with Rook after the latter personally investigated the aftermath of Bludgeon's attack on Cresta Superior. Jhiaxus ruminated on his inevitable conflict with the Autobots and the Decepticons. Destiny, Part One

After witnessing Jhiaxus's betrayal in his trip through Zero Space, Less Than Zero Rodimus Prime established a team to investigate the meaning of the various incidents he witnessed in Zero Space, and this "Zero Unit", headed by Nightbeat and Bumblebee, chose to focus on Jhiaxus first. As a former Senator, they reasoned that he would have had off-world contacts, and while he may have deleted memory of his existence from Cybertron's records, those other worlds still might have their records. They never received a response to their inquiries, however, as Jhiaxus chose to return to Cybertron himself, announcing to Rodimus that he had come in peace! The War to End All Wars, Part 1

Rodimus conferred with his men at the Presidium's Ops-Command HQ, and decided to proceed with Bumblebee's idea of inviting Jhiaxus to the surface to meet with the Autobot leader. Jhiaxus arrived at Eugenesis Plaza via an advanced form of space bridge, along with his top warriors, his Primum Fugae. Rodimus asked Jhiaxus, who was aware enough to point out the Autobot snipers that were standing by, to take their discussion to a private location. Jhiaxus agreed, and proceeded with the new Prime to Nova Point.

I am many things, Rodimus. But here, I am god.

Upon their arrival, Rodimus asked Jhiaxus about his activities since his departure from Cybertron, and why Primus would consider him a threat to his grand plan. Jhiaxus scoffed at the mention of their progenitor and explained to Rodimus that he ceased to believe in any such "plan" long ago, and set out to remake the universe in the image of his own idea of order. Jhiaxus displayed a holographic image of the Hub Network, a cosmos-wide structure of interconnected metallic planets, and invited the Autobot leader to add Cybertron to its ever-growing web. Rodimus realized, however, that these worlds were not newly-built, but mecha-formed from existing worlds, and asked Jhiaxus how many of those worlds supported life. Jhiaxus sneered at the insinuation, retorting that it depends on how one classifies life. Rodimus violently rejected the offer, slamming Jhiaxus against a wall, only to be tossed aside. Jhiaxus chose to take his leave, interrupting the Primus Fugae's attack on the Primordials to have them return with him to the Hub. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

Rodimus chose to lead a pre-emptive assault on the Hub Network by launching surgical strikes on key areas on the fringes of the network, hoping that the resulting chain reaction would bring down the entire Hub. However, the early successes of the raids led the Autobots to suspect that Jhiaxus anticipated their move; their fears were validated when their plan failed and Jhiaxus ordered his fleet to attack the invaders. The War to End All Wars, Part 3

Rook jhiaxus rodimus war to end all wars.jpg

On the Hub's Throneworld, Jhiaxus had Rodimus brought before him, and once again petitioned the young Prime to join his empire. He even offered to incorporate Autobots of Rodimus's choice—presently held in the Hub's "Corral"—into his forces, recreating them with new bodies... except for those who have been modified with "external species innovations". His negotiations were interrupted by a panicked Rook, who reported that the Wreckers were continuing their attack, severing worlds from the network and destabilizing it as they moved between worlds through the "slam rail" transit system. Jhiaxus ordered Rodimus to stop them, executing Joyride, Sky High, Crosshairs, and Brainstorm to demonstrate his intent, but Rodimus replied that he had no means to communicate with the Wreckers, and thus nothing short of death would stop them. Jhiaxus ordered his fleet to search for them.

In the face of greater numbers, however, the Wreckers would not yield, and continued on their campaign, taking out chunks of Jhiaxus's forces in the process. Shockwave got in on the act as well, severing even more worlds from the Hub and using the Ark to defend himself. Finding the situation untenable, Jhiaxus ordered Rodimus escorted from the throneroom, and prepared to enter the fray himself. However, before he could take off, he was confronted by Starscream, who was now fully possessed by the power of the re-emergent Underbase. Jhiaxus recognized the force controlling Starscream as the essences of Boltax and the others whom he betrayed so many eons ago, and they now sought to complete themselves by absorbing Jhiaxus back into their communal mindscape. As the Underbase consumed him, Jhiaxus screamed for help, but Rook fled in terror, leaving his leader to his fate. The War to End All Wars, Part 4

Ask Vector Prime

In Primax 490.0 Gamma, Unicron's destruction of Cybertron caused Primus's essence to be spread among his children, now mostly composed by the Cybertronian Empire, which experienced a moral reformation. When Unicron stumbled upon the Hub and tried to destroy it, the Cybertronians fought back. Jhiaxus was dispatched as an emissary to Earth to enlist the aid of the last three Autobots and to Styx to enlist the aid of the last Decepticons. Together, Autobot, Decepticon, and Cybertronian fought as one and vanquished Unicron. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/24

Universe comic

"Nothing to fear but me myself."

In Primax 094.0 Gamma, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/30 Jhiaxus was a strategic commander in the Liege Maximo's Cybertronian Empire. Jhiaxus's profile in Club magazine #1 It was he who was most responsible for the death of the Decepticon Rumble's brother Frenzy during the Swarm War. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/30 Unicron abducted Jhiaxus's spark and stripped him of his rank and power. Though he once again wore the brand of an ordinary Decepticon, he still nursed a hatred towards Autobot and Decepticon alike. They were all, of course, unevolved, inferior throw-backs. This bias forced him to work alone. Jhiaxus's profile in Club magazine #1

While still abducted by Unicron, Jhiaxus was kept locked inside one of the chambers within the Cauldron and periodically forced to combat other Transformers so that Unicron could feed on the loser's Spark. He was freed along with countless others (including another Jhiaxus) when Optimus Primal orchestrated a prison break. Escape Homecoming

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Spotlight: Nightbeat (obscured); Spotlight: Arcee (fully seen)
How often do you get to see a G2 guy in a G1-styled comic?

Jhiaxus of Tesarus Minor Post Hoc made a name for himself in the years that followed the First Cybertronian Civil War, becoming Nova Prime's chief theoretical strategist—a pioneering scientist whose experiments revolved around the development of the Cybertronian species Spotlight: Doubledealer and a mentor to an idealistic young Shockwave. Shockwaves Few knew that he was also completely without morals, and not at all averse to performing horrible experiments on his fellow Cybertronians in the name of science. Spotlight: Arcee

As part of Nova's inner circle, Jhiaxus was present when the Prime located Crystal City and ushered Cybertron into an age of prosperity. Primus: All Good Things On Nova's orders, Jhiaxus spent the Golden Age developing a viable combiner, seeking to rediscover the secrets behind Nexus Prime's Enigma of Combination. The Crucible

Eventually, Jhiaxus turned his talents to recreating other "lost aspects" of Cybertronian society that had vanished with the Thirteen; seeking to reintroduce the concept of "gender" to his species, ONoffON he found a volunteer in Arcee. Sins of the Wreckers #3 By rewriting Arcee's CNA, Jhiaxus was able to rebuild his test subject to his specifications, but the procedure somehow went wrong and left her traumatized and desiring nothing more than to tear her "creator" limb from limb. Jhiaxus wrote her off as a failure and abandoned her. Spotlight: Arcee During his tenure as Nova Prime's top scientist, he also developed the vamparc ribbon, a weapon that drained the lifeforce from its victims to use it as ammunition. Parasites

By the end of Cybertron's Golden Age, Jhiaxus had successfully recruited six Transformers and bonded them together into a single combiner: intended to be the ultimate Cybertronian in both body and mind. When he unveiled his creation, however, his combiner was revealed as a violently insane creature that dubbed itself "Monstructor" and necessitated the intervention of Omega Supreme. Primus: All Good Things Jhiaxus left Cybertron as part of the crew aboard the original Ark spacecraft before the failure that was Monstructor had a chance to disgrace him. His student, Shockwave, remained behind to continue his master's work and clear his name, later naming the Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology after him. Shockwaves

Jhiaxus is of course referring to Homer Simpson's ten foot sandwich.

