Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 in Cambodia


© WHO/Chor Sokunthea
© Credits

The World Health Organization (WHO) in Cambodia has worked closely alongside the Royal Government of Cambodia, particularly the Ministry of Health (MOH), and in collaboration with partners, to respond to COVID-19 and ensure that Cambodia is prepared for community-level transmission so that the health, social and economic impacts of the disease can be minimized.

WHO provides technical and operational support to MOH to find, isolate, test and care for COVID-19 cases, and to trace and quarantine their contacts. WHO has supported the development and implementation of the Cambodia Master Plan for COVID-19 and its nine priority action areas: Incident management and planning; surveillance and risk assessment; laboratory; clinical management and health care services; infection prevention and control; non-pharmaceutical public health measures; risk communication; points of entry; and operational logistics.

WHO has established an incident management system which connects the incident management team in Cambodia to WHO’s regional office for Western Pacific and WHO headquarters. In Cambodia, WHO works with partners, including the United Nations Country Team and the Health Partners Group, to provide technical advice and ensure coordinated support to the Government.

Globally, WHO mobilizes international systems and partnerships to support the global COVID-19 response. Cambodia also has been participating and contributing towards regional preparedness and response.

WHO also works to ensure other essential health services are continued, such as malaria elimination efforts, measles outbreak control, immunizations and maternal and child health services.


COVID-19 statistics for Cambodia

Confirmed cases
Confirmed deaths

The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund