The SuperKEKB Has Broken the World Record of the Luminosity (p. 1) |
by Funakoshi, Yoshihiro |
The AWAKE Experiment in 2021: Performance and Preliminary Results on Electron-Seeding of Self-Modulation (p. 21) |
by Gschwendtner, Edda |
Impact of Longitudinal Gradient Dipoles on Storage Ring Performance (p. 30) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
BBQ and Doughnut Beams: A Tasty Recipe for Measuring Amplitude Dependence of the Closest Tune Approach (p. 42) |
by Maclean, Ewen |
Beam-Based Measurement of Skew-Sextupole Errors in the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 46) |
by Horney, Sasha |
The HL-LHC Project Gets Ready for Its Deployment (p. 50) |
by Zerlauth, Markus |
Beam Commissioning and Optimisation in the CERN Proton Synchrotron After the Upgrade of the LHC Injectors (p. 54) |
by Huschauer, Alexander |
Summary of the First Fully Operational Run of LINAC4 at CERN (p. 58) |
by Skowroński, Piotr |
Design and Beam Dynamics Study of Disk-Loaded Structure for Muon Linac (p. 94) |
by Sumi, Kazumichi |
A Local Modification of HL-LHC Optics for Improved Performance of the Alice Fixed-Target Layout (p. 108) |
by Patecki, Marcin |
The Zgoubidoo Python Framework for Ray-Tracing Simulations with Zgoubi: Applications to Fixed-Field Accelerators (p. 118) |
by Vanwelde, Marion |
Betatron Tune Characterization of the Rutgers 12-Inch Cyclotron for Different Magnetic Poles Configurations (p. 136) |
by Hernalsteens, Cédric |
Operational Experience and Performance of the REX/HIE-ISOLDE Linac (p. 140) |
by Rodriguez, Jose |
Transverse Emittance Measurements of the Beams Produced by the ISOLDE Target Ion Sources (p. 144) |
by Bidault, Niels |
Characterisation of Bunch-by-Bunch Tune Shift Effects in the CERN SPS (p. 148) |
by Mases Solé, Ingrid |
Using Dynamic Indicators for Probing Single-Particle Stability in Circular Accelerators (p. 168) |
by Montanari, Carlo Emilio |
Testing the Global Diffusive Behaviour of Beam-Halo Dynamics at the CERN LHC Using Collimator Scans (p. 172) |
by Montanari, Carlo Emilio |
A Novel Tool for Beam Dynamics Studies with Hollow Electron Lenses (p. 176) |
by Hermes, Pascal |
Determination of the Phase-Space Stability Border with Machine Learning Techniques (p. 183) |
by Van der Veken, Frederik |
Efficient Representation of Realistic 3D Static Magnetic Fields for Symplectic Tracking and First Applications for Frequency Analysis and Dynamic Aperture Studies in ELENA (p. 187) |
by Bojtár, Lajos |
Electron Cloud Build-Up for the Arc Sextupole Sections of the FCC-ee (p. 191) |
by Rocha Muñoz, Jaime Eduardo |
Interplay between Space Charge and Intra-beam Scattering for the CERN Ion Injectors (p. 214) |
by Zampetakis, Michail |
Characterization of the Vertical Beam Tails in the CERN PS Booster (p. 218) |
by Prebibaj, Tirsi |
Studies on the Vertical Half-Integer Resonance in the CERN PS Booster (p. 222) |
by Prebibaj, Tirsi |
Summary of the Post-Long Shutdown 2 LHC Hardware Commissioning Campaign (p. 335) |
by Apollonio, Andrea |
Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Beam Distribution Imaging Using a Single Multimode Fiber at CERN (p. 339) |
by Trad, Georges |
Recent AWAKE Diagnostics Development and Operational Results (p. 343) |
by Senes, Eugenio |
Recent Developments in Longitudinal Phase Space Tomography (p. 347) |
by Albright, Simon |
Beam Loss Localisation with an Optical Beam Loss Monitor in the CLEAR Facility at CERN (p. 351) |
by Benítez Berrocal, Sara |
Linearity and Response Time of the LHC Diamond Beam Loss Monitors in the CLEAR Beam Test Facility at CERN (p. 355) |
by Morales Vigo, Sara |
Experimental Demonstration of Machine Learning Application in LHC Optics Commissioning (p. 359) |
by Fol, Elena |