When the Ark encountered a spatial anomaly within the Benzuli Expanse, its never-before-seen energies left even Jhiaxus at a loss. He rejected Cyclonus's theory that it was a portal to some mythical "Dead Universe", but Nova Prime was intrigued and had the ship enter the anomaly. Jhiaxus transmitted a final message to Shockwave, urging him to continue his work. Dark Dawn The crew was subsequently trapped within the Dead Universe, only able to leave for brief periods before dying. Jhiaxus became a confidant for the rechristened Nemesis Prime and plotted on a plan to merge the Dead Universe with the regular one, allowing them to go home and gain power over the combined reality. Devastation #6

Yeeesss, maaaasssster!

Jhiaxus began prepping Nega-Cores on three worlds, which would enable this universal "Expansion". Spotlight: Arcee He also set up an underground base on Gorlam Prime, where a large portal to/from the Dead Universe resided; he then began poking Gorlam Prime's evolution with a stick, accelerating the development to an advanced technological race with the end result of turning them into tiny Transformers. These were the template for what all life would be turned into to survive the Expansion, and the first few batches served as guards and general minions. (Shockingly, while murderous and with monstrous origins, they weren't insane.) Spotlight: Hardhead

On the eve of the Expansion, Jhiaxus told Nemesis Prime that he suspected Galvatron of having his own agenda. The point would become moot, however, once their plans unfurled. Devastation #6 After Cyclonus secured the Nega-Core and activated its guardian, Jhiaxus initiated the Expansion with Nemesis Prime and the rest of the Dead Universe crew. Spotlight: Cyclonus

Jhiaxus was in mental control of the three guardians of the Nega-Cores, Spotlight: Doubledealer and also took mental control over Nightbeat and sent in hordes of Micromasters when the Autobot, alongside Hardhead, began investigating on Gorlam Prime. Unfortunately, his intricate and long-plotted strategy was undermined by Hardhead's "shoot people in the head" plan. The Autobot then leapt into the Dead Universe portal. Spotlight: Hardhead

He also monitored the Autobots' efforts to withstand their attacks. When he noticed Jetfire preparing to disrupt his mental control over the guardians, he took mental control of Bludgeon to defend the project. Spotlight: Doubledealer

What did I do to deserve this?? ...Oh right.

Unfortunately, as Jetfire pointed out, the Autobots were quickly destroying all his hard work, and his attention was divided. So much so that he not only was frozen and distracted from offing Jetfire, he didn't realize someone was in his control room until they sliced off his arm. Turning round, he was faced with a gleeful Arcee.

Making a run for it, and using his Micromasters to keep Arcee busy, he made his escape through the portal... or he would have if an undead Hardhead hadn't popped up, slowing Jhiaxus down enough for Arcee to stab him and cut off his head. But, in the realm between the living and dead universes, Jhiaxus was practically immortal. Which meant Arcee could keep killing him for as long as she liked. Spotlight: Sideswipe

Helpless, Jhiaxus spent several years being repeatedly killed by Arcee over and over again, until one day when the portal to the Dead Universe suddenly began to act strangely and lure people into mindlessly wandering into it. The entire population of Gorlam Prime disappeared into the Dead Universe, and though Jhiaxus was also tempted, he was seemingly too damaged to follow them. Arcee and Hardhead subsequently left him to investigate the matter. Heart of Darkness #2 Eventually, his broken body was discovered by Galvatron, who had earlier betrayed Nemesis Prime and stolen the Heart of Darkness from him. Jhiaxus was restored by the power of the Darkness, though he was disoriented and couldn't explain where everyone on the planet had gone to. He led Galvatron and his men to the Dead Universe portal, which had now turned from a pool into a large sphere. Heart of Darkness #1

I'm sure I had my dignity with me when I came in here.

