The unexpected uses of a bowling pin: exploiting $^{20}$Ne isotopes for precision characterizations of collectivity in small systems
/ Giacalone, Giuliano (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Bally, Benjamin (IRFU, Saclay) ; Nijs, Govert (CERN) ; Shen, Shihang (IAS, Julich) ; Duguet, Thomas (IRFU, Saclay ; Leuven U.) ; Ebran, Jean-Paul (CEA DAM ; U. Paris-Saclay) ; Elhatisari, Serdar (Gaziantep U. ; Bonn U., HISKP ; U. Bonn, Phys. Inst., BCTP) ; Frosini, Mikael (CEA Cadarache) ; Lähde, Timo A. (IAS, Julich ; JCHP, Julich ; Unlisted, DE) ; Lee, Dean (Michigan State U.) et al.
Whether or not femto-scale droplets of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) are formed in so-called small systems at high-energy colliders is a pressing question in the phenomenology of the strong interaction. [...]
arXiv:2402.05995 ; CERN-TH-2024-021.
17 p.
The unexpected uses of a bowling pin: anisotropic flow in fixed-target $^{208}$Pb+$^{20}$Ne collisions as a probe of quark-gluon plasma
/ Giacalone, Giuliano (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Zhao, Wenbin (LBNL, NSD ; UC, Berkeley) ; Bally, Benjamin (IRFU, Saclay) ; Shen, Shihang (IAS, Julich) ; Duguet, Thomas (IRFU, Saclay ; KU Leuven, Dept. Phys. Astron.) ; Ebran, Jean-Paul (CEA DAM ; U. Paris-Saclay) ; Elhatisari, Serdar (Gaziantep U.) ; Frosini, Mikael (CEA Cadarache) ; Lähde, Timo A. (Julich, Forschungszentrum ; IAS, Julich ; JCHP, Julich ; JARA, Aachen) ; Lee, Dean (Michigan State U.) et al.
The System for Measuring Overlap with Gas (SMOG2) at the LHCb detector enables the study of fixed-target ion-ion collisions at relativistic energies ($\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}\sim100$ GeV in the centre-of-mass). With input from \textit{ab initio} calculations of the structure of $^{16}$O and $^{20}$Ne, we compute 3+1D hydrodynamic predictions for the anisotropic flow of Pb+Ne and Pb+O collisions, to be tested with upcoming LHCb data. [...]
arXiv:2405.20210; CERN-TH-2024-074.-
2025-02-26 - 12 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 134 (2025) 082301
Fulltext: PDF;
Numerical analysis of effective models for flux-tunable transmon systems
/ Lagemann, Hannes (IAS, Julich ; CERN) ; Willsch, Dennis (IAS, Julich) ; Willsch, Madita (IAS, Julich) ; Jin, Fengping (IAS, Julich) ; De Raedt, Hans (IAS, Julich ; Groningen U.) ; Michielsen, Kristel (IAS, Julich ; CERN)
Simulations and analytical calculations that aim to describe flux-tunable transmons are usually based on effective models of the corresponding lumped-element model. [...]
17 p.
Substructure of Multiquark Hadrons (Snowmass 2021 White Paper)
/ Brambilla, Nora (Munich, Tech. U. ; TUM-IAS, Munich ; MCQST, Munich) ; Chen, Hua-Xing (Southeast U., Nanjing) ; Esposito, Angelo (Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study) ; Ferretti, Jacopo (Jyvaskyla U.) ; Francis, Anthony (Bern U. ; Taiwan, Natl. Chiao Tung U. ; CERN) ; Guo, Feng-Kun (Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys. ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Hanhart, Christoph (Julich, Forschungszentrum) ; Hosaka, Atsushi (Osaka U., Res. Ctr. Nucl. Phys.) ; Jaffe, Robert L. (MIT) ; Karliner, Marek (Tel Aviv U.) et al.
In recent years there has been a rapidly growing body of experimental evidence for existence of exotic, multiquark hadrons, i.e. [...]
47 p.
eConf - Fulltext
Interpretation of the LHCb $P_c$ States as Hadronic Molecules and Hints of a Narrow $P_c(4380)$
/ Du, Meng-Lin (Bonn U. ; Bonn U., HISKP) ; Baru, Vadim (Bonn U. ; Bonn U., HISKP ; Moscow, ITEP ; Lebedev Inst.) ; Guo, Feng-Kun (Beijing, KITPC ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Hanhart, Christoph (IAS, Julich ; JCHP, Julich) ; Meißner, Ulf-G (Bonn U. ; Bonn U., HISKP ; IAS, Julich ; JCHP, Julich ; Tbilisi State U.) ; Oller, José A. (Murcia U.) ; Wang, Qian (South China Normal U. ; TPCSF, Beijing)
Three hidden-charm pentaquark $P_c$ states, $P_c(4312)$, $P_c(4440)$, and $P_c(4457)$ were revealed in the $\Lambda_b^0\to J/\psi p K^-$ process measured by LHCb using both run I and run II data. Their nature is under lively discussion, and their quantum numbers have not been determined. [...]
2020-02-20 - 7 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 072001
Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Feasibility Study for an EDM Storage Ring
/ CPEDM Collaboration
This project exploits charged particles confined as a storage ring beam (proton, deuteron, possibly $^3$He) to search for an intrinsic electric dipole moment (EDM, $\vec d$) aligned along the particle spin axis. [...]
arXiv:1812.08535 ; CERN-PBC-REPORT-2021-003.
2018. - 14 p.
Production test of Ti isotopes towards laser spectroscopy experiments
/ Plattner, Peter (Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany) ; Bai, Shiwei (School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China) ; Blaum, Klaus (Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany) ; Cheal, Bradley (Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, UK) ; Garc\'ia Ru\'iz, Ronald (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA) ; Imgram, Phillip (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium) ; K\"onig, Kristian (Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany) ; Lellinger, Tim (Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany) ; Minamisono, Kei (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA) ; M\"uller, Patrick (Institut f\"ur Kernphysik, Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany) et al.
CERN-INTC-2023-039 ; INTC-I-255.