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CIVIS, Europe's Civic University Alliance

CIVIS – About Us

CIVIS, Europe's Civic University Alliance comprises:

Sapienza Università di Roma
Free University of Brussels
University of Tübingen
Autonomous University of Madrid
Aix-Marseille Université,
National Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of Bucharest
University of Stockholm
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
University of Glasgow  (associated partner)
UNIL | Université de Lausanne

Civis is a project financied by the European Commission within the European Universities programme. The new European university brings together 400,000 students and 55,000 academics and technical-administrative staff. 

1 alliance, 11, universities, countless possibilities!

What we offer

 Erasmus+ mobility simplified and integrated

The CIVIS Alliance aims to create a space where university mobility is easier and more straightforward.

CIVIS courses

CIVIS offers short courses, winter and summer schools on various topics and disciplines.


All CIVIS project resources and outcome documents are freely available online for sharing with other universities or individuals interested in using this experience for their own initiatives.
CIVIS Resources


Events 2024

CIVIS call for proposals for new educational activities

New joint Master's degree programme in Palaeolithic Archaeology at three European CIVIS universities

CIVIS call for lecturers and researchers to propose new Blended Intensive Programmes

CIVIS online open house for students to get to know the Alliance

EU Commission Blueprint for a European degree

The BIPs are back: new CIVIS Blended Intensive Programmes

CIVIS: 11 steps towards a Joint European Degree

Do you hear the BIP? Study abroad with CIVIS Blended Intensive Programmes


Events 2023

SMARTT project presents preliminary recommendations for European Degree label criteria

BIP Civis in Rome: Co-Creating Urban Futures

Social challenges of digital and technological transformations: new CIVIS webinars for PhD students

Civis: are you a lecturer interested in submitting a BIP project?

New CIVIS workshops on innovative teaching

CIVIS: New Blended Intensive Programmes for students and staff

EU - UK agreement: the University of Glasgow can take part in Horizon Europe projects under CIVIS

SMARTT project presents first results on the new European Degree label criteria

Sapienza hosts the CIVIS H2O Pollution Blended Intensive Programme

CIVIS Days 2023, sustainably connected universities

CIVIS Blended Intensive Programmes - Call for lecturers

Climate and energy - An interdisciplinary perspective. The first CIVIS MOOC is now online


Events 2022 

The University of Lausanne with CIVIS

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs): free, open, interdisciplinary, online and face-to-face courses at Civis universities

CIVIS looks to the future. The Alliance selected for another 4 years of EU funding

Theatre Festival "Teatro delle migrazioni"

NaturaShare - Finding nature in the CIVIS cities

PENSA, the CIVIS project for teachers

Global CIVIS Days 2022 on May 18, 19 and 20 in Athens

CIVIS Panathlon

CIVIS Symphonic Orchestra Academy in Marseille

Cross-border research&innovation in the European Universities Initiative

CIVIS Alliance and six leading African universities together for cross-Mediterranean collaboration

Course for PhD students in Communication Sciences 

Rights and Democracy, CIVIS summer school at Sapienza 

Urban regeneration through informality - CIVIS short course at Sapienza

Crisis and sustainability post-COVID-19 - CIVIS short course at Sapienza

Libraries for CIVIS - Erasmus Staff Week for Libraries and Learning centers

Innovative Medical Education in the Digital Era


Events 2021

Policies and actions in Gender Equality comparing universities’ experiences

Supporting students and scholars at risk

"Support for Networking Activities through organizing Workshops" call 

CIVIS, a European Civic University, launches the call "Support for Networking Activities through organizing Workshops" to foster networking within the CIVIS research community and promote new collaborative projects among the academics of the alliance.

The call will fund workshops/seminars organised to develop activities related to future participation in Horizon Europe calls. More specifically, projects related to one of the six Horizon Europe Clusters, one of the Horizon Europe Partnerships or one of the EIC calls will be selected. These projects should involve three or more CIVIS partner universities and should refer to calls already published or to be published by 2024.

The call will fund travel and living expenses during workshops or seminars (to be held by August 1, 2022), thus encouraging face-to-face meetings between researchers.

Deadline: January 28, 2022. Total budget: is € 30,000.00. Maximum contribution per funded project: € 3,000.00.

Click Support for Networking Activities through organising Workshops for more details and full call.

An online "Info Session" will be held on December 9, 2021, from 12 noon to 1 pm:

Zoom link

Experience the European Alliance with Global CIVIS Days 2021

On November 24, 25, and 26, CIVIS organised online meetings and events for everyone. An opportunity to experience the Alliance and to learn about its current activities and future projects.

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Second call for proposals for CIVIS Hub 2 activities: Society, Culture and Heritage

Second call for proposals for CIVIS Hub 4 activities: Cities, Territories, and Mobility

Proposals developed jointly by at least three CIVIS universities may be submitted. The deadline is November 15, 2021.

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Call for Projects with CIVIS’ African partner universities (deadline November 15)

CIVIS, a European Civic University, launches the Call for Projects "Seed Funding for joint projects with CIVIS's African partner universities"

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"How I see my campus" photo contest (deadline October 18)

CIVIS launches the "How I see my campus" photo contest.

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Learn new languages with CIVIS

Language cafés, tandem and courses completely free of charge with CIVIS

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CIVIS Open Lab (deadline September 15)

CIVIS is launching a call to fund projects in the following areas of intervention: sustainable mobility, inclusion, agri-food, culture and heritage enhancement.

