

--                            UserLinks configuration                         --
-- This module provides configuration and localisation messages for           --
-- [[Module:UserLinks]]. See the comments in the code below for explanations  --
-- of what each message does.                                                 --

local cfg = {} -- Don't edit this line.

--                                Display values                              --
-- These messages are the display values for the user links. These are the    --
-- most visible messages in the module. They should be short, but             --
-- descriptive. Spaces are automatically escaped with  , so there is no  --
-- need to add any &nsbp; values here.                                        --

-- 用戶討論頁
cfg['display-talk'] = '討論'

-- 用戶貢獻
cfg['display-contributions'] = '貢獻'

-- 用戶的編輯統計,使用WMF Labs的編輯統計工具
cfg['display-count'] = '統計'

-- 用戶的頁面移動日誌
cfg['display-moves'] = '移動頁面'

-- 用戶的所有日誌
cfg['display-logs'] = '日誌'

-- 用戶的封禁日誌
cfg['display-blocklog'] = '-{zh-hans:封禁;zh-hant:封鎖}-日誌'

-- 該用戶所執行的封禁
cfg['display-blocks'] = '-{zh-hans:封禁;zh-hant:封鎖;}-'

-- 封禁該用戶的界面連結
cfg['display-blockuser'] = '-{zh-hans:封禁链接;zh-hant:封鎖連結;}-'

-- CentralAuth, the global account manager for the user.
cfg['display-centralauth'] = '中央認證'

-- 用戶的刪除貢獻
cfg['display-deletedcontributions'] = '刪除貢獻'

-- 該用戶的電子郵件連結
cfg['display-email'] = '電子郵件'

-- Analysis of the user's edit summaries, using the tool on WMF Labs.
cfg['display-editsummaries'] = '編輯摘要'

-- 該用戶所執行的刪除
cfg['display-deletions'] = '刪除'

-- The user's entry on [[Special:ListUsers]].
cfg['display-listuser'] = '-{zh-hans:用户列表;zh-hant:用戶清單;zh-tw:使用者清單;}-'

-- A display of the user's global contributions, using the sulutil: interwiki
-- prefix.
cfg['display-sul'] = '全域貢獻'

-- All logs of actions performed on the user or their user page.
cfg['display-targetlogs'] = '-{zh-hans:用户名字空间;zh-hant:用戶命名空間;zh-tw:使用者命名空間;}-日誌'

-- Log of times the user has triggered the AbuseFilter (also known as the
-- edit filter).
cfg['display-abuselog'] = '过滤器日志'

-- Page protections that the user has performed.
cfg['display-protections'] = '保護'

-- Log of rights changes that the user has performed.
cfg['display-rights'] = '權限操作'

-- Log of username changes that the user has performed.
cfg['display-renames'] = '重命名'

-- Link to a list of the user's requests for adminship.
cfg['display-rfa'] = 'RfA'

-- Data about the user from the MediaWiki Web API.
cfg['display-api'] = 'api'

-- List of the user's local file uploads.
cfg['display-uploads'] = '上載'

--                                  Page names                                --
-- Page names used in formatting some of the user links.                      --

-- The base page for a request for adminship link. This assumes that the link
-- is of the format [[Base page/username]]. If your wiki uses a different
-- format, consider adding a new link at [[Module:UserLinks/extra]], or you can
-- leave a message at [[w:en:Template talk:User-multi]] to ask the module
-- developers how best to deal with it.
cfg['page-rfa'] = 'Wikipedia:申请成为管理员'

--                                Error messages                              --
-- The following are error messages that may occur when the module is run.    --
-- These are the more common error messages that are localisable; other,      --
-- rarer error messages may be raised from other modules or directly from     --
-- Lua. The messages ending with "section" are the section names on a help    --
-- page that give advice to users who encounter the error. The help page is   --
-- defined in the 'error-config-message-help' message.                        --

-- The module didn't detect a username from the "user" or "User" parameters.
-- This could be because no username was specified, or because the user used a
-- positional parameter and their username contains an equals sign,
-- e.g. {{user|John=Smith}}, rather than {{user|1=John=Smith}}.
cfg['error-nousername'] = 'no username detected'
cfg['error-nousername-section'] = 'No username detected'

-- The input to the "project" or "Project" arguments wasn't a valid interwiki
-- prefix or a valid language code. $1 is the code that was input to the module.
cfg['error-invalidproject'] = '"$1" is not a valid project or language code'
cfg['error-invalidproject-section'] = 'Not a valid project or language code'

-- The input to the "lang" or "Lang" arguments wasn't a valid interwiki
-- prefix or a valid language code. $1 is the code that was input to the module.
cfg['error-invalidlanguage'] = '"$1" is not a valid language code'
cfg['error-invalidlanguage-section'] = 'Not a valid language code'

-- The user didn't specify any link codes. This is only an error when using the
-- "single" function to return a single link; the "main" function includes a
-- user page link by default.
cfg['error-nolinkcode'] = 'no link code specified'
cfg['error-nolinkcode-section'] = 'No link code specified'

-- The link code passed to the module was malformed. This means it was either
-- not a string value or it was the blank string.
cfg['error-malformedlinkcode'] = 'malformed link code detected'
cfg['error-malformedlinkcode-section'] = 'Malformed link code detected'

-- No link function exists for the code specified, so the module cannot make
-- the link. $1 is the code that was passed to the module.
cfg['error-invalidlinkcode'] = '"$1" is not a valid link code'
cfg['error-invalidlinkcode-section'] = 'Not a valid link code'

-- The snippets table was accessed, but there was no value for the key it was
-- accessed with. This is not usually visible by end users; it is probably a
-- mistake in one of the link functions in [[Module:UserLinks/extra]]. $1 is the
-- key that was passed to the module.
cfg['error-nosnippet'] = 'no snippet exists for the key "$1"'
cfg['error-nosnippet-section'] = 'No snippet exists'

--                             Error configuration                            --
-- Configuration for the display of the error messages.                       --

-- The error message used when a section link is available. $1 is the error
-- message, and $2 is the name of the section.
cfg['error-config-message-help'] = '[[Template:User-multi|User-multi]] error:'
	.. ' $1 ([[Template:User-multi#$2|help]]).'

-- The error message used when ano section link is available. $1 is the error
-- message.
cfg['error-config-message-nohelp'] = '[[Template:User-multi|User-multi]] error:'
	.. ' $1.'

-- The name of the error category. Pages are put in this category if any errors
-- are encountered.
cfg['error-config-category'] = 'UserLinks transclusions with errors'

-- 斷言輸入的類型失敗
cfg['error-assert-fail'] = '斷言失敗,僅能接受以下類型的輸入:$1'

--                               Snippet defaults                             --
-- Some of the snippets require default values when the user doesn't specify  --
-- "project" or "lang" arguments. Those default values are stored here.       --

-- The short project interwiki prefix.
cfg['snippet-project-default'] = 'w'

-- The long project interwiki prefix.
cfg['snippet-projectlong-default'] = 'wikipedia'

-- The MediaWiki language code for the wiki.
cfg['snippet-lang-default'] = 'zh'

--                              Link table headers                            --
-- The headers used in the table of links used on documentation pages.        -- 

-- The link code.
cfg['linktable-codeheader'] = 'Code'

-- The link preview.
cfg['linktable-previewheader'] = 'Preview'

--                              End configuration                             --

return cfg -- Don't edit this line.