Design of a Prototype Gas Jet Profile Monitor for Installation Into the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (p. 363) |
by Veness, Raymond |
A Beam Position Monitor for Electron Bunch Detection in the Presence of a More Intense Proton Bunch for the AWAKE Experiment (p. 381) |
by Pakuza, Collette |
Commissioning of a Gas Jet Beam Profile Monitor for EBTS and LHC (p. 393) |
by Zhang, Hao |
ENUBET’s Multi Momentum Secondary Beam Line (p. 469) |
by Parozzi, E G |
Zero Dispersion Optics to Improve Horizontal Emittance Measurements at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 503) |
by Van Goethem, Wietse |
Improved Low-Energy Optics Control for Transverse Emittance Preservation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 507) |
by Van Goethem, Wietse |
Beam Optics Modelling Through Fringe Fields During Injection and Extraction at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 511) |
by Johnson, Eliott |
10 TeV Center of Mass Energy Muon Collider (p. 515) |
by Skoufaris, Kyriacos |
An N-BPM Momentum Reconstruction for Linear Transverse Coupling Measurements in LHC and HL-LHC (p. 519) |
by Wegscheider, Andreas |
Numerical Calibration of the Bead-Pull Setup for Beam Coupling Impedance Evaluation (p. 607) |
by El Dali, Dalia Mahmoud Fouda |
Minimising Transverse Multipoles in Accelerating RF Cavities via Azimuthally Modulated Designs (p. 610) |
by Wroe, Laurence |
Application of Nanostructures and Metamaterials in Accelerator Physics (p. 659) |
by Resta-López, Javier |
Stability and Lifetime Studies of Carbon Nanotubes for Electron Cooling in ELENA (p. 699) |
by Galante, Bruno |
Radiation Shielding Design for the X-Band Laboratory for Radio-Frequency Test Facility - X-Lab - at the University of Melbourne (p. 724) |
by Volpi, Matteo |
Concrete Shielding Activation for Proton Therapy Systems Using BDSIM and FISPACT-II (p. 728) |
by Ramoisiaux, Eliott |
Comparison Between Run 2 TID Measurements and FLUKA Simulations in the CERN LHC Tunnel of the Atlas Insertion Region (p. 732) |
by Prelipcean, Daniel |
Automated Analysis of the Prompt Radiation Levels in the CERN Accelerator Complex (p. 736) |
by Biłko, Kacper |
Implications and Mitigation of Radiation Effects on the CERN SPS Operation during 2021 (p. 740) |
by Aguiar, Ygor |
Reliability Analysis of the HL-LHC Energy Extraction System (p. 747) |
by Blaszkiewicz, Milosz |
Wireless IoT in Particle Accelerators: A Proof of Concept with the IoT Radiation Monitor at CERN (p. 772) |
by Danzeca, Salvatore |
Origin and Mitigation of the Beam-Induced Surface Modifications of the LHC Beam Screens (p. 780) |
by Petit, Valentine |
Evaluation of Geometrical Precision and Surface Roughness Quality for the Additively Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Prototype (p. 787) |
by Torims, Toms |
A Compact Synchrotron for Advanced Cancer Therapy with Helium and Proton Beams (p. 811) |
by Vretenar, Maurizio |
Status of the e⁺e⁻ Collider Projects in Asia and Europe: CEPC and FCC-ee (p. 815) |
by Lou, Xinchou |
The Muon Collider (p. 821) |
by Schulte, Daniel |
Prospects for optics measurements in FCC-ee (p. 827) |
by Keintzel, Jacqueline |
RF Voltage Calibration Using Phase Space Tomography in the CERN SPS (p. 841) |
by Quartullo, Danilo |
Frequency-Dependent RF Voltage Calibration Using Longitudinal Tomography in the CERN PSB (p. 845) |
by Quartullo, Danilo |
New Generation of Very Low Noise Beam Position Measurement System for the LHC Transverse Feedback (p. 849) |
by Valuch, Daniel |
Digital Low-Level RF System for the CERN Linac3 Accelerator (p. 853) |
by Valuch, Daniel |
Simulation Studies of Intra-Train, Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems at the International Linear Collider (p. 861) |
by Ramjiawan, Rebecca |
The CERN SPS Low Level RF: The Beam-Control (p. 895) |
by Spierer, Arthur |
