CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022)
Related conference title(s) IPAC'22
Date(s), location 12 - 17 Jun 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Conference contact IMPACT Muang Thong Thani, 47/569-576 Popular 3 Road, Banmai Sub-district, Pakkred District, Nonthaburi 11120, GREATER BANGKOK, THAILAND
email: [email protected]
phone: +66 044 217 040
Editor(s) Zimmermann, Frank (ed.) ; Sudmuang, Porntip (ed.) ; Klysubun, Prapong (ed.) ; Sunwong, Prapaiwan (ed.) ; Chanwattana, Thakonwat (ed.) ; Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine (ed.) ; Schaa, Volker RW (ed.)
Imprint JACoW, 2022 - 3272 p.
Note Organisers: Klysubun, P: SLRI; Boland, M: CLS; Byrd, J: ANL; Fabris, A: ELETTRA; Ishikawa, T: RIKEN/SPring-8; Soo Ko, I: POSTECH/PAL; Liu, L: LNLS; Luo, GH: NSRRC; Milton, S: LANL; Mitsuhashi, T: KEK; Raubenheimer, T: SLAC; Reiche, S: PSI; Rossi, A: CERN; Rujirawat, S: SLRI; Sannibale, F: LBNL; Satogata, T: Jlab; Shrivastava, P.: RRCAT; Vaccarezza, C: INFN; Zhang, P: IHEP; Zhao, Z: SSRF/SINAP
ISBN 9783954502271
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Copyright/License CC-BY-4.0

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C22-06-17
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The SuperKEKB Has Broken the World Record of the Luminosity (p. 1)
by Funakoshi, Yoshihiro
The AWAKE Experiment in 2021: Performance and Preliminary Results on Electron-Seeding of Self-Modulation (p. 21)
by Gschwendtner, Edda
Impact of Longitudinal Gradient Dipoles on Storage Ring Performance (p. 30)
by Zimmermann, Frank
BBQ and Doughnut Beams: A Tasty Recipe for Measuring Amplitude Dependence of the Closest Tune Approach (p. 42)
by Maclean, Ewen
Beam-Based Measurement of Skew-Sextupole Errors in the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 46)
by Horney, Sasha
The HL-LHC Project Gets Ready for Its Deployment (p. 50)
by Zerlauth, Markus
Beam Commissioning and Optimisation in the CERN Proton Synchrotron After the Upgrade of the LHC Injectors (p. 54)
by Huschauer, Alexander
Summary of the First Fully Operational Run of LINAC4 at CERN (p. 58)
by Skowroński, Piotr
Design and Beam Dynamics Study of Disk-Loaded Structure for Muon Linac (p. 94)
by Sumi, Kazumichi
A Local Modification of HL-LHC Optics for Improved Performance of the Alice Fixed-Target Layout (p. 108)
by Patecki, Marcin
The Zgoubidoo Python Framework for Ray-Tracing Simulations with Zgoubi: Applications to Fixed-Field Accelerators (p. 118)
by Vanwelde, Marion
Betatron Tune Characterization of the Rutgers 12-Inch Cyclotron for Different Magnetic Poles Configurations (p. 136)
by Hernalsteens, Cédric
Operational Experience and Performance of the REX/HIE-ISOLDE Linac (p. 140)
by Rodriguez, Jose
Transverse Emittance Measurements of the Beams Produced by the ISOLDE Target Ion Sources (p. 144)
by Bidault, Niels
Characterisation of Bunch-by-Bunch Tune Shift Effects in the CERN SPS (p. 148)
by Mases Solé, Ingrid
Using Dynamic Indicators for Probing Single-Particle Stability in Circular Accelerators (p. 168)
by Montanari, Carlo Emilio
Testing the Global Diffusive Behaviour of Beam-Halo Dynamics at the CERN LHC Using Collimator Scans (p. 172)
by Montanari, Carlo Emilio
A Novel Tool for Beam Dynamics Studies with Hollow Electron Lenses (p. 176)
by Hermes, Pascal
