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CERN Document Server Намерени са 68 записа  1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.52 секунди. 
Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission / Euclid Collaboration
The current standard model of cosmology successfully describes a variety of measurements, but the nature of its main ingredients, dark matter and dark energy, remains unknown. [...]
- 94.
Euclid: Constraining linearly scale-independent modifications of gravity with the spectroscopic and photometric primary probes / Euclid Collaboration
The future Euclid space satellite mission will offer an invaluable opportunity to constrain modifications to Einstein's general relativity at cosmic scales. We focus on modified gravity models characterised, at linear scales, by a scale-independent growth of perturbations while featuring different testable types of derivative screening mechanisms at smaller non-linear scales [...]
arXiv:2306.12368.- 2024-10-01 - 22 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 690 (2024) A133 Fulltext: 2306.12368 - PDF; Publication - PDF; document - PDF;
EuCAPT White Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade / Alves Batista, R. (Madrid, IFT) ; Amin, M.A. (Rice U.) ; Barenboim, G. (Valencia U.) ; Bartolo, N. (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron.) ; Baumann, D. (Amsterdam U. ; U. Amsterdam, GRAPPA ; U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Bauswein, A. (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Bellini, E. (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Benisty, D. (Cambridge U., DAMTP ; Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron.) ; Bertone, G. (Amsterdam U. ; U. Amsterdam, GRAPPA) ; Blasi, P. (GSSI, Aquila ; Gran Sasso) et al.
Astroparticle physics is undergoing a profound transformation, due to a series of extraordinary new results, such as the discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos with IceCube, the direct detection of gravitational waves with LIGO and Virgo, and many others. [...]
- 134.
Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna / LISA Cosmology Working Group Collaboration
The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) has two scientific objectives of cosmological focus: to probe the expansion rate of the universe, and to understand stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds and their implications for early universe and particle physics, from the MeV to the Planck scale. However, the range of potential cosmological applications of gravitational wave observations extends well beyond these two objectives. [...]
arXiv:2204.05434; LISA CosWG-22-03; FERMILAB-PUB-22-349-SCD.- 2023-08-28 - 176 p. - Published in : Living Rev. Relativ. 26 (2023) 5 Fulltext: 2204.05434 - PDF; jt - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA / LISA Collaboration
The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) has the potential to reveal wonders about the fundamental theory of nature at play in the extreme gravity regime, where the gravitational interaction is both strong and dynamical. In this white paper, the Fundamental Physics Working Group of the LISA Consortium summarizes the current topics in fundamental physics where LISA observations of GWs can be expected to provide key input. [...]
arXiv:2205.01597.- 2022-06-30 - 116 p. - Published in : Living Rev. Relativ. 25 (2022) 4 Fulltext: 2205.01597 - PDF; document - PDF;
Characterizing the Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background Anisotropies and non-Gaussianity / Bartolo, Nicola (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; INFN, Padua ; Padua Observ.) ; Bertacca, Daniele (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; INFN, Padua) ; Matarrese, Sabino (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; INFN, Padua ; Padua Observ. ; GSSI, Aquila) ; Peloso, Marco (Padua U., Dept. Pure Appl. Math. ; INFN, Padua) ; Ricciardone, Angelo (INFN, Padua) ; Riotto, Antonio (Geneva U., CAP ; CERN ; Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Tasinato, Gianmassimo (Swansea U.)
A future detection of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) with GW experiments is expected to open a new window on early universe cosmology and on the astrophysics of compact objects. In this paper we study SGWB anisotropies, that can offer new tools to discriminate between different sources of GWs. [...]
arXiv:1912.09433.- 2020-07-17 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 023527 Fulltext: PDF;
Prospects for Fundamental Physics with LISA / LISA Collaboration
In this paper, which is of programmatic rather than quantitative nature, we aim to further delineate and sharpen the future potential of the LISA mission in the area of fundamental physics. Given the very broad range of topics that might be relevant to LISA, we present here a sample of what we view as particularly promising directions, based in part on the current research interests of the LISA scientific community in the area of fundamental physics. [...]
arXiv:2001.09793.- 2020-08-31 - 22 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Anisotropies and non-Gaussianity of the Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background / Bartolo, N. (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; INFN, Padua ; Padua U. ; Padua Observ.) ; Bertacca, D. (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; INFN, Padua ; Padua U., Astron. Dept.) ; Matarrese, S. (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; GSSI, Aquila ; INFN, Padua ; Padua U.) ; Peloso, M. (INFN, Padua ; U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron.) ; Ricciardone, A. (INFN, Padua) ; Riotto, A. (CERN ; Geneva U., CAP) ; Tasinato, G. (Swansea U.)
The Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) is expected to be a key observable for Gravitational Wave (GW) interferometry. Its detection will open a new window on early universe cosmology and on the astrophysics of compact objects. [...]
arXiv:1908.00527.- 2019-12-04 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 121501 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
Gravitational Wave Anisotropies from Primordial Black Holes / Bartolo, N. (INFN, Padua ; Padua U.) ; Bertacca, D. (INFN, Padua ; Padua U., Astron. Dept.) ; De Luca, V. (Geneva U., CAP) ; Franciolini, G. (Geneva U., CAP) ; Matarrese, S. (GSSI, Aquila ; INFN, Padua ; Padua U.) ; Peloso, M. (INFN, Padua ; U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron.) ; Ricciardone, A. (INFN, Padua ; Stavanger U.) ; Riotto, A. (CERN ; Geneva U., CAP) ; Tasinato, G. (Swansea U.)
An observable stochastic background of gravitational waves is generated whenever primordial black holes are created in the early universe thanks to a small-scale enhancement of the curvature perturbation. We calculate the anisotropies and non-Gaussianity of such stochastic gravitational waves background which receive two contributions, the first at formation time and the second due to propagation effects. [...]
arXiv:1909.12619.- 2020-02-26 - 21 p. - Published in : JCAP 2002 (2020) 028 Fulltext: PDF;
From Primordial Black Holes Abundance to Primordial Curvature Power Spectrum (and back) / Kalaja, Alba (Padua U., Astron. Dept. ; ICC, Barcelona U. ; U. Groningen, VSI) ; Bellomo, Nicola (ICC, Barcelona U. ; U. Barcelona (main)) ; Bartolo, Nicola (Padua U., Astron. Dept. ; INFN, Padua ; Padua Observ.) ; Bertacca, Daniele (Padua U., Astron. Dept. ; INFN, Padua) ; Matarrese, Sabino (Padua U., Astron. Dept. ; INFN, Padua ; Padua Observ. ; GSSI, Aquila) ; Musco, Ilia (ICC, Barcelona U.) ; Raccanelli, Alvise (ICC, Barcelona U. ; CERN) ; Verde, Licia (ICC, Barcelona U. ; ICREA, Barcelona)
In the model where Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) form from large primordial curvature (C) perturbations, i.e., CPBHs, constraints on PBH abundance provide in principle constraints on the primordial curvature power spectrum. This connection however depends necessarily on the details of PBH formation mechanism. [...]
arXiv:1908.03596.- 2019-10-11 - 52 p. - Published in : JCAP 1910 (2019) 031 Fulltext: PDF;

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