At the portal's location, Arcee and Hardhead returned and attacked them. Filled with terror upon seeing his tormentor again, Jhiaxus tried to fight back against her, with little success. Galvatron managed to chase Arcee off and read Hardhead's memories to learn what happened on Gorlam Prime, eventually learning of the "D-Void", a major threat to all Transformers. He subsequently took Jhiaxus with him to raise an army capable of opposing this entity. Heart of Darkness #2

Jhiaxus quickly got to work rebuilding the space bridge network, based out of Gorlam Prime, allowing Galvatron to travel the galaxy and recruit soldiers for his army. Heart of Darkness #3 Later, after Galvatron's ship was infested by zombies and crashed on Earth, Jhiaxus put up a space bridge portal that allowed the crew to leave. The Transformers: Infestation #2 Jhiaxus found the zombie virus very intriguing, especially its ability to infect both organic and robotic lifeforms, but Galvatron dismissed it as irrelevant and inefficient. Heart of Darkness #4

After using the Kimia Facility to blow a large hole in Cybertron's surface, Galvatron took Jhiaxus with him to the blast crater. Numbers Their goal was to reach and destroy the planet's core, though they were briefly hindered by Optimus Prime on the way. Kings When they located Vector Sigma, Galvatron inserted the Heart of Darkness into it in the hopes that this would stop D-Void. Then Optimus Prime caught up and fired on them, and Jhiaxus wasn't seen again during the events that followed. Genesis


Rendered catatonic by the reformatting of Cybertron, Jhiaxus was taken captive by Hardhead, Wheelie, and Garnak and imprisoned in their ship, to be kept floating in space forever to protect Cybertron from his evil. Some time into his imprisonment, Jhiaxus was reawakened by a signal from Arduria, which seemed to drive him into a frenzy, screaming the words "Pax" and "Prime". Believing him to be referring to Orion Pax—the once and former Optimus Prime—Hardhead's team joined up with Orion to investigate Arduria, but they soon discovered they had walked into a Decepticon trap when they were attacked by Jhiaxus's old creation, Monstructor. While they were occupied, Bludgeon liberated Jhiaxus, and the villains set off together to track down the worlds which had been the subjects of the Regenesis program created by Jhiaxus's old student, Shockwave. Syndromica (1)

At LV-117, Jhiaxus and Bludgeon tried to take control of Ore-1, a Regenesis ore capable of traveling through time. He met Orion Pax again in an era close to the planet's destruction, and explained that his screams had had nothing to do with him, but were referring to a vision he had during the reformatting: a vision of a future where Pax Cybertronia happened on Gorlam Prime. Before Orion could stop him, he took the Regenesis control device and left on a time-traveling starship sent to the planet by Shockwave, claiming to have plans to use the Ore-1 to bring back Gorlam Prime's past, prosperous self. Syndromica (2) In fact, Jhiaxus was merely goading Orion Pax towards Gorlam Prime so that the former Prime could awaken an Ore-2-infused Titan lying dormant on the planet. Contacting Waspinator, the only one capable of controlling the Titan, Jhiaxus brought him to Gorlam Prime to trick Pax into raising the Titan for them. Homecoming As he awaited Pax's arrival he reported his progress to Shockwave and reflected on his return to the planet where he'd spent so many years in between life and death. Shockpoint After his plan had succeeded, Jhiaxus again contacted his student to report that the awakened Titan was on its way to Cybertron and Orion Pax had been left alive as per his orders. Soundwaves

Reactive armor was kept out of the loop on the specifics of pretooling.

Jhiaxus used the time-ship to return to Cybertron and provide Shockwave with the Ores he and Bludgeon had collected during his journey. The Dead Are Not Enough He then reported that Nova Prime was no longer in control of the Dead Universe, paving the way for Shockwave to use the ship's chronal drive to harness the dimension's energy for himself. Finis Temporis By hooking the time machine up to Shockwave and using Galvatron as a portal, the two scientists siphoned the potential life force of the Dead Universe, causing it to be dead to begin with and granting Shockwave the power to control his Ores—and with them, time and space. The Becoming