Determination of the Phase-Space Stability Border with Machine Learning Techniques (p. 183)
by Van der Veken, Frederik
Efficient Representation of Realistic 3D Static Magnetic Fields for Symplectic Tracking and First Applications for Frequency Analysis and Dynamic Aperture Studies in ELENA (p. 187)
by Bojtár, Lajos
Electron Cloud Build-Up for the Arc Sextupole Sections of the FCC-ee (p. 191)
by Rocha Muñoz, Jaime Eduardo
Interplay between Space Charge and Intra-beam Scattering for the CERN Ion Injectors (p. 214)
by Zampetakis, Michail
Characterization of the Vertical Beam Tails in the CERN PS Booster (p. 218)
by Prebibaj, Tirsi
Studies on the Vertical Half-Integer Resonance in the CERN PS Booster (p. 222)
by Prebibaj, Tirsi
Summary of the Post-Long Shutdown 2 LHC Hardware Commissioning Campaign (p. 335)
by Apollonio, Andrea
Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Beam Distribution Imaging Using a Single Multimode Fiber at CERN (p. 339)
by Trad, Georges
Recent AWAKE Diagnostics Development and Operational Results (p. 343)
by Senes, Eugenio
Recent Developments in Longitudinal Phase Space Tomography (p. 347)
by Albright, Simon
Beam Loss Localisation with an Optical Beam Loss Monitor in the CLEAR Facility at CERN (p. 351)
by Benítez Berrocal, Sara
Linearity and Response Time of the LHC Diamond Beam Loss Monitors in the CLEAR Beam Test Facility at CERN (p. 355)
by Morales Vigo, Sara
Experimental Demonstration of Machine Learning Application in LHC Optics Commissioning (p. 359)
by Fol, Elena
Design of a Prototype Gas Jet Profile Monitor for Installation Into the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (p. 363)
by Veness, Raymond
A Beam Position Monitor for Electron Bunch Detection in the Presence of a More Intense Proton Bunch for the AWAKE Experiment (p. 381)
by Pakuza, Collette
Commissioning of a Gas Jet Beam Profile Monitor for EBTS and LHC (p. 393)
by Zhang, Hao
ENUBET’s Multi Momentum Secondary Beam Line (p. 469)
by Parozzi, E G
Zero Dispersion Optics to Improve Horizontal Emittance Measurements at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 503)
by Van Goethem, Wietse
Improved Low-Energy Optics Control for Transverse Emittance Preservation at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 507)
by Van Goethem, Wietse
Beam Optics Modelling Through Fringe Fields During Injection and Extraction at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 511)
by Johnson, Eliott
10 TeV Center of Mass Energy Muon Collider (p. 515)
by Skoufaris, Kyriacos
An N-BPM Momentum Reconstruction for Linear Transverse Coupling Measurements in LHC and HL-LHC (p. 519)
by Wegscheider, Andreas
Numerical Calibration of the Bead-Pull Setup for Beam Coupling Impedance Evaluation (p. 607)
by El Dali, Dalia Mahmoud Fouda
Minimising Transverse Multipoles in Accelerating RF Cavities via Azimuthally Modulated Designs (p. 610)
by Wroe, Laurence
Application of Nanostructures and Metamaterials in Accelerator Physics (p. 659)
by Resta-López, Javier
Stability and Lifetime Studies of Carbon Nanotubes for Electron Cooling in ELENA (p. 699)
by Galante, Bruno
Radiation Shielding Design for the X-Band Laboratory for Radio-Frequency Test Facility - X-Lab - at the University of Melbourne (p. 724)
by Volpi, Matteo
Concrete Shielding Activation for Proton Therapy Systems Using BDSIM and FISPACT-II (p. 728)
