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ATLAS SCT POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM / Phillips, P W (STFC, Rutherford Appleton Lab.) /ATLAS SCT Collaboration
The ATLAS SCT (semiconductor tracker) comprises 2112 barrel modules mounted on four concentric barrels of length 1.5m and up to 1m diameter, and 1976 endcap modules supported by a series of 9 wheels at each end of the barrel. Each module is powered by its own independent, floating low and high voltage power supplies, referenced to ground at the detector shield. [...]
CERN, 2007 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 03 - 07 Sep 2007, pp.365-368 (CERN-2007-007)
System performance of ATLAS SCT detector modules / Phillips, P W /ATLAS SCT Collaboration
CERN, 2002 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 8th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Colmar, France, 9 - 13 Sep 2002, pp.100-104 (CERN-2002-003)
Beam test results on a prototype SCT module using CSEM sensors / Albiol, F ; Couyoumtzelis, C ; Fuster, J A ; Moorhead, G F ; Munday, DJ ; O'Shea, V ; Phillips, P W ; Richardson, J D
ATL-INDET-97-175 ; ATL-I-PN-175.
- 1997.
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Beamtests of ATLAS SCT Modules in August and October 2001 / Barr, A J ; Cermák, P ; Dolezal, Z ; Donega, M ; D'Onofrio, M ; Eklund, L ; García-Navarro, J E ; Horazdovsky, T ; Kazi, S ; Kodys, P et al.
We report on the beamtests of ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) modules
- 2001. - 34 p.
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Electrical Tests of SCT Hybrids and Modules / Eklund, L ; Ferrère, D ; Gallop, B ; Phillips, P W
This document aims to describe each of the electrical (readout) tests of SCT hybrids and modules that will be performed during production. [...]
ATL-INDET-PUB-2007-006 ; ATL-COM-INDET-2003-004.
- 2003. - 72 p.
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Beamtests of Prototype ATLAS SCT Modules at CERN H8 in 2000 / ATLAS Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 2001 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 7th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 - 14 Sep 2001, pp.104-108 (CERN-2001-005)
Characterisation of an ATLAS Forward-SCT Prototype Silicon Microstrip Module / Hill, JC ; Munday, DJ ; O'Shea, V ; Allport, P P ; Booth, P S L ; Connolly, J ; Greenall, A ; Hanlon, M ; Jackson, JN ; Jones, TJ et al.
ATL-INDET-97-174 ; ATL-I-PN-174.
- 1997.
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Test of ATLAS SCT barrel modules with Nd:YAG laser / Hara, Kazuhiko ; Ikegami, Y ; Iwata, Y ; Kohriki, T ; Kondo, T ; Kuwano, T ; Minagawa, M ; Nakamura, K ; Nakamura, Y ; Nakano, I et al.
As a part of the quality assurance procedure of the ATLAS SCT (Semiconductor Tracker) barrel modules, the response of the microstrip detector is measured by injecting focused Nd:YAG laser at each strip. The test is sensitive to sensor originated problems and a cross check to the results obtained from the electrical tests performed with the test pulse system implemented in the readout ASICs. [...]
2005 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 541 (2005) 122-129
Construction and Performance of the ATLAS SCT Barrels and Cosmic Tests / Demirkoz, Bilge Melahat
ATLAS is a multi-purpose detector for the LHC and will detect proton-proton collisions with center of mass energy of $14$TeV [...]
CERN-THESIS-2008-001 - Oxford : Oxford Univ., 2007. - 227 p.

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Beamtests of Prototype ATLAS SCT Modules at CERN H8 in June and August 2000 / Barr, A J ; Carter, A A ; Carter, J R ; Dolezal, Z ; Hill, J C ; Horazdovsky, T ; Kodys, P ; Eklund, L ; Llosa, G ; Moorhead, G F et al.
We report on the beamtest measurements of prototype ATLAS Semicondcuctor Tracker (SCT) modules performed during June and August 2000 at the H8 beamline at the CERN SPS. [...]
- 2001. - 32 p.
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