CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) TWEPP 2016
Date(s), location 26 - 30 Sep 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany
Conference contact Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint 2016
Note Organiser: Christiansen, J.
In: JINST 11, 12 (2016)
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment

Contributions in Inspire: C16-09-26.4
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Prototype readout electronics for the upgraded ALICE Inner Tracking System (C01008)
by Sielewicz, K M
Testing of the Front-End Hybrid Circuits for the CMS Tracker Upgrade (C01010)
by Gadek, Tomasz
Lessons Learned in High Frequency Data Transmission Design: ATLAS Strips Bus Tape (C01019)
by Dopke, Jens
Real-time FPGA design for the L0-trigger of the RICH detector of the NA62 experiment at CERN SPS (C01023)
by Barbanera, Mattia
FPGA-based algorithms for the new trigger system for the phase 2 Upgrade of the CMS Drift Tubes detector (C01033)
by Cela Ruiz, Jose Manuel
Development of a Depleted Monolithic CMOS Sensor in a 150 nm CMOS Technology for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade (C01039)
by Wang, T.
Design and Performance of the Phase I Upgrade of the CMS Global Trigger (C01046)
by Wittmann, Johannes
The address in real time data driver card for the MicroMegas detector of the ATLAS muon upgrade (C01047)
by Yao, L
Implementation of the data acquisition system for the Overlap Modular Track Finder in the CMS experiment (C01050)
by Zabolotny, Wojciech
Upgrades to the CSC Cathode Strip Chamber Electronics for HL-LHC (C01052)
by Bravo, Cameron Bily
A micro-TCA based data acquisition system for the Triple-GEM detectors for the upgrade of the CMS forward muon spectrometer (C01058)
by Lenzi, Thomas
The CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger for LHC Run II (C01065)
by Zabi, Alexandre
The VeloPix ASIC (C01070)
by Poikela, Tuomas
Studies of irradiated AMS H35 CMOS detectors for the ATLAS tracker upgrade (C01074)
by Cavallaro, Emanuele
Readout and Trigger for the AFP Detector at ATLAS Experiment (C01077)
by Kocian, Martin
Design and test performance of the ATLAS Feature Extractor trigger boards for the Phase-1 Upgrade (C01079)
by Qian, Weiming
The upgrade of the CMS hadron calorimeter with silicon photomultipliers (C01080)
by Strobbe, N
Single Event Effects mitigation with TMRG tool (C01082)
by Kulis, S
Software and Firmware co-development using High-level Synthesis (C01083)
by Pratap Ghanathe, Nikhil
The MuPix Telescope: A Thin, high Rate Tracking Telescope (C01087)
by Augustin, H.
High precision, low disturbance calibration of the High Voltage system of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter (C01090)
by Fasanella, Giuseppe
Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter front-end electronics for the HL-LHC (C01092)
by Liu, Tiankuan
ATLAS Phase-II-Upgrade Pixel Data Transmission Development (C01093)
by Wensing, Marius
The CMS Barrel Muon Trigger Upgrade (C01095)
by Triossi, Andrea
Versatile transceiver production and quality assurance (C01097)
by Olantera, L
High speed electrical transmission line design and characterization (C02002)
by Bates, R
Total Ionizing Dose effects on a 28 nm Hi-K metal-gate CMOS technology up to 1 Grad (C02003)
by Mattiazzo, S
The ARAGORN front-end—An FPGA based implementation of a Time-to-Digital Converter (C02006)
by Büchele, M.
8-channel prototype of SALT readout ASIC for Upstream Tracker in the upgraded LHCb experiment (C02007)
by Abellan Beteta, C
A 1.2 Gb/s Data Transmission Unit in CMOS 0.18 μm technology for the ALICE Inner Tracking System front-end ASIC (C02009)
by Mazza, G
The CMS Level-1 electron and photon trigger: for Run II of LHC (C02014)
by Dev, N
Using MaxCompiler for High Level Synthesis of Trigger Algorithms (C02015)
by Summers, Sioni Paris
Advanced power analysis methodology targeted to the optimization of a digital pixel readout chip design and its critical serial powering system (C02017)
by Marconi, S
SKIROC2_CMS an ASIC for testing CMS HGCAL (C02019)
by Borg, J
The Versatile Link Demo Board (VLDB) (C02020)
by Martin Lesma, Raul
Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS forward hadronic calorimeter (C02026)
by Noonan, Daniel Christopher
HDI flexible front-end hybrid prototype for the PS module of the CMS tracker upgrade (C02029)
by Kovacs, M
On-detector Electronics for the LHCb VELO Upgrade (C02031)
by Naik, S
Characterization of radiation effects in 65 nm digital circuits with the DRAD digital radiation test chip (C02039)
by Casas, L M Jara
SPIDR, a general-purpose readout system for pixel ASICs (C02040)
by van der Heijden, B
The 10G TTC-PON: challenges, solutions and performance (C02041)
by Mendes, E B S
A prototype of pixel readout ASIC in 65 nm CMOS technology for extreme hit rate detectors at HL-LHC (C02043)
by Paternò, Andrea
Development of a rest gas ionisation profile monitor for the CERN Proton Synchrotron based on a Timepix3 pixel detector (C02050)
by Levasseur, S
The ATLAS Fast Tracker and Tracking at the High-Luminosity LHC (C02052)
by Ilic, Nikolina
Developments of two 4 × 10 Gb/s VCSEL array drivers in 65 nm CMOS for HEP experiments (C02065)