As he activated the chronal drive, Jhiaxus admitted that Shockwave's intellect had now surpassed his, then donned reactive armor in preparation for those who would try to stop their plan. Sure enough, Metalhawk and Starscream soon tried to infiltrate the time-ship, but the scientist defended it by using his armor to replicate Metalhawk's arm-blades and Starscream's new body. Black Planet Being in better control of the body than Starscream himself, Jhiaxus attacked him relentlessly, mocking him for his role in the Dark Cybertron prophecy. Unfortunately, his use of the body's energy swords tipped Starscream in on the fact that he even had swords to begin with, allowing the ex-Decepticon to strike back and impale the mad scientist, finally killing him. ...And the Damage Done


After the seeming death of Viewfinder, Spectro and Spyglass sought out Jhiaxus to stabilize them for individualized life. BotCon 2016 Reflector profile card

Theft of the Golden Disk

A statue of Jhiaxus was kept in the Cybertropolis Maximal Data Archive. Theft of the Golden Disk

Wings Universe

He needs a little Earth globe to crush.

With the Decepticon conquest and occupation of Cybertron, Alpha Trion sought a solution of his own. Using the remains of a Decepticon deep-space shuttle, Alpha Trion built a Transformer and used Vector Sigma to grant his creation life. Not only did the supercomputer give the Decepticon life, but also a conscience and a need to bring all Cybertronians under the same banner and protect them. To this end, Jhiaxus amassed a cadre of Decepticon followers willing to seek peace with Autobots who wished to return home. The then-current caretaker of Cybertron, Shockwave, opposed the visionary and his attacks led Jhiaxus to realize that the Decepticon Empire would never be a force of reunification. So Jhiaxus attacked Shockwave and his Decepticons, only to fail and his followers killed off. Jhiaxus was thought to have died in the crossfire, but he secretly went into hiding, plotting his comeback. Wings Universe Jhiaxus bio

After having been absent from Cybertron for a very long time, Jhiaxus made a secret return. He enlisted the Battlechargers to fill him in on what he had missed, culminating in the events of the Battle of Autobot City and The Rebirth. With Galvatron out of the picture, and everyone else unawares, it was the perfect time to rebuild the Cybertronian Empire, with himself in control! A Flash Forward

Jhiaxus is so evil he made us hafta split up a bunch of pages.

He teamed up with Sky-Byte, who provided him with forestonite, and Clench, who supplied him with the Firecons and blueprints stolen from Quantum Laboratories. He also sent the Battlechargers to find some personality components. A Flash Forward, Part 2 They returned with a bonus surprise—an amnesiac Side Burn. They next headed for Nebulos, where Jhiaxus had the Battlechargers kidnap Hi-Q. With the aid of the Nebulon scientist, Jhiaxus was able to create a "second generation" of Cybertronians. A Flash Forward, Part 3 These newly created Cybertronians were trained at a secret facility on the formerly barren planet Qre.

Jhiaxus left a deliberate trail to lure the Autobots to his training grounds so he could capture them, incapacitate them and force them to listen as he waxed philosophical. A Flash Forward, Part 4 He introduced Pyro and the other Autobots to his clones. When the Sideswipe clone apparently woke early, Jhiaxus showed him off as well, however it was actually the original Sideswipe who then freed Pyro. A Flash Forward, Part 5 Jhiaxus squared off against Pyro, who was reluctant to attack due to the fact Jhiaxus had Hi-Q concealed in his chest cavity. Unfortunately Blaze was an expert marksman and shot Jhiaxus in the face, allowing the Autobots to make off with the captive and blow up the base. Jhiaxus and Sky-Byte later watched from a rocky outcrop as the Autobots prepared to leave, and Jhiaxus reflected that for his second generation to succeed, the first generation would have to be wiped out. A Flash Forward, Part 6


To that end, Jhiaxus created an army consisting of clones of various Decepticons. The commander of this army was a clone of Megatron himself: Megaplex. As a trump card, he created a clone of Sandstorm and sent him to impersonate his progenitor on Cybertron. The clone army first struck at Sigma Seven to take out Optimus Prime, leaving the Autobots without his guidance, and soon invaded Cybertron itself. At the end of a decisive battle between the natives and the clones, Jhiaxus personally arrived with more clones and informed Megaplex that he had fallen short of his expectations, becoming far too similar to Megatron. He offered him the same choices as the defeated resistance: leave Cybertron or be destroyed. Termination

