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University of Turku Graduate School UTUGS and Doctoral Programmes

The University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) consists of doctoral programmes which cover all disciplines and the approximately 2,000 doctoral researchers of the University. 

The aim of the Graduate School is to provide systematic and high quality doctoral training for the doctoral researchers of the University of Turku. Each doctoral researcher has a personal supervisor and the progress of the doctoral dissertation is followed regularly. The aim of doctoral training is to train highly qualified experts with the skills required for both professional career in research and other positions of expertise.


The responsible Director and the Steering Committee of the Graduate School are appointed by the Rector of the University of Turku.

UTUGS Steering Committee, term until 31.12.2024 

  • UTUGS Director Pirjo Nuutila, chair
  • Vice Rector Kalle-Antti Suominen
  • Vice Dean Taina Syrjämaa, Faculty of Humanities (deputy member: Professor Leena Kolehmainen)
  • Vice Dean Piia Seppänen, Faculty of Education (deputy member: Assistant Professor Sara Routarinne)
  • Vice Dean Baoru Yang, Faculty of Technology (deputy member: Vice Dean Ville Leppänen)
  • Vice Dean Juha-Pekka Salminen, Faculty of Science and Engineering (deputy member: Dean Tapio Salakoski)
  • Vice Dean Markus Juonala, Faculty of Medicine (deputy member: Professor Ilmo Leivo)
  • Vice Dean Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi, Faculty of Law (deputy member: Assistant Professor Mika Viljanen)
  • Vice Dean Heikki Kauppi, Turku School of Economics (deputy member: Professor Mika Vaihekoski)
  • Vice Dean Juha Räikkä, Faculty of Social Sciences (deputy member: Assistant Professor Riikka Korja)
  • Assistant Professor Juho Joutsa, Faculty of Medicine
  • Postdoctoral Researcher Sini Laari, Turku School of Economics
  • Director of Research Affairs Teija Kekonen
  • Director of Educational Affairs Petri Sjöblom
  • Head of Research Career Unit Elise Pinta, secretary

      Also until 31.12.2024 

  • Doctoral Candidate Laura Laihonen, Faculty of Technology
  • Doctoral Candidate Jenna Saarni, Faculty of Humanities 
Contact information

Email: [email protected]

Visiting address: Vesilinnantie 5, 20500 Turku

Mailing address: Turun yliopiston tutkijakoulu, 20014 Turun yliopisto

Director of the University of Turku Graduate School: Professor Pirjo Nuutila

Graduate School Coordinator: PhD Elise Pinta

Mahdi Moghaddam
I find the scientific community here very supportive, friendly, honest and open-minded.
Mahdi Moghaddam, Doctoral Researcher

Community that offers excellent support for its researchers