The CERN SPS Low Level RF: Lead Ions Acceleration (p. 899) |
by Baudrenghien, Philippe |
The CERN SPS Low level RF: The Cavity-Controller (p. 903) |
by Hagmann, Gregoire |
A New Beam Loading Compensation and Blowup Control System Using Multi-Harmonic Digital Feedback Loops in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 907) |
by Barrientos, Diego |
Beam Commissioning of the New Digital Low-Level RF System for CERN’s AD (p. 911) |
by Angoletta, Maria Elena |
Reconstruction of Transverse Phase Space From Transverse Feedback Data for Real Time Extraction of Vital LHC Machine Parameters (p. 937) |
by Kotzian, Gerd |
Automated Intensity Optimisation Using Reinforcement Learning at LEIR (p. 941) |
by Madysa, Nico |
Experience with Computer-Aided Optimizations in LINAC4 and PSB at CERN (p. 945) |
by Skowroński, Piotr |
Towards the Automatic Setup of Longitudinal Emittance Blow-Up in the CERN SPS (p. 949) |
by Bruchon, Niky |
A Novel Method for Detecting Unidentified Falling Object Loss Patterns in the LHC (p. 953) |
by Coyle, Loic |
Fortune Telling or Physics Prediction? Deep Learning for On-Line Kicker Temperature Forecasting (p. 957) |
by Velotti, Francesco |
Overview of the Machine Learning and Numerical Optimiser Applications on Beam Transfer Systems for LHC and Its Injectors (p. 961) |
by Velotti, Francesco |
HOM Coupler Design and Optimization for the FCC-ee W Working Point (p. 1230) |
by Udongwo, Sosoho-Abasi |
Optimization of a 600 MHz Two-Cell Slotted Waveguide Elliptical Cavity for FCC-ee (p. 1323) |
by Gorgi Zadeh, Shahnam |
Design Studies on a High-Power Wide-Band RF Combiner for Consolidation of the Driver Amplifier of the J-PARC RCS (p. 1333) |
by Okita, Hidefumi |
One Year of Operation of the New Wideband RF System of the Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 1344) |
by Gnemmi, Giulia |
Simulations of Miscut Effects on the Efficiency of a Crystal Collimation System (p. 1358) |
by D'Andrea, Marco |
Prospects to Apply Machine Learning to Optimize the Operation of the Crystal Collimation System at the LHC (p. 1362) |
by D'Andrea, Marco |
Settings for Improved Betatron Collimation in the First Run of the High Luminosity LHC (p. 1366) |
by Lindström, Bjorn |
CERN Linac4 Chopper Dump: Operational Experience and Future Upgrades (p. 1370) |
by Sharp, Calum |
Fabrication and Low-Power Test of Disk-and-Washer Cavity for Muon Acceleration (p. 1534) |
by Takeuchi, Yusuke |
Data Augmentation for Breakdown Prediction in CLIC RF Cavities (p. 1553) |
by Bovbjerg, Holger |
A Modernized Architecture for the Post Mortem System at CERN (p. 1557) |
by Barth, Jonas |
Studies and Mitigation of Collective Effects in FCC-ee (p. 1583) |
by Migliorati, Mauro |
Achievements and Performance Prospects of the Upgraded LHC Injectors (p. 1610) |
by Kain, Verena |
Industry and Accelerator Science, Technology, and Engineering - the Need to Integrate (Building Bridges) (p. 1644) |
by Geometrante, Raffaella |
Trapping of Neutral Molecules by the Electromagnetic Beam Field (p. 1649) |
by Franchetti, Giuliano |
Suppression of Crab Cavity Noise Induced Emittance Growth by Transverse Beam Coupling Impedance (p. 1659) |
by Triantafyllou, Natalia |
Radiation Load Studies for Superconducting Dipole Magnets in a 10 TeV Muon Collider (p. 1671) |
by Calzolari, Daniele |
Synchrotron Radiation Impact on the FCC-ee Arcs (p. 1675) |
by Humann, Barbara |
Implications of the Upgrade II of LHCb on the LHC Insertion Region 8: From Energy Deposition Studies to Mitigation Strategies (p. 1679) |
by Ciccotelli, Alessia |
Centre-of-Mass Energy in FCC-ee (p. 1683) |
by Keintzel, Jacqueline |
Optics Correction Strategy for Run 3 of the LHC (p. 1687) |
by Persson, Tobias |