by Ramoisiaux, Eliott
Comparison Between Run 2 TID Measurements and FLUKA Simulations in the CERN LHC Tunnel of the Atlas Insertion Region (p. 732)
by Prelipcean, Daniel
Automated Analysis of the Prompt Radiation Levels in the CERN Accelerator Complex (p. 736)
by Biłko, Kacper
Implications and Mitigation of Radiation Effects on the CERN SPS Operation during 2021 (p. 740)
by Aguiar, Ygor
Reliability Analysis of the HL-LHC Energy Extraction System (p. 747)
by Blaszkiewicz, Milosz
Wireless IoT in Particle Accelerators: A Proof of Concept with the IoT Radiation Monitor at CERN (p. 772)
by Danzeca, Salvatore
Origin and Mitigation of the Beam-Induced Surface Modifications of the LHC Beam Screens (p. 780)
by Petit, Valentine
Evaluation of Geometrical Precision and Surface Roughness Quality for the Additively Manufactured Radio Frequency Quadrupole Prototype (p. 787)
by Torims, Toms
A Compact Synchrotron for Advanced Cancer Therapy with Helium and Proton Beams (p. 811)
by Vretenar, Maurizio
Status of the e⁺e⁻ Collider Projects in Asia and Europe: CEPC and FCC-ee (p. 815)
by Lou, Xinchou
The Muon Collider (p. 821)
by Schulte, Daniel
Prospects for optics measurements in FCC-ee (p. 827)
by Keintzel, Jacqueline
RF Voltage Calibration Using Phase Space Tomography in the CERN SPS (p. 841)
by Quartullo, Danilo
Frequency-Dependent RF Voltage Calibration Using Longitudinal Tomography in the CERN PSB (p. 845)
by Quartullo, Danilo
New Generation of Very Low Noise Beam Position Measurement System for the LHC Transverse Feedback (p. 849)
by Valuch, Daniel
Digital Low-Level RF System for the CERN Linac3 Accelerator (p. 853)
by Valuch, Daniel
Simulation Studies of Intra-Train, Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems at the International Linear Collider (p. 861)
by Ramjiawan, Rebecca
The CERN SPS Low Level RF: The Beam-Control (p. 895)
by Spierer, Arthur
The CERN SPS Low Level RF: Lead Ions Acceleration (p. 899)
by Baudrenghien, Philippe
The CERN SPS Low level RF: The Cavity-Controller (p. 903)
by Hagmann, Gregoire
A New Beam Loading Compensation and Blowup Control System Using Multi-Harmonic Digital Feedback Loops in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 907)
by Barrientos, Diego
Beam Commissioning of the New Digital Low-Level RF System for CERN’s AD (p. 911)
by Angoletta, Maria Elena
Reconstruction of Transverse Phase Space From Transverse Feedback Data for Real Time Extraction of Vital LHC Machine Parameters (p. 937)
by Kotzian, Gerd
Automated Intensity Optimisation Using Reinforcement Learning at LEIR (p. 941)
by Madysa, Nico
Experience with Computer-Aided Optimizations in LINAC4 and PSB at CERN (p. 945)
by Skowroński, Piotr
Towards the Automatic Setup of Longitudinal Emittance Blow-Up in the CERN SPS (p. 949)
by Bruchon, Niky
A Novel Method for Detecting Unidentified Falling Object Loss Patterns in the LHC (p. 953)
by Coyle, Loic
Fortune Telling or Physics Prediction? Deep Learning for On-Line Kicker Temperature Forecasting (p. 957)
by Velotti, Francesco
Overview of the Machine Learning and Numerical Optimiser Applications on Beam Transfer Systems for LHC and Its Injectors (p. 961)
by Velotti, Francesco
HOM Coupler Design and Optimization for the FCC-ee W Working Point (p. 1230)
by Udongwo, Sosoho-Abasi
Optimization of a 600 MHz Two-Cell Slotted Waveguide Elliptical Cavity for FCC-ee (p. 1323)
