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Stazioni e fermate
Continuation backward
linea per Terni
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTgq"
linea per Pescara
Station on track
0+000 Sulmona 348 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "CONTfq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
linea per Roma
Stop on track
2+960 SulmonaIntrodacqua 411 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
7+560 Vallelarga † 2002 503 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit short tunnel
Pettorano (750 m)
Stop on track
13+070 Pettorano sul Gizio 627 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit tunnel
Artificiale I (60 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Cava (338 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Pineta (152 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Mitra (518 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Voltagrande (173 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Artificiale II (55 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Pantano I (349 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Pantano II (350 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Artificiale III (50 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
San Donato (113 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
25+570 Cansano † 15.12.2002 948 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit tunnel
Artificiale IV (280 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Artificiale V (93 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Girone (87 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
28+220 - 29+430 Dirupo (1210 m)
Station on track
30+950 Campo di Giove 1069 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
34+270 Campo di Giove Monte Maiella
Enter and exit tunnel
Cerreto (108 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Artificiale VI (66 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Artificiale VII (150 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Artificiale VIII (460 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Nanni (267 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Artificiale IX (81 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Artificiale X (320 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
38+620 - 41+100 Maiella (2486 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Inghiottitore (482 m)
Stop on track
43+490 Palena 1257 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
49+160 Rivisondoli - Pescocostanzo 1267 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit tunnel
Macello (728 m)
Station on track
52+310 Roccaraso 1226 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit tunnel
Calvario (687 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Camoscio (976 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Selva (573 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
57+630 - 58+700 Arazzecca (1064 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Posta della Valle (267 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Forche (313 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Spino Rotondo (593 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
61+010 Sant'Ilario Sangro † 15.12.2002 1037 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "xABZgl" Unknown route-map component "STR+r"
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL1" Straight track
Casadonna (166 m) (Eliminata dopo la ricostruzione post-bellica)
Unknown route-map component "xABZg+l" One way rightward
Enter and exit tunnel
Ciarallo (205 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Prato Avone I (279 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
Prato Avone II (89 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
Scontrone (609 m)
Stop on track
68+750 AlfedenaScontrone 878 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
72+660 Montenero Valcocchiara † 15.12.2002 826 m s.l.m.
Station on track Unknown route-map component "exKBHFa"
76+820 Castel di Sangro (RFI) / Castel di Sangro (FAS) 802 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exABZg+r"
raccordo FS-FAS (non in funzione)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exSTRl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
linea FAS per Lanciano (in corso di ammodernamento)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
80+580 Montalto di Rionero Sannitico † 2002 862 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit tunnel
82+250 - 85+360 Monte Pagano (3110 m)
Stop on track
86+470 San Pietro Avellana-Capracotta 923 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
93+170 Villa San Michele 922 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
94+320 Vastogirardi 916 m s.l.m.
Station on track
99+690 Carovilli-Roccasicura 838 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
105+600 Pescolanciano-Chiauci 762 m s.l.m.
Enter and exit tunnel
106+820 - 108+990 Monte Totila (2175 m)
Stop on track
110+300 Sessano del Molise 740 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
linea per Campobasso
Station on track
118+100 Carpinone 631 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Station on track
128+731 Isernia
Continuation forward
linea per Vairano
Stazioni e fermate
Continuation backward
linea per Terni
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
linea per Pescara
Station on track
0+000 Sulmona 348 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
linea per Roma
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
2+960 Sulmona-Introdacqua 411 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
7+560 Vallelarga * 1947 † 2002 503 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
13+070 Pettorano sul Gizio 627 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
25+568 Cansano † 2002 ** 2017[1][2] 948 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
28+220 galleria Dirupo (1210 m)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Station on track
30+948 Campo di Giove 1069 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
34+271 Campo di Giove Majella * 1991
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
38+620 galleria Maiella (2486 m)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
43+490 Palena 1257 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
49+156 Rivisondoli-Pescocostanzo 1268 m s.l.m.
Station on track
52+310 Roccaraso 1226 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
57+630 galleria Arazecca (1064 m)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
61+010 Sant'Ilario Sangro † 2002 1037 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
68+754 Alfedena-Scontrone 878 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
72+660 Montenero Valcocchiara † 2002 826 m s.l.m.
Station on track Unknown route-map component "exKBHFa"
76+820 Castel di Sangro / FAS † 2007[3] 802 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eKRWgl" Unknown route-map component "exKRWg+r"
raccordo FS-FAS
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exCONT2+g"
linea FAS per Lanciano
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
80+580 Montalto di Rionero Sannitico * 1961[4] † 2002 862 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
82+250 galleria Monte Pagano (3110 m)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "STR+GRZq"
confine Abruzzo-Molise
Stop on track
86+465 San Pietro Avellana-Capracotta 923 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
93+171 Villa San Michele * 1961[5] 922 m s.l.m.
Stop on track
94+317 Vastogirardi 916 m s.l.m.
Station on track
99+687 Carovilli-Roccasicura 838 m s.l.m.
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exCONT1+f"
linea per Agnone † 1943
Stop on track Unknown route-map component "exKHSTe"
105+601 Pescolanciano-Chiauci 762 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
106+820 galleria Monte Totila (2175 m)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Stop on track
110+301 Sessano del Molise 740 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
linea per Campobasso
Station on track
118+100 Carpinone 631 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Pettoranello † 2001
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Pesche † 2001
Station on track
128+731 Isernia 475 m s.l.m.
Continuation forward
linea per Vairano
Stazioni e fermate
Unknown route-map component "exKBHFa"
37+500 Agnone † 1943 820 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
30+600 Verrino † 1943 650 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
27+600 Colle Vucci † 1943
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
24+800 Cassillo † 1943 885 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
18+500 Vastogirardi-Capracotta † 1943 1060 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
13+900 Rocca Tamburri † 1943 1100 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
11+400 Pietrabbondante † 1943 1000 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
8+100 Trivento-Bagnoli sul Trigno † 1943 900 m s.l.m.
Unknown route-map component "exHST"
6+000 Colle Meluccio † 1943 850 m s.l.m.
Continuation backward Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
linea per Sulmona
Stop on track Unknown route-map component "exKHSTe"
Pescolanciano-Chiauci 762 m s.l.m.
Continuation forward
linea per Isernia
  1. ^ Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, Circolare Territoriale RFI DTP AN 14/2017 (PDF), su https://donet.rfi.it, RFI, 16 luglio 2017. URL consultato il 16 luglio 2017.
  2. ^ Ferrovie.it, Riattivata la fermata di Cansano tra Sulmona e Carpinone, su http://ferrovie.it, 19 luglio 2017. URL consultato il 19 luglio 2017.
  3. ^ TuttoTreno Tema n. 24, p. 50-51.
  4. ^ Ordine di Servizio n°. 82 del 1961.
  5. ^ Ordine di Servizio n°. 71 del 1961.