


条目名称是 汤姆·莫纳汉

Tom Monaghan
出生 (1937-03-25) 1937年3月25日87歲)

托马斯•斯蒂芬•“汤姆”•莫纳汉(英语:Thomas Stephen "Tom" Monaghan,1937年3月25日—),美国企业家,于1960年创始达美乐比萨饼。他亦于1983至1992年拥有底特律老虎队


他同他的妻子Marjorie Zybach于1962年结婚,有4名成年女儿。



莫纳汉4岁那年便失去了父亲[2],之后,其母便艰难地抚养他长大。1943年莫纳干年仅6岁,同他的弟弟被送入孤儿院,直到母亲在1949年将他们领回。[3]这个孤儿院“圣约瑟夫儿童之家”(St. Joseph Home for Children)位于密歇根州杰克逊市,由Felician Sisters of Livonia运营。当时有一名修女鼓动莫纳干信奉天主教,他随后饱含着成为一位神父的渴望,进入了米逊的小修道院。后来,他因一系列的违规行为被修道院开除。















1983年,莫纳汉买下了一年前刚刚赢得世界大赛底特律老虎队。他与美国职业棒球联盟执行长鲍伊·库恩日渐亲密,后者至今仍是其亲密的友人、商业伙伴和他众多慈善事业的参与者。[7]莫纳汉最终将老虎队于1992年售予他的竞争对手,小凯撒比萨麦克·伊里奇(英语:Mike Ilitch)。莫纳汉1986年的自传结合了他所热衷的比萨饼和棒球,书名为《比萨虎》。他作出了一个备受指责且最终极具颠覆性的决定:解雇传奇的播音员厄尼·哈维尔

Frank Lloyd Wright


莫纳汉是弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特建筑的粉丝,因而位于密歇根州安阿伯小镇的达美乐比萨总部与赖特的Prairie School建筑风格极其相似,只不过适应了更大的规模。他一直是赖特文物的最重要的收藏家之一,其藏品包括花费160万美元购入的一张橡木餐桌及其椅子。[8]他甚至购买了密歇根州的德拉蒙德岛的一部分,在那里他创立了一个按照赖特风格设计的私人度假村综合体特色建筑群。










1983年,他成立了Mater Christi基金会,今天被称为万福玛丽亚基金会[11],专注于天主教教育天主教媒体、社区项目和其他天主教慈善。1987年他帮助组建了Legatus[12],一个由年薪超过400万美元,信奉天主教的公司总裁组成的组织[13],来促进和支持“与罗马天主教教义相一致的商业道德操守,这样众生都能得到提高。”该组织的名字取自意为“军团司令”的拉丁词。Legatus是为“一流的天主教商界领袖”所设立的精神资源和社会团体。

他的1987年梵蒂冈之行令他感动不已,为此他回到美国后致力于促进天主教信仰。他很快建立了万福玛丽亚广播[14],Ave Maria List[15]反堕胎政治运动委员会以及托马斯·摩尔法律中心(一家公益律师事务所,致力于促进社会保守问题,如反堕胎同性婚姻世俗主义等)。

万福玛丽亚基金会捐助了资源来帮助降低中美洲和南美洲的贫困水平。此外,他的基金会建立了Spiritus Sanctus学院[16]。该小学由Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist管理[17]。这一教育修女的秩序已从莫纳汉的慈善事业中受益。10年间它成长迅速,修女数量从4人增加到70人。

The Ave Maria Foundation has subsequently fine-tuned its focus to higher education, and has established both a university and a law school.[18] Along with that change in focus, many of the other non-profit entities that the Ave Maria Foundation established have become independent or are in the process of being weaned from Ave Maria Foundation grants. This narrowing of focus and the recent geographic re-alignment to Florida (see below) have ignited no small amount of controversy among those who share his religious convictions.

Mr. Monaghan is reputed to be a member of Opus Dei and has been aligned with a number of other conservative Catholic organizations and causes.[19][20]

Monaghan is a donor to Priests for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization.[21] He is a knight of magistral grace in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Ave Maria School of Law


The Ave Maria School of Law,[22] previously located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, opened its doors in 2000, and received full accreditation from the American Bar Association in 2005. The school was a dream of several professors from the Catholic University of Detroit Mercy, who publicly left that institution when it allowed several pro-choice members of the Michigan Supreme Court to appear at the school's annual "Red Mass." Professors Stephen Safranek, Mollie Murphy, Richard Myers and Joseph Falvey, setting out to form a new fundamentalist Catholic law school, presented their idea to Monaghan (who had previously been a strong supporter of opening a new law school at Franciscan University) to provide significant funding through his Ave Maria Foundation. Together they enlisted Bernard Dobranski, Dean at The Catholic University of America's law school and former Dean of Detroit Mercy's Law School, to lead up the new school as dean. Monaghan served as president of the school's Board of Governors.

Faculty members have included conservative legal scholar and Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert Bork. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia assisted in developing the school's curriculum, and the school's first annual Ave Maria Lecture was presented by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in 1999. The school's stated goal is to educate competent "moral" attorneys who will influence all aspects of the legal profession and advance natural law theory. The Ave Maria Law School graduated its last Michigan class in Spring of 2009 and relocated to Naples, Florida permanently immediately thereafter.[18]

Ave Maria College


As a step to fulfilling his dream of creating a new Catholic university, Monaghan founded Ave Maria College[23] in Ypsilanti, Michigan. In various attempts to accelerate accreditation, Monaghan acquired St. Mary's College of Orchard Lake and a campus in Nicaragua, renamed Ave Maria College of the Americas.