Muon Collider Based on Gamma Factory, FCC-ee and Plasma Target (p. 1691) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Controlling e⁺/e⁻ Circular Collider Bunch Intensity by Laser Compton Scattering (p. 1695) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Studies on Top-Up Injection into the FCC-ee Collider Ring (p. 1699) |
by Hunchak, Patrick |
Feasibility of Slow-Extracted High-Energy Ions From the CERN Proton Synchrotron for CHARM (p. 1703) |
by Fraser, Matthew |
Exploitation of Crystal Shadowing via Multi-Crystal Array, Optimisers and Reinforcement Learning (p. 1707) |
by Velotti, Francesco |
Studies on Pre-Computation of SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Corrections (p. 1711) |
by Bracco, Chiara |
Implementation of a Tune Sweep Slow Extraction with Constant Optics at MedAustron (p. 1715) |
by Arrutia Sota, Pablo Andreas |
Development of Collimation Simulations for the FCC-ee (p. 1718) |
by Abramov, Andrey |
Design of a Collimation Section for the FCC-ee (p. 1722) |
by Hofer, Michael |
Power Deposition Studies for Crystal-Based Heavy Ion Collimation in the LHC (p. 1726) |
by Potoine, Jean-Baptiste |
Benchmarks of Energy Deposition Studies for Heavy-Ion Collimation Losses at the LHC (p. 1730) |
by Potoine, Jean-Baptiste |
Design of a Very Low Energy Beamline for NA61/SHINE (p. 1741) |
by Mussolini, Carlo Alberto |
Physics Beyond Colliders: The Conventional Beams Working Group (p. 1745) |
by Mussolini, Carlo Alberto |
Conceptual Design of the FCC-ee Beam Dumping System (p. 1753) |
by Krainer, Alexander |
Magnetic Characterization of a Superconducting Transverse Gradient Undulator for Compact Laser Wakefield Accelerator-Driven FELs (p. 1772) |
by Damminsek, Kantaphon |
First Interaction Region Local Coupling Corrections in the LHC Run 3 (p. 1838) |
by Soubelet, Felix |
Supervised Machine Learning for Local Coupling Sources Detection in the LHC (p. 1842) |
by Soubelet, Felix |
Operational Scenario of First High Luminosity LHC Run (p. 1846) |
by Tomás García, Rogelio |
Progress on Action Phase Jump for LHC Local Optics Correction (p. 1850) |
by Cardona, Javier F |
Modelling FCC-ee Using MADX (p. 1854) |
by van Riesen-Haupt, Léon |
MAD-X for Future Accelerators (p. 1858) |
by Persson, Tobias |
Effect of a Spurious CLIQ Firing on the Circulating Beam in HL-LHC (p. 1862) |
by Hernalsteens, Cédric |
The Effect of a Partially Depleted Halo on the Criticality and Detectability of Fast Failures in the HL-LHC (p. 1866) |
by Hernalsteens, Cédric |
Study of Hydrodynamic-Tunnelling Effects Induced by High-Energy Proton Beams in Graphite (p. 1870) |
by Wiesner, Christoph |
Beam-Based Reconstruction of the Shielded Quench-Heater Fields for the LHC Main Dipoles (p. 1874) |
by Richtmann, Lea |
First Optics Design for a Transverse Monochromatic Scheme for the Direct S-Channel Higgs Production at FCC-ee Collider (p. 1878) |
by Jiang, Hongping |
Target Studies for the FCC-ee Positron Source (p. 1979) |
by Alharthi, F |
Linac3, LEIR and PS Performance with Ions in 2021 and Prospects for 2022 (p. 1983) |
by Biancacci, Nicolo |
A Response Matrix Approach to Skew-Sextupole Correction in the LHC at Injection (p. 1987) |
by Waagaard, Elias |
Corrections of Systematic Normal Decapole Field Errors in the HL-LHC Separation/Recombination Dipoles (p. 1991) |
by Dilly, Joschua |
Controlling Landau Damping via Feed-Down From High-Order Correctors in the LHC and HL-LHC (p. 1995) |
by Dilly, Joschua |
A Flexible Nonlinear Resonance Driving Term Based Correction Algorithm with Feed-Down (p. 1999) |
by Dilly, Joschua |
Optimisation of the FCC-ee Positron Source Using a HTS Solenoid Matching Device (p. 2003) |
by Zhao, Yongke |
The FCCee Pre-Injector Complex (p. 2007) |
by Craievich, Paolo |
Future Neutrino Beam Studies Under the Framework of Physics Beyond Colliders (p. 2044) |
by Parozzi, E G |