As Strika and Obsidian swore they would combat Jhiaxus's invasion of Cybertron until the bitter end, Jhiaxus commented that their bravado was meaningless, as the history records would only note that they led their soldiers to the death. The battle progressed for a time, until Jhiaxus found himself ambushed by Serpentor, who had found a way to sneak behind enemy lines. Jhiaxus easily overpowered the human-built ‘bot, commenting on how Earthlings continued to impress him, unlike the “dull” Nebulans. Before he got a chance to dismantle Serpentor to inspect the humans’ craftsmanship, Serpentor managed to impale him with his Serpent Scepter. Now too weak to fight back, he ordered his troops to stand down, commenting that he had already won; Autobots and Decepticons were now fighting side by side for a united Cybertron, as had been his goal all along. He then surrendered to Serpentor, only to be murdered by Megaplex immediately afterwards. A Common Foe

Kre-O online comic


Jhiaxus was part of a massive Decepticon invasion force intended to ruin the Autobots' picnic. However, Optimus Prime plowed through them with his truck and left them scattered... and then left. Returning to the scene after.. ahem, taking care of some pressing business, Optimus gathered up the still-wiped-out Kreons, bound them up on a flatbed trailer, and took them to the picnic. Emergency! Hurry to the Base, Optimus!

Beast Wars: Uprising

Preditron remembered Jhiaxus as a philosopher-king as he compiled his manifesto. The Predacon Manifesto

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #11
"Today the tattoo industry, tomorrow, THE WORLD!!"

Senator Jhiaxus was a member of the Ascenticons All Fall Down and appeared in one of Megatron's many political broadcasts to Cybertron in the aftermath of an attack on Ascenticon headquarters. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Five Following Megatron's rebranding of the Ascenticon faction into a more aggressive group, Jhiaxus helped to rebrand members of the organization with their new logo by stamping it on their body. The Change In Your Nature Part One Not long afterwards, Jhiaxus and Strika were with Megatron when the three witnessed an explosion in the Cybertronian Mountains. The Change In Your Nature Part Two Over his better judgement, Jhiaxus then pumped an appreciable percentage of their reserve energon directly into Megatron's systems. The Change In Your Nature Part Three

After the Tether had fallen, Megatron ordered Jhiaxus to rally their followers in Tarn and protect the energon storage fields. Though chafing under the orders, Jhiaxus agreed to follow Megatron's commands. For now. All Fall Down As Megatron staged a hostile takeover of Iacon, Jhiaxus enacted his own takeover of Tarn and claimed the city for the Decepticons. Test Flight I

Is that a little...pimp cane he's holding?

Jhiaxus allocated troops from Tarn to bolster Strika's assault on Crystal City. A Dust of Crystals After a temporary truce had been forged between the Autobots and Decepticons, Jhiaxus took command of Strika's forces and had them bombard the Autobots' path forward during their trek to Darkmount. Optimus Prime radioed Jhiaxus for an explanation, who dismissively claimed they were suppressing Insecticon clones. In actuality, the Decepticons were keeping the Autobots boxed in so they'd soon encounter an incoming horde of rust worms. Radical Time

While the Autobots escaped the rust worms, they were soon confronted by Megatron's inner circle, including Jhiaxus. Holding his enemies at bay with the threat of an imploder, Megatron demanded Optimus Prime's surrender and the two soon came to blows. Jhiaxus wanted to intervene, but Strika shot the notion down, knowing Megatron would only be satisfied if he settled things himself. However, after Computron arrived on the scene and the imploder was taken out of play by Jumpstream, Megatron backed down and allowed the Autobots to continue onward to Darkmount. Jhiaxus stressed that they still outnumbered their foes and could defeat them right there and then, but Megatron decided to wage the final battle at Darkmount. Fate of Cybertron

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Jhiaxus was a spectator of the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3


