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CERN Document Server Znaleziono 24 rekordów  1 - 10następnykoniec  skocz do rekordu: Szukanie trwało 1.21 sekund. 
Perturbative nuclear physics / Beane, Silas R. (New Hampshire U.) ; Kaplan, David B. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Vuorinen, Aleksi (CERN ; Vienna, Tech. U.)
We present a new formulation of effective field theory for nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions which treats pion interactions perturbatively, and we offer evidence that the expansion converges satisfactorily to third order in the expansion, which we have computed analytically for s and d wave NN scattering. Starting with the Kaplan-Savage-Wise (KSW) expansion about the nontrivial fixed point corresponding to infinite NN scattering length, we cure the convergence problems with that theory by summing to all orders the singular short distance part of the pion tensor interaction. [...]
arXiv:0812.3938; CERN-PH-TH-2008-241; IFT-UAM-CSIC-08-89; INT-PUB-08-57; TUW-08-23; UNH-08-04; CERN-PH-TH-2008-241; IFT-UAM-CSIC-08-89; INT-PUB-08-57; TUW-08-23; UNH-08-04.- Geneva : CERN, 2009 - 4 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 011001(R) APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Strange goings on in dense nucleonic matter / Kaplan, D B ; Nelson, A E
1986 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 175 (1986) 57-63
Testing m(up)=0 on the Lattice / Cohen, Andrew G ; Kaplan, D B ; Nelson, A E
1999 - Published in : JHEP 11 (1999) 027
The Long and Short of Nuclear Effective Field Theory Expansions / Kaplan, David B. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Steele, James V. (Ohio State U.)
Nonperturbative effective field theory calculations for NN scattering seem to break down at rather low momenta. By examining several toy models, we clarify how effective field theory expansions can in general be used to properly separate long- and short-range effects. [...]
nucl-th/9905027; CERN-TH-99-138; DOE-ER-40561-55-INT99; CERN-TH-99-138; DOE-ER-40561-55.- Geneva : CERN, 1999 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 60 (1999) 064002 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-th/9905027 PDF - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Strong evidence for a new strange matrix element / Kaplan, D B
UCSD-PTH-91-25.- San Diego, CA : Calif. Univ. San Diego, 1992 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 275 (1992) 137-143
Why there is something rather than nothing : matter from weak interactions / Nelson, A E ; Kaplan, D B ; Cohen, Andrew G
BU-HEP-91-15 ; UCSD-PTH-91-20.
- 1991. - 38 p.
CERN library copies
Spontaneous baryogenesis at the weak phase transition / Cohen, Andrew G ; Kaplan, D B ; Nelson, A E
BU-HEP-91-5; UCSD-PTH-91-11.- Boston, MA : Boston Univ., 1991 - 16 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 263 (1991) 86-92
Baryogenesis at the weak phase transition / Cohen, Andrew G ; Kaplan, D B ; Nelson, A E
BU-HEP-90-15 ; NSF-ITP-90-85 ; UCSD-PTH-90-09.
- 1990. - 20 p.
CERN library copies
Weak scale baryogenesis / Cohen, Andrew G ; Kaplan, D B ; Nelson, A E
BU-HEP-90-13 ; NSF-ITP-90-72 ; UCSD-PTH-90-06.
- 1990. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
The role of a massive strange quark in the large-N Skyrme model / Kaplan, D B ; Klebanov, Igor R
SLAC-PUB-4964 ; UCSD-PTH-89-02.
- 1989. - 29 p.
CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : Znaleziono 24 rekordów   1 - 10następnykoniec  skocz do rekordu:
Zobacz też: podobne nazwiska autorów
48 Kaplan, D
28 Kaplan, D E
4 Kaplan, D H
1 Kaplan, D K
108 Kaplan, D L
132 Kaplan, D M
2 Kaplan, D T
1 Kaplan, D.Elazzar
3 Kaplan, D.L.
23 Kaplan, D.M.
22 Kaplan, Daniel
1 Kaplan, Daniel K
26 Kaplan, Daniel M
4 Kaplan, Daniel M.
1 Kaplan, Daniel T
10 Kaplan, David
24 Kaplan, David B
2 Kaplan, David B.
20 Kaplan, David E
5 Kaplan, David E.
45 Kaplan, David L
1 Kaplan, David L A
11 Kaplan, Dean
1 Kaplan, Deborah
26 kaplan, Daniel M
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