by Gorgi Zadeh, Shahnam
Design Studies on a High-Power Wide-Band RF Combiner for Consolidation of the Driver Amplifier of the J-PARC RCS (p. 1333)
by Okita, Hidefumi
One Year of Operation of the New Wideband RF System of the Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 1344)
by Gnemmi, Giulia
Simulations of Miscut Effects on the Efficiency of a Crystal Collimation System (p. 1358)
by D'Andrea, Marco
Prospects to Apply Machine Learning to Optimize the Operation of the Crystal Collimation System at the LHC (p. 1362)
by D'Andrea, Marco
Settings for Improved Betatron Collimation in the First Run of the High Luminosity LHC (p. 1366)
by Lindström, Bjorn
CERN Linac4 Chopper Dump: Operational Experience and Future Upgrades (p. 1370)
by Sharp, Calum
Fabrication and Low-Power Test of Disk-and-Washer Cavity for Muon Acceleration (p. 1534)
by Takeuchi, Yusuke
Data Augmentation for Breakdown Prediction in CLIC RF Cavities (p. 1553)
by Bovbjerg, Holger
A Modernized Architecture for the Post Mortem System at CERN (p. 1557)
by Barth, Jonas
Studies and Mitigation of Collective Effects in FCC-ee (p. 1583)
by Migliorati, Mauro
Achievements and Performance Prospects of the Upgraded LHC Injectors (p. 1610)
by Kain, Verena
Industry and Accelerator Science, Technology, and Engineering - the Need to Integrate (Building Bridges) (p. 1644)
by Geometrante, Raffaella
Trapping of Neutral Molecules by the Electromagnetic Beam Field (p. 1649)
by Franchetti, Giuliano
Suppression of Crab Cavity Noise Induced Emittance Growth by Transverse Beam Coupling Impedance (p. 1659)
by Triantafyllou, Natalia
Radiation Load Studies for Superconducting Dipole Magnets in a 10 TeV Muon Collider (p. 1671)
by Calzolari, Daniele
Synchrotron Radiation Impact on the FCC-ee Arcs (p. 1675)
by Humann, Barbara
Implications of the Upgrade II of LHCb on the LHC Insertion Region 8: From Energy Deposition Studies to Mitigation Strategies (p. 1679)
by Ciccotelli, Alessia
Centre-of-Mass Energy in FCC-ee (p. 1683)
by Keintzel, Jacqueline
Optics Correction Strategy for Run 3 of the LHC (p. 1687)
by Persson, Tobias
Muon Collider Based on Gamma Factory, FCC-ee and Plasma Target (p. 1691)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Controlling e⁺/e⁻ Circular Collider Bunch Intensity by Laser Compton Scattering (p. 1695)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Studies on Top-Up Injection into the FCC-ee Collider Ring (p. 1699)
by Hunchak, Patrick
Feasibility of Slow-Extracted High-Energy Ions From the CERN Proton Synchrotron for CHARM (p. 1703)
by Fraser, Matthew
Exploitation of Crystal Shadowing via Multi-Crystal Array, Optimisers and Reinforcement Learning (p. 1707)
by Velotti, Francesco
Studies on Pre-Computation of SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Corrections (p. 1711)
by Bracco, Chiara
Implementation of a Tune Sweep Slow Extraction with Constant Optics at MedAustron (p. 1715)
by Arrutia Sota, Pablo Andreas
Development of Collimation Simulations for the FCC-ee (p. 1718)
by Abramov, Andrey
Design of a Collimation Section for the FCC-ee (p. 1722)
by Hofer, Michael
Power Deposition Studies for Crystal-Based Heavy Ion Collimation in the LHC (p. 1726)
by Potoine, Jean-Baptiste
Benchmarks of Energy Deposition Studies for Heavy-Ion Collimation Losses at the LHC (p. 1730)