Transformers Legends

Jhiaxus was part of a group of Decepticons who teamed up with the Autobots Windblade and Nightbeat to battle the Ammonites on a distant planet. Together, they were able to drive off several Ammonite attacks, but the two factions soon started fighting one another over differing opinions. Eventually, the Autobots defeated the Ammonites and sent the Decepticons packing. Though angered by this turn of events, Jhiaxus and the other Decepticons found consolation that the Ammonites also tasted defeat at the Autobots' hands, and returned to their starship. Into the Abyss

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Jhiaxus participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Uncommon character who could be recruited after collecting 75 units of Cybermetal and 36 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

Jhiaxus was part of the Mission of Cybertronian Expansion, serving as a scientist aboard the Proudstar under Nova Prime's command. While excited for the potential scientific discoveries, Jhiaxus admired Nova Prime and his belief in the nobility of their mission, even admitting that he himself might one day choose to call himself an Autobot. However, after briefly touching down on a certain planet, the entire crew began experiencing much darker urges. Jhiaxus became paranoid and began using unwilling crewmembers in his experiments, believing an outside force to be influencing their sparks. He became determined to reverse the force's effects and save Cybertron, no matter who or what had to be sacrificed to accomplish it. Despite that he could detect nothing, he firmly believed a consciousness was watching and influencing them. He believed it had come from the mysterious mechanical planet and knew it to be phenomenally powerful. Kranix believed Jhiaxus to be the only one on the ship smart enough to find his hidden sabotage commands he installed on the Proudstar, hoping that he would only do so after Kranix had made his escape. Jhiaxus was presumably still aboard the Proudstar when it crashed into Earth's surface. Transformers: Devastation


Robots in Disguise (2001)

  • Jhiaxus (Deluxe, 2003)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles
Surprise, I'm me!
Robots in Disguise Jhiaxus was repurposed as Generation 2 Jhiaxus in the Universe comic and in Wings Universe.
Jhiaxus is a redeco of the deluxe-sized Beast Machines Jetstorm toy in orange and gray. His jet mode cockpit has a spring-loaded extension, giving him a bird-like head in this form that is articulated at the neck to "search" for targets. Both jet and robot modes feature spring-loaded "energy blast" missiles. He also has an alternate robot mode, which folds his legs into a "flight cone" and reveals jet thrusters. Jhiaxus was available exclusively at KB Toys stores.
Although most previous versions of the mold have the wingtips swept forward in vehicle mode, Jhiaxus was packaged and depicted in his instructions with the wingtips swept back. His toy art and instructions also show the robot mode wingtips swept forward, as shown here; this contrasts with the Universe art above.
Like other later additions to the Robots in Disguise line, Jhiaxus was released in Armada-style packaging, complete with character art sticker.
This mold was also used for Sonic Attack Jet, 2001 Robots in Disguise Storm Jet, and the Universe version of Generation 1 Skywarp.


Orange is the new Jhiax.
  • Jhiaxus (Deluxe, 2014)
  • Series / Number: 02 / #018
  • Accessories: 2 guns, 2 missiles
Part of the tenth wave of 2012-onwards Generations Deluxe Class toys, Thrilling 30 Jhiaxus is a redeco/retool of Armada Starscream, transforming into a futuristic jet fighter. He features a new head and nosecone-canopy assembly/robot upper torso, sculpted after E. J. Su's design for the character first seen in Devastation, along with remolded wings and new dual guns in place of the original's swords. His coloration, however, is based on the Robots in Disguise toy, due to it being the reference available in Hasbro's archives and a push for brighter colors at the time.[2]
His turbines can each fire a missile in either mode via pressure-launch, and can be positioned in robot mode to either face forward or lay flat on his back. His guns peg into his hands via 5mm post, and can also mount underneath his wings using different, smaller pegs.
On many copies, the figure's left elbow can't bend the full 90 degrees.
He comes packaged with a copy of "The Becoming: Dark Cybertron Chapter 10".
Generations mold: Armada Starscream

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • HasbroThrilling 30 018 Jhiaxus


