CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 21 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.74 segons. 
First radiation hardness results of the TeraPixel Active Calorimeter (TPAC) sensor / Price, T (Birmingham U.) ; Coath, R (Rutherford) ; Crooks, J (Rutherford) ; Cussans, D (Bristol U.) ; Dauncey, P (Imperial Coll., London) ; Gao, R (Oxford U.) ; Goldstein, J (Bristol U.) ; Head, R (Bristol U.) ; Nash, S (Bristol U.) ; Nomerotski, A (Oxford U.) et al.
The TeraPixel Active Calorimeter (TPAC) sensor is a novel Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) device developed for use as the active layers of a large area, digital electromagnetic calorimeter (DECAL) at a future e(+)e(-') collider. Further applications, which include the tracking and vertex systems for future lepton colliders and LHC upgrades have been proposed and it is therefore essential to characterise the behaviour of the sensor for these applications. [...]
2013 - Published in : JINST 8 (2013) P01007 IOP Open Access article: PDF;
The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC / CMS Collaboration
2008 - 361 p. - Published in : JINST 3 (2008) S08004 SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : The CERN Large Hadron Collider - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
The LHCb Detector at the LHC / LHCb Collaboration
The LHCb experiment is dedicated to precision measurements of CP violation and rare decays of B hadrons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva). The initial configuration and expected performance of the detector and associated systems, as established by test beam measurements and simulation studies, is described..
LHCb-DP-2008-001.- 2008 - Published in : JINST 3 (2008) S08005 SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : The CERN Large Hadron Collider - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Glass-Coated Beryllium Mirrors for the LHCb RICH1 Detector / Barber, G J (Imperial College, London, UK) ; Brook, N H (Univ. Bristol) ; Cameron, W (Imperial College, London, UK) ; D'Ambrosio, C (CERN) ; Frei, C (CERN) ; Harnew, N (Univ. Oxford) ; Head, R (Univ. Bristol) ; Khimitch, Y P (Vavilov State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia) ; Khmelnikov, V A (IHEP Serpukhov) ; Loveridge, P W (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) et al.
The design, manufacture and testing of lightweight glass-coated beryllium spherical converging mirrors for the RICH1 detector of LHCb are described. The mirrors need to be lightweight to minimize the material budget and fluorocarbon-compatible to avoid degradation in the RICH1 C4F10 gas radiator. [...]
LHCb-2006-007; CERN-LHCb-2006-007.- Geneva : CERN, 2007 - 19 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 570 (2007) 565-572 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
LHCb RICH1 Engineering Design Review Report / LHCb RICH Collaboration
This document describes the concepts of the engineering design to be adopted for the upstream Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH1) of the reoptimized LHCb detector. Our aim is to ensure that coherent solutions for the engineering design and integration for all components of RICH1 are available, before proceeding with the detailed design of these components..
LHCb-2004-121; CERN-LHCb-2004-121.- Geneva : CERN, 2005 - 44 p. EDR Access to fulltext document: PDF;
LHCb computing : Technical Design Report / LHCb Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2005-019 ; LHCb-TDR-11.
- Geneva : CERN, 2005. - 117 p. (Technical design report. LHCb ; 11)
LHCb TDR home page - Access to fulltext document
The performance of prototype vacuum phototriodes in the first full sized supercrystal array for the CMS ECAL endcaps / Apollonio, M ; Barber, G ; Bell, K W ; Britton, D I ; Brooke, J J ; Brown, R M ; Bourotte, J ; Camanzi, B ; Cockerill, D J A ; Davies, G et al.
The performance of prototype vacuum phototriodes is presented from the first full sized supercrystal array for the CMS ECAL endcaps. The array was exposed to high-energy electrons and tested in magnetic fields of up to 3T, in the CERN North area, in July and August 1999. [...]
2004 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 532 (2004) 566-574
Test results from a prototype lead tungstate crystal calorimeter with vacuum phototriode readout for the CMS experiment / Apollonio, M ; Barber, G ; Bell, K W ; Britton, D I ; Brooke, J J ; Brown, R M ; Bourotte, J ; Camanzi, B ; Cockerill, D J A ; Davies, G et al.
Tests of a prototype for the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the compact muon solenoid experiment (CMS) at the large hadron collider are described. The basic unit for the endcap ECAL in CMS is a 'supercrystal' of 25 lead tungstate crystals. [...]
2002 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 484 (2002) 287-298
CMS TriDAS project : Technical Design Report, Volume 1: The Trigger Systems
CERN-LHCC-2000-038 CMS-TDR-6-1. - 599 p. (Technical design report. CMS ; 6.1)

LHCb RICH 2 engineering design review report / Adinolfi, M (U. Oxford (main) ) ; Albrecht, E (CERN) ; Allebone, L R (Imperial Coll., London ) ; Ameri, M (Genoa U. ; INFN, Genoa) ; Barber, G J (Imperial Coll., London ) ; Barczyk, A (Edinburgh U. ) ; Bellunato, T F (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan ; CERN) ; Benayoun, M (CERN) ; Bibby, J (U. Oxford (main) ) ; Braem, André (CERN) et al.
The LHCb detector is a single arm spectrometer designed to exploit the large number of b-hadrons produced at the LHC in order to make precision studies of CP asymmetries and of rare decays in the B-meson system. It is therefore essential for the experiment that the detector configuration includes a particle identification system with high separation power between kaons and pions. [...]
LHCb-2002-009.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 64 p. EDR Access to fulltext document: PS.GZ; Fulltext: PDF;

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