To take part in the call, which closes on September 15, 2021 at 2:00 pm, you must fill in the online form.

Read the news (in Italian)

Hub 2 and Hub 4: call for activities” on Society, Culture, Heritage, Cities, Territories, and Mobility

CIVIS, a European Civic University, launches the "Call for activities" of Hubs 2 Society, Culture, Heritage and 4 Cities, Territories, and Mobility

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Interdisciplinary and challenge-based short-term courses

The EU-funded COFUND-CIVIS 3i project 

32 grants for post-doctoral researchers for International, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral research 

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The University of Glasgow with CIVIS 

As of February 1, 2021, the University of Glasgow is an associate member of CIVIS. 

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Webinar on innovative pedagogies 

CIVIS organises a series of webinars on new methodologies and strategies to improve learning by also using digital technologies. Sapienza is coordinating two appointments, scheduled for March 9 and May 19 2021

Click on the news 


Events 2020

Short-term mobility courses

Short-term mobility courses with CIVIS, a European Civic University. Follow the updates

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Sapienza Open Lab 

On Tuesday, December 15, at 11.00 am, the Saperi&Co Research and Service Centre will present the Open Labs promoted within the CIVIS Alliance and dedicated to the themes of Sustainability and Life Science. Go to the news

The Student Hackathon of Global Civis Days on sustainability rewards our students' ideas 

Sapienza students won at the Student Hackathon of Global CIVIS Days, a webinar event dedicated to sustainable university with innovative projects and solutions on climate, environment and energy.

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Global CIVIS Days on University and Sustainability 

CIVIS organises two days of virtual debates, involving all the 8 campuses in the Alliance, to discuss sustainable future and university green policies. 

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Tasting the past. Food history and recipes from the 15th to the 21st century. CIVIS Seminar

The University of Tübingen organises a CIVIS blended learning short course on food history open to Bachelor and Master students. Online classes will start in NovemberEnrollment ends October 30.

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Postdoc funding opportunities with CIVIS 

The University of Tübingen will be holding a webinar on post-doctoral funding opportunities on Tuesday, October 20, at 10 am. The online seminar is for all doctoral and PhD students interested in receiving information on funding opportunities offered by various institutions in Germany.

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Ongoing processes for the decarbonisation by 2050. A European approach

On Monday, October 19, 2020, at 9.30 am. Sapienza will be holding a webinar organised within the Civis alliance. Rector Eugenio Gaudio, Livio de Santoli, Fausto Manes of Sapienza (Civis); Christos N. Markides, Imperial College London; Joachim Maes, European Commission; Alasdair Skelton, Stockholm University (Civis), Patrick Hendrick, Universi-té Libre de Bruxelles (Civis) will attend the event.

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A year of CIVIS activity in a video 

October 1, 2020, marks the end of the first year of activity of the CIVIS Alliance, the European University promoted by Sapienza together with other 7 universities. A video shows the goals achieved and growth prospects of this integrated space that brings together almost 400,000 students and 55,000 teachers and technical-administrative staff, offering opportunities for exchange, mobility and collaboration.

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Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development. A CIVIS webinar on the Middle East and North Africa region

Thursday, October 1 the webinar "The contribution of Cultural Heritage to sustainable development in the MENA area" was held by Sapienza as part of the CIVIS alliance. Cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, and creativity are resources that must be protected and managed carefully. The seminar discussed strategies for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage in the MENA area during a political crisis that risks being aggravated by the current COVID-19 emergency.

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Meeting of CIVIS Board of the Rectors and conclusion of the Sapienza University Presidency 

On March 13, 2020, the CIVIS Board of the Rectors met at Sapienza University. The event, organised remotely due to the coronavirus emergency, was the final meeting in our semester of presidency.

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Read the article about Rector Eugenio Gaudio's mandate as 1st President of the CIVIS alliance


Events 2019

Mayors Day: inauguration of CIVIS Office in Brussels

On Friday, December 6, on Mayors Day, the Civis Office was opened on the Usquare Interuniversity Campus. The initiative, which was hosted by the European Committee of the Regions, was attended by all the Rectors and Presidents of the Alliance along with the local and regional authorities to debate the issue of university integration on the pan-European level.

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Meeting of CIVIS Rectors 

On Tuesday, November 19, Palazzo Baleani hosted the first meeting of all the Rectors of CIVIS - CIVIS - a European Civic University to sign the first agreements on international mobility. The university alliance formed by 8 universities was launched in July. During the meeting, the 8 participating universities signed international mobility agreements.

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CIVIS takes part in the European Universities Initiative. Building the Universities of the Future 

On November 7, 2019, CIVIS participated in the initiative promoted by the European Commission"European Universities Initiative. Building the Universities of the Future. Event 

Sapienza Rector Eugenio Gaudio elected President of CIVIS - October 1, 2019 marks the beginning of the first year of activities

October 1, 2019, marks the beginning of the first year of activities for the project. Sapienza Rector Eugenio Gaudio has been elected President of Civis - A European Civic University and will direct the Alliance for one semester. Official Launch of Civis ActivitiesSapienza to Head the New European CIVIS University

European Civis University: EU Commission Approves Funding


One European University, eight campuses, endless opportunities. 

Welcome to CIVIS.

Monica Fasciani
Institutional Coordinator - CIVIS2, a European Civic University

Contact point 

© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002