by Potoine, Jean-Baptiste
Design of a Very Low Energy Beamline for NA61/SHINE (p. 1741)
by Mussolini, Carlo Alberto
Physics Beyond Colliders: The Conventional Beams Working Group (p. 1745)
by Mussolini, Carlo Alberto
Conceptual Design of the FCC-ee Beam Dumping System (p. 1753)
by Krainer, Alexander
Magnetic Characterization of a Superconducting Transverse Gradient Undulator for Compact Laser Wakefield Accelerator-Driven FELs (p. 1772)
by Damminsek, Kantaphon
First Interaction Region Local Coupling Corrections in the LHC Run 3 (p. 1838)
by Soubelet, Felix
Supervised Machine Learning for Local Coupling Sources Detection in the LHC (p. 1842)
by Soubelet, Felix
Operational Scenario of First High Luminosity LHC Run (p. 1846)
by Tomás García, Rogelio
Progress on Action Phase Jump for LHC Local Optics Correction (p. 1850)
by Cardona, Javier F
Modelling FCC-ee Using MADX (p. 1854)
by van Riesen-Haupt, Léon
MAD-X for Future Accelerators (p. 1858)
by Persson, Tobias
Effect of a Spurious CLIQ Firing on the Circulating Beam in HL-LHC (p. 1862)
by Hernalsteens, Cédric
The Effect of a Partially Depleted Halo on the Criticality and Detectability of Fast Failures in the HL-LHC (p. 1866)
by Hernalsteens, Cédric
Study of Hydrodynamic-Tunnelling Effects Induced by High-Energy Proton Beams in Graphite (p. 1870)
by Wiesner, Christoph
Beam-Based Reconstruction of the Shielded Quench-Heater Fields for the LHC Main Dipoles (p. 1874)
by Richtmann, Lea
First Optics Design for a Transverse Monochromatic Scheme for the Direct S-Channel Higgs Production at FCC-ee Collider (p. 1878)
by Jiang, Hongping
Target Studies for the FCC-ee Positron Source (p. 1979)
by Alharthi, F
Linac3, LEIR and PS Performance with Ions in 2021 and Prospects for 2022 (p. 1983)
by Biancacci, Nicolo
A Response Matrix Approach to Skew-Sextupole Correction in the LHC at Injection (p. 1987)
by Waagaard, Elias
Corrections of Systematic Normal Decapole Field Errors in the HL-LHC Separation/Recombination Dipoles (p. 1991)
by Dilly, Joschua
Controlling Landau Damping via Feed-Down From High-Order Correctors in the LHC and HL-LHC (p. 1995)
by Dilly, Joschua
A Flexible Nonlinear Resonance Driving Term Based Correction Algorithm with Feed-Down (p. 1999)
by Dilly, Joschua
Optimisation of the FCC-ee Positron Source Using a HTS Solenoid Matching Device (p. 2003)
by Zhao, Yongke
The FCCee Pre-Injector Complex (p. 2007)
by Craievich, Paolo
Future Neutrino Beam Studies Under the Framework of Physics Beyond Colliders (p. 2044)
by Parozzi, E G
Processes and Tools to Manage CERN Programmed Stops Applied to the Second Long Shutdown of the Accelerator Complex (p. 2048)
by Vergara Fernandez, Estrella
The Second Long Shutdown of the LHC and Its Injectors: Feedback from the Accelerator Coordination and Engineering Group (p. 2052)
by Perrot, Anne-Laure
High Intensity Studies in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 2056)
by Asvesta, Foteini
Commissioning the New LLRF System of the CERN PS Booster (p. 2060)
by Albright, Simon
Direct Impedance Measurement of the CERN PS Booster Finemet Cavities (p. 2064)
by Albright, Simon
Simulation of Heavy-Ion Beam Losses with Crystal Collimation* (p. 2082)
by Cai, Rongrong
Concepts and Considerations for FCC-ee Top-Up Injection Strategies (p. 2106)
by Ramjiawan, Rebecca
