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Turku University Library

Find the right resources for you - guides for different disciplines and materials

Dictionaries Guide and Link to MOT Dictionaries
Guide for Finding Theses of University of Turku
Always supporting research
Exploring cultural material

Let the library help you

Open access publishing
UTUPub: find and publish dissertations and theses


UTUPub - the open institutional repository of the University of Turku: Theses, other publications of the faculties and departments.

More information in the Theses and Dissertations Guide.

Publication of doctoral dissertations and other publications

Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Turku: Guidelines for Dissertation Defence, upcoming dissertation defences, and the University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS.

Publishing a doctoral dissertation Guide: How to publish your dissertation in Annales series, and what to take into consideration if you choose to publish it in series other than Annales.

Publishing in the UTUPub Publications Archive and requesting the ISBN from the library.

Publishing your thesis

UTUThesis Guide

Theses and dissertations Guide

Theses accepted before 1.8.2018

If your thesis was accepted before 1.8.2018 and you are choosing to publish it online later on, please fill out and sign two copies of the agreement on publishing a thesis. Take both copies with you to any of the library's service desks, where they will be signed on the library's behalf. The second copy will be given to you. You can also send the agreement copies by mail to the following address and deliver it to the library.  

Turku University Library
Educarium Library

Contact email: [email protected]

Library premises and devices for loan

The library offers plenty of different opportunities for you to study and use devices available in the library.

Study, work in groups, and use library devices

Study independently

You can learn important skills independently and at your own pace with e.g. the following library guides:

Participate in training or order customised training

Did you know that Turku University Library offers training on various subjects for all members of the university? Check our training opportunities in our Training Guide and join us!

If you do not find suitable training, please contact us and together we can find a solution for you. We are also happy to come and have a chat with you in department meetings and give presentations in seminars. You can also phone, email, tweet or just simply drop by!

Evaluation based on scientific publications

Evaluation based on scientific publications Guide: Searching citation counts, h-index, and analysing journals.

Research data: data management planning and opening your data

Research data Guide: Data management planning, making your data openly available, and research data archives.

Open Science at the University of Turku - Research Data and Data Policy

UTUCRIS - The Current Research Information System

The Current Research Information System UTUCRIS Guide: How to report your publication information, keep your personal profile updated, connect the ORCID identifier, and parallel publishing information.

Submit your publication to UTUCRIS online form

Research portal of the University of Turku: Provides information on the university's researchers and publications.

Patent information

Patents Guide: How to use patent information