Due to lack of funding, the college, against faculty and student protests, closed in 2007. Alternative funding was not secured to prevent the school's closure. St. Mary's College was sold and is now under the auspices of nearby Madonna University.

Ave Maria University, Florida


In early 2002 Monaghan sought to establish the Ave Maria University[24] in Ann Arbor, at Domino's Farms, the large corporate office park that he owned and leased to Domino's Pizza. The plans included a 250-foot crucifix, taller than the Statue of Liberty.[2] Local officials refused to approve the zoning change, forcing him to look elsewhere for a site. Eventually community leaders in Collier County, Florida, offered him a large undeveloped tract of land thirty miles east of Naples, Florida to develop the university.[18]

In February 2006, ground was broken for the new Catholic university and town, Ave Maria, Florida.[25] A joint venture, in which Monaghan is a 50% partner with developer Barron Collier, controls all non-university real estate in the town, and plans to build 11,000 homes and several business districts. Pulte Homes has been signed up to build most of the private homes. Monaghan said in 2005 that any town retailers would not be allowed to sell contraceptives or pornography, a statement that drew legal and moral criticism from the ACLU.[26]

Threatened with lawsuits, Monaghan and the developers went on a national public relations campaign in March 2007 to retract the notion that Catholic doctrine could ever be enforced as law.[27] Defenders of Wildlife also challenged the development, stating it is destroying habitat of the endangered Florida Panther.[28]

Ave Maria Mutual Funds


Monaghan helped to establish the Ave Maria Mutual Funds by asking friend George P. Schwartz of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. to launch the Ave Maria Catholic Values Fund in May 2001. There are now five Ave Maria Mutual Funds. They are described as targeted at investors seeking to place their money in companies whose operations are in keeping with the core teachings of the Catholic Church. The fund calls their shareholders "morally responsible investors." The funds are open to individual investors with a $1,000 minimum investment.

Monaghan is a member of the Catholic Advisory Board. The board sets the religious criteria that screen companies before the funds will invest in them. Involvement with contraception, non-marital partner employee benefits, pornography, and abortion are some issues that disqualify a company from the fund. Lou Holtz, Larry Kudlow, Michael Novak, Phyllis Schlafly and Paul Roney are the other members of the Funds' Catholic Advisory Board. Cardinal Adam Maida (of the Archdiocese of Detroit) is the board's ecclesiastic advisor.

Political support


Monaghan has been active in Republican Party politics, and was one of the key financial backers of Sam Brownback in his 2008 presidential campaign.[29]




  1. ^ Marchetti, Domenica. Delivering on His Word. The Chronicle of Philanthropy. 1999-10-07 [2007-03-24]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Mariah Blake, AlterNet/Washington Monthly, 8 September 2009, How an Eccentric Right-Wing Pizza Billionaire's Attempt to Build Catholic Law School Ended in Disaster
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Boyer, Peter J., "The Deliverer", The New Yorker, February 19, 2007, abstract
  4. ^ http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-03/dominos-little-caesars-pizza-founders-contrasting-legacies
  5. ^ http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2011/nov/24/tom-monaghan-gyrene-hamburger-delivery-dominos-new/
  6. ^ http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2013/jun/25/haynesworth-bringing-burger-franchise-strip/
  7. ^ Bowie Kuhn, Requiescat in Pace. 2007-03-16 [2007-03-24]. 
  8. ^ Holbert, Ginny. The Wright price—Monaghan's deals raise stakes. Chicago Sun Times. 1990-04-01 [2007-03-26]. 
  9. ^ DOMINO'S FOUNDATION Membership, Structure, Finances As a private foundation, Domino's Foun. Skepticfiles.org. [2012-05-24]. 
  10. ^ Ave Maria Mass at AquinasAndMore.com
  11. ^ The Ave Maria Foundation.
  12. ^ About Legatus.
  13. ^ http://tech.mit.edu/V111/N18/birnby.18o.html "Domino's CEO uses company funds to finance cult". The Tech Online Edition.
  14. ^ Ave Maria Radio = WDEO (AM).
  15. ^ Ave Maria List.
  16. ^ The Spiritus Sanctus Academies.
  17. ^ The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Sparks, Evan. New U.. Philanthropy. Spring 2012 [5 June 2012]. 
  19. ^ Pierce, Charles P. The Crusaders: A powerful faction of religious and political conservatives is waging a latter-day counterreformation, battling widespread efforts to liberalize the American Catholic Church. And it has the clout and the connections to succeed.. The Boston Globe. November 2, 2003 [February 19, 2011]. 
  20. ^ Domino's CEO uses company funds to finance cul 111 (18). The Tech Boston. April 9, 1991 [February 19, 2011]. 
  21. ^ Father Frank's Crusade
  22. ^ The Ave Maria School of Law.
  23. ^ Ave Maria College.
  24. ^ Ave Maria University.
  25. ^ Ave Maria, Florida.
  26. ^ "Halfway to Heaven: A Catholic millionaire's dream town draws fire", Newsweek, February 27, 2006.
  27. ^ CassStevens, David. New town is also 'one big congregation'. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. 2007-08-06 [2007-08-28].  [失效連結]
  28. ^ Conservation Group Calls on Federal Agencies to Protect Critical Florida Panther Habitat (新闻稿). Defenders of Wildlife. 2007-02-20 [2007-07-25]. 
  29. ^ "Sam Brownback's Inner Circle"