To whoever axed him a question, it's safe to say they're not living anymore.
  • G2 Universe Jhiaxus (Voyager Class, 2022)
Part of the second wave of Legacy Voyager Class toys, "G2 Universe Jhiaxus" is a Generation 2 comic-accurate version of the character that transforms into a Cybertronian spacecraft. His accessories include a rifle and a pistol, both of which are based on the same gun (the details on the pistol match up to the rifle). He also features a G2-accurate Cybertronian/Decepticon insignia on his chest. His hands also feature some limited articulation.
A word of caution - How the pistol weapon storage in jet mode is portrayed in the official character renders and in the instructions is actually impossible to achieve on the actual figure, without either warping the connection port or potentially risking straining and breaking the pistol. Instead, inserting the pistol via its handle (as shown in the figure’s official product shots, or in the shots on this wiki) is the safer alternative.
In an undocumented feature, the front half of his shoulder sensor has a hidden 5mm post and can be removed, presumably to attach to the rear of his large rifle as some kind of scope for robot mode. The rifle can then also mount backward on top of the jet mode with the "scope" facing front, vaguely resembling the rear-mounted weapon from said mode's scant original comic appearances. Removing the sensor front allows the rest to cleanly fold away into the cockpit for either jet or robot mode.
Jhiaxus' unpaintable areas are somewhat prone to photodegradation, with his white unpaintable joints slightly discoloring to a greenish tinge.
This figure was officially revealed by Hasbro on the April 12, 2022 Fan First Tuesday.
Jhiaxus became a heavy shelfwarmer, both owing to being heavypacked at 2 per case, and also likely due to his relative obscurity. He could still be seen on shelves, even during Legacy: United.
Jhiaxus was later heavily retooled into Legacy: United Vector Prime.


Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Jhiaxus and Hero OP.jpg
  • Jhiaxus & Convoy Missile Trailer Set (February 6, 2023)
    • ID number: 41 & 42
Released as part of the sixth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Jhiaxus and Generation 2 Optimus Prime along with character profiles and tech specs.


  • Jhiaxus's name is a play on "gee, axe us", a phrase which expressed writer Simon Furman's dread of the Generation 2 comic's cancellation by Marvel.
  • Generation 2 Jhiaxus's robot mode design seems to be based loosely on the Seekers. He keeps the air-duct boobs, the cockpit torso, the ear-vents, the wing placement, one shoulder-mounted jet intake (including Starscream's stickers), and a nosecone on the back of the head.
  • Among the many, many toy ideas Glen Hallit suggested was a redeco of Go-Bots Aero-Bot as Jhiaxus. It was to be distributed as the Dinner Exclusive at OTFCC 2003, but as with most of Hallit's toy proposals, it was not produced.[3]
  • Jhiaxus's name is apparently very difficult for IDW's writers to spell. Known variations to date include "Jiaxus", "Jihaxus", and "Jihauxus".
  • In Universe #2, Jhiaxus is portrayed in his original Generation 2 body, but he is seen in his Robots in Disguise body during a flashback in the following issue. It's possible that this was either a misunderstanding between two different artists, Jhiaxus morphed into a new body as he left the Cauldron, or there were two Jhiaxuses. In 2015, the Facebook version of Ask Vector Prime chose the latter option, establishing that there was also a Robots in Disguise/Viron Jhiaxus alongside the Generation 2/Primax Jhiaxus in the Cauldron.
  • Kre-O Jhiaxus is a bit of a hard one to suss out in the comic. He's wedged into a corner behind Straxus, whose scythe obscures his chest details. But the cockpit is just visible, so mixed with the yellow chest, red Starscream-style helmet, and he's in a panel that otherwise holds nothing but Decepticon leader-types... yeah.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Jhiaxus (ジアクサス Jiakusasu)


  1. Universe Jhiaxus profile
  2. "Inspiration for Jhiaxus? Mark's idea. Worked on Thrilling 30 one - at the time, there was a push towards brighter colors, hence the orange colors similar to RID01. Loves the character. Mark owns some Manny Galen art."—, Twitter, 2022/04/20, paraphrasing designer Mark Maher
  3. 3H Collector's Event: Productions/BotCon Tidbits at ASM
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