adjective as in improper, unsuitable
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In a statement released days before the vote, she said his past behaviour, "demonstrates a lack of judgment that is unbecoming of someone who would lead our armed forces".
When they struggled, so did I. But mostly, when they made mistakes unbecoming of their role model image, I dutifully took it upon myself to defend them from criticism.
He denied wrongdoing and a complaint of “conduct unbecoming of a priest” was dropped after the boy’s parents withdrew permission for their son to be involved in the proceedings.
Such women were especially good at triggering liberals, who may not be as misogynist as Republicans but still have sexist expectations that it's especially unbecoming for women to act this way.
“The GOP members’ shameful behavior was unbecoming of our institution for any guest, let alone two of the men responsible for defending our democracy during a dark day in our nation’s history,” McClinton said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.