CERN Accelerating science

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Alvarez drift tube linac for medical applications in the framework of HITRIplus project / Mamaras, Aristeidis (Aristotle U., Thessaloniki ; CERN) ; Samponidis, D (Aristotle U., Thessaloniki ; CERN) ; Bellan, L (INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Italy) ; Bisoffi, Giovanni (Universita e INFN, Legnaro (IT)) ; Comunian, M (INFN-LNL, Leganro, Italy) ; Thonet, Pierre Alexandre (CERN) ; Vretenar, Maurizio (CERN)
A first beam dynamics and RF design of an Alvarez-type drift tube linac (DTL) has been defined in the framework of the EU project, HITRIplus. It is meant primarily as a carbon (12C4+) and helium (4He2+) ion injector of a compact synchrotron for patient treatment. [...]
CERN-ACC-NOTE-2023-0008; NIMMS-Note-014.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 - 6 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC2023 (2023) TUPA176 Fulltext: NIMMS_Note_014_Final - PDF; TUPA176 - PDF;
In : 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, 7 - 12 May 2023, pp.TUPA176
PRODUCTION OF RADIOISOTOPES FOR CANCER IMAGING AND TREATMENT WITH COMPACT LINEAR ACCELERATORS / Vretenar, Maurizio (CERN) ; Mamaras, Aristeidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)) ; Bisoffi, Giovanni (Universita e INFN, Legnaro (IT)) ; Foka, Yiota (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
Accelerator-produced radioisotopes are widely used inmodern medicine, for imaging, for cancer therapy, and for combinations of therapy and diagnostics (theragnostics). [...]
CERN-ACC-NOTE-2023-0003 ; NIMMS-Note-0012.
- 2023. - 6 p.
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Design of the Fast Tuner Loop for Superconducting RFQs at INFN-LNL / Andreev, V ; Bisoffi, G ; Ao, H ; Shepard, K W
2000 External link: Published version
In : 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26 - 30 Jun 2000, pp.e-proc. 2013
Production of Radioisotopes for Cancer Imaging and Treatment with Compact Linear Accelerators / Vretenar, Maurizio (CERN) ; Bisoffi, Giovanni (INFN, Legnaro) ; Foka, Panagiota (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Mamaras, Aristeidis (CERN)
Accelerator-produced radioisotopes are widely used in modern medicine, for imaging, for cancer therapy, and for combinations of therapy and diagnostics. Clinical trials are well advanced for several radioisotope-based treatments that might open the way to a strong request of specific accelerator systems dedicated to radioisotope production. [...]
2022 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2022 (2022) 2996-2999 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12 - 17 Jun 2022, pp.2996-2999
Low- and intermediate-beta, 352-MHz superconducting half-wave resonators for high power hadron acceleration / Facco, A (INFN-LNL, viale dell’Universita` 2, Legnaro (Padova), Italy) ; Scarpa, F (INFN-LNL, viale dell’Universita` 2, Legnaro (Padova), Italy) ; Zenere, D (INFN-LNL, viale dell’Universita` 2, Legnaro (Padova), Italy) ; Losito, R (CERN) ; Zviagintsev, V (TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada)
2006 - 5 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 9 (2006) 110101 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.448
LHC Triplet Task Force Report / Arduini, Gianluigi (CERN) ; Bradu, Benjamin (CERN) ; Brodzinski, Krzysztof (CERN) ; Bruce, Roderik (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN) ; Ciccotelli, Alessia (University of Manchester (GB)) ; Deferne, Guy (CERN) ; Fartoukh, Stephane (CERN) ; Fessia, Paolo (CERN) ; Garion, Cedric (CERN) et al.
The excellent performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the extension of Run 3 by one year have led to a significant increase of the expected integrated luminosity by the end of its operation and before the start of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), exceeding the design LHC integrated luminosity of 300 fb−1 for which the final focus region has been designed. [...]
- 2023. - 95 p.
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First Results with the Full Niobium Superconducting RFQ Resonator at INFN-LNL / Bisoffi, G ; Andreev, V ; Bezzon, G P ; Chiurlotto, F ; Comunian, M ; Lombardi, A M ; Palmieri, V G ; Pisent, A ; Porcellato, A M ; Stark, S et al.
Geneva : CERN, 2000 External link: Published version
In : 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26 - 30 Jun 2000, pp.e-proc. 324
Upgrade of PIAVE Superconducting RFQs at INFN-Legnaro / Bisoffi, Giovanni (INFN, Legnaro) ; Andreev, Vladimir (Moscow, ITEP) ; Bissiato, Enzo (INFN, Legnaro) ; Bortolato, Damiano (INFN, Legnaro) ; Bosotti, Angelo (LASA, Segrate) ; Chiurlotto, Francesca (INFN, Legnaro) ; Contran, Tiziano (INFN, Legnaro) ; Fagotti, Enrico (INFN, Legnaro) ; Ferreira, Leonel (CERN) ; Kasprzak, Karol (Cracow, INP) et al.
Superconducting RFQs (SRFQs), the first SC RFQs ever made operational for users, have been operated on the PIAVE SC heavy ion linac injector at INFN-Legnaro since 2006. The structure is split into two resonators and is limited to the accelerating RFQ sections. [...]
2018 - 4 p. - Published in : (2018) , pp. THPAL007
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1067 (2018) 082008 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.THPAL007
Letter of intent for the use of a tritium target to probe short-range interactions in neutron rich system at ISS / Gottardo, Andrea (INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Italy) ; De Angelis, Giacomo (INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Italy)
CERN-INTC-2021-003 ; INTC-I-223.
- 2021.
Construction, Tuning and Assembly of the Beta=0.12 SC Ladder Resonator at LNL / Bisoffi, Giovanni (INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova) ; Bissiato, Enzo (INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova) ; Palmieri, Antonio (INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova)
2006 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.451

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