Processes and Tools to Manage CERN Programmed Stops Applied to the Second Long Shutdown of the Accelerator Complex (p. 2048) |
by Vergara Fernandez, Estrella |
The Second Long Shutdown of the LHC and Its Injectors: Feedback from the Accelerator Coordination and Engineering Group (p. 2052) |
by Perrot, Anne-Laure |
High Intensity Studies in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 2056) |
by Asvesta, Foteini |
Commissioning the New LLRF System of the CERN PS Booster (p. 2060) |
by Albright, Simon |
Direct Impedance Measurement of the CERN PS Booster Finemet Cavities (p. 2064) |
by Albright, Simon |
Simulation of Heavy-Ion Beam Losses with Crystal Collimation* (p. 2082) |
by Cai, Rongrong |
Concepts and Considerations for FCC-ee Top-Up Injection Strategies (p. 2106) |
by Ramjiawan, Rebecca |
Commissioning of the ELENA Electrostatic Transfer Lines for the Antimatter Facility at CERN (p. 2110) |
by Dutheil, Yann |
Implementation of RF Channeling at the CERN PS for Spill Quality Improvements (p. 2114) |
by Arrutia Sota, Pablo Andreas |
Low-Energy Negative Ion Injection Beamline for Experiments with Antiprotonic Atoms at AEgIS (p. 2126) |
by Rodin, Volodymyr |
Layouts for Feasibility Studies of Fixed-Target Experiments at the LHC (p. 2134) |
by Hermes, Pascal |
LHC Beam Collimation During Extended $\beta$*-Levelling in Run 3 (p. 2138) |
by Van der Veken, Frederik |
Matching Studies Between the CERN PSB and PS Using Turn-by-Turn Beam Profile Acquisitions with a Residual Beam Gas Ionisation Monitor (p. 2161) |
by Fraser, Matthew |
Improved Longitudinal Performance of the LHC Beam in the CERN PS (p. 2165) |
by Damerau, Heiko |
Beam Induced Power Loss Estimation of a Movable Synchrotron Light Extraction Mirror for the LHC (p. 2173) |
by Wendt, Manfred |
Experimental Study of the Transverse Mode Coupling Instability with Space-Charge at the CERN SPS (p. 2193) |
by Buffat, Xavier |
Suppression of Emittance Growth by a Collective Force: Van Kampen Approach (p. 2197) |
by Buffat, Xavier |
Intrabunch Motion with Both Impedance and Beam-Beam Using the Circulant Matrix Approach (p. 2209) |
by Métral, Elias |
A Wireless Method to Obtain the Impedance From Scattering Parameters (p. 2213) |
by Antuono, Chiara |
Impact of Broadband Impedance on Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability Threshold (p. 2245) |
by Karpov, Ivan |
Simulation Studies of Longitudinal Stability for High-Intensity LHC-Type Beams in the CERN SPS (p. 2249) |
by Quartullo, Danilo |
Machine Learning-Based Modeling of Muon Beam Ionization Cooling (p. 2354) |
by Fol, Elena |
Automated Design and Optimization of the Final Cooling for a Muon Collider (p. 2358) |
by Fol, Elena |
ELENA - From Commissioning to Operation (p. 2391) |
by Ponce, Laurette |
Experimental Verification of Several Theoretical Models for ChDR Description (p. 2420) |
by Łasocha, Kacper |
Collective Effects Estimates for the Damping Ring Design of the FCC-ee (p. 2435) |
by Etisken, Ozgur |
The Design of a Second Beamline for the CLEAR User Facility at CERN (p. 2479) |
by Dyks, Luke |
Generation of Transversely Uniform Bunches from a Gaussian Laser Spot in a Photoinjector for Irradiation Experiments (p. 2483) |
by Dyks, Luke |
Analysis with MECAmaster on the Chain of Design Tolerances for the Target Systems at the European Spallation Source - ESS (p. 2524) |
by Bignami, Andrea |
SPS Beam Dump System (SBDS) Commissioning After Relocation and Upgrade (p. 2530) |
by Van Trappen, Pieter |
Emittance Reduction with the Variable Dipole for the ELETTRA 2.0 Ring (p. 2586) |
by Poyet, Axel |
Performance Characterisation at Daresbury Laboratory of Cs-Te Photocathodes Grown at CERN (p. 2653) |
by Soomary, L A J |
A Second Generation Light Source Aiming at High Power on the Giant Dipole Resonance (p. 2661) |
