rettorato e vasca della minerva

Sapienza for peace and freedom in education and research

A document stating Sapienza's position on peace and freedom of research was approved by the governing bodies in a joint meeting

Sapienza's Academic Senate and Board of Governors, in a joint meeting on April 16, approved a document stating Sapienza's position on peace and freedom of research.

First and foremost, Sapienza's governing bodies, on behalf of the entire community, expressed their grief and horror at the military escalation and the resulting humanitarian crisis in Palestine.
Sapienza is committed to encouraging discussion, confrontation and free expression of dissent, provided it does not become prevarication.

In particular, the document reaffirmed the commitment to the creation of humanitarian corridors and further actions of welcome, support and solidarity for the academic communities affected by the conflict. 
Among the measures that Sapienza intends to promote are the activation of the National Doctorate in Peace Studies; joining the partnership with An-Najah National University, UNIMED and the Palestinian Student Scholarship Fund (PSSF) for the completion of free university education for students living in the Gaza Strip. In addition, Sapienza is committed to allocating a portion of the budget to fund visits by scholars from the conflict zones in the Middle East.

The commitment to ensure that the freedom of research and teaching finds its place within the ethical boundaries defined by the constitutional values and specified by Sapienza's regulations, statutes and code of ethics was also reaffirmed. To this end, Sapienza has already set up specific guarantee bodies, including the Ethics Committee for Transdisciplinary Research created in 2021 and whose regulations also address the issue of the possible misuse of research.

Sapienza rejects the idea that boycotting international scientific collaboration, renouncing the freedom of teaching and research, and denying the associated responsibilities of each individual researcher can promote peace and respect for human dignity.
At the end of the joint session, the Academic Senate and Board of Governors of Sapienza reaffirmed that the universalistic and free character of scientific research is the condition of its very existence and the necessary premise for it to become an instrument of peaceful encounter, exchange and understanding between peoples and cultures.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

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