CERN Accelerating science

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Evaluation of a commercial AdvancedTCA board management controller solution (IPMC) / Mendez, J (CERN) ; Bobillier, V (CERN) ; Haas, S (CERN) ; Joos, M (CERN) ; Vasey, F (CERN)
The MicroTCA (MTCA) and AdvancedTCA (ATCA) industry standards have been selected as the hardware platform for the upgrade of the electronic systems of some of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) . In this context, the electronics support group for experiments at CERN is running a project to perform technical evaluations of MTCA and ATCA equipment. [...]
2016 - Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C02044 IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2015, pp.C02044
MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA equipment evaluation and customization for LHC experiments / Cosmo, M Di (CERN) ; Bobillier, V (CERN) ; Haas, S (CERN) ; Joos, M (CERN) ; Mico, S (CERN) ; Vasey, F (CERN)
The MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA industry standards are candidate modular electronics platforms for the upgrade of the current generation of high energy physics experiments at CERN. The PH-ESE group at CERN launched an xTCA evaluation project with the aim of performing technical evaluations and providing support for commercially available components. [...]
2015 - 9 p. - Published in : JINST 10 (2015) C01008
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics 2014, Aix En Provence, France, 22 - 26 Sep 2014, pp.C01008
Design of an AdvancedTCA board management controller (IPMC) / Mendez, J (CERN) ; Bobillier, V (CERN) ; Haas, S (CERN) ; Joos, M (CERN) ; Mico, S (CERN) ; Vasey, F (CERN)
The AdvancedTCA (ATCA) standard has been selected as the hardware platform for the upgrade of the back-end electronics of the CMS and ATLAS experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) . In this context, the electronic systems for experiments group at CERN is running a project to evaluate, specify, design and support xTCA equipment. [...]
2017 - 8 p. - Published in : JINST 12 (2017) C03010
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Karlsruhe, Germany, 26 - 30 Sep 2016, pp.C03010
MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA equipment evaluation and developments for LHC experiments / Bobillier, V (CERN) ; Haas, S (CERN) ; Joos, M (CERN) ; Mendez, J (CERN) ; Mico, S (CERN) ; Vasey, F (CERN)
The MicroTCA (MTCA) and AdvancedTCA (ATCA) industry standards have been selected as the platform for many of the current and planned upgrades of the off-detector electronic systems of two of the LHC experiments at CERN. We present a status update from an ongoing project to evaluate commercial MTCA and ATCA components with particular emphasis on infrastructure equipment such as shelves and power-supplies. [...]
2016 - Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C02022 IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2015, pp.C02022
Evaluation results of xTCA equipment for HEP experiments at CERN / Di Cosmo, M (CERN) ; Bobillier, V (CERN) ; Haas, S (CERN) ; Joos, M (CERN) ; Mico, S (CERN) ; Vasey, F (CERN) ; Vichoudis, P (CERN)
The MicroTCA and AdvancedTCA industry standards are candidate modular electronic platforms for the upgrade of the current generation of high energy physics experiments. The PH-ESE group at CERN launched in 2011 the xTCA evaluation project with the aim of performing technical evaluations and eventually providing support for commercially available components. [...]
2013 - Published in : JINST 8 (2013) C12015 IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Perugia, Italy, 23 - 27 Sep 2013, pp.C12015
CERN-IPMC solution for AdvancedTCA blades / Mendez, Julian Maxime (CERN) ; Bobillier, Vincent (CERN) ; Haas, Stefan Ludwig (CERN) ; Joos, Markus (CERN) ; Mico, Sylvain (CERN) ; Vasey, Francois (CERN)
The AdvancedTCA standard has been selected as one of the hardware platforms for the upgrades of the back-end electronics of the CMS and ATLAS experiments of the Large Hadron Collider. In this context, the CERN EP-ESE group has designed and produced an IPMC mezzanine card for the management of AdvancedTCA blades. [...]
SISSA, 2018 - 5 p. - Published in : PoS TWEPP-17 (2018) 053 Fulltext: PDF; External link: PoS server
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Santa Cruz, Ca, United States Of America, 11 - 15 Sep 2017, pp.053
Low-Latency Track Triggering in High-Energy Physics / Ardila Perez, Luis Eduardo
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) designed to study a wide variety of high-energy physics phenomena [...]
CERN-THESIS-2022-289 DOI:10.5445/IR/1000145595. - 192 p.

Next generation ATCA control infrastructure for the CMS Phase-2 upgrades / Smith, Wesley (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Gorski, Tom (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Svetek, Aleš (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Tikalsky, Jes (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Fobes, Robert (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Dasu, Sridhara (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Smith, Wesley (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) ; Vicente, Marcelo (U. Wisconsin, Madison (main)) /CMS Collaboration
A next generation control infrastructure to be used in Advanced TCA (ATCA) blades at CMS experiment is being designed and tested. Several ATCA systems are being prepared for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and will be installed at CMS during technical stops. [...]
CMS-CR-2017-377.- Geneva : CERN, 2017 - 6 p. - Published in : PoS TWEPP-17 (2017) 102 Fulltext: PDF; External link: PoS Server
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Santa Cruz, Ca, United States Of America, 11 - 15 Sep 2017, pp.102
GUI Application for ATCA-based LLRF Carrier Board Management   / Wychowaniak, Jan (TUL) ; Makowski, Dariusz (TUL) ; Predki, Pawel (TUL) ; Napieralski, Andrzej (TUL)
WP: 10: SC RF technology for higher intensity proton accelerators and higher energy electron linacs
Task: 10.6: LLRF at FLASH

The Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard describes an efficient and powerful platform, implementation of which was adopted to be used as a base for control systems in high energy physics. [...]
- 2011.
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Intelligent Platform Management Controller for Low Level RF Control System ATCA Carrier Board   / Predki, Pawel (TUL) ; Makowski, Dariusz (TUL)
WP: 10: SC RF technology for higher intensity proton accelerators and higher energy electron linacs
Task: 10.6: LLRF at FLASH

High availability and reliability are among the most desirable features of control systems in modern High-Energy Physics (HEP) and other big-scale scientific experiments. [...]
- 2011.
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