Commissioning of the ELENA Electrostatic Transfer Lines for the Antimatter Facility at CERN (p. 2110)
by Dutheil, Yann
Implementation of RF Channeling at the CERN PS for Spill Quality Improvements (p. 2114)
by Arrutia Sota, Pablo Andreas
Low-Energy Negative Ion Injection Beamline for Experiments with Antiprotonic Atoms at AEgIS (p. 2126)
by Rodin, Volodymyr
Layouts for Feasibility Studies of Fixed-Target Experiments at the LHC (p. 2134)
by Hermes, Pascal
LHC Beam Collimation During Extended $\beta$*-Levelling in Run 3 (p. 2138)
by Van der Veken, Frederik
Matching Studies Between the CERN PSB and PS Using Turn-by-Turn Beam Profile Acquisitions with a Residual Beam Gas Ionisation Monitor (p. 2161)
by Fraser, Matthew
Improved Longitudinal Performance of the LHC Beam in the CERN PS (p. 2165)
by Damerau, Heiko
Beam Induced Power Loss Estimation of a Movable Synchrotron Light Extraction Mirror for the LHC (p. 2173)
by Wendt, Manfred
Experimental Study of the Transverse Mode Coupling Instability with Space-Charge at the CERN SPS (p. 2193)
by Buffat, Xavier
Suppression of Emittance Growth by a Collective Force: Van Kampen Approach (p. 2197)
by Buffat, Xavier
Intrabunch Motion with Both Impedance and Beam-Beam Using the Circulant Matrix Approach (p. 2209)
by Métral, Elias
A Wireless Method to Obtain the Impedance From Scattering Parameters (p. 2213)
by Antuono, Chiara
Impact of Broadband Impedance on Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability Threshold (p. 2245)
by Karpov, Ivan
Simulation Studies of Longitudinal Stability for High-Intensity LHC-Type Beams in the CERN SPS (p. 2249)
by Quartullo, Danilo
Machine Learning-Based Modeling of Muon Beam Ionization Cooling (p. 2354)
by Fol, Elena
Automated Design and Optimization of the Final Cooling for a Muon Collider (p. 2358)
by Fol, Elena
ELENA - From Commissioning to Operation (p. 2391)
by Ponce, Laurette
Experimental Verification of Several Theoretical Models for ChDR Description (p. 2420)
by Łasocha, Kacper
Collective Effects Estimates for the Damping Ring Design of the FCC-ee (p. 2435)
by Etisken, Ozgur
The Design of a Second Beamline for the CLEAR User Facility at CERN (p. 2479)
by Dyks, Luke
Generation of Transversely Uniform Bunches from a Gaussian Laser Spot in a Photoinjector for Irradiation Experiments (p. 2483)
by Dyks, Luke
Analysis with MECAmaster on the Chain of Design Tolerances for the Target Systems at the European Spallation Source - ESS (p. 2524)
by Bignami, Andrea
SPS Beam Dump System (SBDS) Commissioning After Relocation and Upgrade (p. 2530)
by Van Trappen, Pieter
Emittance Reduction with the Variable Dipole for the ELETTRA 2.0 Ring (p. 2586)
by Poyet, Axel
Performance Characterisation at Daresbury Laboratory of Cs-Te Photocathodes Grown at CERN (p. 2653)
by Soomary, L A J
A Second Generation Light Source Aiming at High Power on the Giant Dipole Resonance (p. 2661)
by Buffat, Xavier
Status and Powering Test Results of HTS Undulator Coils at 77 K for Compact FEL Designs (p. 2726)
by Richter, Sebastian
Recent Experience from the Large-Scale Deployment of Power Converters with Magnet Energy Recovery (p. 2809)
by Papastergiou, Konstantinos
Thermo-Mechanical Modeling and Thermal Performance Analysis of Beam Vacuum Line Interconnections and Cold Warm Transitions in HL-LHC Long Straight Section Magnets (p. 2839)
by Harray, Jérôme