by Guo, D
A new PROFIBUS interface for vacuum sector gate valve controllers (C02066)
by Pigny, G
The next generation Front-End Controller for the Phase-I Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeters (C03003)
by Costanza, F
Precision electronics for a system of custom MCPs in the TORCH Time of Flight detector (C03008)
by Gao, R
Design of an AdvancedTCA board management controller (IPMC) (C03010)
by Mendez, J
Characterization of the first prototype of the ALICE SAMPA ASIC for LHC Run 3 and beyond (C03012)
by Tambave, G
Design studies for the Phase II upgrade of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter (C03018)
by Bornheim, A
Tile Rear Extension Module for the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS L1Calo PreProcessor System (C03034)
by Andrei, George Victor
Development of Network Interface Cards for TRIDAQ systems with the NaNet framework (C03037)
by Ammendola, R
Data Acquisition System for the CALICE AHCAL Calorimeter (C03043)
by Kvasnicka, Jiri
A serial powering pixel stave prototype for the ATLAS ITk upgrade (C03045)
by Filimonov, V
LHCb Scintillating Fiber detector front end electronics design and quality assurance (C03053)
by Vink, W E W
Performance and advantages of a soft-core based parallel architecture for energy peak detection in the calorimeter Level 0 trigger for the NA62 experiment at CERN (C03054)
by Ammendola, R
Silicon telescope for prototype sensor characterization using particle beams and cosmic rays (C03060)
by Abba, A
A synchronous analog very front-end in 65 nm CMOS with local fast ToT encoding for pixel detectors at HL-LHC (C03066)
by Monteil, Ennio
Versatile Link PLUS transceiver development (C03068)
by Soós, C
Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS Drift Tubes Read-Out system (C03070)
by Navarro Tobar, Alvaro
The Trigger Readout Electronics for the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters (C03073)
by Xu, Hao
First Implementation of a Two-Stage DC-DC Conversion Powering Scheme for the CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker (C03090)
by Feld, Lutz Werner
HVCMOS Monolithic Sensors for the High Luminosity Upgrade of ATLAS Experiment (C04001)
by Blanco, Roberto
Test strategies for industrial testers for converter controls equipment (C04006)
by Oleniuk, P
Design of a radiation tolerant system for total ionizing dose monitoring using floating gate and RadFET dosimeters (C04007)
by Ferraro, R
SAMPA Chip: the New 32 Channels ASIC for the ALICE TPC and MCH Upgrades (C04008)
by Adolfsson, J
Development of the ABCStar front-end chip for the ATLAS silicon strip upgrade (C04017)
by Lu, W
Performance and operation of the calorimetric trigger processor of the NA62 experiment at CERN SPS (C04020)
by Ammendola, R
FELIX: a PCIe based high-throughput approach for interfacing front-end and trigger electronics in the ATLAS Upgrade framework (C12023)
by Anderson, John Thomas
A system-level model for high-speed, radiation-hard optical links in HEP experiments based on silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators (C12059)
by Zeiler, Marcel
Pixel architectures in a HV-CMOS process for the ATLAS inner detector upgrade (C12064)
by Degerli, Y
ALICE inner tracking system readout electronics prototype testing with the CERN ``Giga Bit Transceiver'' (C12074)
by Schambach, J
The VeloPix ASIC
by Poikela, Tuomas Sakari
SALT Readout ASIC for Upstream Tracker in the Upgraded LHCb Experiment
by Swientek, Krzysztof Piotr
LHCb Scintillating Fiber detector Front end electronics Design & Test
by Vink, Wilco
Design and test performance of the ATLAS Feature Extractor trigger boards for the Phase-I Upgrade
by Qian, Weiming
AM06: the Associative Memory chip for the Fast TracKer in the upgraded ATLAS detector
by Liberali, Valentino
The ATLAS Level-1 Topological Trigger Design and Operation in Run-2
by Igonkina, Olga
Simulation Environment Based on the Universal Verification Methodology
by Fiergolski, Adrian
FELIX: a PCIe based high-throughput approach for interfacing front-end and trigger electronics in the ATLAS upgrade framework
by Chen, Kai
Tile Rear Extension Module for the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS L1Calo PreProcessor System
by Andrei, George Victor
Readout and Trigger for the AFP Detector at the ATLAS Experiment
by Kocian, Martin
Testing and Integration of the Service Cylinders for the CMS Phase 1 pixel detector
by Ngadiuba, Jennifer
Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-­LHC
by Liu, Tiankuan
ATLAS Phase-II-Upgrade Pixel Data Transmission Development
by Wensing, Marius
Lessons Learned in High Frequency Data Transmissions Design
by Sullivan, Stephanie W
On-detector electronics for the LHCb VELO Upgrade
by Naik, Sneha Amogh
AM06: the Associative Memory chip for the Fast TracKer in the upgraded ATLAS detector
by Annovi, Alberto
Integration and testing of the DAQ system for the CMS phase 1 pixel upgrade
by Akgun, Bora
The Level-1 Tile-Muon Trigger in the Tile Calorimeter Upgrade Program
by Ryzhov, Andrey

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 Record created 2016-07-13, last modified 2021-09-20

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