Summer-Winter School

The Summer-Winter School (intensive courses) are usually residential courses that last one to four weeks for international students. Based on participation requisites, students should have a Bachelor's or high school diploma (or equivalent). These courses do not provide an attendance certification, but no further title. Acquired CFUs are recognised officially towards Bachelors and Masters degree programmes.
Codice Denominazione Facoltà
30562 Summer School in “Grow – Agrobiodiversity in a changing climate” Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali
32425 Summer School in “ManGrowth – Preservation of Ecosystems for Sustainable Development" Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali
Winter School in " The Ethics of narratives: between old and new media - CIVIS course” Lettere e Filosofia

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