Mitigation of High Voltage Breakdown of the Beam Screen of a CERN SPS Injection Kicker Magnet (p. 2868)
by Barnes, Michael
Ultra-Fast Generator for Impact Ionization Triggering (p. 2872)
by del Barrio Montañés, Alicia
Branch Module for an Inductive Voltage Adder for Driving Kicker Magnets with a Short Circuit Termination (p. 2875)
by Ruf, Johannes
Radiation Load Studies for the FCC-ee Positron Source with a Superconducting Matching Device (p. 2879)
by Humann, Barbara
Irradiation of Low-Z Carbon-Based Materials with 440 GeV/c Proton Beam for High Energy & Intensity Beam Absorbers: The CERN HiRadMat-56-HED Experiment (p. 2883)
by Andreu Muñoz, Pablo
Muon Collider Graphite Target Studies and Demonstrator Layout Possibilities at CERN (p. 2895)
by Saura Esteban, Francisco Javier
CERN’s East Experimental Area: A New Modern Physics Facility (p. 2911)
by Evrard, Sebastien
Upgrade of a Proton Therapy Eye Treatment Nozzle Using a Cylindrical Beam Stopping Device for Enhanced Dose Rate Performances (p. 2937)
by Gnacadja, Eustache
Achromatic Gantry Design Using Fixed-Field Spiral Combined-Function Magnets (p. 2941)
by Tesse, Robin
A Carbon Minibeam Irradiation Facility Concept (p. 2947)
by Mayerhofer, Michael
Explorative Studies of an Innovative Superconducting Gantry (p. 2966)
by Pullia, M G
Study of Coil Configuration and Local Optics Effects for the GaToroid Ion Gantry Design (p. 2984)
by Oponowicz, Ewa
Slow Extraction Modelling for NIMMS Hadron Therapy Synchrotrons (p. 2988)
by Taylor, Rebecca
Beam Optics Study for a Potential VHEE Beam Delivery System (p. 2992)
by Robertson, Cameron
Production of Radioisotopes for Cancer Imaging and Treatment with Compact Linear Accelerators (p. 2996)
by Vretenar, Maurizio
Performance Study of the NIMMS Superconducting Compact Synchrotron for Ion Therapy with Strongly Curved Magnets (p. 3014)
by Norman, Hannah
Testing the Properties of Beam-Dose Monitors for VHEE-FLASH Radiation Therapy (p. 3018)
by Bateman, Joseph
Updates, Status and Experiments of CLEAR, the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (p. 3022)
by Korysko, Pierre
VHEE High Dose Rate Dosimetry Studies in CLEAR (p. 3026)
by Rieker, Vilde
Challenge Based Innovation "Accelerators for the Environment" (p. 3077)
by Delerue, Nicolas
Energy Comparison of Room Temperature and Superconducting Synchrotrons for Hadron Therapy (p. 3080)
by Bisoffi, G
Status and Prospects in Fast Beam-Based Feedbacks (p. 3112)
by Höfle, Wolfgang
A Method for Obtaining 3D Charge Density Distribution of a Self-Modulated Proton Bunch (p. 3118)
by Nechaeva, Tatiana
20-Year Collaboration on Synchrotron RF Between CERN and J-PARC (p. 3130)
by Ohmori, Chihiro
First Operation of a Klystron Fitted with a Superconducting MgB₂ Solenoid (p. 3138)
by Catalán Lasheras, Nuria
Access to Effective Cancer Care in Low- Middle Income Countries Requires Sophisticated Linear Accelerator Based Radiotherapy (p. 3147)
by Dosanjh, Manjit
HL-LHC Crab Cavity HOM Couplers: Challenges and Results (TUPOTK064)
by Mitchell, James
Mapping charge capture and acceleration in a plasma wakefield of a proton bunch using variable emittance electron beam injection (WEPOST039)
by Granados, Eduardo

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 Record created 2022-04-11, last modified 2022-09-26

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