by Buffat, Xavier |
Status and Powering Test Results of HTS Undulator Coils at 77 K for Compact FEL Designs (p. 2726) |
by Richter, Sebastian |
Recent Experience from the Large-Scale Deployment of Power Converters with Magnet Energy Recovery (p. 2809) |
by Papastergiou, Konstantinos |
Thermo-Mechanical Modeling and Thermal Performance Analysis of Beam Vacuum Line Interconnections and Cold Warm Transitions in HL-LHC Long Straight Section Magnets (p. 2839) |
by Harray, Jérôme |
Mitigation of High Voltage Breakdown of the Beam Screen of a CERN SPS Injection Kicker Magnet (p. 2868) |
by Barnes, Michael |
Ultra-Fast Generator for Impact Ionization Triggering (p. 2872) |
by del Barrio Montañés, Alicia |
Branch Module for an Inductive Voltage Adder for Driving Kicker Magnets with a Short Circuit Termination (p. 2875) |
by Ruf, Johannes |
Radiation Load Studies for the FCC-ee Positron Source with a Superconducting Matching Device (p. 2879) |
by Humann, Barbara |
Irradiation of Low-Z Carbon-Based Materials with 440 GeV/c Proton Beam for High Energy & Intensity Beam Absorbers: The CERN HiRadMat-56-HED Experiment (p. 2883) |
by Andreu Muñoz, Pablo |
Muon Collider Graphite Target Studies and Demonstrator Layout Possibilities at CERN (p. 2895) |
by Saura Esteban, Francisco Javier |
CERN’s East Experimental Area: A New Modern Physics Facility (p. 2911) |
by Evrard, Sebastien |
Upgrade of a Proton Therapy Eye Treatment Nozzle Using a Cylindrical Beam Stopping Device for Enhanced Dose Rate Performances (p. 2937) |
by Gnacadja, Eustache |
Achromatic Gantry Design Using Fixed-Field Spiral Combined-Function Magnets (p. 2941) |
by Tesse, Robin |
A Carbon Minibeam Irradiation Facility Concept (p. 2947) |
by Mayerhofer, Michael |
Explorative Studies of an Innovative Superconducting Gantry (p. 2966) |
by Pullia, M G |
Study of Coil Configuration and Local Optics Effects for the GaToroid Ion Gantry Design (p. 2984) |
by Oponowicz, Ewa |
Slow Extraction Modelling for NIMMS Hadron Therapy Synchrotrons (p. 2988) |
by Taylor, Rebecca |
Beam Optics Study for a Potential VHEE Beam Delivery System (p. 2992) |
by Robertson, Cameron |
Production of Radioisotopes for Cancer Imaging and Treatment with Compact Linear Accelerators (p. 2996) |
by Vretenar, Maurizio |
Performance Study of the NIMMS Superconducting Compact Synchrotron for Ion Therapy with Strongly Curved Magnets (p. 3014) |
by Norman, Hannah |
Testing the Properties of Beam-Dose Monitors for VHEE-FLASH Radiation Therapy (p. 3018) |
by Bateman, Joseph |
Updates, Status and Experiments of CLEAR, the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (p. 3022) |
by Korysko, Pierre |
VHEE High Dose Rate Dosimetry Studies in CLEAR (p. 3026) |
by Rieker, Vilde |
Challenge Based Innovation "Accelerators for the Environment" (p. 3077) |
by Delerue, Nicolas |
Energy Comparison of Room Temperature and Superconducting Synchrotrons for Hadron Therapy (p. 3080) |
by Bisoffi, G |
Status and Prospects in Fast Beam-Based Feedbacks (p. 3112) |
by Höfle, Wolfgang |
A Method for Obtaining 3D Charge Density Distribution of a Self-Modulated Proton Bunch (p. 3118) |
by Nechaeva, Tatiana |
20-Year Collaboration on Synchrotron RF Between CERN and J-PARC (p. 3130) |
by Ohmori, Chihiro |
First Operation of a Klystron Fitted with a Superconducting MgB₂ Solenoid (p. 3138) |
by Catalán Lasheras, Nuria |
Access to Effective Cancer Care in Low- Middle Income Countries Requires Sophisticated Linear Accelerator Based Radiotherapy (p. 3147) |
by Dosanjh, Manjit |
HL-LHC Crab Cavity HOM Couplers: Challenges and Results (TUPOTK064) |
by Mitchell, James |
Mapping charge capture and acceleration in a plasma wakefield of a proton bunch using variable emittance electron beam injection (WEPOST039) |
by Granados, Eduardo |